Lust Knight

Chapter 486 A Painful Plan

Hot steam fills the large bathroom as Lust and Oya hug Lucien in the large pool. Yet, Helena feels that her body is even hotter than that water as she watches his naked body.

"We have to think of something before that damn snake goes after the girls." He comments while stroking Oya's ears and squeezing one of Lust's breasts, quickly recovering his demonic energy.

Lust nods. "Yes, but we've never been facing such a powerful and unique enemy before."

"She's female, right? And she really wants to get stronger..." He makes a thoughtful expression. "And you said that creatures above the Sky Realm could use a demi-human body, so..."

"That was the first thing I thought when I realized she's female. But I'm not sure it could work." She explains.

"You mean because she hates Aylin and wants to get revenge on her by killing me?" He asks.

"Not just because of it." Lust responds. "Some creatures think they are superior to other races and don't use their demi-human body."

Lucien is upset as he can't think of a plan to get rid of the Leviathan, but at the same time, Oya's cute purrs prevent his mood from getting really depressed.

Helena wants to help him, but simultaneously, she is timid about being in the bathroom with him. She's seen him naked and even having sex with his wives many times, but that's always been from a significant distance and meant nothing, but now she's bonded to him in a way she really wanted to avoid.

"Lust is right about the creature..." She comments. "I mean, think about how hard it was to convince Alexa that you could help her. My granddaughter isn't much stronger than you, unlike this ancient creature. I don't think you could convince her that you can help any other way than being devoured."

Lucien looks back and smiles as he sees Helena's flushed expression. "What are you doing by waiting there? Lust and I can't generate much energy alone, so you'll have to help me along with Oya."

While Helena becomes even shyer, Lust shakes her head with a regretful expression. "I told you to bring some girls with us. At least Sophia or one of the elf girls so we could have another source of life mana."

"Without Sophia, the girls would be without a good healer." He explains. "And without any of the other girls, the group would be weaker. If I can't protect them, at least I can keep them together. And if we can't work this out on our own, we just need to wait for Eve to come back… I'm sure she will find a way to help us."

"The problem is time..." Helena comments as she approaches the pool, still wearing her clothes. "How are we going to hold on until Eve finds a solution? The Leviathan may seem patient, but she will go after the girls to force you to get out of the Purple World if you stay here too long."

He nods and starts getting up. "Actually, I already have to get back to entertaining our new friend."

As Helena turns her face away not to see Lucien's cock, Oya hugs him tightly. "Oya go with Lucien… fight side by side."

"You're so cute..." He caresses her face and kisses her lips. "And loyal... But now isn't the right time. I'll make you stronger so you can always be by my side."

"..." Oya is upset that she can't fight the Leviathan with Lucien, but she also wants to obey him, especially after disobeying his last order.

"..." Helena also wants to do something to help him, but she doesn't exactly how to do that.

Lucien smiles at them and then enters the portal, exiting the Purple World and reappearing in midair, in front of the giant snake. He just materializes underwear as the creature's attacks easily break his armor, and that's just a waste of demonic energy.

"You came back quickly, little dragon." The Leviathan smiles grimly, showing her giant, sharp fangs.

"I didn't want you to miss me too much." He smiles teasingly.

The creature analyzes his body closely. "Such an ability to enter the Soul Dimension so easily... and you look outstanding even after experiencing attacks that should have turned your bones to dust..."

"I have hard bones." He laughs. But mentally, he can't stop thinking about Aylin. He already thought his golden bones had to do with her and the Golden Naginata, but after the Leviathan's words, he got sure that it had to do with her.

"That's what we're going to see." The giant snake speaks and quickly starts an attack, again using her tail.

Lucien's senses prove to even more incredible than he thinks, allowing him to notice her attack. However, the Leviathan's speed is far superior to his, and even trying his best to escape, he is easily hit and thrown into the furious sea again.

"You ugly snake!!" Lust materializes her body and attacks the Leviathan with her whip, which does no damage to her ultra-hard skin.

The creature devours Lust with one swift move, instantly destroying her body. Then she dives into the water and hits Lucien with her tail again, throwing him up.

She pauses to analyze how his body reacts to her attacks and then continues to attack him over and over.



The storm continues furiously as the Leviathan plays with Lucien's body. After a few violent blows, she manages to notice his golden bones and get even more curious to discover all his secrets.

"Golden bones... like that hateful woman." She comments as she confines Lucien's body in the air using water.

Blood runs all over his body as Lust begs him to return to Purple World, but he tries his best to resist and also finds out more about Aylin and himself.

"So your mom managed to hurt Aylin, right? That is something impressive." He smiles.

The creature gets upset because of his mocking tone and starts a brutal attack, but he was already expecting that, and Lust pushes him into the Purple World portal quickly.


Lucien reappears in the bathroom and falls to the floor. There are open wounds all over his body, showing parts of his bones and organs. No one could keep living in his current situation, but his life mana keeps him breathing and regenerates his wounds.

"Lucien!!!" Helena is still in the bathroom and quickly tries to help him, just like Lust is doing.

"Help me get him to the hot water!" Lust speaks, and then she and Helena help Lucien enter the pool.

"Ahhh... this is good..." Lucien smiles as he feels the hot water touch his injured body. He is rapidly regenerating, but due to the severity of his injuries, he needs a few minutes to be able to move normally again.

Helena and Lust are heartbroken seeing him so hurt, and Oya would be like that too, but she went to the kitchen to get something to eat because when she gets upset, she also gets very hungry.

"Is this your plan??" Helena asks in a worried tone. "Are you going to let that creature beat you to death?"

"She's testing my limits; it gives us time." He answers.

"Your limits? You mean how far your body can resist." Helena asks and then shakes her head. "That's not something we want to discover."

He caresses her face and wipes her tears. "I'm sorry for making you so worried. You wanted to avoid connecting with me so you wouldn't suffer like this again, and that's just what I do right after you accept me..."

She uses both her hands to hold his hand. "How can you be thinking about how I feel when it's you that is being beaten so badly???"

He smiles lovingly and kisses her lips. "Don't worry; I have a plan."

"That's not a plan!" She looks upset, but his gentle kisses quickly soothe her heart.

He chuckles. "I mean another plan."

"What plan? I didn't get it." Lust asks as she continues to wash his body gently.

He explains. "The Leviathan said that Aylin got a lot more powerful using the Golden Naginata, and I understand a little bit about that. I mean, I feel stronger with the Naginata, but I know it's on a totally different level than Aylin's."

"So I need to understand more about her..." He makes a thoughtful expression. "I believe the answers I need are in her memories that I can access through the Golden Gates within the naginata."

"Hmm..." Lust agrees with Lucien about that. "And you unlocked those Golden Gates by fighting stronger enemies... is that what you're trying to do now?"

"Exactly." He kisses her, leaving Helena a bit jealous.

"And is it working?" Helena asks.

He makes a sad expression and shakes his head. "No, I don't feel any closer to opening the next Golden Gate yet."

Lust makes a thoughtful expression. "Aylin was the Dragon Queen of War, so I don't think being beaten by a stronger enemy will help you unlock her memories. You need to fight the Leviathan somehow; maybe with the Naginata, you can damage her body."

"I could, but she's so much faster than me." He comments. "I can see her movements, but my body isn't as quick as my senses. If only I could use the teleport ability freely... Not bringing Amelia was certainly a bad decision."

"..." Lust gazes at Helena with a strange expression, leaving her and Lucien confused.

"What is wrong?" He can feel that Lust is upset and asks.

Then she points to Helena. "She has Spatial Mana."

"Me?!" Helena gets even more confused, as does Lucien.

"Are you sure about that, my dear?" He asks Lust.

She nods. "Yes, her Spatial affinity is way inferior to Amelia's, and I also didn't think it deserved to be mentioned before. I mean, who deserves your love more, your sister who also loves you too much, or this stupid angel who despises you?"

Helena doesn't blame Lust for the hostility; after all, she wasn't friendly with Lucien at first. But she didn't really know she had Spatial affinity. "I really didn't know about it."

"Anyway, this is going to be very useful now." Lucien smiles at Helena. "But how did you not know about your own mana affinity?"

"Well..." She explains. "Before, I was like moistly angels and had Light Affinity. I also had Wind affinity, which I inherited from my parents. Then that happened... after my wings turned dark, I lost my Light Mana, and another energy surged inside of me."

She continues. "Over time, I learned to use that energy to hide my presence and even sense auras far away. But I wasn't sure what types those abilities were."

Lucien again caresses Helena's face and then slowly moves his hands down to her neck and shoulders as he kisses her lips. "I wish we had more time to develop our relationship, but I need it right now..."

"Mm..." She moans softly due to those caresses and also starts to caress his body slowly. "It's fine... I've already agreed to make a soul contract with you, so... my body already belongs to you."

Upon hearing those words, Lucien stops holding back and kisses Helena passionately. He also rips her wet dress and touches her beautiful breasts directly.

The Fallen Angel's moans quickly make Lust jealous, so she starts stroking and kissing Lucien's back, also wanting some attention.

And he turns to kiss her but then makes a sorry expression. "We can't leave the Leviathan alone, so you're going to have to go out and tell her I'm a little busy right now."

"..." Lust pouts, but she knows Lucien is right about someone keeping the Leviathan waiting.

Then he kisses her passionately and toches her most private part. "Maybe we have some time for me to take care of your needs first..."

"Ahh~~!!" She moans as she craves his cock so much. However, she lovingly smiles as she floats away from him. "I'll make time for us now..."

"But once we've fixed this problem, you're going to have to pay so much attention to this first wife of yours..."

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