Lust Knight

Chapter 585 That Weak Spot

The sun completely disappears over the horizon, starting a beautiful night lit by a great bright moon and distant stars.

The mood at the Mermaid's camp is still tense as no one can forget the mysterious horned creature that appeared under the clouds even after Nea explained that it was just an illusion.

But at Sea Devil, the atmosphere is festive; Lucien is very happy to have all his sisters and wives together, and the girls couldn't be more delighted.

Despite not being able to be completely fine due to concerns about the future and especially the longing for his mother, Lucien tries to focus on the present and enjoy that moment.

Everywhere he looks on the deck, there are smiles and laughter. Valencia's ample supply continues to fuel the feast with Blue Star's best drinks and food, and the girls can enjoy the banquet while chatting about different things.

Saria is quickly influenced by so many good feelings and even her grudge with Kamala is forgotten as they both have so much fun amongst their new sisters.

The mix of so many happy feelings draws even Nea, who joins the group and talks mostly to Maya about Lucien's draconic blood and possibly his children. The fact that he welcomes her at the banquet even after she has shown such hostility makes her admire him even more.

In the midst of so much fun, minutes turn into hours, and no one notices the passing of time. Lucien's wives prepared plenty of delicious food, enough to satisfy them all; yet, Naomi doesn't stop eating until there aren't even bones left on the table.

The girls are impressed with that, and Jeanne can't help but comment. "How can you eat so much food and still look so..."

"Small?" Ghalenna completes. "I mean, you look the same even after eating enough food to feed more than twenty people, and you still look so slim… where did all that food go?"

Naomi smiles as she takes the last slice of meat from Lucien's plate; she opens her mouth and swallows the slice, which turns orange energy upon contact with her saliva before being absorbed by her body.

"Oh..." Jeanne's eyes spark with jealousy. "Being able to eat all the food you want and not worry about getting fat... that sounds great."

"Hehehe…" Naomi giggles and quickly glance at Lucien.

Saria ignores the part where Naomi seems to be trying to flirt with Lucien as she is very curious about her abilities. "Does it works like Claire's ability? Can you eat things... well, treasures and other magic items besides food?"

"Sure, I can devour anything that has good energy." Naomi nods and then looks at Saria with an excited expression. "Do you have any treasure there that Claire hasn't stolen yet??"

"Heh..." Saria tries to think of something but quickly feels the Ghost Lady vibrate in her lap. Due to her magic senses, she can feel the fear growing within her sister's soul.

Saria is terrified at the thought of Naomi devouring the Ghost Lady, so she quickly shakes her head. "No, no. no..."

The other girls are confused, and Rebecca quickly pulls out a beautiful ornate dagger from her storage ring. "What about this?"

"Looks good!" Naomi quickly takes the dagger from Rebecca's hand.

"I haven't finished it yet..." She starts to speak but is shocked when Naomi easily chews the dagger's blade made of blue sea steel, a very rare and super hard metal.

The other girls are also shocked, but Rebecca clearly regrets it as she looks like she wants to cry. "It would be a gift for hubby..."

"Mhhmmm..." Naomi makes a thoughtful expression as she devours the whole blade, leaving only the hilt, which she tosses onto the table in front of Rebecca. "It was fine... but I don't really like eating sharp things."

"..." Rebecca quickly picks the hilt of the dagger and looks at Naomi with an upset expression. But she can only blame herself for being curious about that ability.

As Naomi finishes absorbing that blade's magical energy, Gluttony materializes her body on Rebecca's side and starts analyzing her with an expectant expression.

"Oh... creation affinity, right?" The Sin asks even though she already knows about Rebecca's affinity because of the dagger's energy. "With the right materials, you could create many treasures for us..."

"Why would she do that?!?" Greed quickly materializes her body on the other side of Rebecca. "Damn Gluttony, your host can eat raw materials that you would be fine with, but Claire and I could benefit from treasures much more!"

Before Rebecca realizes it, Gluttony and Greed start fighting because of her, and although that looks bad, she likes to have her abilities appreciated.

"Fuck you, Greed!!" Gluttony exclaims as she hugs Rebecca's head. "I won't let you screw me anymore!"

Before Greed can say anything, Gluttony is pulled back by the tail. She tries to dematerialize her body but finds herself confined by a demonic energy far more powerful than hers.

"Sis???" Gluttony thinks that's Pride, but when she looks back, she notices Lucien holding her by her tail while his hand glows with purple energy. "Hey, you!! Sto-"

Lucien ignores Gluttony's complaints and pulls her onto his lap. Her small and delicate body makes her look like a child in his lap.

"You're as troublesome as Naomi..." He keeps the grip on her tail and confining her energy but uses his other hand to stroke her hair. "And you're also just as cute as she is."

Naomi and Gluttony blush simultaneously, but not for the same reason. Lucien's sister is embarrassed because he called her cute, but the Sin is like that because his energy entering her body makes her feel great.

"I'm thousands of times older than you, boy!" Gluttony tries to appear calm and serene, but her tone and attitude leave her emotions evident. "So don't treat me like a child!!"

"Then don't act like a child." He quickly responds. "Rebecca makes the equipment for our entire group and also my troops... if you start eating it, we're going to be in big trouble."

"But..." Gluttony pouts, but she is enjoying a lot of his caresses and his pleasant energy.

"Shhh..." He seals Gluttony's delicate lips with his finger as he looks at Greed with a stern expression. "The same goes for you, Greed; stay away from my wives' treasures."

Lucien's cold tone and the fact that he's stroking Gluttony on his lap make Greed burn with rage and jealousy, which is precisely what he intended.

"Humph!!" Greed makes a mocking sound and dematerializes her body, returning to Claire's soul.

He smiles as he notices that Gluttony has started licking his finger. "What are you doing?"

"Mhmm...mmm..." Gluttony makes strange sounds as she licks Lucien's finger. "I don't like being used like that..."

"I thought you were enjoying it..." He comments.

"Maybe I do..." Gluttony feels great in Lucien's lap, but something makes her feel upset, and she bites his finger.

"Ah!?!" That doesn't cause much pain, but Lucien still pushes Gluttony off his lap. "You brat!"

She makes an upset expression and dematerializes her body, returning to Naomi's soul.

A strange purple glow passes through Lucien's eyes, and Lust quickly comments in his mind. 'It's not possible! How did you discover their weaknesses so quickly???'

'I just had a few guesses…' He smiles as he picks a bottle of wine to refill his glass.

But that bottle is empty, and Kara notices, so she quickly gets up. "I'll get more wine."

"It is not necessary!" Daisy quickly gets up too. "You've worked so hard today… let me get the wine."

"Alright." Kara smiles and sits next to her sisters again.

Daisy walks towards the hallway but gives Lucien a quick glance as she passes near him.

He had already noticed something strange about her during the dinner, so he doesn't think twice about getting up and going after her. "I'll help you."

As soon as they enter the hallway, some of the girls at the table make strange expressions, most notably Rose, who looks a little concerned.

"Looks like we're going to keep out of wine for a while…" Naomi comments in her usual provoking tone.

Some girls look at her with annoyed expressions, and she quickly tries to defend herself. "What?? I just said what's obvious."

Rose bows her head, and the other girls get sorry for her.

Mia places a hand on her shoulder to try to comfort her. "Don't be sad; this might turn out to be better than you think… I mean, you want your mom to be happy too, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do." Rose quickly responds. "But..."

"It's not that simple," Marie comments. "This is definitely not a common situation, and each person reacts in a way... we can't expect her to just accept sharing the same man with her mother so easily."

"It's not because of that." Rose tries to explain. "I love my mom, and if having Lucien as her husband will make her happy, I would never try to make trouble for them, but..."

She sighs before continuing. "My mom told me that polygamy isn't common among vampires because when choosing someone to make a Blood Pact, it's normal that vampires just want to be with that person forever... and not share them with anyone else."

"Ohh..." The girls understand what Rose means, but they can't really comprehend her feeling, so Lena asks. "You mean you don't want to share Lucien with your mom because she would drink his blood too?"

"I think so..." Rose speaks in a confused tone. "I'm not sure, but I can't contain my jealous of my mom, and that makes me feel horrible because I love her so much..."

"I bet it makes you feel really bad..." Maya hears the girls' conversation and can't help but comment. "I've met some vampires thousand of years ago, and they were really deep attached to their partners; since that's a characteristic of your race, I don't think you can do anything about it."

Maya's intention was to comfort Rose, but those words make her feel even worse. Saria notes that and quickly joins the conversation. "But, you love your mom, right?"

"Of course!" Rose immediately answers honestly.

Saria smiles. "So that's all that matters! If you love your mom and Lucien, you'll find a way for everyone to be happy."

Saria's optimism makes Rose feel better. In fact, she knows that Lucien can satisfy all her needs as well as her mother's, but she still feels bad for being so jealous; and the influence of the other Sins makes everything more intense.

"Thank you, girls..." She smiles at Saria, Mia, Marie, and the other girls. "You are perfect sisters."

"Hehehe..." The girls giggle, including Saria, who already feels part of the group.

Maya smiles too, but Nea still has a thoughtful and concerned expression on her face. She can't help but notice how not only Lucien but his entire group is very attractive in many ways.

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