Lust Knight

Chapter 558 Don't Think Too Much About It

Two weeks go by in the purple world before the fifth day in the normal world after Lucien meets Claire and Saira.

He spends half his time focused on strengthening his wives, but since there are only four of them, not counting Lust, with him now, the girls end up getting exhausted and full of demonic pretty quickly, considering the long love sessions he had with all his wives together.

Oya advanced to the fifth layer of the Earth Realm and Helena to the fifth layer of the Immortal Realm as she was a long time in the peak of the fourth one. 

Yet, Mira and Kamala remain in the eighth layer of the Immortal Realm as advancing in such a stage requires a lot of time and demonic energy.

Lucien also took a lot of time to advance a layer because even though he was in the Earth Realm, he received less benefit from being with a few wives, while those few ones received a lot from having all his attention just for them.

Yeah, that seems unfair, but energy always flows better from where there's more to where there's less and not the contrary. 

That's also why Lust's abilities are underestimated by the other Sins. And Lucien just doesn't feel that way when he's with all his wives, especially Sophia and Amelia, who help him generate so much demonic energy.

But his efforts with Mira, Kamala, Helena, Oya, and Lust are also rewarded, and he finally enters the Sky Realm. At first, he feels a huge increase in his body's basic capabilities like strength, speed, better senses, and the ability to float with just his energy, which doesn't seem as efficient as flying with his strong wings.

And even with such improvements in his power, Lucien feels that it wasn't as significant as when he improved the power of his soul by opening each of those two gates after the first one.

That only makes Lust and Lucien more confident that his greatest power, besides his wives, comes from demonic energy, not just from him but also from the other Sins as well.

So, he can't help but be eager to conquer them all and achieve a power far beyond the power levels, including the Cosmic Realm and eventually matching the legendary Primordials.

Aside from the time Lucien spends strengthening his wives, he also meditates on Aylin's golden throne to try to understand more about the soul power, as well as helping the girls unlock their own soul gates.

He also goes back every day to the normal world to try to get closer to Claire. But she always seems to be upset about something.

The truth is that both, as well as Saria, want the same thing. Claire wants Lucien and Saria's attention only to herself but doesn't like them to get closer.

Saria wants to get closer to Lucien but doesn't want to lose her friendship with Claire, her best friend Ever. And Lucien wants to get closer to his sister first, but he can't hide the interest he has in the charming Mermaid princess.

That situation generates conflicting feelings, but both feel their desires growing stronger because of the influence of Greed, who benefits from that, but would prefer to get something more than just feelings.

Amidst that tense atmosphere, two more days go by in the normal world until Lucien feels a familiar sensation again. He only felt that sensation the first time when he reencountered Sophia in Argerim and missed that when the Leviathan took him too far away from her.

It's not all about Sophia and their connection, but about the life growing inside her womb. Lucien can feel the connection to that child even further because she is the fruit of his seed.

He doesn't often stop to think about the future as he's trying so hard to make the present work. But only when he feels that connection again does he realize how much he missed that.

He can already imagine many cute little girls running around him along with little Ko. And their mothers are beside him with the happiest expression possible... the perfect family that he and his sisters didn't have.

"What is happening?" Lust's voice wakes Lucien from his dreams about a not-too-distant future.

"Hmm?" He looks at Lust and can't help but imagine that she would also be next to him with their beautiful daughter.

"Why are you looking at me with this expression???" She asks.

"What expression?" He asks.

She smiles. "The expression of a happily silly father!"

"Hahahaha..." He starts to laugh and kisses her neck. "You know me better than everyone, after all."

Lust would like to continue having sex with Lucien, but she knows they can't right now. "They're close, right? Did you feel the connection to Sophia and your child?"

"Yeah," he excitedly replies as he can't wait to reunite with his wives again and hopes the Leviathan doesn't show up to screw it up. "They're near… we better go find them quickly."

As he gets out of bed and materializes clothes, Lust makes a concerned expression. "You look too excited to become a dad... but I'm afraid it won't be easy to face a kids army, especially if a lot of them be little Luciens."

[Little Luciens...] That creates a kind of fear in his heart that he's never had before.

Having sons would bring so many problems that Lucien can't even imagine. The problems would not be exactly for him but for the boys who would be raised by many mothers and only one father, which would certainly bring psychological issues for them.

Not only that, but Lucien can't help but imagine the scene of his sons taking their wives to meet him and him failing to contain his growing charm. That would be a nightmare for him and for the boys.

Daughters, on the other hand, don't seem to be a problem even in large numbers. They would have many mothers and sisters and would not have to compete with him for anything.

Lucien's rare worried expression makes Lust feel bad, and she hugs him. "Don't overthink about it. We can't do anything about that, but I doubt the destiny will be that cruel."

He'll hardly be able to stop worrying about that, but like Lust just said, destiny won't be that cruel.

Then he shakes his head to try to get such worries off his mind and looks at Helena, Mira, and Kamala lying around Oya on the bed. She's in tiger form because she's just using her demi-human form to have sex with him and save Envy's demonic energy by sleeping in tiger form.

He thinks about waking them up to meet their family, but they just fell asleep, so it wouldn't be fair to wake them up right now.

So he leaves the purple world with Lust and finds Saria and Claire taking a relaxing sunbath on comfy chairs around the pool on top of the gigantic mystic turtle.

"Good morning, ladies." He greets them excitedly.

"Morning, Lucien…" Saria can't contain her bright smile upon seeing him.

"Brother..." But that makes Claire upset, and she greets him with a slightly disappointed tone.

She knows what he's done in the last week with his wives, and although she doesn't want to admit that, she's very jealous of them. Her nature and Greed's influence make her very upset that others are having fun while she only feels frustrated.

Claire tries to look away from Lucien, but his smile catches her attention and makes her curious. "Why are you so smiling today?? Is life so much fun with your wives?!?"

"Yes, they give me so much happiness." He provokes her as he approaches Saria and takes a sip of wine from her glass, making Claire even more upset and making the Mermaid Princess blush.

"..." Claire is silent as she tries to deal with more frustration. She even misses when she was so cold and didn't care for anything because, at that time, she had no difficulties controlling her desires.

Lucien finishes drinking all the wine from Saria's glass, puts it on the table beside her, and fills it with more wine from the bottle. Then he smiles teasingly at her as he turns the glass, indicating her not to touch her lips on the side of the glass he used.

She tries to keep a neutral and cool expression but feels her face and whole body getting warmer and horny as she remembers kissing him during their 'innocent' competition.

Then she turns her face away, but as soon as she hears Lucien walks away, she quickly turns the glass again so she can feel his mouth's taste on the glass as she sips the wine.

Lucien walks to the chair where Claire is lying and touches her shoulders with both his hands. "Sister..."

His touch feels so tender and so warm that it makes Claire feel like her shoulders are going to melt. "Hmmmmm..." 

"You look so tense…" He comments as he starts to massage her shoulders gently. His touch is already wonderful, but he still imbues his original demonic and life mana on Claire's shoulders, making her feel even better.

"Mmmm... yeah... mmmm… I guess so..." She just closes her eyes as she gets the best massage of her life.

Saria watches everything as she licks the edges of her wineglass. A part of her is glad Claire is receiving such treatment, but she also can't help but be envious.

Claire struggles to contain her moans due to how good that massage feels, plus the fact that she has all of Lucien's attention for her now. "You could act like a good brother more often..."

"I am trying." He smiles. "But you have to let me be a good brother to you..."

"It's not like I'm stopping you." She comments. "Before, you were too focused on your own depression and didn't let your sisters get into your heart... now you're focused on your wives and let your sisters aside again."

"You talk about our sisters, but you're my only sister here..." He speaks before bringing his mouth close to Claire's ear and whispering. "How about you start telling the truth about wanting things for you and yourself alone."

"..." Claire doesn't know what to say. She really wants a lot of things only for herself, but saying that out loud sounds really weird, especially when what she wants most right now is to have her brother for her alone.

"It's alright..." He whispers again in her ear in an extremely loving and seductive tone. "You can say what you like and act however you like; I can't guarantee that other people won't think bad of you, but I certainly won't."

"..." She feels her heart beat faster as Lucien's words touch her heart.

Since she made the soul contract with Greed, Claire has felt her feelings getting more and more out of control, especially her insatiable desires.

She tries to hide such dark and greedy desires deep in her heart, which has only made her feel worse. She wants to scream out loud that she's as greedy as the Sin within her soul and that she'll only be satisfied when she gets everything she wants, but she fears that no one will accept her 'ugly' side.

Lucien understands how Claire feels as he also sometimes fears his lustful side is too obscure. But he doesn't have to hide that because the people he loves accept him that way.

"It's fine, sister..." He whispers like a devil in Claire's ear. "You can stop hiding... I'll accept you the way you really are. And I'll never try to change a single hair of yours because you're perfect like that..."

"Really?!?!?" Claire feels she is dreaming.

"Yeah…" Lucien smiles as he stops massaging her shoulders. "Our sisters are near, by the way... how about we go meet them together?"

"W-W-WHAT?!?!?" Claire is perplexed while her head aches.

Even Greed has no words to describe her frustrations now. She just keeps watching that madness from Claire's soul.

And Lust can't help but laugh in Lucien's mind. 'You can tease your own sister this way!? You are such a devil!!'

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