Level up Zombie

Chapter 77 Leave Behind One

The Cobra gang had taken out most of the zombies from the crate. There were a few still walking around, but the gang effortlessly finished them in single strikes.

They had also done so in an intimidating way so their new guests would know who they had messed with.

"This is really interesting. You guys are the first zombies that I have found who have some intelligence. This is going to be a huge payday!!" After finishing the last of the zombie, Cobra stared at Shark and Kun and licked his lips again.

"Payday?" Shark replied as he held a spear in his hand. He wasn't yet comfortable in using long weapons or these types of weapons, but in the weapon room Kun had found, there were too many choices that he went with the most logical one.

A spear gave him a versatility advantage, and he wouldn't have to get close to those he would attack and could stay quite a distance away.

"Do you really think that money still matters in our world? The old world order is gone, and if you try to take us, then I will make you pay in other ways." Shark replied, hitting the bottom of his spear on the ground.

One of the men holding a machete covered in blood and a piece of human flesh chuckled at this.

"Screw you!" the man said as he charged at the former. "I hate dogs who are all bark but no bite."

Seeing the person come in, Kun took a step back. He had a heavy backpack on him, filled with weapons inside, and as for the one he had picked for himself, it was a ball and chain. The chain had a heavy spiked ball at the end, which could do severe damage to enemies when swung.

Still, with the bag full of other weapons, whose even handles could be seen sticking out the top, he decided to let Shark deal with this. Stabbing the tip of the spear into the ground, Shark went to use his hands instead.

He watched the machete carefully as it was swung down, moving to the side. Shark then quickly grabbed the wrist of the attacker and twisted it, forcing the man to let go of the machete. He then twisted the man's entire arm and turned him around. The next second he used his knee to put pressure on him and kicked him to the ground, and the man was now on his knees.

'He…did that on purpose.' Cobra noticed.

Shark had not inflicted any wounds on the man. He hadn't used a weapon and yet quickly took out a street fighter. It was clear that this wasn't an average person beyond being a zombie, and Shark had done all of this on purpose.

"Leave my people," Shark said.

Just when he finished those words though, Cobra instantly appeared right in front of him and picked up the spear Shark had stabbed into the ground.

"Thanks for the new weapon," Cobra smirked.

Then taking it out of the ground, he swung it wide to hit Shark. Unfortunately, it was too close to use the sharp pointed end, and instead, the wooden handle hit Shark on the side.

Using his armpit, Shark had grabbed onto the spear and slammed his other hand on the handle, breaking it in an instant. Seeing this, Cobra removed a black blade from his trousers and slashed it across right at Shark, taking advantage of the distraction.

However, Shark blocked the attack with his forearm, although he received quite a deep cut. Finally, Shark threw out a fist, but it hit nothing as Cobra had already retreated to his earlier position.

'What is this…how is this person so fast? It's almost inhuman...no, it is inhuman, I'm sure of it. Does this person have some type of special power?' Shark wondered. 'Fighting against this gang could be dangerous for us. It's better if we just leave and find another group. There are plenty out there, and we can still survive a couple of days more with a single brain. This is just too risky.'

At the same time, Cobra was thinking along the same lines. After seeing Shark fight, he knew it was not worth the risk to try to win this battle without getting hit by these guys.

"Alright, I'll hear you out," Cobra said after making up his mind, "I'm assuming you want your two zombie friends, right? Well, let's say you can have one of them."

Hearing this, Shark held out his hand, and immediately Kun knew what to do, as he placed a dagger into it from his backpack.

"Both, or we fight." Shark replied and looked Cobra right in the eyes.

In the end, Cobra let out a big sigh.

"Alright, fine, you can have both, but we get to keep the human boy. You see, he disrespected us, and we won't let him go even if he's a part of your zombie group."

By now, Pink had pulled the blade which Fingers had thrown at her stomach to stop her. She looked back at the human who had helped her earlier. This human had saved her life. It didn't feel right to just leave him here.

But before Pink could even speak up, Shark had already made up his mind.


Hearing this, Pink was unsure if she could say anything to Shark, and she knew that in his head, this was the best deal to make, and he would not change his mind. After all, to him, the Reborn took higher priority than humans.

Nodding his head, it looked like Cobra had agreed to the deal, and slowly, both Pink and Fingers walked across the warehouse. They were cautious as they walked past the gang members, but the gang stayed true to their word and didn't try anything funny.

When Pink finally got over to Shark, she thought she might as well try something.

"Shark, is there really nothing we can do? That kid saved my life."

Shark shook his head.

"If we fight, there is a good chance that more than one of us will die. If I was on my own, maybe, but with his speed, there is a high chance of all of you dying and me being the only one left alive. That is not exactly a good trade if you ask me."

Just as Pink thought, Shark would have his reasons for doing these things. As she turned around, Cody saw the disheartened look on her face, but for some reason, he wasn't upset.

At least he had managed to save someone.

When leaving the warehouse, the Reborn group wanted to get away from Chinatown as much as possible, but to their surprise, a person was walking toward them. In fact, it was Nnt just one but two.

"Zain? What are you doing here? How did you know where we were?" Kun asked.

"I didn't," Zain replied. "I've just been going around everywhere."

Now that Zain was relatively close to the warehouse, with a whiff of his nose, he could smell a human.

"Hey, check what we found. Take any you like," Kun said as he opened his back, revealing a bunch of weapons. Immediately, Zain went to pick one by the handle. It was a short sword, something the knights of the mediaeval era used to use.

"Pink, Fingers, you should pick one as well. If none of these looks good, we can head back to the shop where we found them to get more." Kun said.

Holding the sword in his hand, Zain slashed it in the air a few times and came to like it, but he was far more concerned about something else.

"I smell humans from that area, so why are you guys walking away?" Zain went straight to the point. From the look on all of their faces, it seemed like something that they didn't want to talk about.

"It's a gang," Shark replied. "It's best if we don't get involved with them and move on."

With that said, Shark started to move away, but he soon stopped as he noticed that Zain wasn't following them.

"Zain...are you coming?" Kun asked as he put the backpack on.

Images of Kelly strapped to the chair flashed through Zain's mind, but then they changed to images of another woman, beaten as well, making him tightly grip his sword.

"Skittle, follow them," Zain ordered as he went off to walk. "I won't let these people live."

Walking right up to the door of the warehouse, Zain pulled out one of the knives he had tucked into his belt and threw it, instantly hitting one of the gang members right in the head and causing him to fall to his death.

The gang was alarmed and stunned. They instantly turned around, only to see a teen with a hoodie at the entrance.

"Who the f*ck are you!" Cobra shouted. He had just dealt with a zombie group, and now someone else had disturbed them. And this guy even dared to kill one of his men? Cobra was incensed.

Backed into a corner, pressed up against the wall, Cody could only move his eyes, and when he looked at the face of the person at the entrance, he couldn't help but wonder if he was fantasising about things.



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