Longevity starts from having a daughter in old age

Chapter 110 - 98: Old Friend’s Vis _1

Chapter 110: Chapter 98: Old Friend’s Vis _1

Translator: 549690339

Are you two sure you’re not joking wh mer


Xu Mu stood wh his hands behind his back, looking at the two troublemakers wh a smile.

Who the hell is joking wh you? Bring ?out or I’ll do ?myself!


A willow-leaf throwing knife flew out from one of their storage bags, diusing a knife light and pointed straight at Xu Mu’s face.

The other one held two er-two talismans, staring unpleasantly ar Xu Mu.

I don’t like what you just said!

Xu Mu reached out, grabbed the throwing knife, slightly clenched his five fingers, and the knife that could chop iron into mud turned into a lump of scrap iron.

“You, you…

Just as the loose culvator who had used the throwing knife was about to curse, the next moment, the spirual pressure of Foundaon Establishment Stage from Xu Mu’s body released, and the two knelt on the ground wh a thump.

Senior, we were just joking wh you!11 The two said in terrified voices.

Really no good deed goes unpunished, they mugged the wrong person, someone in the Foundaon Establishment Stage.

Joking? Sorry, I don’t appreciate jokes!

Xu Mu’s expression remained unchanged as he flicked his finger, and two golden thunders appeared out of nowhere, instantly hng the two of them,

The two couldn’t even scream before their bodies trembled, their eyes lost focus, and they fell face-first onto the ground, lifeless.

Remember, don’t joke around in your next life!

Xu Mu beckoned, taking their storage bags, and wh a light touch, two black flames appeared, enveloping their bodies. In an instant, they turned to ash, sparing even their souls.

These two were too weak; they weren’t worth the crow’s meal.

Seems like pretending to be weak isn’t always a good thing!

Xu Mu sighed, retracng his Foundaon Establishment Stage’s aura once more. But this me, he kept ?at Qi Culvaon Late Stage.

Indeed, no more reckless fools bothered him for the rest of the journey.

Lead-colored clouds floated in the sky, and a chilly wind blew on the ground. ?was about to rain.

As he passed through Baihe Forest, he began to see scattered culvators on the road, some collecng resources nearby, and some entering the forest to hunt monster beasts.

That made Xu Mu feel much better, the presence of these culvators indicated that Whe River Cy had not been completely destroyed, perhaps his old acquaintances are sll around.

Soon, he reached the slums where he once lived.

Compared to when he left, the slums had completely turned into ruins, most of the houses had collapsed, and traces of monster beasts were everywhere.

His divine intent scanned the area, but he didn’t sense any living beings.

Standing at the entrance of the alley where he once lived, in front of the house, he had personally burned down, ?was sll in ruins. Nobody cleaned or rebuilt .

Xu Mu smiled and shook his head, unsure of whether to sigh or to reminisce.

As he connued to walk forward, shortly, he reached the entrance to the marketplace. The number of culvators on the road significantly increased, but ?was sll much less than when he left. However, the overall culvaon level was a b higher than before.

Xu Mu did not directly use his divine intent to probe, but he learned from the conversaon of pedestrians that a new Foundaon Establishment Family had moved to Whe River Cy. He didn’t want to attract their attenon.

Anyway, he had enough me to stroll the enre marketplace leisurely, no need to rush.

He first went to the market but didn’t see any familiar figures, then he went to Wooden Bridge Alley where he had once lived, sll, all were strangers.

Finally, he reached Snow Lotus Pharmacy!

The pharmacy door was ghtly closed, but —

As his divine intent swept past, a trace of joy appeared on Xu Mu’s face.

He’s actually sll alive, and seems to be living que well!

Xu Mu lifted his right hand, went up and knocked on the damp wooden door.

Thud Thud!

We’re not open today, please come back another me!”

A muled man’s voice came from inside the pharmacy, along wh faint sounds of a child’s crying.

Friend Tu, turning away an old friend who came from faraway, isn’t that a b inappropriate!” Xu Mu laughed.

Old friend?

The person inside hesated for a moment, probably finding the voice familiar, but couldn’t remember for a moment.

After a while, the door cracked open, just wide enough for a person to pass through.

A middle-aged man wh slightly dark skin, appearing in his thires or fores,

stretched out his head from inside and looked up and down at Xu Mu.

“You are…

The middle-aged man blinked a few mes, then suddenly reacted, his face showing a delighted expression.

Friend Xu?!! How are you sll alive? No, how did you come back alive? No, how did you not die outside…, damn! What am I saying!”

Xu Mu was speechless.

This guy’s hab of foul language really hadn’t changed at all.

The middle-aged man in front of him was none other than the pharmacy’s shopkeeper Tu, real name Tu Shan. Back in Whe River Cy, the two of them had been business partners for many years.

Come in! Come in!

Tu Shan opened the door fully, excedly inving Xu Mu inside.

I say, how did you suddenly show up? Did you take the Chen family’s flying boat back? But I haven’t heard about any flying boat returning recently?”

As Xu Mu entered the room and Tu Shan closed the door, he chattered.

I flew back by myself! ” Xu Mu laughed.

Flew back by yourself?

Tu Shan stared wide-eyed, examining him up and down before breaking into laughter, “You’re sll just as good at bragging. Even if ’s a Great Culvator in the Foundaon Establishment stage, they wouldn’t dare to fly back from the Liyang Sect alone. You’re not going to say that you’re even stronger than the Foundaon Establishment stage, are you? Ha ha!”

Xu Mu was silent.

How come I didn’t know I bragged a lot?

This is purely slander!

Just as Xu Mu was about to defend himself, two friendly-looking women, each holding a baby, came out from the inner hall.

Husband, who’s here, you seem so happy?

One of the women wh moon-like brows and eyes, said wh a smile.

‘s a good friend of mine! I’ve told you about him!

Tu Shan pointed out one of the women and introduced, “Friend Xu, this is my wife, Liu Feifei!”

Then he pointed to the other one and said, “This is also my wife, her name is Qin Siyu!”

Why don’t you just say that both are extraordinary?

Wh an internal complaint, Xu Mu greeted the two wh a smile, “I am Xu Mu, 1 s nice to meet you both!11

Friend Xu, you’re being too pole!

The two women, holding kids, couldn’t stand up and simply nodded subtly.

Both women knew better, and after a formal greeng, they returned to the inner hall.

Shopkeeper Tu, didn’t you say before that you didn’t want to get married? How come you not only got married, but to two at that!’1 Xu Mu teased wh a smile.

Shopkeeper Tu used to enjoy listening to music in the hook bars most. He was determined not to get married because marriage not only cost Spir Stones, but also severely aected his leisure me meant for music.

That’s a long story!” Tu Shan uttered wh a smile nged wh bterness.

He learned from Tu Shan that soon after Xu Mu and his friends left, the people of Soul Forging Sect bloodily ravaged the enre Marketplace. Luckily, he managed to hide in Baihe Forest ahead of me, and thus survived the massacre.

Even though he had survived, the Marketplace soon became a playground for monster beasts after losing the protecon of the Foundaon Establishment Stage culvators. To protect themselves, the remaining culvators began to band together.

The two women were singers in the hook bars, and they were familiar wh Tu Shan from being his long-term patrons. So, they grouped together, and as me went by, things happened.

Friend Tu, seems like you really have a lot of good fortune wh the ladies!” Xu Mu laughed.

What good fortune! The kids eher sh or piss everyday, I’m almost annoyed to death!” Even though Tu Shan complained, his face was full of smiles.

By the way, where is your wife?

She didn’t come!”


Falsely assuming Ye Yingying had not gone out, Tu Shan asked, “Have you guys found a place to live? I happen to have an empty house nearby; ’s now ownerless. Do you want to move in?”

Xu Mu shook his head.

I just came to take a look, I’ll be leaving soon!

Leave? Where to?11 Tu Shan asked perplexedly.

A very faraway place!

Tu Shan was speechless.

Has his friend started talking in riddles after not seeing him for several years?

Alright, let’s not speak of this! ‘s better to arrive at the right moment than early, so come in and have a meal before you go!”

While Tu Shan was trying to pull him inside, Xu Mu gracefully declined.

Just seeing my old friend makes me very happy! I’ve got some other things to do, so I’ll skip the meal!”

Xu Mu smiled, about to turn around and leave.

Hey, hey! Why are you being so pole wh me!

Tu Shan tried to retain him.

Really, i must go!

Seeing Xu Mu’s determinaon to leave, Tu Shan had no choice but to give up reluctantly.

Friend Xu, remember to come and vis us frequently. There are not many familiar faces left in the Marketplace!”


Xu Mu left the pharmacy wh a smile.

Just as he stepped out, the two women came out from inside. Liu Feifei, who was about to speak, noced that a few bottles of pills and several Spir Stones had appeared on the counter.

Medium-grade Spir Stones!! Husband, these wouldn’t be left by your friend would they?” Liu Feifei asked in shock.

Medium-grade Spir Stones?

Tu Shan turned around in doubt and indeed found Medium-grade Spir stones, which equally shocked him.

But he didn’t noce Xu Mu take out these objects just now.

However, there were only two of them in the room. Besides Xu Mu, ?seemed no one else would have left Spir Stones and pills on the counter.

Could ?be that he was not lying just nowand really flew here alone?

When Tu Shan opened the pill bottle and took a sni, his shock deepened.

This, this is a er-four elixir!


The two women were so shocked they could hardly speak.

Isn’t his friend a b overly generous?

All together, these were worth thousands of Lower-grade Spir Stones, almost the enre wealth of a Qi Culvaon Late Stage culvator.


Just as the three of them were considering what to do, a harsh cry came from the sky above the Marketplace, causing all three of their faces to change abruptly.

Damm! Why is that monster beast back? Didn’t ?leave just two days ago?!

Complaining, Tu Shan quickly handed over the Spir Stones and elixirs to his two wives and said to them, ’’Both of you, take Xiang1 er and Xi’er and hide in the basement now!”

Husband, what about your

I’m going to see if Friend Xu has left. If he hasn’t, I’ll inve him inside! Enough talk, hurry up!1

Wh this, Tu Shan ignored his wives’ pleas and rushed out.

But he looked around on the street and could see no sign of Xu Mu.

That old Xu, he left really quickly!

Tu Shan complained, just as he was considering whether to search nearby. Suddenly another cry came from the sky. He looked up to see a giant bird, wh a wingspan of over ten feet and surrounded by a turquoise aura, swooping down from the sky wh a terrifying momentum.

The street was full of panicked fleeing culvators. The cries of alarm, yells of chaos, and the sudden appearance of numerous protecve formaons made ?a mess.

Tu Shan, equally scared, looked as pale as a ghost, his body trembling as he hasly retreated to his house.

This giant bird was a er five monster beast; even the new Foundaon Establishment Family in the Marketplace could only defend passively and dared not provoke . As a Culvator in the middle stage of Qi Culvaon like him, he would surely die upon encountering .

Every me the giant beast came, many people would die, leaving the culvators wh nothing but hatred yet unable to do anything about .


Just then, there was a sudden thunderous sound from the ground. Tu Shan insncvely looked over to see a dark golden light surging upwards. ?tore the air and shot towards the giant bird wh a terrifying force, causing the earth to shake and the mountains to tremble.

Beast! I just spared your life, and you dare to bring trouble again!

The domineering voice echoed across the enre Marketplace.

The arrogantly rampant giant bird, upon seeing the figure, chirped in terror and immediately turned to flee.

One bird and one human, one fled and one chased, and they quickly disappeared into the horizon.

Just now, didn’t that voice sound a b like Friend Xu?

Tu Shan jovially wiped the sweat from his forehead after collapsing onto the floor, whispering to himself.

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