Lord Of Doom!Reincarnated Into a Novel as the Strongest Side Character

Chapter 26: Try harder!

Chapter 26: Try harder!

An absolute make of Jujutsu Kaisen, episode 4 and 5 so don't complain.


The soul didn't respond to Kurozai's command; instead, it began to form another energy ball. But before it could launch the attack, Kurozai suddenly appeared in front of it. He delivered a powerful kick to its head, sending it crashing into the wall behind. He followed up with a flurry of kicks, each strike deepening the crater until, finally, the soul burst through the wall and fell into the next room.

Stunned by Kurozai's speed and strength, the soul struggled to regain its composure. It floated dazedly in the air. Kurozai lunged forward again, his fist began connecting with the soul's midsection. The impact sent shockwaves through its body, causing it to recoil violently.

Before it could recover, Kurozai spun around, delivering a swift roundhouse kick that struck the soul squarely in the side. The force of the blow sent it spiraling into a nearby pillar, splintering the stone and sending debris flying.

As the dust settled, the soul attempted to gather its strength, summoning a flickering orb of energy.

Kurozai dashed forward, his movements was a blur. With a powerful leap, he soared above the soul, delivering a crushing heel drop that shattered the orb and sent the entity crashing to the ground. The soul writhed in agony.

Kurozai pressed the advantage, unleashing a series of rapid punches, each strike landing with precision. The room echoed with the sounds of impact, the walls trembling under the force of his blows.

"What if I take a leg away from you? You'd like that, right?" Kurozai asked with a menacing grin. He flicked his fingers, and in an instant, the left leg exploded, dropping to the ground in pain and shock as its eyes widened. Kurozai let out a deep laugh and began walking calmly toward it.

Suddenly, the leg regenerated with astonishing speed, which he found quite amusing for a weak soul like it.

"Neither you nor this fool understand the true power of Ki. Should I give you a little lecture on it?"

Kurozai raised his hands, weaving them through the air with practiced precision. He formed a series of intricate signs: first, he extended his right hand, fingers splayed wide, then curled his index and middle fingers down while keeping the ring and pinky fingers extended. With his left hand, he made a fist, bringing it to his chest before thrusting it forward.

With a wide grin, he declared, "Cast! My valley of death!"

A dark aura enveloped him and the soul, creating a cast that resembled a swirling vortex of shadows. It effectively froze the soul in place as if time itself had come to a standstill.

With blurring speed, Kurozai began to tear at the flesh, each movement were fluid and merciless. He used the severed flesh as a vessel for his Ki, allowing the energy to flow through the pieces. By channeling his Ki into the flesh, he transformed it into a weapon that could directly interact with the soul.

When he stabbed the soul with the flesh, the Ki-infused remnants acted like needles, delivering intense pain and disruption. The raw energy intensified the damage, causing the soul to experience agony.

As he plunged a shard into his opponent, he felt a familiar energy coursing through it—one of his own fragments, entwined within the radiant soul. He brutally tore it from the body.

"So this is how you evolved into a radiant soul—using one of my fragments to enhance your potential! Well, well, thank you for this!" Kurozai said with a wicked grin as he consumed the flesh, savoring the power - three fragments consumed, twenty eight more to go.

He waved goodbye to the frozen soul, then lifted the cast. In an instant, it disintegrated into dust.

Kurozai then plunged his hands into his own chest, removing his heart to prevent Kenji from switching back. If he did, Kurozai would die, but he could easily survive without a heart. "Now let's see how you save all your friends, brat!" Kurozai muttered, vanishing.


"Huh? The special cast has been lifted. I guess Kurozai has taken over Kenji's body. Time for me to help them out," Gojin said, disposing of the paper bag after finishing his tofu. As he was about to enter, Sakura dashed out with a frightened look.

"Those things kept multiplying— that darned grade 1 Exile soul!" she exclaimed, momentarily absent of Gojin's presence. She looked up and saw his tall frame, startling her for a moment.

"Where in hell have you been? And where is Kenji? The special cast has been lifted, so he should probably be out by now!!" Sakura said, gripping Gojin's shoulder and shaking him with urgency.

"That's why I'm going in to help both of you," Gojin replied. Sakura sighed, then suddenly realized something from Gojin's words—it was just a guess, but she was correct.

"Have you been outside all along, knowing we were in danger inside, but you just waited? We could have died—no, we would be..."

Suddenly, Kurozai appeared behind Gojin with a grin. Sakura's eyes widened while Gojin remained calm, activating his barrier. The prison building began to burst from different angles, but only lasted for a few moments. It didn't bring the structure down—Kurozai only destroyed all the multiplied Exile souls inside.

"He had switched with Kurozai, this time I must make a devastating hit on this psycho!"

Sakura instantly infused her hand with dark energy and lunged at Kurozai. As she got closer, she noticed his heart was missing, blood dripping from his chest nonstop. Her eyes began to tremble while Kurozai let out another laugh, appearing in front of Gojin, who just kept grinning despite noticing the missing heart.

"He is the main character, so he can't die yet. He has plot armor... for now. Who knows what kind of author's world this is; he might kill off the main character, but it won't be this soon," Gojin thought, staring at Kurozai before him.

"Gojin Yamamoto!" Kurozai exclaimed. Expectedly, he knew Gojin's name; after all, he was literally inside Kenji's body and knew everything Kenji knew.

"I just want us to talk! I can see the sheer power you hold just by looking at you; your aura defines you, and I—"

Gojin cut Kurozai short. "Let me complete that for you: you know that I'm stronger than you... forever!" The same kind of grin Kurozai had appeared on Gojin's face.

Kurozai sneered. "Anyways, I'm not interested in another battle since my primary motive has changed. This brat shall die. I will be taking him for a while." Instantly, Kurozai swapped consciousness with Kenji, the dark veins dispersing as he reclaimed control.

"Uhhn?" Kenji muttered, looking down at his chest as blood dripped from his mouth. He then looked back up at Gojin, who now stood silently. "Thank you for—" His words were cut short as he dropped to the ground.


Tears began flowing down from Sakura's cheeks. "Why? Why? He can't be dead!" she shouted, her tears rushing out faster.

Gojin picked up Kenji's body and placed him on his shoulder. He could easily carry him; Kenji's weight felt like a pillow. "How can you be an exorcist? You're letting your emotions get the best of you. And no, he isn't dead, so clear those droplets and let's head back to the academy... I have to get some good sleep."

Sakura's tears dried instantly as she looked at Gojin, bewildered. There was not even a single sign of sadness within him - well, she couldn't see his eyes due to the blindfold over it. Did he just say he wanted to sleep?

"Do you even have a heart!?" she asked, her voice laced with annoyance. Gojin shrugged, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "He'll be fine. Kurozai is just playing his games - he is holding him as an hostage. We'll get him back, but right now, I need to recharge. You should too."

Sakura shook her head in disbelief. "You're infuriating! How can you be so calm in a moment like this?"

"Because panicking won't help," Gojin replied, his tone was steady. "Emotions can cloud judgment. Focus on what's next."

Sakura clenched her fists, frustration bubbling within her. "You make it sound so easy."

"It's not easy, but it's necessary," Gojin said, starting to walk away from her. "We'll find a way to bring Kenji back. Trust me." Sakura followed him instantly. They continued to argue loudly like babies fighting over a piece of candy.


Morning light filtered through the bustling city streets, casting a warm glow on the pavement as people began their daily routines. A young man, wearing a white hoodie that hung loosely over his frame and black joggers, stood at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to turn green. He appeared to be in his mid-twenties, standing at about 6'2", with tousled brown hair that peeked out from under the hood. His sharp jawline and blue eyes.

Around him, a small crowd of pedestrians fidgeted, glancing at their watches and chatting quietly. Among them, three figures loomed just behind the young man, invisible to the ordinary eye. These were grade 1 radiant souls, their forms resembling twisted human silhouettes.

The first soul had elongated limbs, and its face was a distorted mask of emotions—eyes bulging and mouth stretched into a grimace. "Were you testing out Kurozai's current strength? Why did you have to waste a fragment of him like that? That soul was useless," it argued.

The three grade 1 radiant souls, despite their deformed appearances, possessed mouths that allowed them to speak in clear, human voices. Their speech was surprisingly articulate. Each soul had a distinct tone and cadence, making their conversations sound eerily normal, as if they were simply people having a discussion.

Their ability to communicate in normal human voices indicated a high level of intelligence and emotional understanding. They could express complex ideas and emotions clearly, allowing for nuanced conversations with the young man. This made their interactions feel both familiar and unsettling, as they navigated the line between the ordinary and the extraordinary.

The young man seemed to understand them well, responding to their questions and comments as if they were old friends. This connection suggested a shared history or purpose, allowing for an easy flow of dialogue.

The second soul stood slightly hunched, its body were covered in jagged, crystalline protrusions. Its features were less defined. It remained silent, observing the conversation with interest.

The third soul was the most humanoid of the trio, but its skin appeared to ripple like water. It had a serene expression, almost calm. This one seemed to be contemplating the young man's words, waiting for the right moment to interject.

"Yeah, I was just checking his current potential," the young man replied with a low voice laced with a hint of amusement. "And it seems like he is still weak at this point but not to be crossed with, so we can't meet with him just yet." A grin tugged at the corners of his lips.

The crosswalk light turned green, and the group moved forward, the young man leading the way while the incoming cars came to a halt. The pedestrians around him didn't notice the eerie presence of the souls, who glided past them.

A few moments later, they entered a nearby restaurant, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wafting through the air. The young man approached the receptionist, who greeted him with a polite smile.

"Welcome, sir. One table?" she asked, her eyes were bright with the morning rush.

"Yes, thank you," the young man replied, flashing a charming smile that lit up his features. He walked past the receptionist, the three radiant souls trailing behind him.

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