Living in a Class-Based World

Chapter 11: Kanda Sports ①

Chapter 11: Kanda Sports ①

Kanda Sports this facility, which was popular as a local gym, was equipped with the newest training equipment despite having an average size for a gym.

Women never failed their daily training in hope of drawing a mans interest by maintaining an attractive figure. And thus today was yet another day of Kanda Sports being crowded with sweaty women.

But, while such a daily occurrence could be observed in the gymloud yelling filled the managers office situated deeper inside Kanda Sports.

Mayumi had informed her boss about Yuutas Service.

Really!?!?! And you say, its going to take place here!?!?

Y-Yes, theres no doubt about that.

For a man to bless us with a Service Activitywithout this being a lie or bad jokemy goodness, what a dream come true!

I also checked back that it was no dream many times over. He has undoubtedly accepted my Service request, and the place for it to take place was set to be Kanda Sports.

The manager sighed deeply, For me to experience such an auspicious event while Im still alive! Mayumi-san, well done! You dont need to worry about anything! Of course, the place will be reserved for you on the appointed day, and Ill make sure to keep away everyone other than you.

Ah, M-Manager! About that

Hmm? Is something wrong?

U-UmmYuuta-sama, who accepted my Service requestwas so kind as to entrust all the preparations to me.


Only at that moment Mayumi started to worry whether the managers office was actually soundproof.

W-W-W-What d-d-do you m-m-m-mean by t-that?

A-As I said, I have received permission to handle all preparations as I see fit.

U-Unbelievable. Mayumi-san, you didnt fall for some sort of hallucination after all? Maybe your brain overheated when you encountered such a dream-like story like a Video Call Service leading to a Service at your workplace?

The manager thinking so might be only natural for a woman of this world. After all, it was unthinkable that something so convenient for the womans side would take place in reality.

At this point, Yuuta still hadnt been able to properly grasp the relationship between women and men in this world.

Men were assessed and classified by women. Men could become very popular if they were evaluated to be outstanding, but shut-in trash, who refused to perform Services, like Yuuta was hated and scorned, even if he might be one of the few, precious men.

Yuuta considered himself to be a target of hatred and scorn for women. And that wasnt wrong in itself.

But, the biggest reason for him being hated and scorned was to be found in his refusal to perform Services. As long as they could receive his Services, women would happily accept any man, regardless of him being an F-Rank as junior high third-year or whatever.

This especially applied to common, female citizens.

Of course, things would change if it came to the other party being a member of a high family, but since Yuuta didnt deal with high families at present, this limitation was irrelevant to him.

On the other hand, from a mans point of view, it was important whether a woman would be useful to him and how much she assessed him as a valuable man. Men would never sell themselves cheaply. Thats because they believed selling themselves cheaply would inevitably lead to their own value plummeting.

Yuutas behavior, as a personality of the old world who was trying to enjoy this world, would be regarded as self-deprecating by the men of this world.

If, for example, Yuuta had posted free live streams several times a month, the other men would have likely taken actions against him. Theyd have told him, Do you intend to lower your value as a man? or What are you going to do about it if our value declines because of you?

Understanding that it was indispensable for him to adapt to this world, Yuuta hadnt caused any problems with his behavior so far as he was careful to not stand out too much. The physical examinations escalation originated from the doctor and the nurses, and since the Housework Service took place in Yuutas room, the other men didnt witness it. Even the Video Call Services would be labeled as very normal Service Activities, except for the one with Mayumi.

If the men of this world learned about the matter with Mayumi, theyd very likely knit their eyebrows at it, wondering just what was going on there. Moreover, if Yuuta accommodated an ordinary woman so much, it couldnt be grounded in him showing his sincerity to a high family in order to build a connection either. In other words, this whole incident would end up standing out a lot more than Yuuta expectedunder normal circumstances, that is.

That limitation was based on Yuutas current situation, which would allow most people to sympathize with Yuutas conspicuous behavior. Especially his male classmates would probably agree right away, if they heard about this. While ridiculing Yuuta, saying The F-Rank shut-in scum is struggling to somehow make E-Rank before graduation, or, Wanting to be an E-Rank, hes licking the asses of ordinary women, theyd make up some selfish excuses to come to term with this situation. Besides, it was an undeniable fact that Yuuta was doing his best to reach E-Rank.

Until now Yuuta had acted without standing out, but leaving all the preparations for a mans Service Activity outside the Exclusive Male Zone to Mayumi was simply too easy-going of Yuuta. If all women working at Kanda Sports were to observe Yuutas training during the upcoming Service, and if the other men heard of this.itd develop into a huge problem.

The men would ask why he allowed women, who wouldnt even evaluate him, to participate in the Service.

In situations where it was unavoidable as they were forced to use a specific facility, it couldnt be helped, but if that wasnt the case, itd be unthinkable for other men to allow other women to personally watch their Service.

My hallucination, huh? Umm, Manager, is it alright for me to Share the Service request with you?

Eh? Youre alright with that?

Yes. I planned to share it with you anyway. I mean, its going beyond what I can handle by myself.

O-Okay, I understand. Y-You have my permission.

Mayumi used her tablet to share Yuutas Service. Those sharing a Service could all access the details of said Service. Andthey could all participate in it. In other words, this was the managers free pass to be present at the gym during the appointed day.

Usually, a woman wouldnt be able to arbitrarily share a Service request without the mans permission. But, with Yuuta having entrusted all preparations to Mayumi, Mayumi could use her own discretion to decide such matters.

I-Its true. Just you being able to share it with me on your own accord is already the best proof for itand even the Service requests details mention that all preparations have been entrusted to you. Okay. That means its no hallucination, Mayumi-san.

PheewIm happy to finally get proof that Im not dreaming all of this.

Having gotten a basic grasp on the situation, the manager started a meeting with Mayumi as to how they should proceed next.

First off, what do you plan and do you have any ideas, Mayumi-san?

L-Let me see. To be honest, I have no clue what would be best.

I see. In that case let me give you a piece of advice: Even if Yuuta-sama might have entrusted all preparations to you, hell likely become angry if you handle things in a way that goes against his interests. As such, its imperative for the participants to have clearly assigned dutiesso as to not damage Yuuta-samas reputation.

Clearly assigned duties?

Yes. Its about them being present because they have an official duty, and not just for the sake of watching Yuuta-sama perform his Service. I mean, its only normal for personnel, which is necessary for the gym to operate, to be present during a mans Service, right?

O-Oh, I get it.

Yuuta-sama is scheduled to arrive here at 10 a.m. and do a training session. Because no clear duration has been set for the Service, this part has been left in your hands as well.

If the time for finishing the Service was decided in advance, managing the training period would become quite difficult, wouldnt it? I hear others got totally flustered when they were just one second overdue.

Indeed. Thats why this arrangement is very welcome for us. Now then, I wonder what official duties we should assign I think, receptionist should be obvious.

Yeah, well, its normal to have a receptionist after all.

A cleanernormally itd be logical to get all cleaning done before Yuuta-sama arrives, but since its just a pretext for the public, I think itd be fine to have cleaners, too.

How about a clerk at the shop or something like that?

Oh, thats a great idea. Maybe Yuuta-sama is going to buy something, so lets station a clerk over there. Ill be fine with giving my greetings to Yuuta-sama when hes about to go back.

Ehh!? Manager, youre truly alright with just that?

Mayumi was startled by her bosss words. As it was one of the very few chances to take a look at a man from nearby, Mayumi believed that itd even be fine for the manager to be present in the training room since she was running the gym in the first place.

No, Im okay with this much. I wouldnt want to upset Yuuta-sama by becoming too greedy.

Yuuta-sama is a gentle man, so he wont be upset over something like this.

Even so. If you consider Yuuta-samas situationhell likely endure a certain extent of things by ignoring them in order to get a high evaluation from you. But, exploiting the weakness of a man whos so kind to do a Service for us I dont want to become like those women of high families.


It was probably a blessing for Yuuta that the manager, who ran Kanda Sports, was a woman of decent character. Or rather, she was a magnificent woman who deeply respected a mans Service, and not a wench who would grasp a mans weakness to use it against him just because it was possible.

Okay, we got one receptionist, one shop clerk, and me, making it three people in total. The cleaning staff depends on how many we assign on that task, butlet us first consider the candidates for the respective duties.

I think Sarah-chan would be perfect as the receptionist!

Hahaha, I thought youd say that. You two are very close friends after all.


Alright, Sarah-san is set as receptionist then.

The face of her best friend crossed Mayumis mind. She suspected that Sarah was currently dealing with customers as a receptionist while smiling sweetly. Sarah had mentioned that shed like to talk to a man someday. Even when Mayumi had informed her about having had her Video Call Service request accepted, Sarah had rooted for her with a big smile. For this reason, Mayumi wouldnt have chosen anyone else for this job.

As for the shop clerkhmm, I think itd be best to go with someone whos usually working there.

True. It would possibly contradict Yuuta-samas kindness, if we positioned someone new there solely for the sake of allowing them to get in contact with a man as clerk.

I havent talked overly much with the staff at the shop Who do you think would be best, Manager?

Hmm, I think Michiru-san would fit the bill. Shes been organizing everything related to the shop.

Ah, yes, we wont have to worry if its her, I think.

The receptionist and shop clerk were set. Now they had to decide on the cleaning staff.

The cleaners will be

Well, Id guess everyone will be more than willing to do it. Officially itll be a cleaning duty, but at the same time itll allow them to observe Yuuta-samas training.

What do you think? How many would be okay?

Thats difficult to say. If we also take future matters into account


The participating women would stay quiet about Yuuta having come to Kanda Sports for a Training Service. After all, they wouldnt be interested in drawing the resentment of the women, who couldnt participate, upon themselves.

Under normal circumstances, being able to receive a mans Service would serve as a topic among women to brag or share the happiness, but a Service outside the Exclusive Male Zone was different.

Yet, no matter how secretive they went about it, at some point itd be exposed either way. Especially if they booked the gym on the appointed day and prepared all kinds of things, any clever woman would immediately catch on due to all the unusual things going on.

Ummthis is just a what-if

Sure, if you have a good idea in mind, please share it with me.

If everyone switched as cleaners and observed the Service for a short period of time or something like thatwould Yuuta-sama notice?

Wh-!? W-Wait a sec, Mayumi-sant-thats

The plan Mayumi came up with was extremely dangerous, and at the same time, extremely charming in the managers eyes. If they wore the uniform of cleaning staff and wore caps, it wouldnt be immediately apparent who was who, she suspected.

The training room had a glass wall, allowing you to peek in from the outside.

Even if women wearing cleaning staff uniforms were to pass byoutside the training room, Yuuta-sama shouldnt mind it too much, right? Given that he entrusted all the preparations to Mayumi, he should have done so on the assumption that women other than Mayumi would be present in the gym.

ErmI think the others will definitely find out anyway. Even if we dont talk about it, a sudden business holiday due to an unusual inspection would be way too fishy.

T-That does make sense. Itll get exposed, most likely. Yes.

A method that avoids drawing the hatred of others other than this

The manager sighed deeply, Itll be strange for cleaning to be constantly performed in front of the training room. I think we have to make sure that everyone can participate by deploying cleaning staff at several locations after Yuuta-sama has arrived


Oh sheeshthe scheduling will be a pain, you know?

Yes! But, Im sure everyone will be eagerly practicing how to move on the appointed day, even if they have to work overtime, as long as they receive the possibility of taking a direct look at a man in return!

And thus started the biggest project of Kanda Sports since its establishment.

Project Y.

This Service Activity, which was named Project Y after Yuutas name, would go down in the history of Kanda Sports


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