Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 420 - Saving Devil from the Kalon.

Chapter 420 - Saving Devil from the Kalon.

Li Xue stared at Feng Shufen as he went to the cupboard to fish out something. Her lips pursed at herself, not sure of her own coming thoughts regarding coaxing the Devil. Could a Devil ever be coaxed? Aren't they already too intelligent to see through one's actions?

"Mr Beelzebub, are you that upset with me? Are you really not going to talk to me? You have not said even a word to me" She asked desperately as she kept staring at the man's back.

Feng Shufen did not say anything to respond to her words. With nonchalance written on his face, he simply closed the doors of the cupboard as he came to her. "Here, take these clothes and change first. There is blood on your skirt. If not changed now later you will feel nauseous". He said in a gruff tone, forwarding a well-piled set of cloth.

Li Xue strained her head up to look at him. Blinking her eyes like a puppy, she said, "Mr Beelzebub, I am injured. Are you going to treat me this harsh? My leg is already hurting. Do you want my heart to sting too?"

When looked at her like that, Feng Shufen instantly felt his heart drum inside his c.h.e.s.t. He was almost swayed by her words but just then a call interrupted, saving the Devil from the Kalon.

He pulled his phone out to look at the caller. Seeing it was Gao Fan, he disconnected the call, sending a quick text.

"I have a video meeting to attend. Change into these clothes. They are easy to wear and not much movement will be required of your legs. Still, I would ask a nurse to come and help you instead", He said, looking deep into his eyes. Though his words stopped at the full stop, his eyes did not until he made a request wordlessly. 'Please don't pull any more stunts. It's been really hard for me to see you in pain'.

When he was done saying his words, he went out without even looking back. Li Xue could just look at his back, pouting like a child who was feeling guilty after disappointing her parents.

She ruined it for big this time. Offences after offence! Wrongs after wrongs! Mr Beelzebub must have truly been frustrated at her now. She sighed in herself when realized how worse the situation has become.

Just after Feng Shufen went out, a nurse walked in politely. She was the same one from before.

When Li Xue looked at her, her eyes smiled. "Oh, it's you. Did Shufen send you to help me?" She asked to revive her mood back.

"Yes, Ma'am! I have been appointed here at your service. To take care of you", the maid agreed to Li Xue's words and after a pause, bowed at her front with some regret written on her face. "I really apologize for my lack of attention from before, Ma'am. If I have been a little more attentive then this would have not happened. Thank you for defending me before, even after knowing I was at fault".

The nurse said apologetically. She was really grateful to Li Xue. If not her defending, she would have already lost her job and may have already been sent to the prison, given to such strict high hospitality the government of Florida have asked them to give to the guest.

Li Xue looked at the nurse with some thought. "Do I look that good lady to you?" She asked, rubbing her chin with some confusion.

The nurse was puzzled by her words. Did she say something that offended the lady? Nope, she was sure to use the right words to refer.

Li Xue looked at the nurse's confused face as she added, "I am not that good lady to defend the wrong. Earlier I didn't say anything to defend you, rather only stated what was right. The opening of the stitches was not your fault but was out of my own carelessness. I should have given some thought before pulling such a stunt. So, there is no need for you to apologize or thank me".

The nurse instantly felt she was unburdened. Her eyes got some tears at the edge. In all her years of serving to the aristocrats, this was the first time she has been treated this fairly by someone. Otherwise, most of the time, even if the fault was not hers, she has been forced to take the blames for others.

With some tears in her eyes and a big smile on her lips, she again bowed down as she said, "Ma'am, I don't know if you are a good lady or not. But you have been the nicest to me. Thank you! I am being honoured with the job of taking care of you here".

Li Xue smiled looking at her. "Okay, if you are done with your pretty words, please help me change first. The blood on this dress is truly making me feel nauseous now". She said and the nurse nodded, taking Li Xue to the attached washroom to change her clothes.

Once done, she brought her back to the room. "Ma'am, you are ready! Should I help you with something else?" The nurse asked once she settled Li Xue back on the bed.

Li Xue shook her head in denial. "No, it's fine. I am already good". She said as her eyes went to search something around. Checking the side tables, she moved the pillow to look but found nothing.

The nurse who was still having her gaze at her asked, "Ma'am, are you searching for something. If you tell me, I can also help you search it".

"Oh, it's just my phone. I thought to make a call to my daughter", Li Xue said in an easy-going manner as she continued her search around her diameter. But with the revealed information the nurse was left awestruck. She looked at Li Xue as if there was something, she was not able to believe.

"What? You said that you will help me search. Are you not helping me anymore?" Li Xue asked, snapping the nurse back from her thoughts.

"Oh, yes, yes! I know where the phone is. In the morning we have found it while helping you change. Let me bring it to you now". The nurse said, quickly running off to a distant drawer to get the phone out. Then quickly bringing it, she handed it to Li Xue and said, "Here, it is. Ma'am, your phone".

Nodding, Li Xue took her phone and dialled the number to Sister Margaret. "Hello, Sister Margaret!" She greeted, the moment the call got connected. But instead of hearing an aged voice from the other side, a loud yell was heard.

"Li Xueeee, have you also become a Devil, living with my brother? Why are you making me go insane here? Do you know how worried I was? And why was your phone unreachable? Do you know how much I have tried calling you since yesterday night? If not Yujian, I would have not known that you went missing?" Feng Yi Lan said, all in one breath. But then paused suddenly as she asked with some concern, "Oh yes, I almost forgot to ask, you went missing before? Are you fine now? Or are you still sitting somewhere, abducted in a foreign country?"

If she was really abducted somewhere, will she be giving a privilege like this to make a call?

Li Xue could only shake her head at her best friend's unique thoughts.


On the other side of Chiboa, at the Royal palace,

The King was going through the files when he heard approaching steps from behind. "What did you come to know? Did your investigation brought any conclusion, Mr Cao?" He asked, knowing exactly who could come to him at this moment. His eyes, still busy on the doc.u.ments.

"Your Majesty, I got some information but not sure, how good it could help?" The aged voice responded.

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