Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 234: Atop The Walls

Chapter 234: Atop The Walls

[Strength: 85]

[Health: 110]

[Speed: 68]

[Skill: 81]

[UP: 40]

[Exp: 12/120| Level 15]


It had only been a day and Stevan was already able to walk again. He perched at the edge of the great walls. He implored that Jin gave him the chance of getting optimal wind and fresh-air and beauty. So, Jin simply teleported him atop the walls, immediately sacrificing him.

They were getting near sunset so there was a orange and crimson hue to the cast sky. And in this prevalent sky, the sun seemed to sink more and more as time passed by. Everything was so slow and calming when peering at this setting sun while the gentle winds brushed about skin. Some forget about their problemsothers did not. But irrefutably, everyone felt serenity up here. 

"How's the fresh air tasting?" Jin asked.

Stevan sniffed up some of the ever-present air. Air certainly had no smell and Stevan was well awarebut he seemed to taste and smell the freshness of the air. It smelt like trees and the hills and the seas.

"Tastes good," Stevan said, smiling softly. 

Stevan's body was still sheerly pale, and a bit greener in some areasbut not in his former state by any means. The poison immediately vanished after West was murdered by that unknown perpetrator about whom everyone remained skeptical. It was right then that Stevan remembered something. 

Recognition was like a spell that slowly changed the look on Stevan's face to that of a more alarmed one. "I... can't believe I forgot something this important." He glimpsed at Jin. "I can't believe it," he said but still got no reaction from Jin. Having see this, he narrowed his eyes.

Jin looked at him.

"You really don't care, do you?" Stevan asked.

"I can pretend I do," Jin said. A pretentious look took his face. "Ohh, what can't you believe? What happened?"

"Water," Stevan looked at the sky again, "West told me that water reverses the poisioning."

"Then get some," Jin said.

"Can't do that all the way up here," Stevan said. He then sighed. "Also, how many more days do we have have until the tournament?"

"Two days," Jin said.

Stevan frowned. "We have a lot to do then."

"You have a lot to do," Jin amended. 

"So you're that confident in yourself. Honestly, you've trained the least out of all the Hunters."

"And," Jin said, "you've trained the least out of all the apprentices."

"That's because you wouldn't train me, and West almost took my life," Stevan furrowed his brows. "What makes you think you're gonna win?"

"I warrant that I'll be the winner of the tournament," Jin said.

"I have no literal idea what your ability is beyond you being this 'system-user'," Stevan said. "I thought I was lucky to get you. Seems I was wrong."

Jin smirked. "A true man works for himself, Stevan. He needs no one else."

"Well, I'm just a kid," Stevan folded his arms, "so that shit doesn't apply to me."

Jin scoffed.

Suddenly, there was a warping sound. Shortly after the sound, the Innkeeper appeared atop the walls with crutches under his armpits. He trudged over to the edge of the wall, and sat down. Then, he stacked he crutches atop each other, and set it down beside him.

Finally, the Innkeeper looked at Stevan and Jin who stared at him. "What's the matter? Haven't seen a guy with crutches before?"

Stevan's lips parted. "You protected me from West, didn't you, old man?"

"I'm not even in my forties yet. Do I really look that old?" The Innkeeper clicked his tongue. "And yes, I saved you but I don't know if that was the right move or not." He looked up at the sky.

Stevan grimaced. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, I'm a virgin," the Innkeeper said.

Stevan scratched his head. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean," the Innkeeper said, "I haven't placed the pipe in the pizza yet. Not that I expect you to understand what I'm talking about."

"Please," Stevan peered long and hard at the Innkeeper until he got his attention, "tell me. I'd like to know."

The Innkeeper averted his eyes. "Uhm," he scratched atop his head, "where do I even start? I'd usually ditch kids when this topic comes up but," he looked down at his leg. The leg was cut from feet to knee. 

"Huh?" Stevan looked at the leg and still seemed not to savvy.

"See, this is why I hate kids," the Innkeeper said. "Didn't you go to school, Stevan?"

"Yes," Stevan answered, "but only for three years."

"School doesn't teach common sense," Jin added softly.

"Are you trying to change the subject, Mr. Innkeeper?" Stevan asked.

The Innkeeper grimaced. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You said you were a virgin," Stevan said, "tell me what that means."

The Innkeeper quailed. "Damn it. Errr, it's some pretty nasty stuff. Are you sure you wanna hear it, kid?"

"Yes," Stevan said brusquely.

"Know what 'sex' is?" The Innkeeper's face crimsoned.

"Yes," Stevan said, "we're all males right now. No females are to be here. This is the male sex."

The Innkeeper became horror-struck. "That's some pretty sick shit, Stevan. I don't have anything against homosexualitybut that's a bit much, don't you think?"

Stevan was clearly confused.

"He doesn't know what sex is," Jin said.

"I see," the Innkeeper placed a hand upon his chin.

"What is 'sex'?" Stevan asked, looking at Jin and then the Innkeeper.

"It's basically putting the pipe in the pizza," the Innkeeper answered. 

"Why would I put a pipe in a pizza?" Stevan grimaced.

The Innkeeper facepalmed. 

"That makes no sense at all. Have you any idea how much I like pizza? And why is it so random? A pole in the pizza."

"The pole is the thing in your pants," the Innkeeper said, "and the pizza's the thing in biologically female women's pants."

Stevan cringed. "Ewww. Why are you talking about this?"

"I told you it was nasty," the Innkeeper said, "basically... when two people love each other they use what's in their pants and connect them or lock them together. It's a a key being pushed into a door lock."

Stevan covered his ears. "Enough! That's disgusting. I don't wanna hear it anymore. That's digusting."

"It gets worse..."

"How am I still hearing you!"

"Partners have sex to make babies. The babies come out of their mother's pizza."


"Okay, okay," the Innkeeper scoffed, "geez. You asked for it. Plus, someone had to hand it to ya. Or you would have only figured out what it was after you let your instincts kick in when with your favorite female crush."

Stevan blushed and averted his eyes. "R-Ryla?" 

"You stupidly revealed her name," the Innkeeper said, "and now I know exactly who you're in love with."

"Please don't tell her," Stevan said. "Plus, I'm not in love with her anymore." He glimpsed at Jin. "Also, are you Virgin, Jin?"

Jin narrowed his eyes at Stevan. "Yes," he said. "And I have no plans to not be."

"I see," Stevan said.

Kai appeared alongside one of Jin's clones. This clone was other than Sexy Jin.

Kai looked riled. He trudged over to Jin and folded his arms, and pouted his lips. 

Jin looked up at Kai. "Got a problem?"

"Your clone is the problem! You know what I walked into the house to just now!" Kai snapped. "This 'Sexy Jin' was messing with my sister!"

"She likes it," Jin said. "That's why I haven't gotten rid of him yet."

Sexy Jin smirked from afar.

Kai looked over his shoulder at the clone. 

The clone wiggled his brows and vanished. 

Kai turned around. "Shit! He left. I bet he's gonna go back to my sister! Jin, you gotta get me down there."

"I'm only leaving when Stevan's ready to leave," Jin said.

Kai clenched his teeth but then he relaxed after having acknowledged that Stevan was present. He fit in the space between the Innkeeper and Stevan. "I heard you got messed up pretty bad. How are ya, Stevan?"

"I'm fine," Stevan said. "You?"

"Been good," Kai said. 

"Get better, okay? You should be resting." 

"I'm okay."

Kai turned to look at the Innkeeper. "What about you? How's life treating you?"

"Poorly," the Innkeeper said. "My damn foot is missing. Saving the kid was a must, but I had no idea I'd almost get killed in the process."

"Did you hear that?" Kai's face changed.

"Hear what?" Stevan asked. 

"Probably your sister's moaning," Jin said.

Kai clenched his teeth. "That's it Jin!" He stood. "I wanna fight you. You said we'd fight, didn't you? Let's do it right here, right now. Desummon that clone of yours right this instant. Kaylie can't be having any baby right now!"

"Babies are born after nine months," Jin said.

"What the hell, Jin!" Kai wrinkled. "Fight me."

"I am bored but..." Jin trailed off, "your skills might make it worse."

Kai smiled softly. "This is why I can't stand you, man. So arrogant."

"I think I hear her moaning again..."


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