Lust Knight

Chapter 504 Two Totally Different Women

Alonzo leaves the large bathroom determined to save Valencia and their people, and for that, he has to create a giant magic net for Lucien.

That's not an easy task, but he can put together all the magic nets that the Black Sea Riders have, forming a giant one, which can be done in a few hours.

Following Lucien's other orders, Alonzo also sends servants out to sea to get fresh seafood and also bring him the best drinks they have.

Meanwhile, Lucien is also doing his part of the plan. He doesn't know if Leviathan will be patient enough for Alonzo to finish making the giant magic net and also thinks it unlikely that it could actually trap such a powerful creature. However, he cannot just continue to obey her orders like a puppet and must try anything.

His wives clearly support him, just as Valencia tries desperately to fight not to be dominated by a man.

And Kamala still doesn't quite know what to do. She should be worried about the existence of the Leviathan more than anything, but she can escape any danger, which leaves her in a comfortable position to wonder about what Lucien wants to do to her right now.

"You won't get away with this!!" Valencia tries to get rid of Lucien's grip. "Even if there is such a creature out there, Its fury is nothing compared to mine!!"

"Oh..." Lucien makes a fake surprised expression and then creates a demonic energy chain like the one he uses when fucking Envy and uses it to bind Valencia by the wrists.

"What the heck is it?!?!" Valencia is confused when she feels that purple chain tighten her wrists, but instead of pain, she feels pleasure.

Even without giving her his life mana, just his demonic energy is already at a level that can suppress any sensation with pleasure. And that's not something he can really control.

Due to Valencia's resistance, Lucien gets upset and looks at her with a stern expression. "Do you really want me to kill you now???"

He also cannot contain his majestic draconic aura, which makes his eyes glow golden-purple. Then Valencia feels a powerful pressure force her to her knees and feel an instinctive urge to obey his every command.

"..." She gets very frustrated but feels like she can't really do anything, and so she lowers her head while grinding her teeth in anger.

"Good," Lucien comments and then ties the other end of the demonic energy chain to his forearm.

Then he walks up to Helena and Oya and kisses them passionately before entering the pool again. "Come on; the water is really pleasant."

The girls naturally know about Lucien's plan, so they pretend with him. Well, actually enjoying the pool with him is not a trick, especially for Helena, who sees that as to face danger in a unique way that only he can.


While Helena sits on the edge of the pool next to Lucien, Oya jumps in the middle of it, splashing water everywhere.

Mama tigress wasn't very fond of water before she met Lucien, but after having so much fun with him while bathing, she came to love it.

She dives deep into the pool while her clothes float to the surface of the water. Then she emerges in front of Lucien, dressed only in her underwear and with a naughty smile on her charming face.

"You are so cute, my dear." Lucien caresses Oya's face as she smiles.

Then she hugs him and starts rubbing her face on his chest to enjoy his natural scent. Oya doesn't regret coming with him even though it's very dangerous because always being by her beloved Master's side is what makes her so happy.

Lucien starts stroking her ears with one hand and Helena's thigh with the other. And the atmosphere inside the bathroom starts to get hotter and hotter.

Valencia tries to look away from them, but Kamala keeps her eyes fixed on Lucien. [Why is he so attractive??? Is that some kind of demonic ability??]

Kamala knows that it's not just Lucien's look that attracts her, but everything about him awakens new feelings in her. Despite knowing she shouldn't feel that, she can't help wanting to be with him more than anything. In fact, that seems to be her greatest totally selfish wish.

And he obviously realizes that because he knows perfectly well how he can mess with the feminine instincts of any woman.

Then he extends a hand to her. "Join us."

A small part of Kamala, a fragment of her conscience, whispers a 'no' in her ears. But that warning is totally ignored as she dives into the water and then emerges in front of Lucien.

She quickly grabs his arm with both her hands as if afraid he'll disappear or run away like a dream that ends in the best part.

But he doesn't disappear and just smiles at her as she delights in just touching his arm. [So strong... warm... fragrant...]

Lucien gently pulls Kamala to his chest while Helena and Lust roll their eyes.

"Ah…" Kamala exhales a muffled moan as her body feels so good in Lucien's arms. [It's like if here, I'm safer than ever...]

He feels her snake-type tail rub his legs underwater and gets pleasantly surprised that the texture of the scales over her skin is as smooth as silk.

Kamala wears a small corset that covers her breasts and belly while a short skirt covers her most private part, below her waist. So, Lucien starts stroking her tail up and passes his hands over her hips without removing her clothing.

"Mmmm..." She moans softly as she rests her face on his chest. It's incredibly easy the way he manages to calm her body and make her feel so good.

She doesn't know if she should take that opportunity to touch his body too or just enjoy his caresses. [Why is this so damn good????]

'You know how this will end, don't you?' Lust asks in Lucien's mind.

Lucien knows what Lust is talking about. Although that should just be a pretend to get time to Alonzo, he's letting Kamala get too close.

'As soon as I saw her, I knew she had to be mine...' He makes clear his heart's desire. Though he's always thinking about his wives, he can't stop his possessive desire to desire the exotic Naga Princess.

Lust understands Lucien better than anyone else and also knows that fulfilling his heart's lustful desires is one of the main reasons their demonic energy is so powerful, so she can't just tell him to be less lustful.

'Well, in a world made mostly of water, having a Naga in our group isn't bad...' She comments, still unable to hide her growing jealousy.

'I guess so...' Lucien comments, but actually, he can't just think about the benefits of having Kamala in the group. Besides being attracted by her exotic look, he is also attracted by the intense desire he feels in her.

Lucien's connection to pleasure is so incredible that he can see that behind that royal and arrogant attitude of Kamala, there is a heart that desperately craves to feel loved. He can feel what she wants to feel pleasure.

So he gives it to her. He caresses her body tenderly as he smiles lovingly at her, making her feel more comfortable than ever.

But then his hands reach her breasts, and she gets a little startled by how much she wants him to touch them. "Ah… isn't this going too fast?"

"Is it?" He asks as he moves his fingers around her breasts. "We don't need to do anything you don't want to..."

"Mmmm..." She moans as just feeling the tips of his fingers on her skin is enough to make her horny.

Then she looks into his eyes. "I don't want to desire it… but yet, I can't stop craving… can you understand it?"

"I perfectly understand it." He smiles and then gently holds the back of her neck before starting to bring her lips to his.

Kamala watches Lucien's lips approach hers and again wonders why she doesn't feel any urge to back off. She had always been an arrogant princess who saw herself above all other people, so she wanted to be desired by all men but owned by none.

However, all she wants now is to feel Lucien's lips onto hers, to experience what seems to be the best thing she's ever tasted so far, to surrender herself to a mysterious guy she's just met, even though that seems absurd.

So she let it happen; she lets him guide her lips to his, and then they touch... gently, he moves his lips, spreading his sweet and addictive taste over her soft lips.

Along with his wonderful taste and smell, waves of pleasure and power invade Kamala's body, making her feel as if she were flying on a cloud of pleasure.

"Mmmm..." She moans adorably as she can't contain her excited body. Her tail wraps around Lucien's waist and legs, a common act for the Naga people in such a situation.

Lucien also feels great pleasure, not only because Kamala's lips are so delicious but also because the sensation of her soft tail squeezing the entire lower half of his body is something different from anything he ever felt.

He moves both his hands to the upper part of her tail and caresses her soft scales while intensifying the movements of his lips onto hers.

Kamala also places one hand on his waist while using the other to caress his chest. Before she knew it, her lips start moving in sync with his and opening more and more, inviting his tongue to come in and play with hers.

And so Lucien does, invading her little mouth with his tongue and making a pleasant mess with their saliva. Her moth's flavor is as good for him as his taste is addictive for her, doing both of them enjoy that kiss a lot.

"Mmmm... so good... ahhh..." She moans as she loses herself in pleasure, shocked at how good just a kiss can be.

While for Oya, Helena, and Lust, that's just something normal, Valencia is confused. She doesn't understand how Kamala can be kissing Lucien so intimately and mostly doesn't understand why she seems to be feeling so good.

That is not her fault, and neither has she suffered any trauma that made her have to torture men for pleasure. In fact, some people just have different desires than usual, some more peculiar than anyone can think.

In Valencia's case, she never took pleasure in the most ordinary ways. She thought there was some problem with her and even tried to have sex with other women, but only by making men suffer did she discover real pleasure.

And after doing things her way for so long, she can't understand why Kamala seems to feel so great now. Well, she's not entirely immune to Lucien's seductive aura, but she's too mad at him to realize that.

And Lucien notices that. Even as he kissed Kamala, he can feel Valencia's angry, confused, and curious look over him.

He stops kissing Kamala, and she starts kissing his face and neck passionately as he smiles at Valencia and starts pulling the demonic energy chain, bringing her body toward him.

"Don't be so sad..." He smiles teasingly. "I'll give you something to make you that happy too."

"You!!!" Valencia gets even angrier, but part of her is also even more worried and confused. [What is it?? What will he give me??? This isn't a kiss too, right!?!?]

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