Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 243

243 Swiss, the first place.

Anne pats Christian on the back gently. “No, you don’t need to thank me like that. Remember Christ, whatever happens you are still Mommy’s favorite son. Mommy will never leave you, Mommy will always be by your side, supporting you as much as Mommy can.”

Christian’s smile widens, with a tongue that feels numb Christian tightens his arms around his mother’s body. Christian tries to keep himself from shedding tears, every time he discusses Elena there are big thorns piercing him from the inside.

“Wherever you are at this time, I hope you are okay. If God still allows us to meet, I really want to fix all the mistakes I have done to you, dear... whatever your feelings for me right now, I hope you are still willing to come to visit me. see our child. Luna needs your presence, Elena...she needs her mother.” Christian spoke to himself with tears in his eyes again. “Back to me Elena, please back to me. We were both waiting for you to come, Mommy. We missed you so much.”

By using one of Robin’s collection cars which are neatly parked in the underground parking lot, Zwetta kept her promise this morning by visiting her two new friends who were in a nursing home. Even though her mood was very chaotic all day, Zwetta still decided to go to a nursing home filled with elderly people who lived separately with their children. Like a member of Mrs. Brownie’s family, Zwetta came with some fruits in large enough quantities to be distributed to all residents of the orphanage. This was done by Zwetta to make the other residents happy, as Mrs. Brownie felt when she saw Zwetta’s arrival.

After spending more than two hours, Zwetta finally said goodbye to Eve the volunteer worker at the orphanage, because Mrs. Brownie was already asleep. Zwetta did not have the heart to wake the old woman from her sleep to just say goodbye to go home.

“Thank you very much, Zee. Only God can repay your kindness,” Eve said sincerely to Zwetta who was already standing beside Robin’s sports car.

Zwetta smiled. “I’m the one thanking you, Eve. Thank you for teaching me so many valuable lessons today.”

After saying that Zwetta then grabbed Eve’s body and hugged her tightly before she finally got into the car and left the nursing home where she spent her free time. On the way home, Zwetta kept remembering Mrs. Brownie’s words about the reason why she thought she had a baby.

Still curious, Zwetta then stopped her car at a building which was a public library. Zwetta, who had always been curious, decided to find out for herself the certainty of Mrs. Brownie’s words. After registering at the reception, Zwetta then rushed into the mother and baby section. Her goal was to find a special book for mothers who had just given birth, Zwetta was really very curious about what Mrs. Brownie said that she already had children just because she saw the size of her breasts. Zwetta, who was actually very offended, could only remain silent when she heard her new friend’s words and here she is now, finding out the truth of Mrs. Brownie’s words.


However, God does not seem to have approved Zwetta’s desire to find out the truth of Mrs. Brownie’s words. Surprisingly, Zwetta was suddenly surprised by the appearance of two young men who were the same age as Robin. Two men Zwetta knew quite well.

“Hi, we meet again,” said one of the men whose presence Zwetta really didn’t want in a friendly manner while raising one hand in the air. “What are you doing in a place like this, Zee?”

Zwetta clenched her fists, trying to contain her emotions. “Is there a prohibition for me to go to a public library like this?”

“Of course not, it’s just weird. A deadly girl as dangerous as you could be in the library,” said another man, provoking Zwetta.

Zwetta who had been trained to deal with annoying New York police behavior like the two men in front of her smiled again, as if forgetting her purpose in coming to the library, Zwetta stepped up to the two young policemen who for the past few months had been bothering her with grace. Zwetta only stopped when she was one step away from the two young policemen.

“Every woman is deadly, especially when she’s already in bed with her best lingerie,” Zwetta said quietly, responding to the words of the two policemen in front of her with her best smile.


“You’d better stop bothering me, as a civilian I’m really very uncomfortable with what you are doing right now, cops.” Zwetta continued her words again calmly. “I think the image of the New York City police force will be destroyed if the public finds out that an ordinary girl is being forced into the police force.”

“You’re not an ordinary girl, Zee,” said one of the cops named James quickly, the look in his eyes immediately changed drastically. “You are one of Robin’s mainstay subordinates, the former American secret agent who is still serving his sentence for betraying the country.”

Zwetta pursed her lips, she slowly approached James. “Robin may be a former American secret agent, but he’s not a traitor. It was the country that betrayed him, left him so devastated and hurt, and we all know this well, don’t we?”

James and Taylor, his partner immediately locked their lips together. Ever since they got the task of getting Zwetta into the New York City Police, they knew all about Robin and why he decided to quit his prestigious job. That’s why when Zwetta brought up what the government had done to Robin, neither of the two young cops dared to speak.

“So I beg you, after this you don’t ever appear in front of me again. Because my answer will remain the same as before, I have absolutely no interest in becoming a police officer. I want to enjoy a free life like everyone else,” Zwetta said again calmly. “Instead of forcing me, you better find someone else who will be happy to join you. I’m sure there are still many people out there who want to devote their lives to this country.”

“You won’t regret being a part of us, Zee.” Taylor, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, the black man looked more mature than James even though he was two years older than James.

Zwetta smiled a little. “I’d be sorry if I did anything against my conscience and to be honest I have absolutely no interest in being a cop. Especially a special cop like your boss, Mr. Oliver.”

Lose badly! James and Taylor, who had been working carefully all this time, looked so shocked when they heard Zwetta mention the name of their superior Oliver Lee, a Korean-American man who was so ambitious to make Zwetta Robin’s undercover agent. No one knows why Oliver Lee was targeting Zwetta, they were only ordered to approach Zwetta alone.

“Don’t be surprised, I know what your real goals and mission are. Robin has told me everything very clearly, even if I’m not mistaken Robin also had a special meeting with Mr. Oliver Lee because of this problem,” Zwetta said again. “But it seems that the Korean man still hasn’t given up, he really is a stubborn man.”

“You can’t say that, Zee. He is...”

“New York City Police Chief, Robin’s former teammate on missions to Afghanistan and Iraq ten years ago.” Zwetta cut James’ words firmly, her eyes glaring at the two cops warningly. “I hope you guys tell your esteemed commander not to bother me again, because if this ever happens again then I will make sure the Oliver Lee girl scandal in Seoul will spread all over America. I’m sure Oliver Lee wouldn’t want to. if that happens.”

As innocent, Zwetta then continued her steps towards the exit of the library which was starting to get crowded with school children. Zwetta, who was fed up with being followed by the police who forced her to become a policeman, was finally forced to use the last method she had been keeping tight for so long. The secret of the perfect Oliver Lee family was the last move that Robin gave her as a last shield and finally this time Zwetta used it, Zwetta was really fed up with the terror of her stalkers.

Without looking back, Zwetta then walked towards Robin’s two-door sports car which was parked neatly in front of the library. Zwetta’s intelligent brain finally found an answer to her irritation at Oliver Lee’s men who always managed to find her when she was outside.

Robin’s luxury car is the main answer.

“Damn it, I should have realized this a long time ago,” Zwetta growled in annoyance. “This car is too easy to spot, Oliver Lee must have memorized Robin’s car collection one by one. Argghhh... you’re smart Zee, how could you forget about this.”

After venting her frustration, Zwetta then immediately stepped on the gas pedal of the expensive car and left the library to immediately return to her residence which was in the same building as Robin. Because the streets of New York City are very congested in the afternoon, Zwetta’s travel time is longer than usual and this fact makes Zwetta even more angry and annoyed. Reuniting with Oliver Lee’s men who never tire of forcing her to become a cop really completes how chaotic the day has been since she hasn’t even opened her eyes.

“Looks like I have to take a vacation, breathe oxygen in another place that is fresher than this city,” Zwetta said to herself. “But where should I go?...a place with lots of trees, fresh air, lakes and...Switzerland.” Zwetta immediately stopped her words when she mentioned the country of Switzerland, the country she last visited several years ago while on her mission to chase Osbert.

“Should I go to that place again?”

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