Lust Knight

Chapter 465: Ive Already Seen This Scene

Chapter 465: I've Already Seen This Scene


The sound of a whip hitting bare skin echoes through the streets of Petra, the capital of the Camblea Empire.

Dozens of people of different races make sorry and afraid expressions, but they keep working, carrying stones and other materials to rebuild the damage done to the city by Donna's fight against the Shé Dragons.

Those people are slaves, naturally. And Those soldiers treat them like garbage. That's life, not just in that place but in most of the universe. The stronger ones rule, and the weaker serve them.

"Look there, captain!" A soldier lowers the whip while pointing at the sky.

The captain, a tall man in heavy armor, looks up at the sky and sees strange objects on the horizon. "What the hell is that?"

"Mystic beasts?" Another soldier asks as even the slaves look up at the sky with curious expressions.

"Whatever it is, they could be hostile." The captain comments and then orders his soldiers. "Notify the King and the Lords now!"

"Yes, Sir!" Many soldiers run towards the great castles of Petra, the houses of the Lords, as well as the biggest one, the royal castle. Everyone in town can see the mysterious things in the sky and quickly alert their leaders.

In the sky, Lucien and his groups look out over the incredible city of Petra. Larger than Portgreen, the capital of the former Light Empire, and also the capital of the Alliance, that city is the biggest and most beautiful city Lucien has ever seen.

Hundreds of meters surrounded by a giant wall, large buildings, especially the majestic castles, and a lake in the center of the city impress Lucien and most of his girls.

While Daisy doesn't really feel something special for Petra, Rose's eyes have a gentle gleam. She can't help but have good feelings for that city as it was the only home she knew before Lucien and their purple world's house.

Donna, on the other hand, frowns as she looks at the city, specifically at the slaves. "I hate this damn place!"

"What happened?" Lucien quickly asks while Daisy makes a concerned expression.

"Look at this shit!" Donna points to the slaves. "It's always the same shit!! They try to make it in our world, and our dad, despite being an asshole, helps our moms not to let our people end up like this."

[Ah, the Silver Legion...] Lucien remembers that his homeworld is at war, and the stronger half keeps trying to enslave the weaker one.

That's why Michael, his father, united many peoples by taking influential women as his wives. And so they were born, the future protectors of the Kingdom, living weapons, and bla, bla, bla…

Lucien doesn't give a damn about that. All he cares about is the sake of his family. And even though he sometimes kills racists or other stupid people, he does that because it's easy, and they are on his way.

Yet, all his actions are for the benefit of his loved ones, while things like helping the weak and innocent are not part of his goals.

"The weak cannot protect themselves, either from other people or from nature itself," Daisy comments. "That's the way it is, not just here but everywhere."

"Not everywhere." Lust comments.

As the girls talk, Lucien notices that most of the slaves are Demi-humans or dark-skinned people, unlike Petra's original people.

"Who are they?" He asks Rose.

"People from southern Tribes." She responds quickly.

Daisy quickly goes on to explain. "When I arrived here, this entire continent was in chaos. There was a war between hundreds of individual tribes. But Heike and his group wanted to unify those tribes, creating a single Kingdom."

"But they didn't have the power to do that..." She continues. "So, as he helped me when I was weaker, I helped him and his friends reach the Mortal Realm, giving them the power to start unifying the tribes."

"Did you fight these people?" Lucien is curious that even in her weakest state, Daisy could slaughter thousands of Zero Realm people with her magic.

She quickly shakes her head. "All the people I killed were to protect my family, but I didn't join these wars. Helping my family and friends was all I did because killing these weak people with my power wouldn't be right."

"It makes sense." He comments.

So Daisy continues. "As I've only helped several people reach the Mortal Realm, the conquest of the continent is not going really quickly. The Empire rules the northern half of the continent, but there are still hundreds of tribes in the southern part."

Then she looks at the slaves. "As the Empire expands further south, the people who survive the battles join it, most often as slaves."

Lucien notices that Donna gets more and more irritated while listening to that story, so he taps her shoulder. "I don't like this shit either, but we can't waste time helping these people while we have our own problems to solve."

"I know..." She comments but then clenches her hands into fists. "But Luci... we could at least kill these people from the Mortal Realm to balance the fight again, allowing these people a chance to fight back."

"..." He doesn't know what to say, while Daisy is also shocked by those words. She just said that those Mortal Realm people are friends of her family, but Donna doesn't seem to mind that.

[Doesn't she consider me part of the family?] The mature vampire asks herself as she looks at Donna with a thoughtful expression.

Helena gets tense. She understands the fact that Donna feels sorry for these people because the interference of someone as powerful as Daisy is totally unfair to them.

But on the other hand, she understands that Daisy helps her family and friends. Anyway, Helena is very fond of both the mature vampire and Donna. They're actually her best friends, along with Sophia, of course.

"We should not interfere in this." Lucien talks to Donna as he kisses her head.

"However..." Then he looks at Neola and Kylee. "Are you from these southern tribes?"

Kylee quickly answers. "I'm from a small island southeast of the continent."

"And I'm from the south-central area..." Neola replies.

"Do you want to visit your homeland or even balance this war?" He asks.

Daisy gets even tenser. She doesn't know what she would do if Lucien wanted to kill the Lords she helped, but she certainly wouldn't want to interfere.

Neola makes a thoughtful expression but then quickly shakes her head. "Slavery has always existed in the southern tribes. My own family traded me for weapons when slavers visited our village... I have no desire to go back there or help them."

Kylee nods. "The same goes for me. All that matters now is our new life by your side, hubby."

As Daisy breathes a sigh of relief, Lucien smiles at her. "Well, I guess you don't have to worry then."

Helena and Rose are also relieved that things seem resolved. Although Lucien appears to be very calm, they know it doesn't take much for him to start a bloodbath.

"Though, I don't mind killing some of these assholes..." Donna smiles as she looks at people flying towards them on floating platforms.

The Sins had already warned Lucien and his sisters about those people and the fact that some of them are in the early stages of the Mortal Realm, which poses no danger even to his weaker troops.

"Are they your friends?" Lucien asks, and after Daisy nods, he makes a thoughtful expression. "And is your husband with them?"

"No, I don't see Heike with them, nor the King." She answers.

As they speak, the stone ships continue flying forward, as do the floating platforms of the Lords of Camblea. As soon as they reach a hundred meters away, they both stop in midair.

"Lady Daisy!!" A middle-aged man in luxurious clothes speaks in a friendly tone while smiling at the mature vampire.

Daisy slightly nods. "Lord Wilmot, it's been a while."

Wilmot slaps the young boy beside him on the head as he bows to Daisy, as do the other people on his floating platform. "Your highness looks beautiful as ever. I'm so glad you made it home safely."

He seems genuinely happy to see Daisy and acts very respectfully toward her. However, the Lords on the other floating platforms are focused on Lucien and his group, analyzing them with suspicious and unfriendly eyes.

"Wait!" Another man frowns as he looks at Donna with a hostile expression. "Aren't you that woman who did this damage in the center of our town and then took Lady Daisy to who knows where??"

"Lord Jenson!!" Daisy speaks in an authoritative tone, clearly trying to stop that man from making the biggest mistake of his life.

But he ignores her warning and floats onto Lucien's ship, landing in front of Donna. "I wasn't here when that fight took place, but I recognize you from the paintings people did... The Red Demon, they say."

Donna can't help but smile. She already wanted to kill that man, and he's just making it easier. However, she doesn't make any moves yet as she is curious to see Lucien's reaction.

Lucien is finding that funny, actually. Such a situation would never happen on the western continent, but in that new land, people don't know who he is. They have no idea what kind of thing happens when they offend his wives, let alone his sisters.

But it's not because he thinks that situation is unusual that he's going to let someone act arrogantly with his loved ones.

"Don't speak in this tone to her." He says in a calm, relaxed tone.

"Huh???" Lord Jenson looks at Lucien with a mocking expression. He is over a hundred and twenty years old and is known throughout the eastern continent as one of the most brutal and powerful Lords of Camblea. He is respected by everyone, and that is why he always acts arrogantly.

He respects Daisy a lot for helping him and the other Lords get so powerful, but he doesn't really understand about power levels. He doesn't even know the extent of Daisy's powers since she never needed to use her real power, except when she saw Donna and Sophia and then tried to run away without even a fight.

Ignorance. That's the reason why Lord Jenson and the other Lords don't see Lucien and his girls as a threat. And despite respecting Daisy, they only see her as a wise mage and Heike's wife.

Then he points the finger at Lucien's face. "You come to my home and tell me how I should act??? Oh boy, you..."


When everyone hears Oya's imposing roar, everything happens very quickly.

Daisy has a sorry expression on her face as she knows that nothing can be done to save that man. He begged the devil for a horrible death, and his request was granted.

Most of Lucien's wives have smiles on their faces because they enjoy the suffering of anyone who acts hostile towards their family.

Donna smiles, too, though she's a little upset that she can't kill that man with her own hands.

Little Ko is also smiling while her eyes sparkle with expectation. She loves to see her mother in action, devouring Lucien's enemies.

The Lords and people with them, on the other hand, are scared. They hear that frightening roar enter their ears and make their bodies shake like never before. Then they see a white blur knock Lord Jenson's body at unbelievable speed.

*Whoosh* *Thud*

Oya, in her tigress form, presses Lord Jenson's body to the ship's deck with her paw. Her big sharp claws slowly begin to penetrate his chest, causing him the most horrible pain of his life.

"AHHHHHH!!!" The poor man cries like a kid.

Once the other Lords understand what's going on, they quickly point their weapons at Lucien and his group. "What the hell?!?!?"

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