Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 226 - Damage has already been made and could not be reversed back.

Chapter 226 - Damage has already been made and could not be reversed back.

"Aye, you are still living in the time 4 years ago. For God's sake Yi Lan, I expected a lot better from you!" Qi Shuai said with a disappointment laced in his voice. But that disappointed laced tone was going totally opposite to the hidden guilt, he was holding in his eyes. Like he was sure that it was him who was being childish in the first place.

Feng Yi Lan looked at him for a second and nodding her head, she said, "Yes! Yes, exactly! You must have expected a lot from me. But Brother Qi I also expected something from you. I thought that after that night you won't ever come to interrupt my life. You won't bother about me after everything you said to me After breaking me enough with your words ".

She paused to look at him but there was no visible change in his expression. "Huh? I thought at least you won't ever come to me and treat me like a child. At least you will not come and again try to waver my heart like you always did in the past. But guess what? I was wrong because you proved my thoughts to be wrong"

Her words came like hard jabs of accusation to his heart, something about which the man has not thought before. "Yi Lan, there is nothing like that. I didn't go to interrupt your date there. I was just looking after you for Shufen. I have always done that for him. Remember when you were in the States and …" Qi Shuai tried to justify himself in her eyes but Yi Lan was too agitated to hear him out.

"How can I forget that phase of time? Even a child can never forget when and where they got the most hurtful wound, then how can I forget that?" She said with a chuckle of self – mockery, then continued taking a deep concluding breath in. "Since you are looking after me for my brother then fine, let's end this soon. I too don't want to drag my time with you any longer". She said and then stormed her way to his car.

Qi Shuai can see her suffocating inside. He wanted to console her but he could not find any perfect way to do that. He remained still at his place for a moment, chiding himself inside for something that he, himself was not sure of.

"Director Qi, I think neither you nor I would want to waste our night with each other like this. So kindly open the door of your car and speed it up as fast as you can. I would have asked you to break the traffic signals too so that our time together can get lessened but then I feel like I have no right to burden you with my demands. After all, I am just my brother's sister to you. A responsibility with which you are just helping my brother out and nothing else"

She said with a huff. Her words came out to prick the man's heart the same as it was pricking hers. She doesn't want to be this selfish to him but this is what she felt he deserves to get from her.

The man too agreed with her sharp words. He deserved all this for being such an insensible, mean person in the past. But if it has been the present then maybe the things would be different or maybe, he still has chosen to do the same.

Sighing internally on his own messed thoughts, he clicked the button of his keys to unlock the doors, letting the woman get inside. Following the suit, he too got inside and soon the car drove in the direction of its destination.

Feng Yi Lan was no longer living in the Feng Mansion and Qi Shuai knew that. And Yi Lan was not a bit surprised to know the fact that he did.

To be true, she was not mad at him. She was just feeling agitated on herself for being so childish and egoistic at that time that she never tried to change the things between themselves. Just accepted the way it came to her.

It's always said that no one can ever change the things that are fated to happen. But there is also a saying that, 'Humans have always given the power to change his fate as per his level of determination'.

Then why did she never try to change her fate that has become the way it is because of the faults of others?

She has always taken this as her fault … as her regret that she has never tried to change her fate that has never been in her liking list, rather has let it rule her life the way it has wanted to. Her whole life she never supported anyone punishing someone for other's fault but when it came to her she did not show any resistance but accepted it.

An eerie silence was inside the car until Yi Lan's phone rang. She did not want to accept any call at this moment but seeing who is the person calling her, she could not refuse. Sliding the icon, she greeted, "Yes, Su Fai! I am still on my way, haven't reached my place yet"

On the mention of the particular name, Qi Shuai's ears instantly perked up, as his eyes turned to gaze at her for a moment. But soon he reverted it on the road. He could not hear the words from the other side but he can clearly hear whatever Yi Lan was saying.

"Oh! This weekend our date is confirmed. I won't ditch you this time. Later I will send you the details of the place." She paused to hear something the other side had to say and then continued.

"My voice", she said with a pretence of a surprise but then added with a slight laughter, "Haha … it's nothing. I am fine, don't worry. I think I got a little extra ice in my glass tonight. So I am bound to take the consequences heavy throat for it"

She said and after a few more words, she disconnected the call. Her mood got a little sobered. Was it for the self-realization that hit her before or for some lame jokes that Su Fai cracked to make her mood get better, she was not sure.?

But turning to face the man, driving the car, she said, "I am sorry, Director Qi. I think I overreacted to the things before. And … umm never mind, thank you for looking after me. Even if it is for my brother".

She said with a plain, gentle smile on her lips. No traces of agitation from before can be found on her facial expression. Though it was something that Qi Shuai wanted, still the reason behind it not being him was irking his core. Her gentle smile was sending a stinging pain to his heart.

Why it has not been him to bring that smile back to her face. Even if he knew that was not her real smile but a consoling one, still he wanted it to be him to be the reason behind it.

He nodded his head to her as he said, "It's okay. I never mind your words. You can curse me as much as you want. I deserve it. But it's good to see you moving on with someone. Umm … Su Fai, right? He looked decent and good. I must say you look quite better, happy and good with him".

And that was it to ruin all of it again. Yi Lan's mood! It was again back to the worst. This man … can he for once not get under her skin? Nodding her head, she didn't feel like saying or commenting anything on his words, even after knowing that he was misunderstanding things. She thought that it would make no change even if she let him misunderstand the things the way he wanted to.

Seeing her agree, the man heaved an unknown sigh of regret and did not care to initiate any conversation further. There is nothing to regret after the damage has already been made and cannot be reversed back.

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