Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 336 - Return you back to her.

Chapter 336 - Return you back to her.

Earlier Zheng Wenting has asked someone to search when and where Sying has dumped all the money from his credit account, only to find about her hiring some media personnel for taking her planned interview in Sweet Delicacy and then spending handsomely on the food boxes at the shop.

His mood was already sour from hearing blatant insults from Li Xue before and on the above seeing Sying fooling him around, he just could not contain his anger any longer.

Lunging forward, he grabbed Sying roughly from her shoulders only to jerk her in strict askance, "Sying, do you think that it is so easy to fool me? You lied to me, right?". He bit out.

Though he was not wrong in words, she could not let him know her real intentions behind it. Feigning her fa?ade of innocence, she cowered her shoulders a little as she said, "Wenting, are you accusing me of betrayal? Do you think that I could betray you like this? How can you think of me like that, Wenting?" As she said, tears slowly rolled down her eyes. Her eyes got all red with pain.

She knew that her tears were enough to soothe the man's anger to a limit where at least she would be able to manipulate him a little. And her move worked, as in an instant doubt became evident on the man's face and his tightened grip over her shoulder loosened a little.

Taking it as a cue of her plan getting worked, Sying added on, "I am sorry Wenting. I never wanted to use your money in the first place. I even called you but your call did not get connected. If I had known that the cost at Sweet Delicacy would increase to such a limit then I would not have let Li Xue plot against me like that. I would have let her defame me in front of so many people. At least that way, my action would not have angered you and she would have also been happy winning against me."

Wen Sying said shuffling her sobs to get into a more pathetic role. Hearing her words, Wenting curious ears instantly perked up. "What did you say? What did Li Xue do to you? Did she bully you again?" He asked as his hands moved from her shoulders to lift her chin up to look into his eyes.

Wen Sying eyes glistened more with tears under the well-lit room. No one can point a finger of suspicion on her acting skills. If not a model, she would have definitely become a good actress in the entertainment industry. Li Xue was not wrong to suggest her to skip the career of modelling to join the entertainment circle instead.

"Li Xue is not wrong, Wenting. She is just upset with us. She did not mean any hurt but was not able to understand my intentions. She …" Her words was cut short as the man seethed.

"Don't defend her uselessly Sying. She is no innocent. Just tell me what she did to you? Did she misbehave?"

The woman flinched at his anger but she was relaxed internally, knowing that now the anger was no longer directed at her, rather it was only and only for Li Xue.

"Seeing your hard efforts for me and Xue, I could not hold myself back Wenting. Being your girlfriend, it was only right for me to help you with it. So I did what I felt right to do to help you. But I never thought it would go otherwise. Believe me, Wenting!" She said, pausing to build the environment in which her role of a victim could get perfect fit.

"Yes, Wenting I have paid some media reporters to come and interview me in Sweet Delicacy. I wanted to introduce Li Xue back to them so that she could again get accommodated with them. After leaving for 5 years I thought, she would like to have someone's helping hand but I never knew she would despise me so much that she would not see my good intentions behind my actions". She added on with an outburst of tears.

Zheng Wenting looked at Sying as her tears flowed down. Now he understood what Li Xue's words from earlier meant when she said that Sying has really learnt well to plot using the media and people. Though he did not believe what she said, still he could not deny the wrong, Sying was about commitment.

Shaking his head in disappointment at her, he said, "Sying, who told you to do all this? You took people from the media to Sweet Delicacy to introduce Li Xue back in the industry. How can you be foolish to do something like that? Didn't you know that it could have ruined the only little amount of chance Li Xue had to come back in the industry? How could you do something like this insensible even after being in the industry for so long?"

Wen Sying instantly stiffened at his words. Her fingers clenched at the sides as she bit her lower lip lightly. "I meant no harm, Wenting. Why are you also taking me in the wrong light? I never wanted any harm to Li Xue. I have only kept her goods in mind while doing all this. Was I that wrong?"

"Sying …" Wenting sighed, not understanding what he should say to her when she was already being so vulnerable in front of him. Pulling her close to himself, he wrapped his arms around her and said, "Darling, you are too na?ve for this world. No one would be able to understand your good intentions, so you also don't care for them too".

Muffling her little sobs onto his c.h.e.s.t, the woman shivered onto his stature. She had really thought that her actions were being caught but she was really thankful to her lucky stars that Wenting still took her as na?ve.

"Wenting I really meant no harm" she murmured the same thing again and again only to bring soothing pats from the man on her back.

"I know, Darling. You were just planning to do good. You don't have to say anything. Li Xue has just …" he started his words to calm her but her next words made him clench his jaws.

"Wenting, I – I think Li Xue is just upset with us because she thinks I snatched you from her. If that's so then I can only return you back to her. That way, she would be happy and I can also be guilt-free".

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