Lust Knight

Chapter 597 A Cute Mermaid And A Daring Naga

Saria doesn't understand why Lucien mess with her feelings so much. Maybe it's because he's so seductive and was the first man to kiss her, or perhaps it's because he manages to be so mysterious while being so straightforward.

Anyway, when she's with him, she can't think about anything but him, and every interaction with him feels like magic. That makes her feel so silly, but it's an exciting pleasure, unlike anything she's ever experienced.

From above the clouds, Nea watches her daughter's eyes sparkle as Lucien flirts with her. The magnificent Mermaid Queen can't help but smile as she is also a mother and is delighted for her daughter being happy.

Though she still has a lot of doubts about Lucien and his sinful group, as well as not believing he could be really good for her people, Nea isn't against him making Saria happy, at least for a little while.

She is completely confident that no matter how attracted Saria is to Lucien, their relationship would be no more than a momentary satisfaction, and the loyal Mermaid Princess would never leave her responsibilities behind.

In fact, Nea expects Saria to go to Lucien's bed a few times and enjoy that sort of thing before their groups get apart, and she, like her mother, dedicates the rest of her life to serving the Mermaids as their leader and protector.

However, Saria and Lucien think completely differently. While the Mermaid Princess wants to keep some distance from the Handsome Devil so as not to fall in love with him and suffer from the probable separation, he wants to slowly develop their relationship so that it lasts as long as they live.

So Saria bows her head and looks away. She can't keep gazing at his devilishly charming face without thinking about naughty things. "Lucien... please..."

He gently caresses her shoulders and runs his fingers down until they reach her hand, where the Ghost Lady's hilt is. "I admire you for being so loyal, Saria..."

With every compliment he makes, she feels more silly but also more pleased and happy. "Then why do you flirt with me so much?? Is this just fun for you???"

Lucien smiles as he holds the Ghost Lady in one hand, starts to pass his energy to her, and lifts Saria's face gently by her chin, making her look at him.

"I'm not going to lie, flirting with a beautiful and adorable girl like you is fascinating." He responds, making her blush. "But I believe it is being fun for you too, right?"

She pouts, looking even cuter to him. "I've never done this before, and… and well, I'm enjoying it so much, but… in the long run, it will only be painful for me."

He wanted her to know how determined he is to take care of her and her whole race forever, but that's not easy to explain, so he has to be understanding.

"I see..." He smiles. "I really understand your way of thinking, and that's why I'm just flirting with you; I don't plan on doing anything more daring than that to not force you to go against your beliefs and loyalty to your people; I only want to see you happy and smiling."

[How can you be so perfect???] Saria's eyes sparkle as she looks into Lucien's eyes.

She really wants to jump into his arms and enjoy every second possible beside him before it's all over. But she fears she won't be able to fulfill her responsibilities as the future Mermaid Queen if all on her mind be him.

"If you really like me, don't make it any harder..." She makes a sorry expression. "After my mother is gone, I'm going to have to take care of all the Mermaids alone and find a way to rid Kaisa's soul of this torment… I will not be able to do it if I can't forget about you."

Lucien nods and slowly pulls his hand back, stopping touching her arm with his fingers. "If you really want it, I won't bother you anymore."

Saria believes it's best for her, but as soon as she no longer feels Lucien's warm touch, a strong feeling of loss hits her heart like a cold blade.

She imagines herself a hundred years ahead, a lonely Mermaid Queen, cold and stern like her mother. But without a daughter or warm memories, she'd have nothing, assuming she'd managed to help Kaisa's soul to get in the peace of the afterlife.

[I don't want that!] She quickly takes Lucien's hand and looks him in the eye. "I won't stop you from flirting with me, even if that's all we can do... after all... I think good memories are better than no memories."

"I agree..." Lucien smiles and then gently holds her chin before moving his face towards hers, bringing their lips closer. "Then let me give you lots of good memories."

His movement is fast, but since he doesn't use all of his speed, and Saria is also very powerful, she can see his lips approaching hers in slow motion. She has time to reflect on that and decide if she wants that kiss or not.

And she has the answer to that question when her body refuses to take any action against that and their lips touch again. This time, she opens her mouth willingly, accepting Lucien's wild tongue, which starts making a pleasant mess inside her little mouth.

"Mmmm..." Saria can't contain her feelings and lets out cute moans as Lucien kisses her. She feels her body vibrate in joy, and that longing for his taste is quickly satisfied.

Lucien also feels especially good kissing Saria's delicious, fragrant, delicate lips. He can even feel the purity of her heart through that incredible kiss.

He can't deny that part of the attraction he feels for her is due to his egoist desire to have the most beautiful, talented, and interesting women in his arms.

But he can only accept such a desire with his body, mind, and soul because he also wants to take care of women like Saria because they are good women who deserve to be happy and protected. This way, he can combine lustful feelings with noble desires, satisfying everyone.

For Saria and Lucien, everything around them disappears. Time and space no longer exist, while their focus is to enjoy that moment to the fullest.

The women around, including three of his sisters, Maya, and even Nea, who watches from afar, can't help but smile due to Lucien's incredible ability to make a girl happy.

They aren't interested in his lustful feelings, well maybe Claire and Naomi are, but the other women don't really think that's amazing. Yet, everyone agrees that Saria is a pure, gentle girl who deserves to feel good, and he seems like the best person when it comes to making women feel great.

And Saria really feels great at that moment, better than ever. She wants to continue feeling that way forever; however, such a beautiful moment is quickly ruined when she hears the voice of one of the few people capable of arousing real anger inside her heart, making her feel not that pure.

"Lucien?!?!" That voice is from Kamala, who comes back through the still-open portal and gets upset when she sees him kissing Saria.

The Naga Princess definitely doesn't want to have those bad feelings and act that way, but it's out of her control.

Before Lucien, she lived a horrible life; her father just wanted to strengthen her to steal her power someday, her mother made continual sacrifices to keep her and their people safe, and her life, in general, was based on lies and malicious plans.

Except for her mother's love, Kamala had nothing real in her life. She tried to look like a noble Princess and an imposing woman, but the truth is, she never managed to do anything good in her life.

Years passed, and she always heard rumors about the great Mermaid Princess. As one of Blue Star's most beautiful and charming women, Saria was not only incredibly talented and kind but also had all the qualities that Kamala lacked.

Silently, Kamala envied Saria for as long as she can remember. Countless times, she woke up with tears in her eyes after dreaming that she was in the great Mermaid Princess' shoes.

But then Lucien appeared in Kamala's life. She saw in him the possibility for the first time to create something authentic for her. For a few moments, she felt she wasn't worthy of him; yet, even seeing what she was really like, he said he was willing to love her.

From that moment on, Kamala felt that her life would definitely change for the good. And when Lucien made it clear that he would also take care of her mother and their people, Kamala was sure the future with him would be wonderful.

Good feelings began to grow inside her heart, pushing every bad feeling out. Self-confidence was born within her like a beautiful flower that would be treated by Lucien until it became an unshakable force.

But before such a flower could mature enough, it saw a devastating storm arrive in the form of a beautiful and charming Mermaid Princess.

Kamala saw in Lucien's eyes that he got fascinated by Saria at first sight, and it made her really worried.

[Why would he look at someone like me again having such a perfect girl in his arms???] That was Kamala's first thought about Saria.

That beautiful flower inside her heart began to wither and die; her self-confidence couldn't compete with Saria's perfection…

But then, an amazing strength aroused within Kamala's heart. Motivated by Lucien's self-confidence, she decided that she would not let the best thing she could create in her life be destroyed by anyone.

Even though she knew she could lose that competition, Kamala swore to herself that she would fight Saria with every tool possible; she would not be overcome so easily.

And now Kamala is filled with competitive desires against Saria. She is determined to do anything to stop the perfect Mermaid Princess from stealing her place alongside her beloved.

Lucien's empathy is one of his best abilities, and his soul contract with his girls makes that even more powerful. With just one look, he can understand that all about Kamala, and he knows what motivates her.

Though he's already made it clear that he's never going to neglect any of his wives, he doesn't think she looks stupid for having such concerns.

He's already thought about intruding on the constant competition between Marie and Lena, but he hasn't and won't do such a thing because it would go against everything he believes. He said that he loves them the way they are and understands that such competitive desire is part of their characters.

That way, he won't try to stop Kamala and Saria from having their own competition, even though that won't alter his relationship with them.

Many people would say that Kamala's concerns seem stupid, but Lucien doesn't think so. He knows that for her, such concerns are tangible and he will let her act on that.

But as Kamala and Saria face each other with hostile expressions, he can't help but have his own thoughts about them. [I'll still make you good sisters... who will moan together in our bed. When feeling so good, you won't have time to have negative thoughts, I guarantee it.]

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