Letters to Romeo.

Chapter 207 - Dusty Old Book

Chapter 207 - Dusty Old Book

Julie and Melanie spent their time in the library, picking the corner table that was half-hidden behind the book rack.

Though the table wasn't completely hidden from a person's sight, a student who took a quick peek from the entrance wouldn't be able to spot them. Though there was still time for the project submission because Ms. Dante had preponed the exams, both the girls wanted to submit their project at the earliest.

"I think we need to elaborate on this one. Was this all the information we got on this?" asked Julie while both the girls stared at the screen.

"This is what we found last time. Maybe we should ask the librarian if they have brought the new reference books. She did say something about getting new books," replied Melanie, and she said, "Let me go and check?"

When she was about to stand up, Julie patted her friend's arm and said, "Let me go. My legs have been feeling stiff sitting continuously," and she went to ask the librarian to be pointed where the book was, which was on the above floor.

Julie made her way up the stairs, and she walked to the quieter side of the library. Most of the students had started skipping classes to catch up with their syllabus quickly. She took a diversion, walking to the rack where the textbook was. When her hand reached the book, someone caught hold of her hand and spun her around before pushing her back against the shelf that contained the books.

"Rome," Julie breathed his name, feeling her heart skip a beat. "I didn't know you were here."

"Mm for quite a few hours now. How's your project work coming along?" asked Roman. Bending down to her neck, he pressed his lips against her neck. Julie sighed at the feeling of his velvet lips grazing against her neck.

"We are almost done," replied Julie breathily, and her eyes had automatically closed for a moment, and she then opened them. "Were you studying?"

"Mm," came Roman's reply, and he placed a mouthful kiss. "How's your health?"

"Not bad. How about you?"

"Not that good," Roman's words fell on the column of Julie's neck. He licked her neck, "You wouldn't mind if I took a sip..."

"No," and just when the word left Julie's lips, Roman sunk his fangs right into her skin. His hand let go of her hand, and it moved to wrap around her waist before pulling her close to him. Julie's hands circled around Roman's neck, letting him feed on her and a couple of minutes passed in silence. When he was done consuming her blood, he pulled his fangs out of her skin, licking the spot clean.

"Have I told you how good you taste?" Roman looked at her with his red eyes that looked very much alive. He stared into her eyes, making sure that she was alright.

A smile came to form on her lips, and she nodded, "You have."

Roman licked his lips before pecking her lips, "I have the intense urge to beat Simon for ruining my time with you. You'll come later to me, won't you?" he asked her, the eyes that now looked at her, was of the Ripper.

"I will," promised Julie, and Roman loosened his arms around her waist so that she could walk back to her friend. "Are you going to spend all your time here today?"

"Much better to stay where you are, than back in the dorm where I might be annoyed by someone," remarked Roman, and his lips quirked up.

Julie smiled back at Roman. Just when she turned around with the textbook in her hand, where she had taken two steps away from him, Roman pulled her back to him, stealing a kiss. To Roman, Julie was nothing less than a dessert, which he craved for more, and one spoon of it was never enough.

His lips pressed against her soft one's, sucking on her upper lip, and he finally let go of her by walking back to the place where he was often found.

Julie quickly went back to where Melanie was sitting and daydreaming about something.

"I found the book," she said, taking a seat next to Melanie.

Melanie noticed how Julie's face looked flushed, and she didn't have to ask that her friend had met Roman on her way while getting the book. She was glad to see that Julie had the right opportunity when it came to love, and somewhere, she wondered if she would ever have something like that.

The day had started frustrating and had now switched to an anxious one.

In the past, like any other lovestruck girl, Melanie had dreamt of the many ways where she and Conner could spend their time. They were all innocent ones. They were like she and Conner studying together in each of their dorms. Or outside in the garden or near the bleachers. She had dreamt of having a picnic with just the two of them, and those were the little dreams that her younger self had dreamt about. When they finished their project work, Melanie said,

"I will submit it. You can spend time with him."

Julie's eyes widened before her cheeks carried a quick blush, "Rome will wait. Let me come along."

"That's fine, Julie. I am doing much better now than earlier, and I realized I was just behaving silly before," replied Melanie, and she hugged Julie. "I will submit this one and walk back to the dorm, so you don't have to worry about me. I will be fine."

Julie gave a slightly apprehensive look to Melanie, "You sure?"

"Positive. I will see you later," Melanie put up a bright smile, carrying everything with her, as she stepped out of the library.

After submitting their project work, Melanie headed back to the girl's Dormitorium. With the slap that she had landed on Simon's cheek, it didn't go down well with some of the students, and on her way, she could feel their glare. She was glad to see that there was no Conner nor Simon in front of the building. Her feet moved as quick as it could, but before she could place one foot inside, she heard Conner call behind her,

"Mel, wait!"

"Shit," Melanie muttered under her breath with her eyes closed. Her heart almost dropped on hearing his voice. Opening her eyes, she slowly turned around and saw Conner jogging towards her.

Conner's brown curly hair moved up and down, and when he came near her, he stopped jogging. His breathing was ragged as if he had been running for quite some time.

"I am so glad to have caught you here!" Conner smiled, and Melanie gave him a small smile.

She asked him in a casual tone, "What's up?"

Keeping her eyes on his eyes was possibly the hardest thing for her ever to do compared to before when she had discovered that she was in love with him.

Conner had tried to meet Melanie since what had happened during breakfast, but he had been unable to find her or Julie. And now that he had caught her, he cleared his throat, and he proposed,

"Would you like to take a walk?"

Melanie knew that if she wanted, she could refuse, but she had dragged this matter way too long. She gave him a nod, "Okay."

Melanie walked next to Conner in silence. She could feel people's gaze on her, which then shifted to look at Conner.

"Looks like you have turned quite popular," commented Conner and Melanie awkwardly laughed.

"I wouldn't call that being popular," murmured Melanie under her breath and more than being bothered by people staring at her, her eyes moved to the corner to look at Conner.

"Are you okay?" Conner asked her, his eyes quickly moving to look at her.

She nodded, "Why wouldn't I be?" she asked cautiously.

"Because of what happened in the morning in the lunchroom..." Conner's voice trailed, and Melanie moistened her lips which had suddenly turned dry. "Do you want to speak about it?"

They both stared at each other for a few long seconds, and Melanie parted her lips to apologize,

"I am sorry that you had to—"

"You don't have to ask me sorry for something that isn't your fault," replied Conner, and he said, "I know Simon likes to tease people a lot and I also know that you both don't get along well. I thought you both were finally getting along, but it seems like I was wrong. You don't have to worry about what I might think."

Melanie's lips didn't close, and they stayed parted. Was Conner alright with her having feelings for him? Wait, but he mentioned teasing.

Conner continued to speak, "I know my best friend. We have known each other for so long, we never showed any romantic interests with each other. Which is why I know that you don't feel that way. Simon was only being what he does and you got annoyed by him. Right?"

Melanie didn't respond to his question, and instead, she stared at him before finally shaking her head.

She had hidden her feelings for Conner for so long she felt it was time to tell it out. Not so that they could start something new, but so that she could put her feelings behind her and start anew. Mainly because she didn't want to stay in the boat of unrequited feelings.

"Conner... Simon wasn't teasing me. He was telling the truth," stated Melanie, and she looked the other way while they had paused their stroll. She said, "From a very long time, I have loved you. I didn't know how to tell it to you and never found the right time to convey it."

Hearing this, Conner's mouth opened, and his eyes slightly widened at this new information, "You do? I never knew… I don't know what to say..." he said in surprise.

Melanie nodded, "You don't have to return my feelings. I know you don't feel that way about me," she put up a smile on her lips.

Conner had never picked any hints about Melanie's feelings for him, which is why what happened this morning had taken him by surprise.

Even though many weeks had passed since his late girlfriend had passed away, his thoughts and feelings were still with the dead girl. It was because to him, Reese was his first girlfriend, and he had cherished and loved her, making it difficult for him to let go of the memories.

Melanie offered him a wide smile, and she said, "Nothing has changed between us, Conner. We'll always be best friends like we have since the beginning."

"But you are in love with me," muttered Conner under his breath, a small frown came to form on his forehead. "Did you have feelings for me before I got into a relationship....?"

Melanie gave him a nod, "I did tell it was long."

Conner wondered if he had unintentionally hurt her, but Melanie had never objected to his time with Reese, and he believed that everyone liked his late girlfriend. He asked her, "Is there anything that you are hiding from me, Mel?"

Melanie pursed her lips because she was, and the elongated silence had Conner stare back at her. He said, "I think I need some time."

This time, Melanie furrowed her eyebrows, and she said, "Okay."

She wondered if it was too much for Conner, now that he knew she had feelings for him.

"Please don't take it as me avoiding you," Conner tried to clear the possible doubts, but Melanie could tell that he was exactly doing that. "I never knew you were in love with me, and I need to think on what to do so that we both don't get hurt." Saying this, he stepped forward and put his hands around Melanie, hugging her.

Melanie didn't know why, but the hug wasn't comforting, and she didn't exactly look forward to it in eagerness. And it was because they both hugged each other in a guarded way.

Far away from them, Maximus and Simon, who were walking by, caught sight of the humans hugging each other. Maximus commented, "Looks like they made up. Do you think he accepted her as his girlfriend?"

Simon's green eyes stared at Melanie and Conner, where they both were in each other's embrace, and he said, "Who knows."

"If they did, it's all thanks to your help," replied Maximus with a snicker, and Simon turned his gaze from the couple to look at his friend.

"Aren't I the purest angel? Helping couples come together," murmured Simon with a hint of sarcasm before they walked away from there.

Melanie felt Conner pull away from her, and she watched him walk back in the direction of the boy's Dormitorium. It would be a lie if she said it didn't bother that Conner had decided to take some time for himself, but maybe it was for the best. At least now, she wouldn't carry these unrequited feelings in her chest, feeling its heaviness.

Melanie took a deep breath and made her way back to her own dorm. On entering the dorm, she closed the door and dropped her bag on the floor. She removed her shoes and went straight to bed, and Melanie didn't know she was so exhausted that she fell asleep.

While on the other side of Veteris campus, Julie and Roman sat on the library's first floor, picking their usual spot. And while they were studying, around the time of evening, when most of the students had decided to take a break from their studies and leave the library, the Corvin paid a visit to them.

It suddenly dropped a large black, dusty book on the table, making Julie cough and Roman wave his hand in front of him.

"What is this?" asked Julie to Cillian, who stood next to the table, placing his twig-like hand on the surface of the table.

"The book of witches," came the raspy voice of Cillian.

"I thought that the witches never had a book that had spells recorded in it," replied Julie, where both she and Roman curiously stared at the book.

Cillian moved his hand away from the table when Julie took hold of the book, "It isn't that witches don't record their spells, but they often put enchantments that another person cannot read or make use of. If there's anyone who can read it, it is a fellow family member. It is the key."

Julie opened the ragged black book, turning the pages that seemed delicate. It was written in a language that she didn't understand, and there were diagrams and drawings. She looked up from the book and confessed, "I don't know what is written in this book."

"No?" asked the Corvin, and Julie shook her head. "I was sure you would be able to read it. It will be an utter waste if you aren't able to read it."

The Corvin was about to pull the book towards it when Roman took hold of the book and turned it around. He said, "I can read it."

"How interesting," remarked Cillian, and said, "It must be from a Blackburn family then."

"You don't remember if it is yours or not?" questioned Roman, and the Corvin shook his head.

"Even though I have regained most of my memories, there are still some that are either blur or I don't remember them," replied Cillian, looking down at the book. "As I have crossed over from the living to the dead, I cannot read what is written nor can I perform spells. But as Roman and I share the same blood, you should be able to break the enchantment so that Julie can read it."

Julie asked Cillian, "Won't it work if Roman tries the spells?" After all, Roman did have witch blood running in his veins.

The Corvin shook his head, "Roman might have witch's blood running in his veins, but the vampire's blood will stop him from using the spells written in this book. Like you, he will have to tap into his soul energy if he has one. For now he can break the enchantment so that you can read it. Follow my cue," said Cillian, bringing his hands up in the air and waiting for Roman to follow him.

Roman let a sigh escape from his lips, and he finally followed what the Corvin did with his hand movements. Cillian said, "Repeat my words."

In the meantime, Julie looked around the place to keep an eye so that no one would catch them standing with the Corvin. When she turned around, she saw Roman place both his hands on the pages of the open book. And they heard a loud ding sound that caught others' attention. Suddenly they heard something crack and the nearby windows shattered with a loud sound, eliciting a few surprised shouts.

"It is done," said the Corvin, and Julie moved back to the table.

"The potion used for corrupted souls with the roots of the Taintree and the ashes of a male witch..." Julie's voice trailed as she read what was written in there. She could indeed read it now. She saw Roman turning the pages, one after another, as if looking for something before he finally stopped flipping the pages.

Roman questioned, "Is this possible or just an assumption?" while reading the details in there before his eyes met the Corvin's hollow eyes.

Julie wondered what Roman was talking about, and she looked down at the page. Her eyes widened, and like Roman, she stared at Cillian.

It was the resurrection of the dead.

"It is only a theory. During the time when I was alive, I tried looking for answers, but there's one component or ingredient that is missing from the list, making the spell incomplete," answered the Corvin.. "And even if it does complete the spell, we cannot be sure that it will work or what side effects the spell will have."

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