Love The Psycho

Chapter 194: Family Dinner 4

Chapter 194: Family Dinner 4

''Off course, this third cousin doesn't need to go on a diet. My body is able to digest all of this''

''I'm so jealous. My sister will probably have to run extra three hours if she eats like this'' Cody said as he glanced at Ever's plate which had two dishes on it, it was scanty and he wondered if she would be able to get full just by eating that. Cody sighed and looked at Jayden. He realised Jayden was also looking at Ever's plate. He scoffed. He was clearly worried about her and yet he dared to say he was allergic to walnut.

Jayden sighed and looked at his own food. He went back to eating and ignored the worrying feeling brewing deep within him. Under the table, his hand was clutched into a tight fist. Why was she starving herself? Who cared if she got extra flesh on her body. It will only make her more beautiful, why did she have to punish herself in that manner.

''Ever, eat some more. Mom brought your digestive drinks for you. It's in my bag. Don't starve yourself, okay? My sweet little girl'' Julieta whispered into Ever's ears and she looked at her mother and smiled. Jayden saw her smile and stared at her, but he looked away the moment she turned towards him.

Ever looked at the beef mince rice paper rolls lustfully but she didn't have the courage to take it because it was in front of Jayden. If she wanted it, she had to observe the proper table manners by asking him to pass it to her but at the moment she couldn't. She didn't want to be the one to speak to him first. She was just so scared to do that.

One gone, two gone and three gone. It was left with just one left piece on the plate and Ever was still looking at it. She looked up trying to catch someone's eyes and ask for help but no one looked her way. It was like everyone was too busy enjoying their meal and chatting or purposefully avoiding eye contact with her. Either way, she was beginning to feel helpless.

Jayden looked at the last the beef mince rice paper rolls in front of him and caught the eyes of the woman across him who was looking at it lustfully. He knew she wanted it because it was her favourite. If only she could ask him, he would gladly pass it over to her but since she was bent on not talking or looking at him, he couldn't care less who took the last one or so he thought because the next moment, he saw Channing's fork trying to pick the last the beef mince rice paper rolls and he immediately stopped him.

"You had two earlier on. Leave it for those who haven't eaten it yet'' Jayden said and glared at Channing who retreated his fork at once.

''Someone didn't have a beef mince rice paper roll? Who?'' August Maijune asked and purposefully looked at Ever asking ''Ever dear, did you eat some of the beef mince rice paper rolls? Is your favourite''

''No, aunt'' Ever replied and August Maijune picked the last beef mince rice paper roll for her.

''Eat, Ever dear'' August Maijune said and threw her son a wink subtly and Jayden smiled before turning to look at Ever who was now happily eating the beef mince rice paper roll. She looked so happy and content eating it. It brought a memory back. A memory of a girl who used to bring a lunchbox containing beef minced rice paper rolls. She would hide at a corner every time and ate it and when he caught her, she would always smile sheepishly and say to him 'beef mince rice paper rolls and walnut cake are my favourite in the world. I am going to be a pastry chef and make the most beautiful and sweetest cakes in the world''

''Tsk!!'' Jayden chuckled subconsciously and everyone turned to look at him. He came back to his senses and looked away. They had caught him red handed looking at Ever who was unaware as she gave all her attention to the beef mince rice roll in her plate.

After the meal, the table was cleared and Liyah cut the cake into small pieces for everyone to eat. Everyone praised the softness of the cake as they ate.

Jayden who had refused to eat the cake sat at the hall watching TV. Channing walked to him with a piece of cake in a plate and sat next to him.

''Sure you don't want to eat this cake? Allergies to walnut cake? Why am I not aware of that as your best Buddy?'' Channing asked as he ate the cake.

''Take it away from me, Channing'' Jayden said and his phone rang. Channing saw the picture of the caller as Jayden stood up to answer the call. Ever turned and looked at him the minute he went towards the door. Was he talking to her? She thought.

''Don't look too much, he will catch on you fast. He is very smart, you know; my brother'' Jade leaned and whispered into Ever's ears and she flushed and looked away.


Everyone sat at the open space outside the villa where the barbecue was going to take place. The men assembled all sorts of seafood ready to grill as the women sat down under the tent they had erected.

Opening the big Coleman storage box, Jayden removed the big lobster from it and handed it over to his father who took it and placed it on the griller.

Aside, sitting under the tents, August Maijune looked at the two men in her family saying ''handsome, so handsome is almost blinding me. say, which deity brought me these two dashing men into my life? My husband is handsome and my little boy is just out of this world. He is tall, he had long legs, a very toned body'' she kept on praising her son and turned noticing the eyes on her ''what? Can't I even praise myself for giving birth to such a perfect man?'' she asked.

''Mom, don't ever ask me where I got my shamelessness from again, because is obvious I got it from you'' Jade told August Maijune.

''You silly girl should be grateful I gave birth to you. thanks to me, you are such a beauty'' August Maijune said.

''Still, I wished my body was curvier like Ever'' Jade said and Ever turned to look at her.

''Me? Are you making fun of me, Jade? Why would you want to be like me?''

''Girl, is because you don't see yourself in my eyes. You are blind to your own beauty. Do you think a woman chosen by my brother would be any less pretty than you?''

''Yes, he left me someone slender than me'' Ever muttered under her breath and August Maijune caught on it and pretended, still she frowned. Did her son cheat on her dear Ever? This boy was looking for a good thrashing

''Ever, are you alright?'' Amber tapped Ever softly and the latter turned and she asked.

''Yes, I feel better than I thought. Thanks'' Ever said to her.

''Well, I heard something from Channing. He said Jayden was going to take over the management of Saint Hotel so that uncle Aaron would focus more on the company matters. If this is true, then, it means you are going to be running into him every day'' Amber whispered.

''He is going to take over Saint hotel?'' Ever asked as she glanced over at where Jayden stood chatting with her brother Cody.

''Yes, that is what Channing told me''

''Well, it isn't surprising that he would take over Saint hotel, right. I am just a little pastry chef in the F and B department, I doubt we will have any chance to even see each other. We won't be meeting because I work inside the kitchen for most part of the time''

''Still, don't you find it weird? He just came back after winning a painting contest. He is a good painter and had always wanted to pursue that career. It is strange that he suddenly wants to work in the same hotel with you. Do you think he is doing this because of you?''

''Amber, I doubt he is doing anything because of me. We haven't communicated since two years ago. He hates me. Didn't you see how he said he is allergic to walnut cake when it used to be his favourite? He clearly detests me and doesn't want anything doing with me. He might even fire me if he hears my breathing sound. Him and I are beyond reconcilable''


Ever stood up and Amber asked 'where are you going?''

''To the washroom, I will be back'' Ever said and went inside the house. Jayden saw her going in alone and looked at her.

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