Love The Psycho

Chapter 172: AI Alice Vs August Maijune 10

Chapter 172: AI Alice Vs August Maijune 10

''Don't even let me start. I will let you know everything about her later. Right now, it is best to avoid someone like her completely. When you are done with the work, you give me a call and send the evidence to my mail. I will wire the money into your account. Remember to leave the storage house and get to the airport immediately. I will be waiting there for you'' Selena added.

''Yes, cousin. See you at the airport'' Maijune said and hung up.

''Wow. These people are so dirty. They planned to leave the country after doing that so no one will suspect them'' Julieta said.

''Now, we have to split the work into two. I will go with the driver, you go to the airport and make sure they don't get a ticket to even buy'' Maijune said to Juliet's.

''But, I don't have any connections. How do I make it that they don't get a ticket?"

''Use your feminine charms. Call Dr. Kash, he will be more than ready to help you'' Maijune said.

''Huh? But, he is preparing to leave the country tomorrow. He must be busy preparing'' Julieta said.

''Then, do whatever you want. I just gave you a solution. Don't look at me like that. who knows, you might even get to kiss him goodbye before he leaves your sorry a**. Go on'' Maijune said and pushed Julieta towards the car.

''Wait, then, what do I do with him?'' referring to the man in the booth.

''Pull over at any thick forest and dump him there. If he regains consciousness, knock him out and tie him against a big tree so that he won't be found until a long time'' Maijune said and went inside.

Julieta pouted her lips before going back to her car. she got in and drove away.


Maijune walked out of the building with the driver and the manager. The manager handed a sheet of paper to Maijune saying ''since the new storage house is ready and you are already here, I will let you show the driver the place. Miss Myers didn't call me early to inform me so I wasn't aware of the change''

''Is because it was so sudden. The new place we found is closer to the shop and movement will be easier. Thank you for understanding. I will tell my sister to give you a call'' Maijune said and smiled before she into the front seat with the driver. The manager watched as the truck left the compound.


Julieta arrived at Dr. Kash's house and looked at the villa in front of her. She stared at the door for a long time before she pressed the doorbell.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Kash appeared in front of her with a towel wiping sweat from his face.

Julieta looked at him from head to toe and realised he had just finished bathing. She could smell the scent of his shampoo from where she was standing.

''Jules, what are you doing here? No, how did you know I stay here?'' Kash asked her.

Julieta blushed and pushed him aside and went inside. Kash closed the door and went back to the hall.

''Before you get ahead of yourself and think that I am here because I can't control myself and thus came to find you, let me tell you that is not the case'' Julieta said at once and looked away.

''I wasn't thinking about that'' Kash said and looked at her adding ''sit down I will get you a drink''

''No, I need your help and we have to go right now'' Julieta said and held his hand.

''Okay, calm down and tell me everything'' Kash said and Julieta took her hands away.

''Well, is like this'' Julieta explained the whole situation to Kash and he frowned.

''Are you two crazy? How could you deal with such a big issue alone without informing anyone? Where is Maijune right now?'' Kash asked.

''Are you worried about Maijune and not me?'' Julieta asked a little sad.

''You are with me, what is there to worry about. I am indeed worried about Maijune because she can be impulsive but I will call Aaron to go to her. As for you, we have a lot to talk about when we return from the airport. Sit here, I will change into something before we go'' Kash said and went towards his bedroom. Julieta smiled and looked at him.


D-City Airport.

Kash and Julieta arrived and Kash took out his phone to call Aaron Saint. He took hold of Julieta's hand and walked into the busy airport. Julieta looked at their hands and smiled.

''Hello, Aaron. I am at the airport with Julieta. What about you? Alright, I will handle the secretary here, you can handle that Donald Jones or whatever his name is. Left to me, I will say we make his disappear for good if not, he will try to sabotage Liyah again. Okay, I will get back to you, bye'' Kash said and hung up. He noticed that Julieta was looking at him and he asked ''why are you looking at me like that?''

''You look so different, especially when you told Aaron Saint to make that man disappear for good. I thought you were a kind person who couldn't harm anyone?'' Julieta said questionably.

''I am kind to people who are kind to me. I am merciless to my enemies. Why? Does that make you scared? That I have a different personality that you didn't know about?'' Kash asked Julieta and she shook her head.

''No. I am not scared. I was just thinking that, maybe everyone has an August Maijune in them after all'' Julieta said.

''Smart girl. Let's go and catch that woman'' Kash said and his phone buzzed. He looked at the message and looked at Julieta saying ''is the police, they are already here''

''Okay'' Julieta smiled and they held hands walking towards the waiting area of the airport.


Selena looked at her watch anxiously. It has been an hour already and she hasn't heard anything from Oscar and their flight was in 30 minutes' time.

Kash and Julieta saw her the moment they entered the waiting area and walked to her with the two detectives behind them.

''Selena Adams?'' Kash asked Selena and she looked at them.

''Yes, can I help you?'' Selena asked and looked at them. She grew suspicious and stepped back ready to run but Julieta was behind her.

''Trying to run away?'' Julieta asked with a smirk.

''Miss Adams, you are under arrest for attempted arson, theft and embezzlement of company funds'' the detective said and showed Selena his barge.

''How did you find me?'' Selena said nervously.

''That was easier than we thought actually. We just had to make a few calls to know about you. Apart from being the little secretary of a big firm, you are also a professional con woman who steals money'' Julieta said eloquently as if she was the one who got the information.

Kash was the one who made the calls and got the information that they were now having. Selena was a con woman who was with Donald Jones for his money because the latter was just a fool who didn't know the true identity of his secretary and fuck buddy.

The detectives arrested Selena and took her away leaving Kash and Julieta alone. Julieta matched forwards saying ''let's go. Our work is done here''

Kash pulled her back and said to her ''don't you have anything to say to me?'' he asked.

''No'' Julieta said and blushed as she remembered him saying they would talk after arresting Selena Adams.

''Judging by the way your face has become red, I believe you know what I am asking you about'' 

''No. I don't remember anything. Maijune must be waiting for me, I should go'' Julieta said and ran away. Kash followed her out and they got inside his car. Kash buckled his seat and turned to look at her.

''Why are you looking at me like that?'' Julieta asked nervously and blushed.

''I am leaving tomorrow. Don't you have anything to say to me?'' Kash asked her and Julieta bit her lips.

''You said I should wait for you, right?'' Julieta asked.

''Yes, but you haven't told me your answer yet. Will you wait for me?'' Kash asked her.

''Will you really be back after a year and half?'' Julieta asked him.

''I always keep my promises. I will definitely be back after a year and half'' Kash said confidently.

''I will be going to the university with August Maijune. If I don't fall for a handsome young boy there, then, you will find me single after a year and half'' 

''Let's see if any younger man can make you feel this way'' Kash said and took off the seatbelt. He pulled Julieta closer and leaned in to kiss her. Julieta instinctively closed her eyes anticipating their first kiss but it never came, instead she heard a hoarse chuckle and opened her eyes.

''It seems you were looking forward to kissing me'' Kash teased her. Julieta frowned and glared at him. Kash chuckled again saying ''look at me, Jules. I wasn't joking when I said I don't like innocent girls. If I kiss you, I will turn you into a naughty girl. Is that what you want?'' Kash asked and Julieta bit her lips.

''Damn you, Jules'' Kash said not able to control himself anymore. He lifted her unto his laps and kissed her. It shocked Julieta at first but she soon relaxed and responded to his kisses. It was long, aggressive and yet passionate. Their chemistry took them by surprised.

Kash finally let go and breath saying ''we should go before I do something to you here''

Julieta blushed and touched her lips as she slipped back to her seat and Kash drove away out of the airport.

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