Martial Arts System

Chapter 201: Smithy.

Chapter 201: Smithy.

A few days later.

''Hubby, they are here!'' Azura's voice echoed in the spacious mansion.

She was carrying a box with a hammer and anvil symbol on the side. She closed the front door and walked towards the staircase.

But before she managed to reach it, a handsome black-haired young man left the upstairs and appeared in front of Azura.

''That was quick.'' Ichiro took the box from Azura's hands and put it gently on the floor.

Azura crouched and looked curiously at the box.

Ichiro opened it, and two majestic-looking swords became visible. He grabbed the first one and looked at the blade.

The previous broken blade is no more. The steel looked sharper than ever before, and Ichiro could see his own reflection from the blade.

Ichiro grabbed the second one as well and the sword looked perfectly similar.

He tried to move the blades around and he felt like the balance of the swords was even better than before, but he had a feeling in his heart that he could have done even better job.

Alena was washing plates in the kitchen, but then she saw a truck entering the premises of the mansion.

She raised an eyebrow and shouted towards Azura, ''There is a truck outside!''

Azura's eyes sparkled, ''That's for me!''

Alena shrugged and kept washing the plates.

Ichiro watched as Azura left the mansion and ran towards the truck.

He shivered after seeing the truck, but soon he slapped himself in the cheek, 'Truck-kun still gives me nightmares…'

A pair of men left the truck and saw a beautiful black-haired woman running towards them. Both of them blushed but tried to keep their professionalism.

''Hello!'' Azura chirped.

''H-Hey.'' The first man said with a blushing face— he offered a piece of paper, ''P-Please sign there.''

Azura took the pencil from the man and signed the papers.

The second man went to the back of the truck and opened it.

The truck was completely full of different items, but the most notable ones were a forge, an anvil, and hammers inside a box.

Azura hopped towards the back of the truck, and her eyes sparkled, ''They are here!''

''Yes, for some reason the delivery needed to be done as quick as possible— I hope we didn't miss anything.'' The second man said with a handsome smile on his face, still could barely stop himself from blushing when standing next to the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

Azura smiled cheerfully— she turned her head towards the door of the mansion and shouted, ''Hubby, your stuff is here!''

'Hubby?' The pair of men raised an eyebrow.

Ichiro left the mansion and walked towards the truck.

The truck drivers felt like a lump became stuck on their throats. They recognized the young man, and when they took another look towards the beautiful young woman, they recognized her as well.

They went pale and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

They have heard rumors about this certain couple, and rumors are saying that they are completely crazy!

Ichiro walked next to Azura and looked at the items in the truck— there was a small smile on his face.

''Excellent. Is the room ready?'' He asked.

Azura nodded cheerfully, ''It is!''

Ichiro nodded and looked towards the pair of men, ''Are you guys going to help to carry these? Is it on your job description?''

The pair of men nodded shakily, ''Y-Yes.''

Ichiro nodded and started unloading the truck.

The smithy he was building was on the first floor— it would be too much of a hassle to try to make it on the second floor.

Gladly, there was one empty space that was at first supposed to be a movie theater, but since they didn't really need one, Alena let Ichiro build his own smithy.

An hour later, all the blacksmithing equipment has been moved to the room of his new smithy.

The two pair of men said farewells with sweating faces.

Ichiro and Azura was left all alone.

The room had pair of glass doors which leads to the backyard.

Ichiro opened the doors and looked at them.

''I need to remove these.'' He said.

''Why?'' Azura curiously asked.

''They are in the way… And the smithy needs to be well-ventilated so that I don't inhale too much the carbon monoxide, it is not great feeling, trust me.''

Azura nodded and helped Ichiro to get rid of the glass doors. It was simple— they just had to remove the screws in the door.

Ichiro put the pair of glass doors in the backyard and entered the room where Azura was separating the items, so it is easier to find them.

For the next few hours, they built the smithy. Since most of the stuff was ready made, they only needed to connect them to the air supply so that the oxygen will keep flowing.

Soon the smithy was ready. The forge was a square-shaped item with a square-shaped hole in the middle— it was located on the right side of the wall. There was also an anvil, which was located in the middle of the room.

There were hammers, tongs, and vices located in small boxes.

Ichiro wiped his sweat and was pleased out of the outcome.

His two swords was already lying on top of the anvil— he plans later tonight to try his blacksmithing mastery.

Azura hopped towards him and said, ''Now we only need to buy the charcoal, correct?''

Ichiro nodded, ''That's right.''

Azura smiled and hopped towards the door, ''I will go buy it!''

''Wait!'' But then Ichiro's voice rang in her ears.

Azura curiously turned her head towards Ichiro.

''Hmm, buy Bituminous Coal instead, I feel like… It's a better choice.'' Ichiro said he felt that coal was a much better choice than charcoal.

He had a feeling in his heart that charcoal is bad choice.

Azura smiled and nodded, she left the room, and as quickly as possible, she put on her winter clothing and left the mansion.

Ichiro looked around the smithy and he felt like he was truly in home.

He grabbed a hammer from the box and it felt like it was another limb of his.

The hammer even felt better than using a sword.

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