Library of Heaven’s Path 2: Eternal Destiny

Chapter 17: Zhang Xuan Never Caused Trouble

Chapter 17: Zhang Xuan Never Caused Trouble

At this time, the teachers had already finished guiding the students, who were now lined up on and off the stage.

Although called a mountain, Source Pool Mountain was actually a small stone. As students walked past, it occasionally emitted yellow or green colors, with red being rare.

Many students hoped to be the "genius," but seeing the dean and others' disappointed looks, they understood it wasn't them.

"Xue'er, do you think... the genius the dean is looking for could be you?" Yu Xiaoyu asked suddenly.

"Impossible!" Mo Yanxue shook her head. "I haven't even refined a single source energy during this assessment. If it were really me, the dean would have mentioned it earlier."

"That's true!" Yu Xiaoyu nodded, looking eager. "Someone more talented than us... I really want to know who it is. We must meet this person!"

"Indeed!" Mo Yanxue agreed. "It would be an honor to know such a person."

After expressing her feelings, she looked towards the groom in the distance. Her brows furrowed again.

Here was someone clearly talented, yet humble enough not to acknowledge it, content with obscurity. Another was given the opportunity to train but willing to give it up for just 100 source coins... How could there be such a disparity between people?

"It's our turn!"

Soon it was their turn. Mo Yanxue strode towards the Source Pool Mountain, which immediately emitted a faint red light.

Though still a distance from deep red, it indicated her Source Pool was more solid than most, a testament to her talent.

Next, Yu Xiaoyu walked over and also caused a faint red glow.

"Who is this? He looks older..." Following behind them, Zhang Xuan was about to step forward when a teacher's reprimand rang out.

The students undergoing the assessment were all around sixteen or seventeen years old, but this guy was clearly over twenty, obviously not fitting the criteria.

"He is my attendant. The vice-principal said everyone should be tested, so I brought him along," Mo Yanxue explained.

"Don't waste the opportunity on an attendant!" The teacher in charge snorted coldly. "Step aside!"

"Yes!" Zhang Xuan nodded.

He hadn't opened his Source Pool, so the test was irrelevant to him. He was about to move aside when a voice rang out.

"Let him take the test!"

The dean, Lu Mingrong, looked over with deep eyes.


The teacher didn't dare hesitate with the dean's order and motioned. "Go ahead!"

Zhang Xuan stepped towards the Source Pool Mountain, feeling a gentle force enter his body and rush along his meridians as if searching for something.

He didn't resist, letting it roam while he looked down at the rock beneath his feet. The stone was grayish-blue, with no light glowing.

"As expected, it doesn't light up..." Zhang Xuan shook his head.

This thing was quite accurate.

Just a moment ago, he had imagined whether the dean could be looking for him.

Now it was clear he had overthought... Without Source Pool, he was just a useless person unable to cultivate, not worth all this fuss.

"Step down!" The teacher was not surprised and glanced at him contemptuously, waving his hand.

Zhang Xuan stepped down, not noticing that the force that had entered his body was still wandering inside. It seemed get lost...

Seeing this, Dean Lu Mingrong felt a deep disappointment.

After testing almost all the students, the genius was still nowhere to be found...

For the first time, he felt that sometimes, overly humble students could be quite frustrating!

"Let's go!"

Realizing the dean wasn't looking for her, Mo Yanxue and the others felt slightly disappointed and turned to leave the school. Although today's assessment wasn't completed, it had been a good exercise. They would try again tomorrow and hopefully do better.

Yu Feng, being a student of the academy, naturally couldn't leave with them and waved to say goodbye.

At this point, almost all the new students knew the dean was looking for a genius. Each one was eager to perform well and gain his favor.

"Tomorrow, I must refine the Heaven's Fate Energy well and make a name for myself!"

Yu Xiaoyu clenched her fists, setting a lofty goal. As she spoke, she thought of something. "If I could borrow my dad's training room for a night, I could definitely stand out tomorrow!"

While others didn't know, as his daughter, she knew very well. The city lord had built a special quiet room above the library for himself. Training there not only helped in focusing but also increased control over power. If she could adjust herself there overnight, she would surely perform much better at absorbing Heaven's Fate Energy tomorrow.

"But... Dad treasures that room. I can't even look at it, let alone train there... Oh!"

An idea suddenly struck Yu Xiaoyu. "If I help him tame that Cangback Eagle, he would definitely agree!"

The Cangback Eagle was something her father had spent a long time capturing and had been trying to tame for over half a month without success. If she could help, he would surely agree to anything.


With a sly smile, Yu Xiaoyu jingled the bells on her outfit and approached Mo Yanxue. "Xue'er, you said I could borrow that groom..."

Mo Yanxue frowned.

"What, are you going back on your word?"

Yu Xiaoyu nodded. "Just for a day. I'll return him tomorrow, please~~"

With a cute face and a pleading voice, even Mo Yanxue felt a bit of a headache.

"Fine, fine!" She nodded, then turned to Zhang Xuan. "Zhang Xuan, go with Miss Yu and do as she says. Don't cause trouble."

"Yes, Miss. I've always been discreet and never caused trouble!" Zhang Xuan nodded.

He had just been brought into the Mo family and had no contract of servitude, so he could leave whenever he wanted. However, since he hadn't fully recovered from his injuries and hadn't started training yet, it was better not to offend anyone.

Staying low-key was always the top priority.

Besides, he had noticed that while Miss Mo seemed cold and strict, she wasn't actually bad. Using the Mo family as a temporary shelter until he fully recovered was a good way to ensure his safety. Most importantly, he needed to leave the Mo family openly to gain an identity. Otherwise, he would just be a refugee and sooner or later get caught again.

Satisfied with his response, Mo Yanxue nodded.

"Great, let's go now..."

Afraid her friend would change her mind, Yu Xiaoyu jumped up, grabbed Zhang Xuan's sleeve, and headed towards the carriage outside the academy.

Zhang Xuan awkwardly bowed to Mo Yanxue as a farewell.

"This girl, always so energetic..."

Mo Yanxue shook her head, turning towards Su Shang’s resting place.

The horse had performed admirably, boosting her prestige. She would reward it well when she got back.

Before she could get there, Feng Jin hurried over, his chubby body trembling with tension. "Miss, have you finished the assessment..."


Mo Yanxue nodded expressionlessly. "Bring Su Shang over!"


Steward Feng's eyelid twitched, and he fell to his knees with a thud. "Miss... Su Shang... it was..."

"What happened to it?"

Mo Yanxue asked.

Steward Feng gritted his teeth. "It was... killed by Zhang Xuan!"

"What happened? Tell me clearly!"

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