Love The Psycho

Chapter 181: The Perfect Alibi 2

Chapter 181: The Perfect Alibi 2

Aaron Saint woke up in cold sweat as the voice of Mai rang in his head. He could almost picture her saying those words ''Aaron Saint, you must find me at all cost''

Aaron Saint got up and went to the washroom. When he closed the door behind him, AI Alice opened her amber eyes that glowed in the dimly lit room. She scanned the entire room for once more for any signs of danger but found none. She had scanned it already when she first arrived but she was doing it again to eliminate any possible loophole.

The bathroom door opened and Aaron Saint walked out. He saw AI Alice sitting and asked ''can't sleep?''

''Yes, I don't know why but I feel so sensitive''

''Is still early, you should get some sleep. We have to attend the opening of Liyah's department store tomorrow''

''Right'' AI Alice laid back on the bed and closed her eyes. Aaron Saint looked at her indifferently as he leaned against the door.


Suaw Island.

Mai was in the hall alone eating when Professor Adia arrived. She sat across Mai and smiled at her.

''I see you are enjoying your food, very well August Maijune? You must be surprised. How I am still healthy after you tried to destroy my skin'' Professor Adia looked at Mai's indifferent look as she focused on her food. She chuckled and stood up and went behind Mai, meaning closer to her ear, she asked ''I guess your memories are really gone now. You don't even remember who I am''

Mai banged the cutlery in her hand on the table and turned, facing Professor Adia ''So, who are you and why are you disturbing my meal time? Are that bored? Should I entertain you?''

''Can you?'' Professor Adia asked back daringly and Mai smiled, standing up.

''What kind of entertainment do you want then? Martial arts, taekwondo, taichi or sword fighting?''

''Those are extreme and could harm us in the end. How about a real competition? I heard you were a child prodigy in the field of Biochemistry Research? How about we each make something out of nothing?''

''A test?'' Mai asked with an interesting gaze.

''Yes. Suaw Island has a lot of unfinished research works. Let's each pick one of those and come out with something''

''What price is on it?''

''If you win'' Professor Adia leaned closer and whispered into Mai's ears ''I will help you escape from here. I can tell you hate this place just by looking into your eyes''

''And if I lose?'' Mai asked.

''You will stay here forever and just be the shadow of your grandfather''

''I want something else, if I win'' Mai said looking into Professor Adia's eyes.

''Tell me. I am really curious''

''My grandfather's findings on how to increase the heartbeat of patients in coma. I know you want it, that's why you are here, doing all this for him. No?''

''You haven't lost any of your memories have you?'' Professor Adia asked surprised as she looked at Mai.

Mai saw Su Chenli walking out of the kitchen and changed the topic quickly ''who are you? I don't think I have met you before?''


''August Maijune, this is Professor Adia. She will be your mentor from today going'' Su Chenli said behind Professor Adia and the latter turned.

''Professor Su''

''Why do you look so flustered?'' Su Chenli asked and Professor Adia smiled.

''No, I'm fine'' she said, and looked at Mai who maintained an indifferent and calm expression.

''August Maijune, nice to meet you, Professor Adia. I hope we get along well'' Mai stretched her hand and greeted her.

''Yes, I hope we get along well, August Maijune''

''With you here, I can rest now. August Maijune, will join you in the laboratory soon. I want to take her to her grandmother for a visit'' Su Chenli said to Professor Adia.

''Sure, I will be in the laboratory. See you soon August Maijune'' Professor Adia said and turned towards the laboratory.

''Are you done with your meal?'' Su Chenli turned and asked Mai and she nodded her head.

''Yes, I have''.

''Let's go to meet your grandmother then'' Su Chenli took the lead and Mai followed behind. At the door, she turned and looked at Professor Adia who was also watching her from the window. Mai gave a subtle smile that Professor Adia caught easily.


Mai stood at the door and looked at the old woman who was laying on the bed unconscious. She stared at her for a while, pacing out until she heard Su Chenli's voice.

''August Maijune, come and say hi to grandmother''


''Yes. She is only unconscious but she is still alive. Her heart is beating but at a low rate'' Su Chenli explained.

''Is she in coma?''

''No, she is not suffering from a low heartbeat as a result of a virus that came from a test gone wrong some years ago. Your father was just 17 years old when she felt into this state. I have been running a lot of tests to find a cure to the virus but till now, we haven't still gotten to that state''

''What is the name of this virus?''

''It is called the APA Virus''

''APA Virus?'' Mai looked at Su Chenli expressionlessly. So he brought her here because of this?

''What do you thing August Maijune?'' Su Chenli asked.

''I will help with you find a cure. First, I need all the information and findings on the APA Virus. I will also need a special team to work with. Professor Adia can head the team. I will be in charge of all the experiments and testing that will be done''

''I will get everything ready for you. If you need anything else, just let me know'' Su Chenli said excitement and missed the sly smile that appeared on Mai's lips.


''I really underestimated you. Does Professor Su know, that the hypnosis he did didn't work on you?'' Professor Adia leaned against the door and asked Mai as she entered the laboratory. ''How did you do it? I still don't understand how the hypnosis failed on you?''

''Are you that curious?'' Mai asked as she sat down.

''Professor Su is one of the best hypnotists there is. He even kept you under drugs. You were totally subconscious and in a sleeping state when he did the hypnosis''

''Professor Adia, there is a saying that, the more you know, the more danger you encounter. How I was able to protect myself from been hypnotised by that cunning old man is my own secret. Now, about my offer. Are you in or not?''

''AI Alice is already living your life. Getting out of here is close to none if not impossible. Only Professor Su has the drug I need to stop my father's heart from going numb. I have done so many things to harm you. I was the one who made AI Alice to resemble you. How am I sure that you are not going to kill me the moment you leave this place?''

''Do you know the basic key required in hypnosis?'' Mai asked and looked at the camera in the lab.

''The willingness of the person to be hypnotised''

''Half of half!!! You are half right and half wrong. Professor Adia, we are being monitored. Come closer and pretend to be teaching me something''

''Oh'' Professor Adia went closer and moved an apparatus from the many test bottles on the table ''What is the half that is wrong then?'' she asked as she pointed at the bottle.

''Trust, Professor Adia. If the person to be hypnotised doesn't trust the hypnotist, then, there is only little the latter can do. You are half right because the hypnotist will need the willingness or permission of the person before hypnosis can be done. AI Alice living my life has nothing to do with me. she isn't my cup of tea because I can get rid of her anytime I want to. It isn't that I can't leave this place on my own. I just need somebody to make sure that my husband and the people around me are fine till I leave here and you are the only one who can do that''

''Professor Su is dangerous. You don't know just how dangerous he is, right?''

''I know. If he wasn't dangerous, he wouldn't have gone through all that trouble just to bring me here and let an AI take away my life. Tell me the truth. Was AI Alice modified just to receive commands? There is something else about AI Alice that you didn't know. Those emotions you imputed into AI Alice makes her able to feel just like everyone else. AI Alice is something that cannot be control by greedy people like you and that cunning old man. You thought you finally accomplished something but what you just did is to allow a time bomb the freedom to do whatever it wants''

''But, Professor Su assured me that AI Alice was safe and that all triggers that could make her potentially dangerous was eliminated. I just followed the manual and created the face and put in the chip that will keep her blood flowing''

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