Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 61

"Go away!" Xia Chenxi hit him with a swing.

Tang night white smile to hide, "you blush."

"Bullshit. I'm exercising too much."

"Dead duck -- hard mouth."


They changed their clothes and dressed up. It happened that summer baby called.

"Mummy, are you going home for dinner tonight?" she asked

"Have you cooked yet?" Xia Chenxi asked with a smile.

"No, if you want to go home for dinner, I'll cook, or I'll make some spaghetti." She said.

Tang Yebai suddenly came over and said, "she doesn't go home to eat, so she doesn't have to prepare her share."

Xia Chenxi was so flustered that he pushed Tang Yebai away and listened to the phone. Fortunately, he couldn't hear the baby's voice. It was very dangerous.

"Mommy?" Xiabao elongated her voice, and pink's voice was very puzzled, "is that my Laozi's voice?"

“…… You have a good memory. "

"Mommy, are you going so fast?" Summer baby suddenly has a beautiful blueprint for a family of three to go to the seaside for a holiday.

"No, let's talk about engineering." Xia Chenxi hastily put aside the relationship, "I don't say to you, go home and say to you, have a good meal, don't casually deal with, you are growing up."

"Daddy is more than 18 and Mommy is more than 16. I can't be short."

"Pull it down. I'll despise you if I don't grow to 180." Xia Chenxi hung up the phone with a smile. Tang Yebai looked at her like a smile, "your brother?"

Xia Chenxi was very guilty and didn't respond, which was the default.

"Come on, I'll treat you to dinner." Tang Yebai said, taking the lead to his Lamborghini, suddenly turned back, "give me a cell phone."

"What are you doing?"

"Make a phone call." The normal thinking is that his cell phone is dead.

Xia Chenxi gives her mobile phone to Tang Yebai. Tang Yebai saves a phone number and dials it. Xia Chenxi hears Tang Yebai's mobile phone ring. It turns out that it's the song of D country * * and she can't help but mess up in the wind.

"What are you doing?"

"My phone."

"You ask women for numbers so directly?" Summer morning light is incredible.

Tang Yebai is very innocent, "no, I didn't ask women to call, they left the phone on their own initiative."

Xia Chenxi, "..."

This man deserves to be beaten.

Xia Chenxi sat in the car, unconsciously turned over his number, and hung three black lines on his face.

Brother Tang?

Your sister's brother Tang.

Miss Xia quickly changed the three words "brother Tang" into an abnormal human.

They chose a Mexican restaurant.

The environment is elegant and the atmosphere is excellent.

After dinner, Tang Yebai asked, "would you like to go to the bar for a drink? Tomorrow is the weekend."

"I'm taking summer baby to the playground tomorrow." Said Xia Chenxi.

Tang night sent Xia Chenxi home for nothing. After playing golf for half a day, Xia Chenxi was also tired. As soon as she got on the bus, she was drowsy. When she got to the No.2 community of Haijing apartment, Xia Chenxi slowly turned to wake up.

"What time are you going to play tomorrow?" asked Tang Yebai

"Ten o'clock." Xia Chenxi yawned, waved goodbye, and entered the apartment hall.

Tang night white beat back to the house.

Xiabao is wearing cartoon pajamas, holding a glass of milk and looking at Xia Chenxi with a smile, "Mommy, recently, your interaction with daddy is very frequent."

Xia Chenxi left her bag on the carpet and threw herself on the sofa.

"The cooperation between Tang Shi and WPL is already close. Don't think about it too much."

Summer baby brought a cup of warm water to her, "No gossip?"

"Honey, there's no gossip."

"It's so boring."

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