Lust Knight

Chapter 501 Dangerous Guests


The furious storm near the Black Sea Riders Island begins to disappear as mysteriously as it appeared.

And from the window of the highest tower in the castle, Valencia watches the dark clouds with a curious expression. On the floor beside her bed is a naked young man, tied up in ropes, bleeding, and crying in a deplorable state. That's definitively a horrible scene.

"The weather looks as bad as my day..." She thinks aloud. "Damn, Carmelo, why did you fail with me??"

*Knock* *Knock*

She heard a knock on the door and can even hear the guard's heavy breath on the other side. "You may come in."

The guard enters Valencia's room and ignores the guy on the floor as he speaks to her in a worried tone. "My Lady... a guy appeared out of nowhere... he didn't seem to be flying but being thrown by a strong blow..."

"Speak slowly and tell me what he looks like." She is curious.

"I don't know exactly..." The guard looks hesitant. "I just saw that red dot in the sky, and then he crashed into the lighthouse, then he kept crashing into buildings until he reaches the castle.

"Didn't you capture him?!" Valencia is confused.

The guard is even more hesitant. "It's that… well… he fell in that bathroom where you told no guards to enter."

"Kamala's room??!" Valencia also gets worried and quickly runs towards that bathroom.

The guard is sweating cold as he looks at the guy on the floor. He can't help but think he can be the next one in that situation, which makes him shiver with fear.

Meanwhile, Valencia runs through the castle. With her power level in the Immortal Realm sixth layer, she moves as fast as the wind, arriving quickly in the large bathroom that is also Kamala's bedroom.


The sound of the bathroom doors slamming against the wall echoes as she enters, already holding a sword, her soul weapon, and ready to fight.

Valencia thought she would find Kamala acting spoiled or even killing the man who broke into her bedroom. But the scene she sees shocks her in unimaginable ways.

There's a guy, the most handsome and peculiar she's ever seen, eating seafood along with three other very peculiar women while Kamala watches them from the pool.

Valencia has never seen Kamala have any interest in men, but her expression is extremely lecherous as she stares at that mysterious man.

"Who are you???" Valencia points her sword at Lucien.

Slowly, Lucien finishes eating a slice of octopus that Lust gave him, licks the tips of her fingers, and then looks at Valencia with his classic teasing smile. "Lucien is the name."

Even though she feels that Lucien's power level is still from the Earth Realm, somehow, Valencia can see that he is much more powerful than he looks. Also, that feeling she felt about something dangerous coming gets even stronger as she looks at him.

"And what do you want here, Lucien???" She keeps her sword pointed at him.

"Damn, Valencia!" Kamala speaks in an upset tone. "Put that sword down; they are my guests!"

"Guests?!?" Valencia feels her head start to ache for how bizarre that situation seems. Then she points to the big hole in the bathroom wall. "What kind of guests enter through the damn wall???"

Helena perfectly understands how Valencia feels, but she also knows that nothing about Lucien is common. Meanwhile, Oya just wants to enjoy that delicious food alongside her beloved husband, not giving a damn for what happens around them.

"Sorry about that; I didn't plan that," Lucien speaks in a relaxed tone and then drinks a glass of that magical brandy that Kamala is so fond of.

[What's this guy's problem???] Valencia gets more and more confused.

Kamala sighs. "Valencia, didn't you hear me tell you to put down that damn sword?!?! Do you really want to offend my guest??"

"You don't know anything about them!" Valencia responds. "They can be dangerous! Look at him... he's clearly a demon, and this woman with black wings looks like an angel; aren't you wondering what they're doing here???"

"Of course, I'm curious," Kamala responds. "But how are we going to know more about them if you're not polite?"

"I would suggest start with torture." A strange gleam passes through Valencia's eyes.

When Lucien hears those words, something awakens inside him. He wouldn't mind anyone wanting to torture him, but Valencia's threat was also about Lust, Helena, and Oya.

The dragonic symbol-shaped tattoo on his back begins to glow golden, as do his eyes. Then he looks at Valencia with a confident expression as he unknowingly activates the golden naginata's aura, even though the weapon is still inside his soul.

"I can't read your mind, but if I suspect you want to torture my wives, I'll make you regret it." He speaks calmly, but his overwhelming aura puts immense pressure on Valencia, making her want to kneel in fear and not even be able to breathe properly.

He doesn't maintain eye contact with her and shifts his gaze to the cute Oya, who is quickly devouring all the food from those trays.

Valencia manages to breathe again but loses control of her soul weapon while trying to contain her fear. [What the heck was that??!?]

Kamala's eyes shine even more expectation as she gazes at Lucien. She could feel some of his majestic aura even though the focus wasn't on her, which only makes her admire him even more.

"Oh, bring more of this delicious food," Lucien speaks to Valencia without looking at her. "Also, bring more of that drink; I liked it."

[Do you think I'm your servant???] She thinks, but for fear of that aura, she can't speak those words out loud.

"Valence?" Kalama looks at her with a severe expression. "Didn't you hear his request?? Go and bring what he asked for. Also, have someone to fix this hole in the wall."

"..." Valencia gets more and more confused. It's absurd to imagine that a guy could appear out of nowhere, crash through the wall, and start ordering her, the leader of Blue Star's biggest human group. Even absurder is the fact that it's actually happening.

But she didn't get into such a position by being dumb. Valencia knows that Lucien and his wives are powerful, and above all, she cannot offend Kamala, who is the bridge that makes the alliance between their peoples.

"Alright." She speaks to Kamala and then exits the bathroom after looking at Lucien quickly.

Valencia walks quickly through the castle's corridors and orders her servants to bring lots of high-quality food and drinks to Kamala's bathroom.

She also sends servants to bring the strongest warriors of the Black Sea Riders and especially those with better reconnaissance abilities to the castle.

"Boss..." Alonzo speaks respectfully after heading to Valencia.

"Prepare the best magic nets we currently have..." She orders as she thinks of Lucien. To her, he's like a dangerous and beautiful exotic animal that she has to capture no matter what.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Kamala can't stop gazing at Lucien, analyzing every part of his perfect body. Not just his look, but even his natural aura is extremely attractive.

He notices her look, of course. Then he takes a brandy bottle from a tray and reenters the pool. "Ahhh... this hot water is excellent."

Kamala smiles as she swims closer to him at the edge of the pool. "This is due to magical plants that are at the bottom of the pool."

"Are those plants that make the water look dark like that?" He asks.

"Exactly." She nods. "That's also good because it makes me feel at home."

"I see..." He takes a sip of brandy as Kamala tries to get closer to him, but before she can get to his body, Lust appears in his arms and starts kissing his chest.

Kamala watches the sensual way as Lucien and Lust touch and kiss, and she can't help but imagine herself in her shoes. Clearly, he has something that she has never seen in any other man of any race.

She is also impressed by Lust's teleport ability. "This ability of yours... this doesn't look like the teleport ability that uses spatial mana. Is that some demon ability or something? You're a demon, right?"

"..." Lust doesn't answer anything as she clearly doesn't like Kamala. That kind of situation is getting harder for her because while she wants Lucien to have more powerful wives to get stronger, she wants to be the only woman in his arms.

"Yes, we are demons." But Lucien answers for them. He can't deny that he's enjoying Kamala's friendly attitude in addition to her exotic body.

"Demons..." Kamala smiles. "Although your people are popular anywhere in the universe, I never thought my first experience with demons would be like this... You are quite different from how I imagined."

"He is unlike anyone else." Lust comments as she kisses Lucien's neck and strokes his cock.

"I don't doubt that." Kamala nods.

So she swims to the edge of the pool and picks another bottle of brandy, one that she knows is empty, and yet, she pretends to be trying to get any drop of that.

"Here." Lucien does as Kamala expected and hands her his bottle.

She takes it and drinks it straight from the bottle, causing the brandy to reach her mouth along with the taste of Lucien's saliva. [Hmmm...this is as good as I imagined.]

She tries not to let it be obvious how much she is enjoying Lucien's saliva in the mouth of the bottle and hands it back to him. "Thank you."

Lucien takes the bottle back and drinks the rest of the brandy, also tasting Kamala's saliva, which is much sweeter than he imagined.

"You don't have to thank me. This is your, after all." He smiles at her. "So, I'm the one who should thank you for the hospitality."

"Hehehe…" Kamala giggles as she swims in circles in front of Lucien, swinging her long tail sensually, clearly trying to seduce him.

"And how do you think about thanking me?" She smiles teasingly at him.

"Hmmm..." He makes a thoughtful expression as he smiles back at her. "How about not killing you?"

"..." The mood gets strange for a second while Kamala can't really understand whether Lucien is serious or joking; she's sure he would look that charming both ways.

"I really wish you don't kill me..." She smiles and continues swimming, or rather, performing some kind of sensual dance, common among her people. "But I was expecting another kind of reward..."

"Humph!" Lust rolls her eyes. "No cocks at the bottom of the ocean for you?"

As Lucien smiles, Kamala looks at Lust with a neutral expression. "I'm sure any man would do anything to be with this princess... But I still haven't found anyone worthy enough."

Lust rolls her eyes again as Lucien makes a thoughtful expression. "Oh, so you're royalty? I really felt you had such an aura."

Kamala's eyes sparkle as she takes that as a compliment. "Hehehe... I know why you recognized my aura; that was the same reason I recognized yours; you are also royalty, right?"

Lucien should first think about Michael and how he is a King in his world, but he thinks about Aylin and how they could possibly have a blood connection.

"I guess so." He responds to Kamala.

She smiles. "I'm sure we'll get along… Lucien."

"I doubt it..." Lust comments as she and Helena have the same expression.

Oya, on the other hand, has a sad expression on her face as she eats the last bit of shrimp from the tray.

"Oya wants more delicious food!" She speaks in an imploring tone as she looks at Lucien.

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