Lust Knight

Chapter 580 Arrogant Indeed, Not Dumb

An hour ago.

Eve enters her bedroom after passing Lucien in the hallway and starts choosing a set of clothes, but Pride remains focused on him, watching his moves with her magical sense.

She notices him entering the captain's cabin and then the bathroom. Pride says nothing about that to Eve and just uses all her senses to observe Lucien's actions.

When he switches from teasings to real and bold actions, she gets a little surprised. [He looks more determined than before...]

Pride can't see precisely what Donna and Lucien are doing from Eve's soul, but based on their exchange of demonic energies, she has a pretty good idea of what that is about.

When Lucien starts stroking Donna's body, the energy flow from him to her begins to increase rapidly. But when he steps into the tub and gives her pink flower's attention directly, causing her to have an orgasm, a burst of energy occurs, giving them both a lot of power.

[HOW?!?!] Pride notes that and gets very confused. Even though she expected a lot from him, that amount of energy being generated so quickly seems crazy.

She can't contain her curiosity and materializes her body in the captain's cabin, in front of the bathroom door. Donna's loud moans make the situation even clearer, but Pride wants to see that in person and takes a step toward the door.

'Where do you think you're going??' Lust appears in front of the door and talks to Pride mentally, so she doesn't get in the way of Lucien and Donna.

'This is no time for games, Lust.' Pride speaks in her usual arrogant tone and continues walking towards the door. 'This is something I need to see, don't you understand?'

In other times Lust couldn't stand in Pride's way, but now she doesn't fear her big sister but summons her soul weapon, the long and powerful red whip.

Lust's soul weapon radiates incredible power due to the massive amount of demonic energy she shares with Lucien, shocking Pride even more.

'You won't disturb them.' She speaks in a determined tone.

Pride could simply materialize her body inside the bathroom, ignoring Lust. But her personality doesn't allow her to choose the easy path, especially after having her authority ignored.

'Who do you think you are to talk to me like that??' Pride's eyes turn pure glowing white. 'I would expect such an attitude from Envy or Greed, but not from a weak and stupid girl who just had the luck to find a special host...'

That provocation could make Lust upset at least a little, but it doesn't affect her in any way because her connection with Lucien is so deep that she knows exactly how important she is to him, just as he is to her.

Then she smiles and shakes her head with a fake disappointed expression. 'I get it... I actually noticed the change in your eyes when within a few seconds, Lucien helped you generate enough demonic energy for Eve to go straight to the next layer of the Sky Realm.'

[Did she notice???] Pride can't help but be a little shaken. But she doesn't show that and maintains an arrogant and confident posture. 'What do you mean?'

'Oh, come on, Pride...' Lust continues to smile. 'Don't pretend to be a pure and innocent girl; it doesn't match your style.'

'Stop the bullshit.' She responds. 'I didn't come here to steal your man or anything like that; I'm just concerned because no one should be able to generate power this way... don't you realize he's going to get the entire universe's attention?? Don't you think everyone will come after him faster than we can get stronger??'

Lust understands what Pride means. She doesn't doubt that Lucien's various abilities are part of something much bigger than they can imagine.

Just the fact that he is possibly a hybrid between Dragon and Demon would be enough to generate chaos throughout the whole universe, let alone his deep connection to Aylin and the Sins.

Yet, that doesn't mean Lust is going to let Pride say what they can and can't do. 'I understand why Envy, Greed, and even Gluttony can't help wanting him just for them alone; it's part of their personality.'

'But what about you???' Lust asks sarcastically. 'Are you tired of underestimating him?? I know he's been fascinated by you since the first time he saw you, and you attacked him... that's really unfair, but-'

'This is not about with you, Lust!' Pride exclaims in Lust's mind. 'This is about us, all of us! He's crossing every possible limit and... and without any control, maybe it doesn't turn out well for anyone.'

'Control??' Lust asks sarcastically and quickly continues. 'For you, everything is about control, isn't it? First, you wish we didn't get in your way, but after realizing how amazing he is, you started wanting to control him!'

Pride would like to deny that, but the truth is, she wishes Lucien to have eyes only for her. It is not her fault, but her nature that does not allow her not to try to be the center of attention always.

Yet, her concerns about people manipulating them from the shadows and possibly coming after Lucien are real. And she thinks they are acting carelessly. 'But-'

'Lust is right.' Before Pride can speak, Wrath appears alongside Lust and, for the first time ever, supports another one of her sisters against their big sister.

That really shocks Pride, who begins to rethink her actions. But before she can say anything, Wrath continues. 'I understand your concerns, but we should discuss this together with everyone else and at another time.'

'Exactly.' Lust nods. 'If you enter this bathroom now, you'll only hinder Lucien and Donna from generating a lot of demonic energy for Wrath and me.'

'And that would be selfish…' Wrath comments. 'Such a feeling unworthy of our great big sister.'

Pride can't help but feel good about Wrath's praise, especially since she's been in a good mood because Lust told that Lucien is fascinated by her.

'Alright, I'm not irrational.' She comments. 'Everything I've always done was for the best for our people and us, so I obviously don't want to hinder your development... I was just curious about how he generates that much demonic energy so quickly.'

'Why don't you find this out in person?' Lust smiles. 'I mean, unquestionably, he wants you just as you want him, so you can do that anytime...'

'Except now.' Wrath comments. 'Now he's with Donna.'

Pride can't admit how much she wants Lucien; in fact, even she doesn't really understand what she feels. But she definitely won't say anything that makes her feel bad.

'Just tell them to make less noise.' She comments in an arrogant tone as Donna's moans grow louder.

Lust laugh. 'They're having so much fun...'

'And Donna needs to let it all out... unleash so many emotions, you know.' Wrath smiles too.

Pride shakes her head before creating a block-sound barrier around the bathroom. 'Nobody needs to listen to this.'

'Put down this fucking barrier!!' But then she hears Envy's angry voice in her mind. 'Do you want to screw me up?? Donna's moans will help me generate a lot of demonic energy; it's a win-win situation.'

Then Greed's voice shocks Pride again. 'I am obligated to agree with Envy; this is a win-win situation, so don't be a spoilsport.'

Pride doesn't like having her sisters going against her orders, but seeing them cooperate for the good of the group makes her somehow very proud.

They always competed a lot, making their hosts fight for similar goals. But now, even though they literally have the same goal, the group is more united than ever.

Then she removes the barrier, letting Donna's moans goes farther and farther away. So she dematerializes her body, leaving only one word for her sister. 'Whatever.'

As Lust and Wrath continue to watch Lucien and Donna generate so much demonic energy and power, Pride returns to Eve's bedroom and finds her still unsure what to wear.

"I've never seen you take so long to choose out a few pieces of clothing..." Pride comments while she already knows why Eve is taking so long to get ready.

"Bullshit!" Eve comments she gets a random dress on her bed. "I was just drying myself better."

Pride can't help but smile as she observes how stubborn Eve is like her. "You can't lie to me, Eve, never to me..."

Eve sighs and sits on the bed. "This… it's just… we're finally together again… I should be relaxed, but why do I feel even tenser?"

"Hmm…" Pride makes a thoughtful expression as she sits on the bed next to Eve. "I think we need to change our approach."

"We?" Eve makes a curious expression. "What do you mean?"

Pride smiles. "I mean, we should accept what we can't change... let it go on and see where it can take us, you know."

"No way!" Eve is really shocked by those words. "You're not the same Pride of a few minutes ago! Or we're not talking about the same thing."

"Isn't this about your brother?" Pride asks sarcastically and then takes one of the prettiest white dresses on the bed and hands it to Eve. "It's okay; being the most beautiful woman around helps us generate more demonic energy too."

[What the hell is going on???] Eve doesn't understand how Pride changed so quickly.

However, she didn't really change, but just realized that swimming upstream won't get them anywhere.

Eve smiles and picks up the white dress, which is her favorite too. "It's not like I want to look good for him, you know..."

"Ya, ya..." Pride smiles too. "You just need to keep prettier than the other women around him."

"That sounds good…" Eve can't help but think it is nice to have Lucien's full attention. But then, as she wonders about that, she hears a moan. "What was that!?!"

"..." Pride is upset that Donna messes up that moment.

Her moan wasn't loud enough for Eve to understand what's going on, but she recognizes her sister's voice and quickly wraps a towel around her body before heading toward the door. "It was Donna!"

"Wait!" Pride materializes her body in front of the door, blocking Eve's passage. "You shouldn't go there..."

"What?!?" She asks in an upset tone. "What's going on out there, Pride???"

Pride knows there's no way to hide that from Eve, and neither does she want that, so she says it. "They are doing that..."

"That???" Eve thinks of something she really doesn't want to believe in.

"Yea..." Pride doesn't notice it, but she blushes a little as she imagines Lucien naked. "You know, he and Donna are doing that in the captain's cabin bathroom right now."

"Damn!!!" Eve exclaims as she gets upset. "Those brats... I will..."

"You are not going to do anything." Pride comments. "You gave Donna permission to go ahead, don't you remember? Also, they're already adults and can make their own choices."

"I know!" Eve looks concerned. "But... it's too fast... he just got back and already... those naughty brats!!"

Pride shares Eve's feelings and frustrations, so she put a hand on her shoulder. "I understand you... but you mustn't interrupt them now; they are generating an unbelievable amount of demonic energy."

"How much?" Eve asks.

"So much..." Pride responds. "Your sister has already advanced two layers, and he one... if their game lasts an hour longer, I don't doubt that he will end with the same power level as you."

"No fucking way!!" Eve can't believe someone could advance an entire layer of the Sky Realm just doing naughty things in the bathroom.

Pride thinks the same way, but that's actually happening. "It seems his energy gets a lot more incredible every day... and it's even more powerful when he's with his sisters..."

"And what does that should mean???" Eve is very confused by that.

"Well…" Pride's eyes sparkle with expectation. "As I said, we should change our approach."

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