Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 333 The Legendary Traitor

POV ???:

The whole town was in flames, with the houses burning and melting. The streets were vacant, with no human in sight. The nauseating, disgusting smell of burned and rotting flesh was everywhere.

A single player trembled in the dark side valley, his entire body soaking in the sweat of fear. The air was hot and unnaturally heavy, with an oppressive, evil aura everywhere.

He was in shock as the game changed from an RPG to a survival horror, where he was forced to hide just to live.

'I have even got a quest to survive!'

His entire body was translucent, with all his life signs suppressed to the bare minimum. He wasn't even breathing as he ran on the oxygen in his blood.

'It looks like my stealth build has paid off!'

It was like a nightmare. The whole town was overrun by demons in just a single hour. He saw the guards and players massacred by tall, winged demons of red fire, their flaming whips cutting through armors like a mower through the grass.

He stilled himself as the sounds of steps came from behind the corner, the two voices, one of them sounding distorted, echoing through the street.

"Their majesty of anger will honor their words. The continent will burn, and the human armies will be in shambles. We will take on the brunt of the angel counterattack."

The second voice sounded distinctly human, "Their lordship will also honor their words. You will have enough of their blood to keep the gate open for as long as you can defend it. And when the time comes, they will strike too! We will annihilate the Church of Light from this continent, and our masters will have free reign!"

'Ohhh, who are they talking about?' He already knew something big was happening, but now that he had heard that some unknown force wanted to engulf the whole continent in a war, he couldn't help but gulp.

'If they win, there will be no hiding on this continent. All the players will be forced to leave for another continent or wage guerilla warfare against unending hordes of demons.'

POV Vesuvius:

In the blink of an eye, the sky was split in half by a shining line of pure lightning. The next second, a loud sonic boom sent waves through the forest below it, the tree's trunks bending and creaking.

The dragon was no longer in his kingdom. Foreign towns, mountains, fields, and forests that looked like a giant colorful canvas of colors passed below him. However, he didn't care, knowing that no one would have time to care about him with the army of demons going berserk.

He sped up even more, and everything around him became a hazy blur. He flew in absolute silence as the air parted in his way to make his flight easier.

He quickly closed towards his target. A tall and massive mountain grew taller and taller with him getting closer.

Everything was perfectly sunny, with the rays of sunlight bathing the whole mountain in light. It was so bright that it made the surrounding mountains and hills look dark, even though it was noon.

A small city of white marble was built beneath it, its tall white walls and towers shining under the sunlight.

'The grand wyrm of light, the sacred wyrm protector of Asrin's Kingdom. Such fancy titles, unworthy of a traitor.' Vesuvius snickered, enjoying how the proud wyrm had become nothing more than a dog of angels.

The dragon suddenly slowed down, his huge body stopping right above the town of white.

The black clouds exploded out of his body, submerging it and the surrounding fields into darkness.

"Show up, you traitor!" The dragon's voice resounded through the city, the buildings cracking and collapsing under the power of his voice.

"Come here, you coward!" Even more of the buildings crumbled into piles of rubble, the cries and shouts of the humans resonating from beneath them.

"Get out, or I will start killing your precious minions, one by one!" There were no limits or morals when it came to punishing traitors.

Traitors that betrayed their ancestors and their kind. They were the most despised and hated beings by all of the dragon kind.

They would be attacked even by stupid wyverns and drakes on the sight as they carried the mark of traitors burned onto their souls by the dragon god.

Suddenly a bright light burst through the clouds, tearing them apart and forming a large opening. Rays of light descended, showering the entire city in light.

The dragon's eyes flashed, mana already gathering on his horns as they pulsed.

'I bet they will bring their feathered allies.'

The sound of flapping winds came from above, and all of the people in the city fell to their knees, mumbling prayers.

Vesuvius turned his golden eyes up, feeling a powerful source of mana quickly approaching him. The large wyrm, with a wingspan wide enough to cover an entire small village, descended.

There were no scales, and its entire body was covered in pristine white feathers burning in warm, sun-like flames and light.

Two horns forming half-ellipse shapes crowned its head, holding between them a circle of pure mana that glowed like a sun, making it look like the sun above the head of the Egyptian god Ra.

Feathers of light rained down together with hundreds of sun rays, illuminating its body like large reflectors.

'I would have a huge advantage in the night, but would they even show up?'

Vesuvius was sure that in raw power, he surpassed the wyrm by a lot, but it was still an ancient wyrm that lived long enough to see countries be born and perish, giving them experience far beyond his.

The wyrm's domain expanded and formed a bubble without a single cloud near its body.

"You have made a mistake, dragon, this is my territory, and I have allies!" The rays of light intervened behind the wyrm, forming a massive gate of light.

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