Legend of the Asura

Chapter 28: Spirit Knight

Chapter 28: Spirit Knight

"Perhaps it's a boss."

White Clothed Guard: Level 20 Normal Boss

HP: 2500

Guards the second floor entrance of the Death God's Tomb.  It will continuously chase down all intruders.


Watch my big blade: It forcefully uses the large blade in its hands.  Has a high probability of dealing double damage.

Angry Roar: A loud roar that will raise its strength by 10%.

"It's still a guard.  These undead things actually still know about titles."  But after finally finding the entrance to the second floor, Feng Xiao charged forward.

Fighting against three level 20 Normal Bosses, Feng Xiao did not worry at all.  He calculated the distance perfectly to release an Ice Shattering Slash while avoiding the blades of the two guards at the same time.

-1537, -1499, -1493.

The guards that had been attacked had their HP emptied as they fell to the ground.  The remaining guard was covered in ice and had been completely frozen, not moving at all.

The 10% freeze effect!

The final guard's attack finally arrived and a large miss appeared above Feng Xiao's head.  Feng Xiao began to laugh as he impolitely cut down the frozen guard with two slashes.  Then ignoring the final guard's attacks, he killed it with two Ice Shattering Slashes.

"Ding, congratulations to player Wind Spirit for killing three White Clothed Guard Bosses.  You have gained 30 prestige."

"This level 20 boss, isn't it too easy to beat?"  Feng Xiao picked up the coins and equipment that dropped and used the "Gathering Skill" on the corpses on the ground.

"Ding, there is nothing that can be gathered from the White Clothed Guards' bodies!"

"The small monsters had nothing, but the bosses also had nothing.  Could it be that there is nothing to gather from the monsters here?"  Feng Xiao helplessly stood up as he walked towards a gate.

As soon as he arrived in front of the gate, a "gezhi, gezhi" sound rang out and the gate automatically opened.  There was a dark tunnel behind it that lead to the second floor of the Death God's Tomb.

Feng Xiao did not dare to be careless, so he slowly walked down the descending staircase.  Although he was below ground, the light coming from the crystal stones embedded in the wall and ceiling made it as bright as day.

As soon as he touched the ground, a cold glow shot at him.  He was not startled as he quickly moved back and a spear passed in front of him.

They could actually throw their weapons.  Feng Xiao put up his guard and used the Heavenly Eye to look at the monsters.

Spirit Spearman: Level 25 Normal Monsters

HP: 1700

A guard formed from the released death qi.  Wields a long spear as a weapon and possess high attack and high defense.

Innate Skill:

Spirit Body: Has a strong resistance to death attribute attacks.  Has an increased 50 death attributed damage to normal attacks.


Long Spear Proficiency: When using long spears, the weapon attack and accuracy will increase by 10%.

Long Spear Throw: Forcefully throws out the weapon in user's hand and deals large damage to enemies, which also has a high critical hit chance.  After throwing one's weapon, one needs to concentrate their death qi for three seconds to form another weapon.

The Spirit Spearmen were stronger than the guards and had an extra skill, but that three second weapon forming period was a fatal weakness.  Feng Xiao used a "Wind Wheel Slash" at the spearman that had just attacked him and at the same time, countless spears flew at him.

-1121, -1102.

The spearman had been instantly killed and several misses and a total of around 150 damage appeared above Feng Xiao's head.  Twenty rounds of attacks from the spearmen would be enough to empty Feng Xiao's around 2000 max HP.  Feng Xiao secretly praised their strength.  If he did not have the Snow Spirit Cloak's high evasion and the Asura's Illusion's HP and attack increase, he would have died here today.

After drinking a potion, Feng Xiao quickly attacked the spearmen who had lost their weapons.  His 55 move speed was twice what the spearmen had.  The spearmen did not even have time to react before the enemy appeared in front of them.  The dark gold sword in his hand was enveloped with a cold aura as it slashed out.

The spearmen did not have time to dodge before a giant damage figure appeared above them, with each one losing around two thirds of their HP.  There were even several of them that had been frozen for 3 seconds.  The Spirit Spearmen who had no way of reacting could only shout.

"Although your weapon throwing skill is a strong long range attack, as long as the enemy does not die, then you'll become lamb waiting to be slaughtered.  Ice Shattering Slash!"  With Feng Xiao speed and skills, all the monsters around him were easily taken care of.  Picking up the coins and potions from the ground, Feng Xiao continued forward.

The Spirit Spearmen gave quite a bit of experience.  Adding in the fact that he was skipping levels to kill them, just twenty of them was enough to let the level 14 Feng Xiao go up by 5%.

"Not bad, this is quite a good place to level.  If I'm extra careful, then perhaps I won't have to use potions."

The drop rate in Rebirth was very low.  Even skipping level to kill twenty level 25 monsters and with Feng Xiao's luck, he still did not get a single piece of equipment.  But with a low drop rate like this, it can truly display a player's luck and skills, which also creates a more active market.

The layout of the Death God's Tomb's second floor was very simple.  There were smooth crystal floors and shining crystal stone walls, but it was a pity that the walls and floor could not be destroyed or else Feng Xiao would have taken some.  The entrance to the third floor was around a hundred meters away from him, but Feng Xiao did not go forth.  The monsters of the second floor gave him more pressure than the first floor monsters and it was easy to tell that he would not be able to fight the monsters of the third floor yet.  Moreover, the experience here was quite good and this was a good place to level.

Feng Xiao began to rush back and forth past the Spirit Spearmen.  Once he was used to their attack methods, he could easily handle them without any threat at all.  Feng Xiao casually dodged all the spears flying at him, running from the front to back then from the back to front.  Looking at his experience bar rise, he felt very satisfied.

"The experience from beating higher level monsters is so satisfying!"

Feng Xiao went back and forth several times and his experience had risen to level 14, 90%.  Suddenly a white light appeared not far from him as a tall and giant man brandishing a long spear appeared.

Feng Xiao gave a laugh as the long awaited long spear boss finally appeared.

Spirit Knight: Level 25 Silver Level Boss

HP: 5100

The commander of the Spirit Spearmen.  Has a strong attack and defense, but slow attack rate.


Heavy Spear Hit: Wields the long spear to attack an enemy's weakness, doubling the attack damage.

Spinning Dance: Spins the long spear to attack all nearby enemies.  Has a certain chance to activate the "repel" effect.

Meteor Throw: Forcefully throws the user's spear as fast as a meteor at all enemies in a straight line, dealing a fatal blow and having a 100% chance of causing a 3-5 state of dizziness.  After using this attack, the user must concentrate death qi for 3 seconds to form a new spear.

Summon Pet: There is a chance of the boss summoning a pet to help it fight.

The stronger version of the spearmen!  Feng Xiao did not have time to be polite as he did not even give a greeting before attacking with his sword.


The damage figure above the Spirit Knight's head surprised Feng Xiao.  With his close to 800 attack power and his 50% increased damage to do around 800 damage, just how high was this fellow's defense?

The newly spawned Spirit Knight did not even have time to stand properly before it was slapped on the butt with the sword.  It flew into a rage and attacked back with its spear.  It was so fast that Feng Xiao did not even have time to dodge as he was hit by it.


The strong spear attack's double damage made Feng Xiao knight his brows.  The Spirit Knight's attack power was stronger than he imagined.  If it was a normal level 15 player, then they would lose half their HP with one hit and the second hit would kill them.

Feng Xiao quickly attacked back and two Ice Shattering Slashes took two thirds of the Spirit Knight's HP.  The second attack also triggered the knockback effect and the Spirit Knight was sent back 5 meters before stopping.

"Hei, hei, a Silver Boss isn't that great.  It's still being easily taken care of by me!"  Feng Xiao threw his Xuan Yuan sword at the Spirit Knight lying on the ground.

-876, miss.

The pitiful Skeleton Knight had only attacked once before having his HP completely emptied.

Feng Xiao proudly caught the Xuanyuan Sword.  Suddenly, a cold glow flashed in his eyes and shock filled his heart, but he did not react in time.  The giant spear was like a meteor, slamming right into Feng Xiao.


A large yellow damage figure appeared above Feng Xiao's head and at the same time, he fell into a 3 second period of dizziness.

"Fuck, I let the success go to my head."  Feng Xiao secretly criticized himself.  The Spirit Knight itself was also stunned because it did not think that its strongest skill wouldn't instantly kill the enemy.  Without any weapons in their hands and neither of them moving as they stared at each other, it created a very strange scene.

After both of them being stunned for two seconds, the Spirit Knight roared out.  Feng Xiao said in an annoyed voice, "It wouldn't be going insane, right?  What are you shouting for!  Shut up!"

"Pa".  A white light shined and a large spirit appeared beside the Spirit Knight.  Feng Xiao's eyes went wide with shock.

A giant and powerful wolf had appeared.  It had a body of red fur that seemed like it was made of fire.  With its fangs that were longer than normal wolf fangs, it looked very terrifying.

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