Kuro no Maou

Chapter 393

Chapter 393: The 4th Divine Protection

We’d usually leave the job of lighting up dark locations to Fiona since she was our fire specialist. But it wasn’t like I was incapable of using simple magic like Torch on my own. I just had to use the pseudo fire magic granted by the 1st Divine Protection.

“ Torch―― and, huh. Not as effective as I’d hoped.”

A balloon sized ball of black fire popped into existence on top of my palm. It was swaying slightly but stayed afloat.

It’s color was completely black but strangely, though faint, it was able to illuminate the inner sanctum I’d broken into without issue.

I cast a total of five of these torch balloons and issued them all over the room. Now that I could see inside, I shouldered Evil Eater EX and stepped inside.

Now on the other side of the wall I just destroyed, I scanned the area where the Lust Rose nested. It had an area as wide as the arena in Spada’s Grand Colosseum.

But the ceiling was still low like in the circular cave outside of here, so there wasn’t the same sense of massiveness as that boisterous arena.

It actually wasn’t like the arena at all, but a lot more like―― like you see in those Sci-fi movies, the mother computer, the core room, riddled with circuitry and wires.

“It’s true to its namesake at least... ”

At the center stood a giant flower, a rose. It looked fragile, ephemeral with it’s almost transparent blue petals. Like a delicately crafted ice sculpture the blue rose gave the impression that a miracle just might happen. But this flower was abnormally large, standing at 3 meters, it’s size only reinforced the idea that it was a powerful monster.

And since it was flower based, the Lust Rose could be the plant variant of a Succubus, the Alraune, a monster with the upper body of a woman that popped out of a flowery base body. This rank 3 monster was listed in the Guild’s almanacs, though, I haven’t had the chance to fight a real one.

An interesting point of note would be that although they always displayed a woman’s body, those women weren’t necessarily all beautiful.

The oversized rose I was looking at didn’t seem to have such a feature. Though, since it primarily used all manner of mental afflictions on its victims, I suppose it didn’t need one.

The particularity of this flower monster was the plethora of thorny vines that extended out of its base.

Its stalk was thick and short, the flower itself appeared as if it was blooming straight out of the floor, and all around it, from all 360 degrees of it, vines surged out like waves.

That’s what made my head think of a high-tech supercomputer.

It wasn’t moving these vines despite me approaching closer with each step which assured me that it wasn’t like a Morjura which could manipulate its tentacles at will.

I crushed the vines underfoot at I closed my distance to the Lust Rose, but it showed no sign of doing anything.

Did it really not have anything else to resist with?

No, I shouldn’t let my guard down. The Backdoor gave me more than enough information on its staple ensnaring techniques but it didn’t give me everything.

There was still the chance that a woman could suddenly leap out from within those petals and attack me. There was the precedent of the Sloth Gill doing that from the Greed Goar’s lopped off head.

But I now had countermeasures for that. With the 3rd Protection, Over Accel, I’d be able to deal with surprise events like that.

So, as I still kept my guard up, I’d arrived at a distance where I could strike it down with Evil Eater EX―― And that’s when it moved.

The frozen rose petals began to soundlessly unfurl.

An attack... no, not quite. What appeared from within the flower was, as I’d speculated, the special trait of an Alraune, a female body.

“... Kurono-kun.”

She called to me. In the same sweet, lovely voice it used in that dream, it called to me.

“Shit... really getting on my nerves now...”

It was Shirasaki-san. Not in a dream, but in reality, right in front of me, there stood the figure of the same Shirasaki Yuriko as in my memories.

She was naked, which could be because the Lust Rose couldn’t recreate the uniform I always saw her in or because it deemed that her bare figure would be more potent in seducing me.

Her clear, white skin, long, black, glossy hair, moderately full breasts and a slim waist. Everything below was hidden behind blue rose petals.

To me her body looked, less bewitching and more like a work of art. It was simply and only, beautiful.

Her clear black eyes looked straight at me as she continued speaking,

“Please Kurono-kun... don’t do this.”

She was begging to be spared.

Useless, how stupid, I didn’t have to listen to this, I clearly knew this was a monster―― but the fact that I had yet to cut her down showed that her words carried effect.

I really was hesitating.

“Please, I’m begging you... I just want to live here quietly, in peace.”

Which was a good point. The Lust Rose, unlike the Wrath Pun or Greed Goar, wasn’t going out of its way to cause havoc. All the adventurers who died in this cave came knowing the risk, while monsters such as Punpuns also died inside due to the natural law of survival of the fittest.

What right did we have to kill a wild monster that only wanted to live, peacefully secluded in its cave?

“Please Kurono-kun... spare me.”

Begged Shirasaki-san, her voice pleading me to show sympathy.

No this thing wasn’t Shirasaki-san. Actually, I couldn’t even be sure if the Lust Rose was as sentient as the people of this world. It might only be using whatever it deemed capable of getting it out of this situation alive.

For instance, since it knew my memories, it could create a person, create words that would prove effective in swaying me. It was doing the same thing as the dream but now in reality.

Which I understood all too well, but faced with such a perfect image and voice of someone dear, I hesitated. I just wasn’t able to think I could kill her even if I knew she wasn’t the real one.

It was like being told to step on a photo of a family member or a lover. Would it be that easy to mercilessly stomp on the caricature of someone so dear? I couldn’t do it. I’d resist even if I was lightly threatened. I’d refuse even if they said I’d get 10,000 yen if I did.

If something that took on her figure so perfectly pleaded with me to spare her, I just couldn’t――

“Listen, Shirasaki-san”

I spoke to the something that I knew wasn’t her.

“What is it, Kurono-kun?”

The slight tilt of her head as she replied was also impeccably similar. Just how adept at communication was this thing?

Actually, it didn’t matter. I didn’t need to know.

“Do you know how many people I’ve killed since I came here?”


If I met the real Shirasaki-san, if I said that same line to her, would she also react like this fake?

“I killed those white masked bastards, I killed tons of Crusader soldiers. And, I didn’t bear any grudge towards them, but I killed my fair share of bandits too.”

She didn’t reply. She was only listening, no, maybe it just didn’t know a reply for that.

“I didn’t want to, but I also killed them, other experimentees similar to me. I’ve killed other Japanese people――”

At this point, I was just talking as a way to harden my resolve. I might as well be talking to myself.

So I didn’t need her to reply. I didn’t require her input, since it didn’t understand.

“―― I’ve chosen my path.”

That’s right, my goals were not so frivolous that I’d get stuck here.

“This is my path. I need power. And I will take it. The power to kill Apostles.”

I readied my sword.

When I raised the Evil Eater EX held in my right hand overhead, the ravenous sword began grinding its teeth in anticipation of the meal it would soon receive.

“Sorry Shirasaki-san――”

That was when she finally understood what I’d been getting at. Opening her eyes wide, Shirasaki-san―― no, the Lust Rose screamed.

“No! Kurono-kun――”

“―― Eat up, Evil Eater EX!”

Suddenly, my eyes opened to show―― a black throne.

I wasn’t even sleeping this time, I just blinked and I was here. Well, anything’s possible I guess.

“Looks like I’ll finally have to deal with that... no, first, congratulations on completing the 4th Trial, Kurono Mao.”

Mia Elrod, the Demon King of old gave me words of congratulations with an unusually serious expression.

He was currently dressed in a military uniform that looked a lot like a gakuran and had on a majestic cloak. He was sitting on the grand throne which looked surprisingly fitting as he was currently dressed like a king.

“I am honored by your praise, your Majesty.”

Half going with the flow, and the other half in jest, I put my right fist on my left breast, the Spada salute, and then bowed on one knee, facing the Legendary Demon King I was in the presence of. I’d done this very recently when I received that decoration.

“Ahaha, it’s somewhat embarrassing if you do it so straightforwardly.”

And I’m glad you liked it. Mia-chan’s gentle smile was a healing smile.

“But you were very close to defeat this time around.”

Mia said as he stood from his throne and walked over, his cloak flowing as he did. To this I replied, smiling wryly,

“You’re right, it wasn’t exactly a normal battle.”

All my combat ability felt completely useless in terms of overcoming this one. Heck, I literally didn’t use any of Over Drive, Over Gear or Over Accel.

“Just goes to show, you can’t fight every enemy with muscle.”

“Yeah, it was a learning experience.”

“And what about that dream? Enjoyed it?”

He said something outrageous in an easy smile. A violent jolt went up my spine.

“W-wait... you mean, you saw that too?”

Holy crapper, that’d be... no, but... oh no oh no... shiiiit, I can’t, I just can’t man...

“Don’t worry, I’m not that insensitive.”

“Y-you swear you didn’t watch?”

I’m dead mentally if he were to kindly say he didn’t mind me having those super embarrassing fantasies. I’d been assuming that Mia was a guy, and if he was, that’d be fine to a certain degree, a very tiny degree. But then, if it turns out that he was actually a she...

“Yes, I swear, alright!”

What’s with you, he pouted cutely. Mia-chan denied it clearly so, alright, I’ll believe those words, Demon King.

“Right, enough about that. Hurry up and present the proof.”

“Eh? Already?”

“Yes, do it. You have it, right?”

Wasn’t there supposed to be some sort of ceremony or putting on airs that was supposed to happen at this point? Maybe the rules got changed since I wasn’t sleeping?

“Uh... we’ll I do, but still...”

But still, what exactly?

Actually, what was up with Mia-chan today anyway? First, he was all serious faced, and now everything he said was all rigid. Like, what’s this Demon King playing at being all hard-to-get like that? I mean it’s cute but still.

“So do it then, present the proof now.”

Practically forced to get on with it, I reached into my Shadow Gate which I could apparently use even in a God’s realm, and retrieved the piece that would serve as proof for the Lust Rose’s subjugation.

“This should be what you need.”

The object in my hand was something that resembled something of a seed and also an egg. A very mysterious ellipsoidal item. It was only 10 or so centimeters big, and almost fully white in color, with a teensy tint of blue.

“Indeed, this Womb of Lust should serve my need for a proof.”

Womb. Huh. Well, I mean this thing did come out from the imitation Shirasaki-san’s lower abdomen when I cut it down with Evil Eater EX.

I’d imagined that the Lust Rose could even replicate a girl’s soft skin, but when I struck it, the body shattered as easy as glass. The imitation was only ice magic on the inside.

That’s when I saw that this icy Shirasaki-san was actually connected to the Lust Rose proper from the hips down, and I could see, only in my left eye, a red indicator on that round object.

I then stabbed the Lust Rose’s flower straight down the middle with Evil Eater EX, letting it suck out every ounce of the rank 5 monster’s mana.

The Lust Rose withered very easily. It’s translucent blue rose petals were no more, and the green vines extending from it, now having lost their source of life, turned a stark white. The hypnotic patterned vines all started withering in a chain reaction and crumbled away into dust. No longer would they entice the unsuspecting adventurer into a land of dreams.

“―― Good, and so I’ve received it. And with that, my 4th Protection is yours.”

As how it always went, the Womb of Lust started vanishing into light particles from my hand.

The 4th huh. I now had more than half of the trials done... it’s sort of moving.

“Thanks. So anyway, what exactly does this one do――”


Right when I was asking what powers I’d received, Mia-chan started yelling. Very, very deliberately.

“What’s wrong? Why the sudden yelling?”

“Uhh, lemme think... Ah, that’s right! So recently, I went and had sushi after a long while! Last time was 2000 years ago!”

That’s quite the generous long while he’s got. Everything said and done, he was still a God I guess.

“Ah, sushi. That reminds me, I’ve been hearing about a new sushi place that opened up in Spada.”

“That’s the one, yes!”

“Let me guess, you also participated in the grand opening eating contest?”

“Sure did! I was real close to winning too.”

From that expression, it looked like he didn’t mind losing. I guess it was the fun experience that really mattered. He got to enjoy exorbitant helpings of sushi after 2000 years without it and got off without the normally inevitable stomach ache that proceeded.

“Sounds like a great place, I’ll make sure to go there once I get back to Spada. So anyway, back to the 4th Protection――”


Once again he’d barred me from speaking.

“What is it this time?”

“Uh, ummm... yes, I know! So it’s about that sushi place again, can you believe this, they don’t have pudding!”

Was that really necessary to talk about right now?

No, he was still of the Gods so his words might just hold some deeper meaning. Who knows, this could even be a clue to my next Trial, right?

“When I ordered it, they said they didn’t serve pudding and I... I was so sad.”

The hell man, he was just talking about him being stupid. Like getting your picture taken doing a double peace sign with a weird face.

“Alright, don’t be so depressed about it. Let me tell you about this store called Sweet Smile. It’s in Spada’s upper stratum and it’s not cheap. Just one costs 1,500 klans, but I guarantee they’re worth the price.”

“Oh, didn’t know about that! Thanks, I’ll go there as soon as I can!”

“It’s a popular store, so good luck getting one before they run out.”

Actually, what’s a God doing fussing over pudding anyway. Grow up.

“Alright, enough about pudding, I just want to talk about the Protec――”


And a third time. He was being so obviously deliberate, it wasn’t funny anymore. If he was going to be this way, I might as well push.

“Look, can you just tell my why you’ve been avoiding the topic like this?”

“... W-who’s avoiding what?”

Now, say that again, but looking at me this time.

It appears that the Legendary Demon King wasn’t exactly a master at deception. A bead of nervous sweat flowed down his cheek while his large, red eyes swam around, avoiding my direction.

“Give it to me straight, is the 4th Divine Protection a really weird power?”

I was half suspecting it to be, honestly. With the way this 4th monster was, using stealthy mind manipulation and even begging to be spared in the end, I didn’t think I’d be getting another straightforward power-up.

“I mean, I guess you could call it weird...”

Even now that we’re finally on topic, Mia-chan was being difficult like this. This power must have some bad downsides, looking at his face.

“I mean, since Over Gear is about physical defense, I was hoping the 4th one provided mental defenses, like against Telepathy and other mind control. Is that wrong?”

“No you’re right, it does include that sort of power.”

“So it’s not the main ability.”

Correct, he said, looking a bit apologetic. But Mia-chan stopped talking about it there, without going into further details.

Seriously, what’s he hiding from me...

“So is it like, I’ll be able to use this power to hypnotize and control other people as I will?”

If so, I could think of more than a few criminal applications for a power like that. Even I would hesitate in using it like that, since if I did, I might just go down a very wrong path.

If I had that kind of power in my hands, I could get the real Shirasaki-san to talk to me like she did in the dream. No no, I wouldn’t dare attempt to recreate that dream scenario in real life, even if I had the means to. That was out of the question. I was only fantasizing a little, believe me!

“Oh no, it’s not that convenient.”

“Ah, of course.”

No, it’s better this way. Controlling people was the exact opposite to my principles. After all, I’d experienced first hand the horror of those damn Angel Rings.

“Then what is it, just tell me already.”

“Ugh... it’s, well it’s...”

“I mean, you even told me the names right away when I got Gear and Accel, and it’d be better if I could at least get some hands-on practice――”

“P-p-practice!? No no no, you can’t do that! I’m serious here, just for this one, you can’t practice it here!!”

His face went beet red as he firmly refused my right to practice. Holy shit, just how bad is this power? How bad does it have to be that I can’t even practice... I mean, shouldn’t it be more dangerous to only use it in battle?

Actually, if even Mia-chan’s this nervous about me using it, I’m sure Lily and Fiona would get a shocker too. I just remembered how epic of a fail I had after I suddenly pulled out the Plasma Blaster.

“Alright fine. You don’t have to help me practice, but at least tell me its name and what it does.”

“Urk... can it just be the name?”

“No, I really need that second one too.”

Because of course I did. It was obvious that this power wasn’t a simple power-up, and I seriously didn’t want to have to try a million different things to discover its effects.

“O-okay, I get it. I’ll tell you the gist of the 4th power, plain and simple.”

“Yup, thanks.”

Then, after a long 10 seconds of silence, Mia-chan quietly spoke,

“Okay, so... my 4th Divine Protection. Its power is...”

“Yes, go on?”

“S... se... ”


“S-sex! It makes you great at sex!!”

“... eh?”

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