Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 332

332 Dejavu

Zwetta , who is confused by her situation, chooses to remain silent while Christian is giving a warning to the motel owner after the discovery of two hidden cameras in the room they rented last night.

Zwetta , who felt that she was still a virgin, felt so confused about her current condition. Growing up in an environment filled with women of the night made Zwetta know a little about the sex life of adult women and that is what is currently bothering her.

“Why there’s no blood, shouldn’t a woman who is still a virgin bleed even a little when making love for the first time, huh? Why isn’t the pain like what the women say?”

The questions kept circling in Zwetta’s, tormenting her with such great curiosity. Zwetta , who was sure that she was still a virgin, was very disturbed by the fact that had happened.

“Why haven’t you touched your food, Zee?”

Zwetta who was daydreaming immediately realized, Christian was so loud that managed to bring her back from her daydream.

“Why haven’t you eaten yet? Is this food not to your taste?” Christian repeats his question in a penetrating tone. “Is it because of your still uncomfortable body that you...hmmmppp.”

“Don’t talk carelessly if you don’t want your mouth to tear!” Zwetta panicked and immediately covered Christian’s mouth with both hands, realizing Christian would discuss again about her condition after their hot romance last night until the morning made Zwetta move quickly. Zwetta doesn’t want her personal problems to be heard by others. “You don’t remember where you are right now, huh? Don’t talk about it outside!”

Christian’s chest feels warm, even though Zwetta’s seems rude but Christian knows that actually the girl is really panicking right now. Using both hands, Christian slowly lowers Zwetta from his face.


“As your wish, baby,” Christian said softly in a half-whisper, Christian unabashedly landed a kiss on Zwetta’s cold palm.

zwetta’s whole body stiffened in an instant, the kiss Christian gave was like a huge electric current that made her unable to move. Not satisfied to make her run out of energy, Christian apparently still wants to keep teasing her. Zwetta was completely helpless by Christian Clarke. Damn.

Zwetta couldn’t answer, Christian insolently landed a kiss on Zwetta which tasted very sweet. Even though the kiss was so short, the effect Zwetta got was huge. Luckily at this time Zwetta was still sitting, if not maybe now her body had fallen to the floor because her legs felt so weak.

“Eat your food, after my business with the owner of this motel is over we leave. I don’t want to spend the night in a place like this again,” Christian says softly.

Zwetta nodded her head, the gentle attitude Christian gave managed to hypnotize Zwetta until she finally did this. Seeing the response given by Zwetta made Christian smile widely. Not wanting to waste a lot of his time, Christian goes back to the motel owner who looks so scared. The threat that Christian gave to him a moment ago made the man scared to death at this time, the big name Christian Clarke who was famous for being so cruel was not just a figment.

After getting bail, Christian finally decides to release the motel’s helpless owner. The agreement he had just signed cost him everything, the business he had run for years disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“As the new owner of this place I will continue to monitor everything you do in this place and I remind you once again, immediately take all the hidden cameras before twelve noon. If the time limit I gave you runs out and you haven’t gotten rid of all the objects cursed then believe me you will regret it, not only you who will be in jail for a very long time. Your innocent wife and children will get the same punishment,” Christian said quietly, giving his last warning to the motel owner who was sitting limply helplessly after signing the letter of surrender of his motel business to Christian. Under the terrible threat of Christian making the man choose to give in and not fight, the big name of the Clarke family is so strong that he doesn’t dare to be rude again.

Feeling that he has managed to solve the problem, Christian then invites Zwetta to leave the motel. Christian wants to immediately take Zwetta to Paris, to Elena’s favorite city.

“What are you doing, Zee?” Christian breaks the silence after driving for nearly thirty minutes.

Zwetta who was staring at the road chose silence and did not pay attention to Christian’s question, Zwetta was still annoyed at herself for being able to submit to Christian so easily.


“Don’t talk to me, I’m still mad at you!” said Zwetta curtly.

Christian smiles. “Angry, why are you mad at me? What have I done to make you angry?”

“Shut up or I’m going to...”

“What will? Going to jump out of the car like you did while on that crazy Robin Jones mission, huh?”

The blush Zwetta became clearer, her already big anger became more and more unstoppable when Christian involved Robin in his conversation. “You...”

“Why, you don’t like it when I talk about that guy?” Christian who is fed up with Robin interrupts Zwetta’s, every time he sees Zwetta angry because he talks bad about Robin “You seem to have special feelings for that bastard.”

“Stop!!!” Zwetta shouted loudly. “Stop the car, I don’t want to continue this journey anymore. I want to go alone.”

“No, I won’t allow it.”

Zwetta’s jaw hardened. “Who are you to stop me? You’re nobody in my life, Christ. So don’t try to ban and control me.”

Christian, who had been trying to be patient with Zwetta ‘s outrageous tantrum, immediately stopped his car suddenly, because previously Christian was driving his car at high speed, so now there is a loud sound when the four wheels of Christian’s car tires collide with the hard asphalt.

Zwetta who was in the car even had to cover her ears because of the loud sound, while she was closing her eyes suddenly an image appeared in Zwetta’s. Zwetta suddenly heard the sound of tires scraping and asphalt coming from different places, although everything was not very clear but it really bothered Zwetta. Out of curiosity, Zwetta forced herself to recall the memories. But instead of successfully remembering the incident, Zwetta was afflicted with excruciating pain in her head.

“From now on you have to take care of your attitude towards me, Zee. I’m not a very patient person, so you... Zee.” Christian stops his words when he realizes that there is something wrong with Zwetta, seeing Zwetta closing her eyes with a pained expression makes Christian surprised. “What’s wrong with you, Zee?”

Because Zwetta didn’t give an answer, Christian then drove his car back and went to a safe place. Seeing Zwetta suddenly in pain makes Christian panic and worry, by now they are at the Luxembourg-France border point and the hospital is quite far from where they stopped.

“Zee, what are you doing?” Christian asks again, his voice much softer than a moment ago. Seeing the rebellious girl who has special abilities in pain scares Christian. Christian knows Zwetta is a strong girl, that’s why he’s so worried right now. “What hurts? Don’t make me panic like this, Zee.”

Zwetta who was still looking down did not respond to Christian’s question, she was trying to neutralize the pain that was whacking her head even though it was still so difficult because the pain still didn’t want to leave her.

Seeing Zwetta not responding to his words made Christian even more uneasy, he immediately unbuckled his seatbelt and Zwetta. Christian then changed the arrangement of Zwetta ‘s upright chair to slightly tilted so that Zwetta could sit more comfortably.

“Lie down,” Christian says softly as he touches Zwetta’s, directing her to lean back in the chair that has now been adjusted.

Because her condition was not good, Zwetta did not go against Christian’s orders at all. Zwetta realized that she needed Christian’s help right now.

“What hurts, Zee? Where is the pain? Tell me, so I can take action. If you keep quiet like this I’m confused, Zee.”

“My head, my head hurts so bad, Christ,” Zwetta quietly.

“Your head? Are you like this often?” Christian asked frantically, even though Zwetta hadn’t said anything else but Christian had already made up his mind.

Zwetta shook her head. “I’ve never been like this, it’s a first for me.”

“Wait, I’ll find the nearest hospital then.”

“Don’t Christ, don’t go to the hospital. I don’t want to be examined by just any doctor, I only believe in Dr. Giana and I...”

“Only trust Dr. Giana, the doctor who also works for Robin Jones? You want me to fly her from New York right now, right? Don’t be crazy, Zee!” Christian says in a rising voice. “Now you shut up and let me work, I have to find the nearest hospital around this place. You need to be checked as soon as possible.”

Even though the pain was not as intense as before, Zwetta still couldn’t lift her head from the chair. So she couldn’t do anything while Christian was calling one of the closest hospitals to where they were, instead of experiencing this excruciating headache Zwetta would rather get a gunshot wound.

“Ok, I’ve got the hospital. Please endure your pain for a little while, I will immediately take you to the hospital,” Christian said quietly as soon as he finished installing the GPS of the hospital address in his car.

After saying that, Christian then immediately drove his car back. Seeing Zwetta suddenly in pain like that made Christian’s anger disappear. All the way to the hospital Christian continued to Zwetta even though Zwetta didn’t respond to his words at all, Christian tried to keep Zwetta awake.

Thirty minutes full of tension was finally over when the car driven by Christian arrived in front of the hospital lobby, two nurses who were on standby immediately brought Zwetta a push cart that had been prepared for immediate treatment. The report that Christian gave earlier was apparently taken seriously by the hospital. Once finished parking the car, Christian then immediately entered the hospital, following Zwetta.

“Don’t come in, sir. We’re checking on her,” a nurse said to Christian who was trying to enter the room where Zwetta was being examined.

“But I...”

“Everything will be fine, sir. Currently there is a doctor who treats your wife, please calm down and don’t make things more difficult,” said the nurse again.

Christian’s intention to rush into the room suddenly disappeared, hearing the nurse’s words calling Zwetta his wife made Christian suddenly freeze. There was such a pleasant warm feeling in his chest at this moment, a tinge of red immediately appeared on his pale face.

“You should be fine, Zee. I won’t let you get sick, I’ll do whatever it takes to make you heal and free from the devil’s snare that was set by that bastard Robin Jones, Zee.”

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