Martial Arts System

Chapter 144: Iron Styles Ultimate Technique!: Youll Also Like

Chapter 144: Iron Style's Ultimate Technique!

Lyon entered the Center Arena, which was fixed after it got destroyed yesterday.

But the Center Arena now is much bigger!

It covered 50% of the bottom of the stadium.

''Ladies and Gentlemen!'' Lyon said in the mic, ''It's time!''


The audience exploded in cheers with an energetic and excited face.

Even though they have almost spent 10 hours sitting in the stadium, they still feel excited because now their waiting is over.

The lights dimmed in the stadium, and only the South Entrance was lit up in lights.

Everyone's gaze turned towards the entrance.

''The first team is somewhat underdog! But they have super genius in their ranks! Let's welcome Iceland and their genius Avery to the stage!''


The entrance was opened with powerful fireworks.


The audience cheered loudly, and some female population whistled after seeing Avery's gentle and handsome face.

Avery was the first to leave the entrance, followed by Seiji and Daiki.

After them, the rest of the Iceland members came around, 20 people in total.




''MY PRINCE!'' One of the younger girls shouted with teary eyes. She already became Avery's hardcore fan.

Avery gently smiled and waved towards the audience, which caused another round of cheering.

Lyon looked at Avery, 'What a fake bastard.' But he still had a smile on his face.

Avery and the Iceland members gathered in the center arena.

The lights dimmed once again, and the North Entrance was lit up.



The stadium exploded in cheers.

Some of the younger audience had to cover their ears because the sound was so loud.

It was at least 10 times louder than when Iceland made their entrance.

Seiji and Daiki snorted.

They weren't very pleased.

The North Entrance was opened, and 5 people came simultaneously.

Giron, Richard, Sariel, Ichiro, and Rafael.

Avery was the first one to enter the stadium, which meant that he was of different status compared to others.

But Giron and others left simultaneously, meaning they were of the same status.

It is unbelievable, but that is the truth.

Lyon smiled at the sight.

Previous arrogance showed in new Kings was nowhere to be seen.

They entered the Center Arena and were facing Iceland's team.

The audience was still cheering loudly, and Lyon had to wait until the voices quieted down.

After 3 minutes, the cheering finally stopped.

''Finals of Winterlight's Battle of Cities… Begins!''

''Line-ups for teams will be… For Coldland, it is Sariel, Ichiro, and Richard!''


The audience cheered loudly, but many were shocked hearing Ichiro's name.

''Yeaa!'' In the Irio, Kurogami Residence cheered instantly.

This is the first time anyone from Irio is fighting on such a huge stage, and everyone's heartbeat instantly increased.

Azumi's hands trembled— she felt more nervous than anyone else.

Mayor sighed and smiled at the TV.

This will be a historical moment for Irio, and he had a hunch that no one would forget this tournament in Irio even 100 years later.

''Line-up for Iceland will be… Avery, Seiji, and Daiki!''

The audience went silent.

Giron also widened his eyes out of shock.

Sariel's eyebrow twitched.

Avery smirked.

'Arrogant! He thinks he can defeat Richard after fighting against two Kings!' Giron thought with a shock.

Richard narrowed his eyes, 'What is the reason for his arrogance?'

''Leave the arena for now. The first match will soon begin!''

Everyone nodded and left the arena.

Giron and others returned to their seats.

Ichiro sat down and started loosening and tightening his muscles.

''Coach…'' Sariel said.

Giron sighed and scratched the back of his head, ''He is arrogant, but this is still a dangerous situation. Seiji and Daiki aren't that weak, and they can defeat Richard if he is injured.''

''Sariel, be careful,'' Rafael said solemnly.

Sariel nodded, ''I will be fine, who knows. Maybe I will defeat him.''

''Good luck,'' Richard said with thumbs up.

In Iceland's stands.

''Avery, why did we change line-up?'' Seiji asked curiously.

''I think this is the best decision. I can defeat the two opponents easily, and then I will injure Richard, and you two will take care of him.'' Avery said with a gentle tone.

''I see, smart!'' Seiji said with respect.

Daiki smiled and nodded.

'Fools. I can defeat them all easily. I have never lost against other Martial Commanders before, and Richard isn't an exception.' Avery thought with arrogance.

Ichiro was sitting with his eyes closed.

All the noise in the stadium has disappeared.

The stadium was still as loud as before, but Ichiro didn't hear anything.

This was the state he wanted to be in.

Memories of previous life surfaced in his mind.

The memories when he did this first time.

''Kurogami-kun, are you crazy!'' His Martial Arts teacher shouted with a pale face.

''Hahaha!'' Ichiro laughed with a youthful voice.

A handsome black-haired young man was seen with an athletic body. He was around 20s with smooth-looking skin and a mischievous look on his face.

His body was smoking, like he was getting burned.

''Ichiro, stop it!'' His teacher kept shouting anxiously.

''Pfft…'' Ichiro snorted.

He was currently standing on top of a massive rock in the middle of the forest.

A temple was seen only 100 meters away from them.

And in the yard of the temple, hundreds of young men and women were practicing their own Martial Arts.

His teacher was called Taguchi Juro, and his nickname is World's Strongest Man.

But now, he was paler than ever before.

Ichiro, his favorite and best student was doing something suicidal.

''Don't do it!'' Juro shouted.

''Hehe.'' Ichiro grinned.

His muscles became bigger and bigger until he looked like a muscular monster!

''I-ICHIRO!'' Juro shouted with shock-filled gaze, 'He will explode!'

The other students heard the commotion— they looked towards Ichiro and sighed.

They have got used to his eccentric behavior.

But they aren't afraid that Ichiro might get injured.

Yesterday he jumped off the cliff without a parachute and somehow survived.

''GRRR!'' Ichiro gritted his teeth, and clenched his fist.

''RAAA!'' He shouted one more time.

[Ultimate Iron Fist]

He punched in front of him.


Juro was pushed back because of the wind pressure.

With shaky eyes, he looked towards Ichiro and gasped with shock.

The forest in front of Ichiro was destroyed!

Hundreds of trees were split in half, and Ichiro looked unharmed.

His muscles looked more incredible than ever before. His muscles moved up and down in perfect rhythm, and it looked like his muscles listened perfectly to Ichiro's every advice.

Juro sweatdropped, 'What a monster… I am the so-called World's Strongest Man… But can I defeat him?!'

Ichiro blinked blankly— he didn't hear anything.

He turned his head towards his teacher and saw him saying something.

But he didn't hear anything.

'I see… This must be the ultimate state human can be in… Nice…' Ichiro grinned.

'I will call this technique as…'

[Iron Style's Ultimate Secret Technique - High Human!]

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