Lust Knight

Chapter 528 Golden Realm (2/2)

Mira approaches the golden throne and looks at Lucien with a sorry expression before speaking to Kamala disapprovingly. "They are busy, so don't disturb them now, my dear."

"But, mom…" Kamala clearly doesn't want to leave Lucien's lap, as does Lust.

"Lucien..." Mira's sorry expression got even sadder. "Sorry that Kamala is so spoiled… that it's my fault for not being more severe with her."

"Hahaha…" Lust starts to laugh, leaving Mira confused. "No matter how much you spoiled your daughter, Lucien will spoil her even more, just as he spoils all his wives."

"..." Mira looks at Lucien, and he smiles at her, not denying Lust's words. She doesn't know what to think, but Kamala smiles, happy as she brings the golden apple to Lucien's mouth for him to bite it while caressing her.

After he bites the apple, Kamala looks at the mysterious sheets on the throne's arm. "What is it?"

"Apparently, pages from the diary of a woman who died thousands of years ago." Lucien answers honestly.

But he can't hide the sparkles in his eyes when talking about Aylin, which makes Kamala and Mira curious. "That woman was special to you, right?"

"I still don't know what she means to me..." He responds while wondering about that. "But, yeah, she's certainly special to me."

"Hmm..." Mira and Kamala get even more curious and confused about that.

"We're family now, so it's natural that you want to understand everything that's going on..." Lucien has no reason to lie to Mira and Kamala, so he explains to them everything he knows about Aylin in short.

"Incredible!" Kamala admires him even more.

Mira is also shocked and amazed at how Lucien's life is so unbelievable. "So that woman, possibly your ancestor, left you her soul as heritage? And thanks to the power of that soul, you managed to hurt the Leviathan even though you were in the Earth Realm??"

Lucien nods. "I guess so."

"And it looks like other people have these soul gates too?" She asks.

"Yeah..." He makes a thoughtful expression. "At least that's what the words on that diary page say."

Mira looks at the diary, wondering if she, too, could ever have that soul power.

That's Lucien's thinking now too. While Lust is more interested in how he could access his soul gates, he's only thinking about his wives and how to help them get that power.

So without wasting any time, he takes the sheets from Aylin's diary and starts reading the second page. 

That's not really the second page, just as the other wasn't really the first. In fact, just by the beginning of that page, he already realizes that those are random pages from Aylin's diary.

"14th day of Month 6, year 4072 of the Golden Era." He reads it out loud.

"Today, I got sure of my theory about the first soul gate when Leonore awakened her soul weapon... We all opened it when we awakened our soul weapon."

"So I started to wonder why no one had found out about the other soul gates before... Well, half the people awaken their soul weapons when they are in trouble and seek any help, finding strength in their soul."

"The other half already know of the existence of soul weapons and seek them by using any means to strengthen their soul power and body."

"But after awakening the soul weapon, people stop exploring their own souls... Getting through the other soul gates is much more difficult than just awakening our soul weapon, which is just the beginning of the soul's true potential."

After reading those words, Lucien looks at Lust with a thoughtful expression. "Is that how I awakened my soul weapon?"

"I think so." She nods. "Do you remember how you were feeling at that time?"

"I..." Lucien tries to remember when he was fighting someone much more powerful than him in that mine in Portgreen. "I thought I was going to die... and at that moment, all I could think about was how bad it would be not to be able to smell my mother's sweet perfume anymore... the gentle touch of Sophia... and the taste of your lips."

Lust smiles for being so important to Lucien right after they met. "So it's like Aylin says, you were in trouble and looked for anything that could help you."

Mira makes a thoughtful expression and then materializes a globe-shaped object made of red crystals arcs; it looks like some kind of mystical artifact, but it's actually her soul weapon, a weapon that fires magic red bolts.

"I also awakened my soul weapon when I was in a tough situation." She explains. "But I wasn't at real risk of death; I was just facing my dad in a sparring session."

Then she looks at Kamala. "But Kamala awakened her soul weapon by meditating... I remember giving her some rare flowers and mana-rich food."

"Hmm..." Lucien wonders about that. "So it looks like Aylin was right about that; soul weapons aren't woken up by accident but when we search for them."

"Well, a lot of people already thought so, so that was not really a new discovery." Lust comments.

"But only Aylin discovered that it was also our first soul gate." He responds.

Lust cannot deny those words. "Let's see what else is on these pages."

"Sure." Lucien quickly continues reading that page, but the other paragraphs are just about Aylin's reflections on the soul weapons and how Godric, Emmeline, and her new apprentice, Leonore, woke up their soul weapon.

Not discovering anything new on that page, Lucien begins to read the third page. "27th day of Month 1, year 4073 of the Golden Era."

"After half a year, I finally got sure about the soul weapons... I saw another person awaken a soul weapon motivated to protect his family, and that same motivation was so powerful that he quickly reached the second soul gate with my help."

"Godric also opened his second soul gate after killing a God who was about to attack me from behind. And Emmeline did after reaching the immortal Realm."

"After reflecting on that for a few weeks, today I came to the conclusion that just as my soul is motivated by pride, each person has their own main motivation."

"But that special motivation is also our most selfish desire, and we generally try to contain such desires for different reasons..."

"Anyway, we can only unlock our soul and release our true potential by looking deep within ourselves and fulfilling our most selfish desires... while that sounds easy, it definitely isn't."

The next few paragraphs are more of Aylin's reflections on the things that motivate her apprentices.

Lucien, Mira, and Kamala wonder about that words while Lust looks at him with a happy expression. "That really makes sense... I mean, you just said how you were thinking about how good it was to be with your mother, Sophia, and me when you awakened your soul weapon..."

"So it means that what motivates his soul most is..." Kamala believes the family is Lucien's most selfish motivation.

"Pleasure!" But Lust finishes her thought with the truth. "That's also why we're so perfect for each other."

And Lucien cannot deny that. In fact, he never did it. "But I accept my selfish desires, especially for pleasure... so why haven't I found my other soul gates yet? Maybe I don't have them after all."

Lust doesn't believe that someone with Lucien's potential doesn't have other soul gates like Aylin, so she quickly picks one of the diary pages. "Look, Aylin said it's not easy to find those soul gates, especially if you don't know what you're looking for."

Mira quickly nods. "The main question seems to be how to find those soul gates..."

"Wait!" Kamala exclaims. "You already unlocked some of Aylin's soul gates inside the naginata, right? How did you do that?"

"Well…" Lucien explains. "Every time, it was when I was using the naginata in combat. At first, I thought it was because Aylin was the Dragon Queen of War and loved to fight..."

He makes a thoughtful expression. "But now I found out that her most selfish desire was pride, and it really makes sense... I mean, the times I opened her soul gates was because I made my opponents respect me so badly."

"So..." Lust looks at Lucien with a lewd expression. "You must seek for your soul gates while satisfying your soul's most selfish desire."

Lucien smiles as he moves his hand over Lust's thighs and begins kissing her lips. "That's definitely a great idea."

Kamala quickly becomes jealous and starts stroking Lucien's chest, begging for his caresses as well. And he immediately responds to her requests with ardent kisses.

Mira starts to blush again as she watches Lucien touch and kiss Kamala and Lust while sitting on that golden throne. [He looks like some kind of pleasure demon lord...]

She can't handle her growing desires and also feels too embarrassed to ask for his caresses as Kamala did, so she tries to say something else.

"What about the fourth page?" She points to the last page of Aylin's diary on the throne arm.

"Let's read it." Lucien stops kissing the girls while he takes that page, but Lust and Kamala keep kissing and caressing his body as they can't contain their excitement anymore.

"10th day of Month 2, year 4073 of the Golden Era." He reads it out loud. "I finally did it!"

"After a few years, I managed to open my third soul gate. Not only did my power get significantly greater, as did my control of the golden naginata, but I also think I acquired a new ability... I feel it inside my soul."

"Yet, what surprised me the most was discovering a mysterious portal inside my soul realm... I entered that portal and found myself in a marvelous place..."

"I've never felt so good in a place like that. Everything there is golden, even the plants and water…"

The next paragraphs describe what the golden world is like.

"...and the best part is that beautiful golden throne... my throne!"

"I'm going to call this place the Golden World, my most special place..."

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