Level up Zombie

Chapter 75 A Monster And A Human

Seeing the bite marks on Pink's legs, Cobra thought many things. First, he thought maybe this woman was already infected and had chosen to come to them even though she knew she would eventually turn. However, the bite marks were too many and based on what he had seen in the recent days, he had come to make a few deductions of his own.

A light scratch at times wouldn't turn someone into a Zombie, but it wasn't always the case and would actually depend on the victim's ability to resist the turning. However, a deep scratch would turn one into a zombie no matter how strong their will is. The time it would take was dependent on two things.

The person themselves, and how deep the wound itself was. However, a bite was what turned people the quickest, but even then, it would depend on where the bite was, the quicker or slower it would turn a person.

This was the same for the deep cut on one's body. The closer it was to the head, the quicker one would turn. This also made him conclude that whatever was infecting them, a virus or anything else, looked like it had to reach the brain for it to fully affect them.

To verify his theories, Cobra experimented with many members of his own and even on the people from Chinatown. Those who got bit or scratched, he cut off their limbs, hoping it would stop the infection, but it looked like it would still somehow reach the brain, and his experiments were quite unsuccessful in saving the people, but still verified his theory.

At the same time, with so many bite marks on one's legs, he believed that it was unlikely she had been bit recently, and what was more likely was the fact that she seemed immune and oblivious to them. This made Cobra's heart race at this point.

If they could capture her, how much would the scientists around the world pay them to use her? All he had to do was wait for the situation to worsen everywhere and then reveal his trump card. Pink was valuable in a world like this.

The only thing was, he was completely wrong, and never in his wildest dreams would he think that Pink, a person who could speak and move, was a Zombie herself. She latched onto the man's neck with her mouth, continuing to bite down as long as possible.

The veins on the man's neck started to bulge, and he could feel pressure in his head. A few seconds later, his eyes started to change, the skin on his outside began to turn paler, and at this moment, Pink had let go.

The man's entire body started to shake. The others stepped away, seeing the sudden turn of events. They had seen something like this happen before, but they couldn't believe it.

While everyone was in shock, Pink rolled on the floor and went past them, moving back towards the zombies that were creeping forward towards the hanging Cody.

She knew the zombies wouldn't attack her, so there was no problem, but there was someone she wanted to meet. Running forward, Pink fell to her knees as she could see her sister crawling with her arms.

"ARghhk!" Only gibberish came out of her sister's mouth and didn't make sense, but Pink still lifted up her body and embraced her with a hug.

"I'm sorry, Jasmine. I'm sorry I wasn't there." Pink clutched her tighter. "I'm sorry I was selfish and didn't help out with the family business. I'm sorry you had to take my place instead… I'm sorry I was such a bad sister!" She shouted. "Why…why didn't you turn out like me? Why couldn't you have become a Reborn like me!"

Meanwhile, the others had seen their ally stop shaking, his body stopped twitching, and slowly he got up from the floor and turned around. His mouth was left wide open hanging and loose, and he started to make noises and groans as he stared at his own companions.

"That bitch, she turned him, she f*cking turned Mike! How is that even possible?!" Shouted one of the men with a crowbar in his hands.

"Move." Cobra was still not worried about the situation.

Immediately, the men moved away from their friend Mike, and Cobra instantly appeared in front of Mike with his long black knife in his hand. Before the latter could react, he stabbed him right through the top of his skull with ease.

Then kicking his body, the knife came out from his skull, and Mike fell to the floor.

"No mistakes…otherwise, you're going to end up dead like him."

Seeing this all play out, Cody had somewhat come to a realisation, and his mind was clear, but his eyes were still swollen, so he wasn't at his best. Instead, he turned to possibly one person who could help them out in this room. He twisted his body, pivoting himself toward Pink.

The Cobra gang hadn't even bothered to tie up his mouth because they knew that if he did scream or shout, it would just attract more zombies toward him.

"Free me!" Cody asked. "Break me free, and I'll help you. I don't know what you are, and I don't care. You hate that guy, right? Well, I f*cking do too. So free me, and we can both kill these arseholes together."

His voice was hoarse, but it reached Pink.

And hearing his words, Pink put her sister back down and turned around. It was then through the door that she could see Fingers had returned.

'He came back. Did he get help as he said?' Pink thought.

"I'm sorry, Pink, I think we're screwed." Fingers said as he backed up, and there were three more men that had come in behind Fingers. None of them she recognised, and they were clearly human with machetes in their hands.

"Haha, so you managed to gather the whole gang for me? Excellent." Cobra suddenly laughed, "Now we don't have to chase after you."

Hearing this, Pink decided to take a gamble. She instantly used her sharp nails and strength to hit the rope from above. It had scratched a big chunk of it out, so she pulled the rest with her bare hands. As a Reborn, she had more strength than the average human, and it was working to her advantage.

After unknotting a few loops, Cody freed and jumped by Pink's side before anyone from the Cobra gang could react.

"What the f*ck! Do you think that little sh*t can help you?! hah!" Cobra snarled. "I'll kill all of you."

While Cobra was shouting, Cody muttered a few words to alert Pink.

"There's one thing you should know. That guy…we have to be careful...he's superhuman."

The second Cody finished his sentence, Cobra ran from where he was and was already across the room with his blade heading straight for Pink's neck.


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