Lust Knight

Chapter 484 In The Eye Of The Storm (1/2)

"LUCI!!!" Donna screams when she sees the Leviathan come out of the water and create a spiral with Its body around Lucien and Helena.

The Sea Devil is already over ten miles away from them, but Madelyn continues to push her wind magic to the limits as Lucien ordered. Their speed is at a level similar to that of a person of the Immortal Realm peak.

Scarlett stays focused on navigation while Maggie scans the horizon ahead so that they don't face any danger right now. However, all the other girls have their eyes fixed on the giant snake, which is visible even from such a far distance.

"We shouldn't have abandoned him…" Eve comments as she feels worse than ever.

Pride points to Leviathan. "Look at the size of this dan creature! What do you think we could have done to it?!"

"And what can he do alone?!?! We just sacrificed him!!!" Donna punches Wrath away from her as she gets furious.

"He's going to use the Purple World, as he said. He's neither stupid nor suicidal." Envy comments.

Sophia looks regretful. "We could have stood with him in the Purple World, at least some of us."

Pride shakes her head. "Don't you understand? He knew we'd be weak apart. We need to stay together, especially now. We have to stick to the plan and wait for him to find us again, or we'll come back to help him when we have the power to bring this beast down."

"I still don't like this…" Amelia comments.

"And what does it matter what you like or don't?" Pride asks in an arrogant tone and then points to Lucien's other wives. "Look at them! Do you think they like this?! Damn!! It's very difficult for these women to abandon their husband, but they trust and obey him."

Amelia, Sophia, and Donna feel bad for just thinking about their feelings and not even considering how difficult that must have been for Lucien and his wives.

Eve makes a determined expression as she tries to contain the terrible fear she is feeling for Lucien right now. "Pride is right; we have to do as Lucien said and stick to the plan. We'll find our sisters and the Phoenix, and maybe he'll surprise us by coming to us before we go back for him."

"The Phoenix… could she fight this beast?" Sloth wonders.

Pride is about commenting on something, but then she looks back, and everyone else looks too. They notice Kayla sitting on the floor as she holds her knees, shivering and crying in panic.

"T-t-t-hat... i-i-i-i-t... c-can't be..." She points to the giant snake that seems to get smaller and smaller on the horizon. "Is the Leviathan really real?!?! And that guy... Lucien... did he really stand to face the Leviathan alone?!?"

"Well, he has a Fallen Angel and a Moon Tiger as partners." Envy comments.

Sloth warmly smiles. "We can't forget Lust, his first wife."

Donna grits her teeth. "At least some of us couldn't abandon him."

Knowing that Lucien isn't in the eye of the storm alone is a small comfort to the girls. Yet, they can't stop worrying about him and wishing they could be together again as soon as possible.



The thunder and lightning continue around Lucien and Helena as heavy rain wets them. Yet, they remain focused on their real first kiss, a passionate kiss.

Lucien's tongue makes a pleasurable mess inside Helena's little mouth, driving her crazy. She tries to move her tongue along with his, but although she's not entirely inexperienced, she doesn't remember the last time she kissed someone.

But one thing she understands well is that they shouldn't be kissing inside a bizarre storm while an ancient beast is staring at them.

However, that seems to be somehow exciting. The Leviathan has the power to wreck middle worlds on its own, but it can't even get Lucien's attention while he's kissing his woman.

[Wait! When did I become his woman?!] Helena is confused as she realizes that her body no longer has any resistance to Lucien.

The powerful, pleasurable, and addictive energies of him have already entered her body, and now she has his tattoo, a soul contract with a demon.

Helena still feels weak and sick, but her problem is not a simple illness that can be cured with just a little bit of his energy. She knows she has a long way to go, full of things she doesn't want to imagine but that she will certainly enjoy doing until her state changes.

And now is definitely not the time to start doing those things. Although it's exciting to act arrogantly in front of danger, Helena is not an exhibitionist.

So as soon as Lucien feels the soul contract is made, he stops kissing Helena and moves her behind him as he starts opening the Purple World portal again.

Then he looks into Leviathan's big green eyes and smiles. "I find it impossible for Aylin to stink, especially if she smells good as me."

The giant snake continues to stare at Lucien with a curious expression as it slowly moves Its head closer to him. "Hahahaha...."

The Leviathan's laughter sounds ominous and unlike anything that  Lucien has ever heard before. Even the storm seems to sound quieter as if it's scared of that creature.

"Little dragon..." The giant serpent's eyes sparkle as it pauses. "Or should I call you a little hybrid? Anyway, you're a lot like that hateful woman..."

Lucien can't help but think about Aylin. "What do you know about that woman?"

The Leviathan makes a confused expression. "What? If you don't know... Well, I figured you were her son. No... that was a long time ago. You must be her great-grandson or something."

"Her great-grandson?" Lucien can't believe that. "Are we really talking about Aylin??"


Loud thunder sounds as the sea grows more furious along with the Leviathan. So it speaks in an even louder tone. "Yes, Aylin was her name... but they called her Dragon Queen."

Lucien and Lust are really confused while wondering how he could relate to Aylin. He is sure who his mother is, and there was no way she could be Aylin. But that answers questions about the Golden Naginata and how he manages to relive her memories literally.

He notices that the Leviathan is getting angrier and impatient, so he puts those thoughts in the back of his mind and focuses on the giant serpent. "And does that woman killed your mother?"

"Yea!" Thunder sounds along with the terrifying creature's response. "That hateful woman killed my beloved mother... and I've wished for thousands of years to make her suffer for that!"

"I'm sorry to inform you, but Aylin died a long, long time ago." He comments in a neutral tone as she doesn't look dead to him but rather sleeping inside his soul.

"Really?" Leviathan looks really surprised. "I thought a powerful person like her would make it to the legendary Primordial Realm and live forever..."

Lucien's eyes glow golden as he has a proud expression on his face. "Aylin was really amazing, doesn't she?"

The giant snake feels like rolling its eyes. "You're just like her... you're not afraid of anything even when facing an enemy much stronger than you. Your arrogance has no limits!"

"Why do you praise me that much?" He laughs.

"Stupid dragon!" The Leviathan shows Its giant and sharp teeth.

Lucien feels that the beast is about to attack, so he pushes Helena into the Purple World portal while activating all of his demonic energies, strengthening his senses to the maximum.

The Leviathan makes a confused expression. "Oh, so that's how the other creature disappeared... Can you open a portal to the Soul Dimension so easily?"

He smiles teasingly. "So, do you want to talk? I thought you wanted to bite me to death or something."

"Yeah, hahaha..." The giant snake shows Its teeth again, but now it seems to be laughing. "I always feared facing that hateful woman, but then you showed up... a weak little dragon. You'll have to be enough to slake my desire for revenge."

"So that's it? Do you think killing me will make you feel better?" He asks.

The Leviathan brings Its head even closer to Lucien, making him feel Its breath. "I couldn't believe it when I felt your aura. It somehow is a lot like that woman's aura... I first thought killing you would make me feel good, but the more I feel your energy, the more I feel you're gonna be the one best meal I've ever had."

"Hahaha..." Now it's Lucien who starts laughing. "Eat me?? I can't say you're wrong to want that."

The giant snake is increasingly intrigued by Lucien's behavior. Although he looks like Aylin, he is very young, and his power level is very low. So he should be begging for his life or trying to get away like the other people on that ship.

"Little dragon, do you really think you'll come out alive after I found you? Don't you fear death?" It asks.

He makes an honest expression. "I do. I really fear dying and not being able to be with those I love anymore. And that's why I'm not going to die today."

"Hmm..." The Leviathan's eyes sparkle. "And you think running away to your Soul Realm will protect you from me? I know how it works; you seem to have the ability to open such a portal easily, but you'll have to go back through the same portal at some point. And I can wait for thousands of years if I need to."

[Damn!] Lucien already expected the Leviathan to be smart, but it's still shocking to realize that creature can see right through all his plans.

"But I don't think you want that…" He comments. "I mean, you haven't attacked me yet, so I guess you can't wait thousands of years to get your revenge."

"..." The Leviathan is silent as it continues to analyze Lucien. It really didn't expect to have such an opportunity to get revenge on Aylin and now can't wait to kill whom It's sure is her descendant.


A bolt of lightning comes from the sky right in Lucien's direction, but he quickly teleports behind the giant serpent.

"Teleport ability!!" The Leviathan quickly turns to Lucien and comments.

He shakes his head while making a fake disappointed expression. "Such a sneak attack..."

"It was not my intention." The giant serpent answers honestly. "This damn storm follows me whenever I come to the surface and kind of acts on its own based on my mood."

"So, are you upset now?" He asks.

"Not really." The Leviathan responds. "I'm rather curious about you, little dragon. How is someone from the Earth Realm so fast? You look more and more like that hateful woman."

Now it's Lucien who is curious. "Aylin was much more powerful than she looked? I would be grateful if you could give me some answers before biting me to death."

"Hmmm… Alright." For the giant snake, Lucien is very interesting, and it doesn't mind playing with him a bit more. "At first, my mother thought it would be so easy to kill her. She was in the early Cosmic Realm, but... everything changed when she took that golden spear..."

"Golden spear?" He can't help but think of the Golden Naginata, which everyone thinks is a spear.

"Yes," The Leviathan explains. "With that weapon in hand, that woman became much stronger and faster. No one has ever seen anything like that... My mother was so powerful, but that woman killed her alone."

Despite being so imposing and powerful, the giant serpent cannot hide the fear in Its eyes as it remembers Aylin and the Golden Naginata.

Lucien realizes that and can't help but laugh. "Hahahaha... that weapon looked really impressive, doesn't it???"

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