Love The Psycho

Chapter 178: AI Alice Vs August Maijune 16

Chapter 178: AI Alice Vs August Maijune 16

''A cat and a mouse? Aren't they like mortal enemies?''

''I know, right? That is why their story gives me an adrenalin rush each time I think about it. The mouse clearly knew it could never be friends with the cat, yet it still went ahead to befriend the cat. Everyone knows the cat will kill the mouse without batting an eye, but what people don't know is that. Even the mouse is a little trickster. Each time it would provoke the cat, do you know what the mouse always say?''

''What does the mouse say?'' Professor Adia asked.

''You called me out first. I didn't come out because I wanted to, but you called me out first. So, don't blame me for wanting to mess with you'' Mai said and her lips curved into a dangerous smirk. Her eyes glowed at that moment.

''Miss Maijune, are you alright?'' Professor Adia asked as she looked puzzled. She could feel that something was wrong but because Mai had her back to her, she couldn't read her.

''Miss Nimoh, remember. You are the one who called me out first. I didn't come out of my own will but you first called me out, so don't blame me for wanting to mess with you'' Mai said and within a flash, she stepped on the table and jumped down, standing behind Professor Adia with a sharp syringe against the latter's neck.

Professor Adia felt the sting coming from the syringe that Mai pointed to her neck and her hand quickly went into her bag but she wasn't fast enough before Mai snatched the bag and threw it away.

''You have just 30 seconds to tell me who you are and another 30 to state your mission before I kill you'' Mai said to Professor Adia.

''You How did you know about me?'' Professor Adia asked.

''Wrong answer. Now let me introduce you to the injection that will kill you. Have you heard of the aging injection that is injected into animals to make them grew faster and mature earlier than they should?'' Mai asked and chuckled.

''That'' Professor couldn't speak anymore as fear took over her body.

''Why did you install a secret camera in my library to watch me? Who are you?'' Mai asked again.

''Mai, you should let me go first. I promise to tell you everything'' Professor Adia said and Mai laughed.

''Oh, so you even know who I am? This is interesting. Tell me what I need to know'' Mai sneered.

''I know a lot more than you think. Say, do you really want to kill me before I tell you what I know?'' Professor Adia asked.

''Okay, I won't harm you, yet. But, if you try to play smart with me I will make sure you never get to leave this house on your own two feet but since I am not someone who trust others blindly, I should give myself some insurance first'' Mai said and pushed the syringe into Professor Adia's neck and the latter screamed.

''Don't worry, it won't kill you but, it will make you age faster the more you delay in taking the antidote'' Mai said and moved aside. Professor Adia fell down weakly and looked horrified.

''What have you done to me? This isn't exactly what they use on animals'' she screamed at Mai.

''Bingo!!! It is indeed different and it works faster than the one used in animals. If you don't take the antidote, your skin will begin to wrinkle in the next few minutes. Your long black shiny hair will turn grey and your pretty face will have wrinkles. In short, you will be unrecognisable by then'' Mai said and went back to her seat. She removed the camera and placed it on the table.

''How did you know about the camera. None of your sisters even noticed?'' Professor Adia said as she felt her body aching.

''They just let their guard down because you were someone brought in by Aaron Saint but I am different. I have lived and survived by been weary of my surroundings. You should answer my questions first. I can see your body is reacting rather fast to the injection'' Mai said mockingly.

''You psycho'' Professor Adia screamed at Mai and the latter laughed.

''That's refreshing but definitely not something new'' Mai said and pouted her lips.

''Your grandfather sent me here. To monitor you on his behalf'' Professor Adia stated and Mai frowned.

''I don't have a grandfather, so cut the bullshit and tell me your mission'' Mai said angrily.

''I am not lying. You can choose to believe me or not, but that is the truth. Your father's family is still alive and that is your grandfather''

''Who is he and why did he send you to me?'' Mai asked with a serious expression.

''I still don't know the details but he is planning something. Will you really give me the antidote if I tell you everything?'' Professor Adia said and looked at her skin that was fast reacting to the injection.

''I don't go back on my words. Even if you want my protection, I can guarantee that you will be alive but if you lie to me. I will kill you first'' Mai told her sincerely.

''Check inside my bag, you will find an iPad inside''

Mai stood up and picked the bag. She opened it and brought out the iPad.

''What is this for?'' Mai asked.

''The password is 080506'' Professor Adia told Mai.

''080506. That is the numbers of the months my name was picked from. How did you know about this?'' Mai asked her.

''First open and look for a file name August Maijune'' Professor Adia instructed and Mai did as she was told. She found the file and opened it and saw four names inside attached to four videos.

''August, Maijune, June and Mai. What is it? Why do you have our names here? What are these videos for?''

''Watch the video first and I will explain anything else that you do not understand''

Mai nodded her head and sat down. She opened the first video under August's name and started watching it. The more she watched the more her face turned ashen.

''This person isn't us but why does she have our face?'' Mai asked as her voice quivered.

''You are right. That person you are seeing isn't you nor any of your sisters'' Professor Adia confirmed.

''Then, this.. is this an AI?'' Mai asked horrified.

''Yes, specifically, AI Alice that has been modified to look like you and possibly take over your place'' Professor Adia said and a chill ran down Mai's spine.

''What did you just say?'' Mai asked.

''That is AI Alice and the person who modified her was your grandfather, with my help off course. I am a Professor of Eastern Research Centre specialised in Psychology, Quantum Physics, Human Anatomy and Artificial Intelligence and Cloning. I can make a replica of the same thing once I see it. I was the one who made that face for AI Alice. Amazing right? when I first heard about you, I wanted to meet you and see just how smart you were and it was quite intriguing. You made the one month interesting and I couldn't wait to come here and anticipate the character I will be meeting. Where have you being Mai. Today is our last day here and it just happened that I wanted to call you out using hypnosis but who would have thought that even you wanted to meet me?''

''Who is this man and how do I find him?'' Mai asked as her hands shook.

''He is in Suaw Island. He is called Su Chenli the father of your father, Su Chen'' Professor Adia said and Mai stood up. ''Are you going to meet him? Alone?'' Professor Adia asked.

''I will take this with me'' Mai said and pointed at the iPad.

''If you go alone, you won't be able to leave that place ever. If anything, you will get replaced by AI Alice'' Professor Adia said mocking Mai.

''I am not going alone'' Mai said and walked towards the door.

''Wait. The antidote. You promised to give it to me'' Professor Adia said.

''I did but I didn't tell you when I would, right? Don't bother trying to escape because the drug also weakens you and you will fall asleep in the next'' Mai said and looked at her phone and turned to find Professor Adia slumped on the table asleep ''right, it was up already'' Mai added and left the library. She locked it and went to the hall to take her phone and call Aaron Saint.

''Hello, Maijune'' Aaron Saint answered.

''Where are you? There is something I need to show you'' Mai said.

''I am in the office'' Aaron Saint said.

''Listen to me and don't interrupt. I don't think I have much time left. I just sent a video to your Mail about AI Alice. Miss Nimoh isn't the kind of person we thought she was. Aaron Saint, I've sent an address attached to the video. I will do everything possible to buy time for you, so you must come and rescue me at all cost''

'Mai, is everything alright?''

''No, so you must find me as soon as possible before anything happens. If you come home and see me, know that person isn't really me. You must be careful and know how you will handle her. AI Alice is dangerous''

''I'm on my way home''

Mai suddenly felt frightened for the very first time in her life. She heard the doorknob turning and said to Aaron Saint.

''Maybe, even right about now, they might already be here waiting for me'' Mai said as she looked towards the door that had broken and a group of men rushed inside.

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