Lust Knight

Chapter 587 A Vampire, A Mermaid, And The Devil

"Mmmm... ahhh~~!!"Daisy let out cute moans while kissing Lucien on the floor of the Sea Devil's frontal deck. The moonlight is witness to the love and affection she feels for him.

Lucien cuts his lips with his fangs, giving more of his blood to Daisy, who reciprocates with the same, initiating a passionate Blood Kiss.

"This is so good… I feel outstanding!!" She comments as her Blood Nascent delights in his blood.

"Don't worry about my blood; you can have as much as you want from it daily, and I'll be fine due to my life mana." He comments because he realizes she fears drinking too much of his blood.

"Thank you, L..." Daisy looks at him with a loving and teasing expression. "Hubby."

He can't help but smile for having that lovely mature vampire affectionately calling him hubby. Yet, now that he's fully connected with her, that feeling that she has bad news for him is even clear.

Daisy continues to kiss Lucien and exchange blood with him for a few more minutes, but no matter how good that feels, she can't ignore his concerns.

"Do we really have to talk about it now?" She asks in a sad tone. "I don't want to ruin ur amazing moment with my annoying problems..."

Lucien gets up from the floor and takes Daisy in his arms before putting her back down on the ship's rail. He can't resist kissing her luscious lips one more time.

Then he gently caresses her face while looking into her eyes. "If you want, I can ignore it, or... we can sort it out now and enjoy much more our time together."

"Hmm..." Daisy makes a thoughtful expression but then starts to peck Lucien's lips. "Let me think about it..."

"Talk about boring things..." She thinks aloud as she continues to give pecks on his lips. "Ruin our moment... or just keep going... or better, make things even better..."

She sucks on his lips as she moves her hands down his chest towards his waist. "What a hard decision..."

As much as Lucien wants to know the real reason why Daisy had called him to talk and why she had that concerned expression throughout the whole dinner, he doesn't think he can resist her charm; if she wants to do it, he won't be able to say no.

Daisy quickly notices that. With every expression of pleasure he makes the further down her hands move over his body, the more proud she gets.

She is so attracted to him that she thinks she's going to go crazy, but he also looks pretty attracted to her, which makes it all the better. Then she goes further, starting to kiss his neck and chest seductively.

Lucien lets Daisy do what she wants with his body as he's enjoying it so much. But he doesn't stand still either and uses his hands to stroke her thighs again.

He loves all his women and finds unique details in them that make them more special than the others. In Daisy's case, she has a perfectly balanced body, but her thighs feel more incredible than any other woman's.

In terms of softness, Daisy's skin is second only to Sloth's, but the mature vampire has paler skin due to her race, and that makes her thighs look even more delicate while being so sexy. Her natural scent also feels much better to him due to their Blood Contract.

Not just her thighs, but Lucien sees another unique detail in Daisy that he loves so much, her hair. Despite being the same color as Amelia's hair, his sister's hair is medium-sized and always looks youthful, but Daisy's always looks gracefully in a ponytail or bun with two long locks that seem to almost reach the ground as now.

As she leaves her lips marks all over his chest, Lucien takes one of the long locks of her hair and smells her mature natural perfume. "You smell so good..."

Daisy's lips curve into a proud, lovely smile as she struggles to control herself due to Lucien's seductive scent. "I can say the same about you."

She continues moving her hands down over his belly, caresses his tattoo, and then arrives at her goal. She smiles seductively at him before slowly stroking his cock over his clothes.

Lucien's eyes glow intense purple as he looks into Daisy's red eyes. They both know where that is going; they both really want to do that, but yet, something seems to prevent them from enjoying it to the fullest.

She knows he's concerned because she's concerned, so Daisy sighs before pulling her hand back. "Alright, let's talk about it..."

"You can tell me anything..." He caresses her face. "No matter what it is, I will support you."

Daisy smiles and starts to explain what kind of thing she hides deep in her heart. "After everything that happened in my homeworld, I went to Argerim with a lot of anger, fear, and resentment..."

"I wanted to forget about everything bad that happened to me and create a new life..." She sighs. "But for us vampires, blood is stronger than anything..."

"I couldn't stop thinking about why my family had betrayed me like that..." She continues. "I could only think that there was something wrong with my parents, and it made me want to raise my own family and be loyal to them like my family wasn't..."

She continues. "When Heike helped me, I thought he was my way to that new life. He was a good man, he was in love with me, and so he was willing to be a good father to our children."

"He's a good father to Rose, although no one is free from making mistakes." Lucien comments. "No matter what happens to us, I'm not going to let our relationship ruin his relationship with Rose, and if need be, I'm going to encourage him to be a better father."

"Hehehe..." Daisy can't help but giggle when Lucien says he will encourage Heike to be a better father to Rose. "I know you'll do what's best for my little girl."

But then her expression becomes sad again. "But it doesn't have to do with Heike and Rose… or rather, it was still about my parents."

"After Rose was born, all I cared about was raising her alongside Heike and also helping him create a better world for our daughter." Daisy explains.

"The years passed as I gave all the love I could to Rose and helped Heike and his friends grow stronger without destroying the power balance of Argerim. Everything was going well..."

Daisy gets ashamed and bows her head. "I should be happy even though I knew I wouldn't live much longer due to damage in my Blood Nascent..."

"Hey..." Lucien gently lifts Daisy's head and makes her look at him. "It doesn't matter how you felt but that you did your best for Rose and Heike even though you were in such a bad situation… and alone."

She smiles as she feels so good that Lucien understands her in a way that no one else can. "Yeah, despite having Rose and Heike's love, they couldn't help me… I was somehow alone with my depressing thoughts."

She sighs and continues. "I tried to be strong and optimistic, but when Rose became a grown woman and went on a world tour, those old thoughts came back to haunt me..."

"I again started thinking about why my parents couldn't support me as Heike and I supported Rose. I would do anything for my daughter, but they..."

Lucien notices both pain and anger in Daisy's tone, but all he can do for her now is hear her words.

She holds his hand and strokes it with her fingers. "As I said, blood means everything to us vampires, so I tried to imagine that situation from my parents' perspective..."

"On one hand, they had me, their daughter." Daisy pauses before continuing. "And on the other, the second prince, a possible heir to the throne of our entire race..."

"I understand they had to be loyal to the royal family, you know..." She says that, but her expression makes it clear that she doesn't really agree with that. "Our race is like a big family, but it was their same blood that ran in my veins!"

[Yeah, they couldn't betray you!] Lucien wants to say that out loud, but he doesn't want to influence Daisy's thoughts, and he also understands how strong such bonds can be because he doesn't want to believe his mother is a bad person even though that whole mysterious situation.

Then he just pats Daisy's hand and nods slowly. The fact that he is listening to her every word makes her even more pleased as she couldn't talk about that to anyone else.

"They couldn't betray me..." Daisy comments with a sad expression. "But yet, maybe... I don't know, going against the second prince could destroy our whole family; maybe my parents felt obligated to protect our family and even me..."

Daisy takes a long pause, clearly expecting some comment from Lucien, then he speaks. "No one can tell what would have happened if they tried to protect you instead of throwing you to the lions..."

"Indeed." She nods. "But I can't stop thinking about why it happened that way... maybe I wasn't a good daughter for them to be willing to fight for me... or maybe they weren't good parents..."

Lucien understands how Daisy feels as he has such thoughts about her mother too. If she really was that mysterious woman, he couldn't imagine why she would have abandoned him and still made it look like she was in danger.

"We can't force others to be anyway." He comments. "All we can do is try to be the way we want to be."

"I agree." She responds. "Yet, I'm afraid I'll end up being like my parents for not understanding how I ended up this way... when I started to fall in love with you, I felt it could be harmful to Rose, and I tried to fight that feeling, but I clearly I was not able to resist..."

"Don't think like that." He caresses her face before kissing her again. "You are an excellent mother, one of the best in the whole universe! And our relationship will only benefit Rose as this way she can have her beloved mother together forever."

Daisy kisses Lucien before smiling fondly at him. "That's a good way to think, but there are things about our race that you don't understand."

"Is this about possessive feelings between Blood Partners?" He asks.

"Oh..." She makes a surprised expression but quickly understands that. "Lust told you about it? I should expect she would explain something like that to you."

He nods. "I know vampires don't usually make Blood Pacts with two people, but our situation is quite special. And I guarantee that I can satisfy both of your needs without conflict between us."

"Hahaha..." Daisy starts laughing as she gives pecks on his face. "You are so prideful... and yes, I know you can do it."

Lucien smiles, but he knows Daisy hasn't told him everything that's in her heart yet, so he waits until she calms down again.

She sighs and looks into his eyes again. "I only accepted this because I knew you were amazing enough to satisfy all our needs, yet..."

"This time we spent together allowed me to see everything you're willing to do for your family…" She smiles.

"And it made you think again about your family, right?" He asks.

"Exactly." She agrees. "And now that we're so close to the Blood Moon..."

Lucien finally understands what Daisy wanna mean, and that really makes him concerned. "And you want to meet up with your parents to ask them personally why they did that..."

She smiles again because he understands her so well. "But now that we've made the Blood Pact, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do anymore... I want to understand what happened to my family, but I won't go if you tell me to stay."

The last thing Lucien wants is for one of his beloved wives to walk away from him again. Yet, he wants to support Daisy. "I would never stop supporting you just so I don't feel uncomfortable… because I really love you."

"And I could never make you uncomfortable just because of my selfish desires." She comments and kisses him again.

In addition to the moon watching them, Nea is again surprised by the actions and feelings of both Lucien and Daisy. [I never expected a vampire to act like this... let alone a demon.]

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