Lust Knight

Chapter 594 High Conspiracy


In a secret room in Alexa's castle, there is a large white circle on the floor. Ligea is sitting in a lotus position in the corner of the room and opens her eyes when that circle starts to glow.

[She has arrived.] The old servant thinks as she watches the light of that circle grow brighter.

After several minutes, a vertical portal appears in the circle's center, and a beautiful angel with large light-gray wings and long blonde hair emerges from it.

"Genevieve." Ligea smiles at her granddaughter.

"Grandma..." Genevieve greets Ligea in a despondent tone. She never liked being treated differently because her grandmother is the main servant of the Crassus House and always tried to make her path alone.

Ligea always respected that and tried not to get in Genevieve's way. But after learning that she nearly died in the confrontation with Lucien, the gentle old woman's heart was shaken.

She walks up to her granddaughter and hugs her tightly. "I missed you, rebellious child..."

Genevieve can't help but feel good with that warm hug. Although she had always tried to ignore her grandmother in order to stand out for her own hard work in the Crassus House, she was also jealous of Alexa for her close relationship with Ligea.

She smiles, but her expression quickly turns serious as she focuses on her mission. "Master called me..."

"Yes..." Ligea kisses her granddaughter's cheek before checking her body and clothes. "Young lady has a message for that m... our new ally."

Genevieve's heart fills with happiness because of the affection and concerns in Ligea's expression when looking at her. But her words make her curious. "What message?"

"Come with me." Ligia takes Genevieve's hand and walks towards the door. "I will take you to Young Lady."

Both granddaughter and grandmother exit through the door of the secret room and walk through a long corridor. Ligea can't help but ask routine questions like how Genevieve has been eating, resting, and how her life is going in general.

Genevieve answers all the questions with straight and honest answers, but she notices that her grandmother seems to be preparing for the question she really wants to ask.

Ligea tries to avoid talking about that as much as possible, but she reaches the limit of her curiosity and stops walking before opening another door.

She looks her granddaughter in the eye and lets it out. "I need to know… what kind of person is he? I mean, our new ally."

"So this is about Lucien?" Genevieve thinks aloud. "Well, he is… uhmm... a reasonable person, I guess?"

"You guess?" Ligea makes a confused expression. "You spend several weeks with this guy, and all you have to say is that??"

She nods. "He's mysterious; I can't describe him that simple."

"Mysterious? What do you mean by that?" Ligea asks.

Genevieve tries to explain. "He is so strong but affectionate; he is cruel but kind; he straightforward but unpredictable... he has many lovers but is loyal to every one of them..."

It's impossible not to notice the admiration in Genevieve's eyes and words when she talks about Lucien. And that makes Ligea even more confused. "Are you in love with him or what?? Is it serious??? I mean, he almost killed you!"

"That was Agapius' fault!" She quickly responds but then makes a regretful expression. "Well, that was my fault too. That stupid man ordered me to attack Lucien without a fair reason, and I did..."

"I wanted so much to please Lady Alexa that I didn't think straight. I underestimated Lucien, and even though he had the right to kill me, he chose to spare my life... he is ruthless but also merciful."

Ligea has lived long enough to recognize when a woman is totally in love with someone. And even though she fears the troubles that can bring, she knows she can't get those feelings out of her granddaughter's heart.

"Anyway… why did he spare your life in the end?" She asks. "Young Lady Alexa didn't give me much detail about that."

Genevieve makes a sorry expression. "I really didn't want to betray Lady Alexa and our House, but... I was alone, sorry, scared... I could die with honor, and maybe my name would have some meaning in the Crassus House for a while, but what else would I get?"

She continues. "So he offered me a proposal... It sounded really weird, and he seemed like a lot of things, but not a liar. I believed him and accepted my fate."

"What kind of proposal?" Ligea asks.

Genevieve sighs. "It was for me to become his servant..."

"What?!?!" Ligea can't help but be upset. "An angel serving a demon? That's absurd!"

"You shouldn't think like that, grandma..." She comments. "I mean, due to everything Lady Alexa has been trying to do to get us out of the chains that bind us to the Gods, we shouldn't judge anyone for their race."

Ligea sighs. "The problem is not his race but the fact that he first threatens my granddaughter's life and then makes her his slave! I won't let this guy ruin your lif-"

"Stop now, grandma!" Genevieve speaks in a determined tone. "I knew you would act like this... you only see things one way, and you don't realize it's been the best thing that's ever happened in my life..."

While she makes a confused expression, Genevieve explains. "Now I'm useful to both Lady Alexa and Lucien; I'm living an adventure, facing the unknown, meeting new places and people... this way, I can grow more than I could imagine. My potential with him is infinite."

Ligea sighs again. "Are you really in love with him?"

"It's not like that..." She responds. "I mean, I don't think about it because I don't stand a chance of even being his concubine. He has beautiful and powerful wives... And I already gain a lot being his servant."

"Alright, I won't bother you anymore." Ligea comments as she hugs her granddaughter.

Genevieve smiles. "I don't really stand a chance with him, but your other granddaughter is different..."

"Huh??" Ligea has no other granddaughter by blood. "What are you talking about?"

"Lady Alexa, of course." She answers. "She really caught Lucien's attention, whether for her strength, character, or beauty. I'm sure if we end up together in the world she plans for us, she'll fall into his arms."

"It..." Ligea makes that concerned expression again. "A few months ago, I would have said it was impossible, but... Ever since Young Lady came back from that world, she has been acting very strangely."

She quickly explains. "Young Lady always seems so far away, thinking about many things... I know that the reunion with Lady Helena must have messed with her, but I can see in her eyes that she also thinks about that devil... over and over every day."

Genevieve smiles. "Yeah, that's what he does with women..."

Ligea shakes her head before opening the door and taking Genevieve to Alexa's office.

Once there, Alexa receives her with a friendly smile and a curious expression. "Genevieve! I'm glad you arrived; come on, tell me, how is my grandmother??"

"Lady Alexa..." Genevieve first bows respectfully. "I believe that Lady Helena is fine, though..."

"What do you mean?!?!?" Alexa gets worried.

"No, it's just that..." Genevieve quickly starts to explain what happened to the group as soon as they arrived on the Blue Star.

She doesn't know all of Lucien's secrets, so she tells the story from her point of view, which still makes it seem very crazy and surreal.

Alexa and Ligea are shocked by the whole story, but when Genevieve finishes the report, both can only think of one thing.

"My grandma jumped towards the Leviathan after him???" Alexa asks while Ligea has the same question in her mind.

"The creature was real, I guarantee it!" Genevieve thinks that the surreal about the story is the Leviathan. "I've never felt such a powerful aura; I think it rivals even the High Gods..."

But the truth is that Alexa and Ligea are more surprised by Helena's action. Only a person who loves another completely would do such a crazy thing.

[Is their relationship on that level already???] Alexa wonders.

[What kind of devil could seduce my granddaughter, Young Lady, and even my old Master???] Ligea wonders.

[Why do I miss his scent so much???] Genevieve wonders, about Lucien, of course.

The three women spend nearly a minute in silence, thinking about the same person. But as the mood starts to get weird, Genevieve quickly bows to Alexa again. "My Lady... I came to get your message."

"Oh, the message!" Alexa tries to regain focus and makes a concerned expression.

Ligea realizes that it is something serious and bows as she takes a step back, trying to leave the room. "My Lady, this servant will-"

"You can stay, Ligea." Alexa smiles at her. "I trust you as much as I trust my grandma."

She nods, and then Alexa looks again at Genevieve. "We have serious problems; something big is happening in Qia, and I'm afraid it's going too far from here."

Genevieve pays attention to Alexa's words as she tells about Joel's visit several days ago. "The Burning Child?? What did he want?"

"That's a long story..." Alexa doesn't want to talk about Joel's interest in her, so she talks about something else. "Anyway, he is not alone; Several Inferior Gods have come along with him as well as Kael and that despicable woman's daughter..."

"Kael? And she..." Genevieve gets worried too. "So the three of them are here, the Young Sacred Trinity... there's something really big going on then."

"This is the point." Alexa nods. "I used every possible resource to find out what these greedy Gods want here, and even though they tried to keep it in secret, I got some shocking answers."

Alexa quickly continues. "They are working with the Shé."

"Shé? The Dragons???" Genevieve can't believe that. Her serving a demon doesn't seem so crazy because he's Lucien, but such Gods working with Dragons is unbelievable.

"I couldn't believe it myself until I saw some of them in the heavenly palace in person..." Alexa explains. "Looks like Joel and Kael promised them something in exchange for something else."

"Do you know what it is?" Genevieve asks.

Alexa shakes her head. "Not yet. But I know it's in one of the Seven Stars..."

Genevieve finally understands why that's so troubling. "Lucien is on Blue Star right now..."

"Exactly." Alexa comments. "He has to get out of there as soon as possible. The Gods don't seem ready yet, but they're planning this big offensive to the Seven Stars."

"How can Gods and Dragons work together against the Seven Stars??" Ligea thinks aloud.

"That's because these Dragons are Shé." Alexa answers. "All these bastards want is to suck all the resources out of those worlds... and Joel is going to let them have all the Seven Stars as long as he gets what he's looking for."

"What could that be?" Genevieve wonders. "What if... maybe h..."

"He?" Alexa also thinks about that possibility. "But how could Joel know about him??"

"..." Genevieve can think of nothing but warning Lucien about the future joint invasion of Gods and Dragons to the Seven Stars.

But somehow, she knows he's not going to leave that world without getting what he is looking for there.

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