Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1218: Meetings and Lords’ Decisions

In the brightly lit hall, the smoke of battle and the thick black mist had gradually dissipated. Lei Xiao stood in front of the throne, looking at the Summoning Legion soldiers who were cleaning the hall around him, and took a deep breath slowly.

A full day has passed since the battle ended. During this period, not only has the entire Glow City been completely under his control, but damage reports have been reported from various places.

At the same time that countless roots were dissipated, although everything was in a mess, and many buildings and bridges were damaged to varying degrees, fortunately, the casualties were minimal, and most of them were seriously frightened.

"According to Mayfair's analysis, there are two main reasons why this time it did not cause a catastrophe. The first point is because we stopped the opponent in time and did not allow the absorption to continue."

"The second point is because the opponent is too greedy and chose to fully activate the Blood Dark Tree from the beginning instead of starting from Glow City. Because the number of targets that can entangle and absorb energy at the same time is too large, it has actually been reduced. Individual pressure.”

"In this case, even the frail old people and children have not reached the point of no return, which can be considered a blessing in misfortune."

Lei Xiao just thought of this and was in charge of summarizing the situation. He saluted without holding his chest and reported: "Your Majesty, the casualties of our soldiers participating in the war have been calculated. Although the total casualties exceed 70%, due to the well-equipped and magic weapons, The medicines are fully distributed and most of them are not harmful to the body. ”

At this point, Wu's tone showed a touch of reverence again, and he continued: "Thanks to Lord Lord

People managed to turn the tide in time, and even the more seriously injured soldiers did not fall under the ravages of roots. "

"I've said it a long time ago, this is not my fault alone, every one of you is indispensable."

Lei Xiao waved his hand slightly, and then said seriously: "Go ahead and let Ju Bai, Feisi and others do their best to treat the wounded soldiers. Don't worry about the consumption of magic medicine. I want every soldier to get the best treatment. This is They deserve it.”

"In addition, I have ordered Jiang Li and Bingshi City to bring in healing soldiers and strong men from various places to further improve our healing capabilities. All the seriously injured subordinates have been teleported back to the Bright Healing Center in the territory. , be sure to make use of all resources.”

After a pause, Lei Xiao added: "By the way, not only our soldiers, but also the soldiers of the Iron Hand Islands and Grim Kingdom must also take care of it at the same time. Their efforts are also an indispensable part of victory. "

After hearing Lei Xiao's words, Catherine and Lawrence, who were also dealing with follow-up issues, couldn't help but cast their eyes with gratitude and reverence.

"Please rest assured, Lord, my subordinates will do their best to coordinate this matter."

Wu Zhong nodded, then bowed and left.

Wu had just left, Lorenz, Hui Lao, and Yoniel rushed over again. With the blessing of high-level magic potions and their own strong strength, although the three of them suffered serious injuries, they recovered well. It can be said to be extremely fast.

"His Royal Highness Prince Qi, with the assistance of the two presidents, all uncontrollable magic traps in the entire Glow City have been eliminated!"

The old bishop held his chest and saluted with excitement, and reported to Lei Xiao:

"The crisis in the entire Glow City has been completely resolved, and this sacred city has returned to the embrace of light!"

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone."

Lei Xiao walked down the high platform where the throne was, nodded and motioned for everyone to sit down at the temporary conference table that had just been set up, and then said seriously: "Then next, we should discuss the matter of the Temple of Light itself."

After hearing Lei Xiao's words, everyone looked serious and nodded heavily, including the three current kings Catherine, Lawrence, and Eckhart, Cecilia, the first princess of Pars, and those present. The Leng Yan kings also gathered around one after another at Lei Xiao's signal.

As one of the three neutral organizations that protect the human world, something like this happened in the Temple of Light, which almost destroyed the entire human world. It really needs to be discussed carefully.

Although the chosen son of the evil **** was behind all of this, the Temple of Light itself was also to blame. This was undeniable.

When everyone was seated, Lei Xiao's eyes swept over the figures in front of him one by one.

Including herself, the heads of the four kingdoms of Cold Flame Kingdom, Iron Hand Islands, Green Kingdom, and Grim Kingdom have gathered. Although Cecilia is attending the meeting as the first princess of Pars, as long as she She can become the new emperor of the Pars Empire at any time if she wishes.

With the leaders of the five countries gathered together, plus the presidents of the two neutral organizations, the Mercenary Guild and the Alchemist Guild, everyone present was in a high position, capable of controlling the course of the entire human world.

"Everyone, I won't say any more polite words. Let's get straight to the point.

Bar. "

Lei Xiao, who was sitting in the top position, nodded slightly and said to everyone: "This matter not only involves the Temple of Light itself, but also the nobles of various countries and even the royal family participated in it and became the other party's minions, so I I believe that in order to completely quell this turmoil, the truth of the matter must be made public and a comprehensive investigation conducted on all nobles.”

"What His Highness the Prince said is absolutely true. In this way, those remnants still hiding in the darkness will have nowhere to hide, and it can also serve as a warning to the entire human world."

Yoniel's old face was full of solemnity, and he nodded to Lei Xiao and said: "We, the Alchemist Guild, agree to His Highness the Prince's proposal."

"My mercenary guild also supports it with both hands."

Hui Lao followed closely and added: "Only by doing this can the human world recover from this crisis as quickly as possible."

After the two old presidents expressed their opinions one after another, not to mention the subordinates Lawrence and Eckhart, as well as the cold flame kings, even Catherine and Cecilia rushed to respond without any hesitation.

"As for the second question, it is about the Temple of Light itself."

After the first issue was passed, Lei Xiao continued: "It is conceivable that after the matter is made public, the reputation of the Temple of Light will be greatly reduced, so what we need to decide next is whether it is necessary for the Temple of Light to continue to stand. In the human world."

After hearing the sound, everyone fell silent, and the old bishop lowered his head in shame.

The guardian of the human world has become a hotbed of darkness. This is simply a great irony.

After a while, I saw Lao

A look of solemnity appeared on Lens's old face, and he spoke first: "Your Royal Highness, the Temple of Light is the main supplier of powerful healing experts in the human world. It is of great significance to the human world. It is more in line with the human world to leave it here." Interests."

"Holy King Grimm is right. Around His Highness the Prince, there is still a group of priests who are bathed in the light. They speak and lobby everywhere and make a lot of contributions. At least they have to have a place to go. ."

Eckhart pondered for a moment, then continued: "I believe that as long as everything is under control and there are no grudges among all parties in the human world, this will be enough to nip problems in the bud."

After the two said this, Catherine and Cecilia nodded in agreement.

"I have no objection to the opinions of Holy King Grim and Green King."

Yoniel gently stroked his short gray beard, then shook his head helplessly and said: "Fundamentally speaking, our Alchemist Guild is also responsible for letting the other party's secrets run rampant for hundreds of years. If we can find out the clues in advance, maybe we can This can be avoided.”

"Yes, in the final analysis, this is all because we are suspicious of each other and work on our own."

The old gray man, whose face was full of embarrassment, sighed softly and added: "If everyone is open and honest, what's the harm in letting the Temple of Light continue to stand in the human world?"

"It's already very close to the human world becoming one."

Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and then concluded: "Then, let's implement it according to everyone's opinions."

"Thank you, Your Highness the Prince, Your Majesties, and the two Presidents!"

Lorenz's old face was full of excitement.

He knelt down directly in front of Lei Xiao.

"Old sir, please wake up. You have contributed a lot this time, so you don't have to be so open-minded."

Lei Xiao helped Lorenz up and returned to his seat.

Lei Xiao is also positive about whether to stay in the Temple of Light, but the prerequisite is naturally in his own hands.

As long as we can control this once largest behemoth in the human world, it will be of great benefit to the future in every aspect.

"In this case, let's determine the new master of the Temple of Light. Only the right person can make the holy light shine on the earth again."

Lei Xiao's eyes moved and finally landed on Sophia, whose fair face shone with holiness and gentleness. He smiled and said, "I propose that Her Majesty the Holy Queen take over this position. What do you think?"


Sofia was obviously a little unexpected and did not react for a moment.

"I agree. Your Majesty Sophia is the most respected monarch in the Kingdom of Grim. She also has an excellent reputation in the Temple of Light. She is simply the most suitable candidate!"

Lawrence immediately voted in favor, his face full of passion.

"My Majesty agrees. Even the boundless grasslands are echoing with the good name of Her Majesty the Holy Queen, and the eagles in the sky are cheering for it."

Eckhart is naturally equally responsible. Even if Lei Xiao asks Chaoyan Nanizi to take over as the master of the Temple of Light, the new king of the green can still sing a hymn.

"Me too."

Catherine looked at Lei Xiao with reverence. Although her words were brief, the meaning behind them was self-evident. As long as it was Lei Xiao's proposal, she would definitely agree.

As for Sisi

Leah nodded her head without any comment.

In the heart of the first princess of Pars, the strength and foundation shown by Lei Xiao have long been unattainable. It is a great honor for her to be able to chat with the latter. .

"His Royal Highness the Prince's proposal is indeed the most suitable choice."

Hui Lao and Yoniel looked at each other, and both saw a trace of determination in each other's eyes.

The two of them naturally understood clearly that as long as Sophia took over, the Temple of Light would be in Lei Xiao's hands.

But this young man from another world not only saved the entire human world, but may also be able to lead the human race to stand at the top of all races and once again stand shoulder to shoulder with those proud immortal races. How exciting is this?

What's more, with the current trend, this young man from another world is only half a step away from dominating the entire human world. Apart from surrendering and following the trend, what other choice do they have?

"Then it's decided."

Lei Xiao lightly snapped his fingers, smiled at Sophia and said: "Your Majesty the Holy Queen, although it is a bit abrupt, please don't refuse."

"Since it is an instruction from His Highness the Prince, how can I refuse?"

A look of solemnity appeared on Sophia's fair face, she nodded heavily and said, "Although this position is of great importance, I will definitely do my best."

"See His Majesty the Pope!"

Seeing that everything had settled, the old bishop immediately came to Sofia and saluted respectfully: "I grew up listening to your legendary stories when I was a child. It is my greatest honor to share my heart with you towards the Holy Light.

fortunate! "

"Old sir, please get up quickly. You are the pillar of this generation's Temple of Light. I will still have many ways to rely on you in the future."

Sofia, who was once the king of a country, was already used to this kind of scene, so she smiled and helped the other person up. Find the bookstore

"Okay, let's end this meeting here. The catastrophe has just ended, and we still need you to guide the human world back to order. I believe you all already know about the catastrophe. The challenges we face are far from over."

Lei Xiao stood up from his seat, nodded to everyone and said: "I will provide all the help needed, including a large number of architectural blueprints and various resources, to ensure that the human world that is riddled with holes will be restored in a short time. With a new look, no one will be displaced and no one will go hungry or cold.”

"As you command, Your Highness the Prince!"

After hearing Lei Xiao's instructions, the leaders all stood up and said in unison.

Looking at the people leaving, Lei Xiao did not relax and immediately began to arrange trivial tasks such as other deployments, celebration banquets and commendations.

Among them, especially regarding other cities affiliated with the Temple of Light that have not yet been controlled around Glow City, Lei Xiao also immediately dispatched Bing Lao, Qi Duo and others with Bingshi City to help Lawrence take over and ensure that everything is in order. In progress in an orderly manner.

In addition, Lei Xiao also informed Qin Qian and other lord leaders of the relevant situation, telling the lords that they could relax and fully cooperate with the reconstruction work in various places.

"Is it finally over?"

Watching the generals on standby and the main subordinates taking orders and leaving one after another, Lei Xiao's tense face finally relaxed.

After a while, he slumped down on the soft conference chair.

Now that everything has been deployed, it's time for me to re-examine my new strengths and gains.

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