Lust Knight

Chapter 521 Some Loyal Nagas

This day will surely enter the legends of the Naga people, and soon everyone in the Blue Star will know that an Earth Realm guy has appeared out of nowhere and started demanding that the feared Naga King's loyal guards swear loyalty to the Naga Queen only.

And even though that sounded absurd, he not only managed to make everyone very scared but also inspired real loyalty in the hearts of some of those guards.

However, those guards were never Lucien's target. Most of them are already corrupted and will protect Tyrion as well as their current good lives.

But the simple people, those who are treated like slaves, saw it as something incredible. Seeing Lucien convert one of the black guards to their side in front of everyone, without even trying to hide the fact, gives them hope.

Many believe that Lucien will be killed by Tyrion, and Mira will be punished again. But the actions of that day can motivate all people to rebel.

And that's the captain's main concern right now. Even though his neck is being crushed by Lucien, he can't help but think that Tyrion will torture him for allowing that to happen.

He tries to use all his strength to push, punch, and scratch Lucien's foot, but nothing works; his strength is insane, and his armor regenerates immediately after being damaged.

"Oh, you seem o be in trouble." Lucien looks at the captain. "I should kill you for acting that way to my wife, but today I feel merciful, so I'll give you a chance..."

Lucien starts to take his foot off the captain's neck, but he doesn't even wait to hear the proposal before summons a big war hammer and tries to attack him.

He swings the weapon up with all his strength. "The King will kill you, BASTA-"


But Lucien kicks the hammer away as he spikes the naginata's blade into the captain's eye, breaking all his defenses, piercing his skull, and killing him instantly.

The captain's blood flows through the water along with parts of his brain, shocking the common Naga people and infuriating half of the black guards.

"Kill him!!" Another guard shouts, making his friends act out of fear, attacking Lucien.

Some of them advance towards him with weapons ready, while others shoot spears and cast spells toward him.

Everything happens very quickly, but for Lucien, that scene happens in slow motion.

Still holding the golden naginata with his right hand, he also summons his red katana in his left hand and makes a horizontal cut, creating a big wind slash that cuts through the water, bodies of several of those black guards, and breaks their attacks.

Several cubic meters of water turn red with the blood of those guards, and even though that attack is incredibly powerful, those people aren't weak at all and the wind slash quickly loses strength after cutting thirteen bodies in half and disappears after pushing several other guards back.

"WOW!!" Everyone is shocked and terrified to see Lucien kill several Immortal Realm people with just one strike.

They're not sure if even Tyrion could do that so easily, which makes the common people more hopeful that Mira actually has such a powerful ally that she has a real chance to regain control of the Naga Kingdom.

She doesn't like to see Nagas die, but she also understands that Lucien is doing it to demonstrate their strength and inspire more hope in the hearts of the common people, as well as fear in Tyrion's supporters.

Lucien swings his katana in the water to clean the blood off it then points it at the other black guards. "If you want to die, I don't mind killing you."

Those guards are really freaked out, but the friendly guard quickly takes the lead and talks to them. "Don't throw your life away!"

It's obvious that they don't want to die, so even fearful of what Tyrion will do to them, all the black guards bow to Mira.

"Amazing…" Mira can't help but think aloud as she still can't believe that it is actually happening.

Lucien smiles at her before going to the entrance to the building. "Now we're going in..."

He also signals to that friendly guard, who follows them along with Kamala as the other black guards back away from the big doors of that building and keep their heads down.

The building has an architecture similar to that of the royal castle, made mainly with that green stone. The group follows through a long corridor to the main hall.

"Lucien…" Mira can't stop being worried. "I don't think it was a good idea to say those things in front of everyone... Tyrion will..."

"He won't do anything extreme while his main focus is stealing my power," Lucien explains.

"But..." Kamala is also concerned.

He kisses her lips before looking at the guard. "What is your name?"

"It's Jai, my Lord." The guard responds in a respectful tone.

"Alright, Jai," Lucien cuts to the chase. "Do you understand what we're doing here?"

"A revolution?" Jai isn't sure if that is for real.

"Exactly," Lucien answers. "Tyrion has ruled by fear, but I will kill him soon. However, chaos will destroy this Kingdom if there isn't a new and trusted ruler to take over the lead immediately."

"I see..." Jai can't help but look at Mira.

Lucien smiles at her. "People need to be prepared to follow their Queen when the time comes. That's why I made that scene, to make it clear that she has strong allies and give them a reason to trust us."

"That will certainly generate a lot of commotion throughout our Kingdom." Mira comments.

"Yeah..." Lucien nods. "And we have to use it to gather those who can really fight. But it has to be done quietly; Tyrion will only act if he thinks we're a threat, so we can't act yet, but we also have to show that we are trying."

"Got it," Jai speaks. "I can try to convince some guards to follow us, but most will certainly refuse out of fear."

"That's nice." Lucien agrees. "Tyrion will think our revolution is a joke and that we don't stand a chance."

"But we also need to gather troops." Mira comments.

Lucien nods. "Can you contact the people who are still loyal to you?"

She makes a thoughtful expression. "I couldn't do that myself without attracting the attention of Tanu's spies."

"Maybe..." Jai speaks in a respectful tone. "I could use some friends to get in contact with them."

"Are you sure they can do that in secret?" Lucien asks.

He nods. "Yes, I know a lot of people who hate the King but never did anything out of fear. After what happened today, it won't be hard to convince some of them to help us."

"Great." Lucien comments and looks at Mira. "Can you explain to him how to find your supports?"

"Yes." She answers.

"Alright." He smiles and then starts walking towards the center of the hall. "Now, I need to find someone in this place before Tyrion arrives."

Mira starts to explain to Jai how to contact some of her supports, but Kamala follows Lucien. "I'm going with you."

He holds her hand as he looks around. "Which way, Lust?"

"Over there." Lust materializes her body and points to a ramp that leads to the fourth floor of that building.

They start up that ramp, and Lucien asks Lust a question again. "Do you know who we're looking for?"

She was analyzing that aura since she felt it for the first time, but something kept her from understanding who that person is. Yet, by getting closer and closer to that aura, Lust finally understands who it is.

"She has the same aura as Kayla." Lust explains.

Kamala makes a concerned expression when he hears that name, and Lucien feels that she get afraid too.

"Kayla?" He asks. "So is she her mother?"

Lust makes a strange expression. "Actually, they don't have the same blood..."

"Really?" Lucien and Kamala ask at the same time.

She regrets that question as Lucien looks at her with a curious expression. "What do you know about that woman?"

"T-t-that is c-complicated…" She hesitates.

He starts stroking the tattoo on her belly. "Now that we have a soul contract, there shouldn't be any secrets between us. You can tell me anything because I won't be mad at you or anything like that."

Kamala loves that feeling of security and trust that she only feels with Lucien. So she hesitates to speak of her bad deeds, fearing that he will be disappointed in her.

Yet, she doesn't want to hide anything from him and quickly starts to explain. "My father ordered me to capture her mother, the leader of the Rising Phoenix Clan. I tried to use the Black Sea Raiders to attract her into a trap using her granddaughter, but..."

"The Leviathan and I messed up your plans," Lucien completes her words as he understands more about that situation and how many things are connected.

Kamala makes a sorry expression and bows her head. "I couldn't disobey my father's orders, or not only would I be punished but my mom too..."

Lucien lifts her head by her chin gently and kisses her lips. "It's alright, you did your best to protect your mother, and there's nothing wrong with that."

She's so happy that Lucien thinks like her about nothing being more important than the safety of those they love.

"Help me understand more about this." He speaks. "Why does your father wants that woman?"

"This all started when a group of Nagas attacked a mine of water crystals in the southwest part of Mermaid territory." She explains. "They fled south, arriving in human territory, and a group of people from the Rising Phoenix Clan tried to help those women..."

Kamala does a sorry look. "The soldiers loyal to my father are like him, ruthless and brutal; they killed almost all those women, but they brought some of them as slaves... One of them was this woman, Layla."

"They thought her beauty, exotic to our people, would be a good spoil of war for my father." She continues. "But he was much more interested in her energy; he said she had a very powerful fire mana and sent me after her relatives, especially her parents."

Lucien knows that Kayla and her mother are connected to the Phoenix, but he doesn't understand how Tyrion could have known that. "He must have found her very special to send his own daughter to do such a task..."

"Well..." Kamala explains. "We knew a few things about the Black Sea Raiders, and my father wanted those magic nets, so he ordered me to make an alliance with Valencia and use them to capture that woman."

"Make sense." Lucien comments.

'I wonder how Tyrion would feel to find out he was messing with such a powerful and ancient creature...' Lust comments in his mind.

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