Longevity Clan Starts with the Patriarch's Marriage

Chapter 142 - 127 Chengsheng Mountain_2

Chapter 142: Chapter 127 Chengsheng Mountain_2

Translator: 549690339

The forces that didn’t send their daughters for marriage may not necessarily be remembered by Han Li, the ancestral patriarch, but he will surely remember those who did not.

Meanwhile, the Han Mansion convoy continued its journey.

Unlike the previous tense atmosphere, the entire migration team was now filled with excitement and a relaxed mood.

Migrating from Leizhou to Yuanzhou was an extremely long journey, almost 2.6 million li, a distance many cultivators of the Gangyuan Realm and even the God Refining Realm had never traveled.

Cultivators of the Gangyuan and God Refining Realms generally settled in a major province and would not easily cross into another; simply crossing one province was about seven to eight hundred thousand li.

The risk of crossing provinces for those in the God Refining Realm was small, but it increased significantly for those in the Gangyuan Realm and below, and even more so for crossing multiple provinces consecutively.

During the relocation, whether it was the descendants of the Han Mansion, the guards, maids, or Han Li’s concubines, all feared the unpredictable future, the high mountains and long roads, and whether they would be able to reach Yuanzhou alive was a major concern.

For various reasons, these people had all chosen to relocate together, but feelings of tension and fear were inevitable, and they were very worried about encountering dangers that could lead to the destruction of the convoy.

A Great Master in the early stages of the Gangyuan Realm provided little reassurance to the people of Han Mansion; luckily, Ancestor Han had soared to the realm of a God Refining Real Master, slaying many incoming enemies, boosting their confidence and greatly enhancing their sense of security.

Indeed, in the following journey, the migrating team faced fewer troubles, and many within the Han Mansion even gained considerable benefits.

Only after reaching Yuanzhou and arriving at Yonchang Manor did everyone finally breathe a sigh of relief, no longer living in fear, instead brimming with excitement.

They had long known that there were no God Refining Realm forces in Yonchang Manor; the Han Family, by arriving, had become the strongest force. Their future development was sure to be infinitely better than remaining in Lingjun City.

All of this had been worth it!

Zhang Xuan, riding a magnificent horse and with a great saber hanging at his waist, exuded a sharp aura as he patrolled back and forth, safeguarding the safety of the migrating team.

Sensing the atmosphere of the migrating team, a smile emerged on Zhang Xuan’s face, making him feel much more at ease.

He had originally been Qiu Xuan’s first disciple but later decided to follow Ancestor Han to Lingjun City and became a guardian of Han Mansion. Although his cultivation was slightly insufficient, he was also the chief of the guards.

Han Li had once taken care of him, and Qiu Yueyao had been particularly supportive; she was her father’s only remaining disciple, as the others had long since scattered.

Through years of cultivation, Zhang Xuan had reached the Innate Realm. He thought he was qualified to be one of the chief guards of Han Mansion, but Ancestor Han’s strength had grown too rapidly, ascending to the exalted God Refining Real Master.

Once the Han Family established roots in Yonchang Manor, they would no doubt attract cultivators of the Pihai and Gangyuan Realms. The position of chief guard would at least require the cultivation of the Pihai Realm.

Relying on his relationship, Zhang Xuan felt he could still hold the position of chief guard, but his inadequate strength would inevitably lead to criticism.

At that moment, Zhang Xuan silently resolved to make more contributions to Han Mansion and to earn Pihai Pills. Even with his limited talent, there was a good chance for him to break through to the Pihai Realm.

Touching the scar on his face, Zhang Xuan felt optimistic about the future. Having survived the arduous 2.6 million li journey, where many guards had died, he was fortunate to be alive.

The Han Family was destined to grow and prosper in Yonchang Manor, and he would have more opportunities to contribute and gain cultivation resources to climb higher.

“Master, I will definitely cultivate to the Gangyuan Realm and see the scenery of that domain for you,” Zhang Xuan silently vowed in his heart.

In the luxurious carriage, many people gathered.

Han Li, Lu Tianxiang, Lin Yiwu, Lin Yiyin, Qiu Yueyao, Li Mingmeng, Liu Yuexin, and several other wives and concubines were all there.

Han Li and Lu Tianxiang were already in the carriage, and the other beauties had come over to inquire about a matter.

Where was the Han Family ultimately going to relocate in Yonchang Manor?

To the manor city? Or, like before, settle in a county town?

Li Mingmeng, Lin Yiwu, and the other women were very curious, even Lu Tianxiang was somewhat curious. Han Li had only mentioned moving to Yonchang Manor in Yuanzhou, without specifying the exact location.

Yonchang Manor is a large manor in Yuanzhou, with a territory spanning over a thousand miles. Besides the manor city, there are three or five county towns that are quite prosperous.

“Husband, isn’t it time you told us exactly where we’re going to settle?” Lin Yiyin asked, hugging Han Li’s arm and shaking it coquettishly.

Feeling the soft elasticity, Han Li caressed her head affectionately and smiled,

“Since you all want to know, I’ll tell you.”

“The Han Mansion will not move to any county town or manor city; we’re moving to Chengsheng Mountain.”

“Chengsheng Mountain?”

Lu Tianxiang, Qiu Yueyao, and the other wives and concubines all showed puzzled expressions on their pretty faces.

They had quite a bit of knowledge about Yonchang Manor, knew the names of the manor city and several prosperous county towns, as well as the names of the mountain ranges and peaks within the manor, yet they had never heard of any Chengsheng Mountain.

Han Li blinked, realizing he had not told them, so he explained, “This is a mountain I named; it should be originally called Jingqing Mountain.”

The several beautiful wives and concubines suddenly understood, yet felt somewhat speechless. Their husband hadn’t even arrived yet but had already renamed a peak in Yonchang Manor in advance; it seemed he had long had his eye on that mountain.

“Chengsheng, to become a saint, that contains my aspirations for the family,” Han Li said softly.

Li Mingmeng, Lin Yiwu, and the other women did not understand the meaning, and they also did not know about the Saint Realm of the Saint Yuan. However, Lu Tianxiang understood.

Lu Tianxiang looked at Han Li in amazement, her eyes sparkling with astonishment. Her man had great ambitions, daring to contemplate sainthood while only at the peak of the Hollow Void Stage.

After the Hollow Void Stage, there is the Myriad Phenomena Realm, the True Martial Realm, the Divine Yuan Realm, the Tongxuan Realm, and then finally the Saint Yuan Realm.

The Daqian Empire only has one or two in the True Martial Realm, and the sect she belonged to did not seem to have anyone in the Divine Yuan Realm; whether there is anyone in the entire Qianyuan Divine Province in the Tongxuan Realm is hard to say, not to mention saints of the Saint Yuan Realm, who have long been extinct and only exist in legends.

“Perhaps, his promise to me is true,” Lu Tianxiang thought suddenly.

If Han Li dares to think about becoming a saint, helping her achieve the True Martial Realm probably isn’t much to ask.

Once the women received the definite news, they told the other beautiful concubines, who then relayed the information to their children, and the news swiftly spread.

The spies from various powers who were gathering intelligence in the vicinity also learned of this, and they breathed a sigh of relief, immediately reporting the intel back to their respective forces.

The leaders of these forces also heaved a great sigh of relief. Although Jingqing Mountain was high, its spiritual energy was not exceptional, and there were no high-value cultivation resources nearby. It was perfect for the Han Mansion to take root there. As long as they did not move to the manor city or county towns, or take over their sect’s mountain gate, it was alright.

The forces immediately began to gather and select beautiful female cultivators to send to the Han Mansion, planning to find a good opportunity to deliver them to Jingqing Mountain, and secure a strong alliance with the Han Family.

At this time, the Han Family’s relocation convoy had also arrived at Chengsheng Mountain.

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