Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 524: Ambush of Dark Shadows

  Chapter 524 Ambush of the Shadow of Darkness

   "The enemy is there!"

  Elder Mavis Catherine discovered where the enemy was.

  From her severed hand, a tree root grew rapidly.

  The end is sharp, and it attacks the enemy who cut the steam train just now.

   At this time, the other mystics also stood up one after another, protecting Emilia in the center.


   At the place where Mavis Catherine manipulated the tree roots to attack, a woman quickly flashed out from the shadows, avoiding the tree roots Mavis Catherine manipulated.

   Shua, Shua, Shua!

  Because it was separated from the locomotive in front, the half of the train that Flynn and the others were on had only inertia to move forward, and it would stop soon.

  In the surrounding area, one figure after another emerged from the shadows.

   There were more than 30 people, surrounding the back half of the carriage where Xiang Feilin and the others were.

   "It's really been guessed, the shadow of darkness still hasn't given up!"

  Felin glanced over the surrounding thirty people, and a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes.

  Before he guessed that the Shadow of Darkness might not have given up and would still assassinate Emilia.

   Now that this speculation has come true, the Shadow of Darkness is ambushing on the road ahead, preparing to ambush the group of them returning to the Kingdom of Heidelberg.

   Shua, Shua, Shua!

   Surrounding Feilin and his party, more than 30 Shadow of Darkness cultists no longer concealed their aura, but released their aura unscrupulously.

  Strong aura came out one after another, and many security bureau mystics changed color after sensing this powerful aura after another.

   "The four bishops and the seven high priests are really well prepared."

  Ferrin clearly sensed that there were four bishop-level cultists and seven high priest-level cultists among them.

   On the Security Bureau side, there are only two elder-level mystics and four director-level mystics.

  The strength gap between the two sides is not small. If there is no extraordinary him, everyone in their group may be wiped out here.


  The mysterious gun appeared in his hand, and Feilin was about to stop hiding his identity and make a full shot.

  He does not intend to wait until their side loses to "turn the tide", because then there will inevitably be casualties on their side.

  If you don't have the ability to avoid it, don't talk about everything. Since you have the ability to avoid it, you must avoid it.

  Suddenly, a new change appeared.

   Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

  A large group of people suddenly appeared, as many as forty or fifty people, and they came towards this side quickly.

  Like the cultists of Shadow of Darkness, these people also did not hide their aura, allowing their aura to be released unscrupulously.

   Six people with 12 rings, nine people with ordinary high rings!

  Among these people, there are actually six high-ranking rings with twelve rings and nine high rings, and their strength is much stronger than that of the Shadow of Darkness cultists.

   "Another cultist?"

  Seeing the 40 or 50 people who appeared and came towards this side, the faces of the mystics from the Security Bureau became even more ugly.

  The cultists of the shadow of darkness alone have already made them have no chance of winning, and now there is another wave of cultists, it is even more impossible to have a chance of winning.

   "No, not cultists, and they are not here to deal with us!"

  But soon, they discovered that the forty or fifty people who appeared behind were not here to deal with them.

  Because after these people arrived, they confronted the cultists of the Shadow of Darkness.

   "Who are you guys?"

   Just as he was about to attack Feilin and his party, he suddenly saw forty or fifty people appearing, and they seemed to have bad intentions.

  The situation has exceeded expectations, a tall and thin man among the shadow cultists said solemnly.

   "Shadow of Darkness, you have so much courage, you dare to plot against me, the Kingdom of Erkaluo again and again."

  Among the forty or fifty people who appeared at the end, an old man said in a cold voice.

  They belong to the State Security Bureau, the official organization of the Karlo Kingdom. The reason why they appear here is because they guessed that the shadow of darkness might attack a group of people who participated in the talks in the Kingdom of Heidelberg, and then blame the Karlo Kingdom for this matter.

   "National Security Agency."

  The tall and thin man's complexion changed slightly.

  The Shadow of Darkness really wanted to kill a group of Heidelberg Kingdom participants who participated in the talks, and then put the blame on the Karlo Kingdom.

   Unexpectedly, the National Security Bureau, the official organization of the Karlo Kingdom, guessed their intentions and set up an ambush in advance.

   "Give up the mission, withdraw!"

  Knowing that there is no benefit to be gained, the thin and tall man decisively ordered and chose to retreat.

   "No force can count on the Kingdom of Calcaror without paying the price."

  The old man's voice was cold.

  Following his words, the mystics of the National Security Bureau who followed him cast their abilities one after another and attacked the Shadow of Darkness cultists who were about to withdraw.


  Some mystics from the National Security Bureau used extraordinary abilities to hypnotize the Shadow of Darkness cultists.

  Many Shadow of Darkness cultists were recruited and became drowsy.


  Some National Security Bureau mystics hold mystical guns and aim at the vital points of cult members.


  Some mystics from the National Security Bureau carried oil lamps, and a large number of flames sprayed out from the oil lamps, condensing and turning into fire snakes to attack the cultists.

   Being plotted by the Shadow of Darkness again and again, the National Security Bureau naturally cannot let it go, so it does not intend to let these Shadow of Darkness cultists escape.

   "Do it, join hands with the National Security Bureau to encircle and suppress the cultists of the Shadow of Darkness!"

Knowing that the mystics from the National Security Bureau would not be detrimental to her side, Eve Burns and Mavis Catherine made a plan to join forces with the National Security Bureau to encircle and suppress the Shadow of Darkness cultists. Decide.

  Continuously being attacked by the shadow of darkness, the two of them were naturally quite annoyed.

   According to orders from Eve Burns and Mavis Catherine, except for some security bureau mystics who stayed to protect Emilia, other security bureau mystics joined the siege of the Shadow of Darkness cultists.

   "Ah, ah, ah—"

   Facing the siege of the Security Bureau and the National Security Bureau, in the shadow of darkness, people were injured or even died soon.

   "It seems that I don't need to make a move."

  Seeing the cultists of the Shadow of Darkness suffer casualties one after another under the siege of the mystics of the National Security Bureau and the Security Bureau, Felin thought to himself.

  His identity, it is best not to reveal his identity, especially when there are mystics from the National Security Bureau.

   After all, he sneaked into the Karlo Kingdom knowingly that he would not be allowed.

  Woo beep beep—

  Eve Burns blew a wonderful flute sound. Under the wonderful flute sound, a twelve-ring cult member in Shadow of Darkness became drowsy and began to fall asleep.


  Mavis Catherine extended a large number of vines from the severed arm, quickly entwined around the cultist of the Twelve Rings of Shadow of Darkness, and bound the Twelve Rings of Shadow of Darkness cultist.


  Eve Burns' flute changed and became sharper.

  Before, it was this sharp sound that destroyed the huge sharp blade condensed by the shadow that split the carriage in two.

Puff puff!

  Shadow of Darkness The Twelve Ring cultists quickly wrapped their bodies in shadows to resist the invisible sound waves.

  But under the attack of invisible sound waves, the shadow wrapped around him was split, and **** mouths appeared on his body.

   After a while, it will be bloody. If it continues like this, it will surely die under the attack.



  A huge black feather several meters long, like a black javelin, attacked Eve Burns at an exaggerated speed of more than ten times the speed of sound.

  Wherever it passes, whether it is rocks or trees, everything blocking the way is destroyed.

   Even if it is scratched, it will be destroyed, and nothing can hinder it.


   Locked by the javelin-like black feathers, Eve Burns' hairs stood on end.

  The body had an emergency response and was covered with goosebumps.

   There was a strong sense of danger in her heart that she had never felt before.

  She wants to dodge, but she is not a body-strengthening type mystic, and her speed is not fast among twelve-ring extraordinary people.

   Moreover, she felt that even a 12-ring Extraordinary with the extraordinary ability of speed might not be able to dodge it.

  Because this is an attack at the extraordinary level!

  She can never be wrong, this is definitely an attack at the extraordinary level, because she has seen it before.

  Desperation rose in her heart.


  Flynn sensed that Eve Burns was in crisis and immediately rescued her.

  The bullet is ejected from the barrel, flying at a speed of more than ten times the speed of sound, which is no worse than the speed of a black feather like a javelin.

  Those who pass along the way, those who block the way forward, and those that are rubbed, are all destroyed.

   Before the javelin-like black feather struck Eve Burns, it hit the huge black feather.


  The colliding bullets and javelin-like black feathers exploded, and the shock wave turned into a gust of wind, violently slapping around.

  Eve Burns, who was closer, was hit by the shock wave and flew backwards, with one wound after another cut on his body by the sharp wind.

  Some warring mystics and cultists, because of their close distance, were also hit by the strong wind, and they flew backwards with wounds on their bodies.


  Ferrin looked sharply at the direction where the black feathers like javelins attacked.

  The attack just now was either with the help of an extraordinary item that reached Type V, or it was attacked by an extraordinary.

  If it's the former, that's fine. If it's the latter, even he has to treat it with caution.

   "Protect Princess Emilia."

  Ferring gave instructions to the other security bureau mystics who were in charge of protecting Emilia, and with a flash of his figure, he quickly darted towards the direction of the black feathers attacking like a javelin.

  An attack at the extraordinary level, even if it is just the aftermath of a battle, is enough to kill ordinary people and even ordinary mystics.

  He had to stop the attacker and keep the fight away from Emilia and the others.


   Several security bureau mystics who were in charge of protecting Emilia looked at "Harry Joll" next to them dumbfounded, too shocked to speak.

   Others may not have discovered who stopped the black feather that was attacking Eve Burns like a javelin and saved Eve Burns.

  But they, who were right next to "Harry Joll", discovered it.

   This made them feel unbelievable. The "Harry Joll" who was only the director was actually stronger than Elder Eve Burns, and much stronger.

  Hearing Flynn's order, they almost subconsciously complied.

  Then they saw that the "Harry Joll" who was beside them had turned into an afterimage and disappeared beside them.

  (end of this chapter)

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