I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 302 Dahlia’s dungeon

Chapter 302 Dahlia's dungeon

Alice giggled her way out of my head and I continued my nice relaxing bath. I took the opportunity to explore the chat window and do a bit of customising. It wasn't too hard to understand and thankfully there were no words that were unfamiliar to me.

'Oh, here I can take a picture… I am in the bath, but as long as I only do my shoulders up…' I found the profile picture option and it allowed me to take a photo. Pressing the button, a new screen came up and it was as if there was a mirror in front of me.

At the bottom was a button that I could press, which I assumed would take the photo.

'Hmmm, how should I pose.' I moved around trying to see what looked good, but I ended up doing lewd poses most of the time.

'Silver will probably also see this, so I need not go overboard.' Considering who will be seeing it, I opted for a rather tame picture. It still showed my craziness, but showed only enough lewdness for Clara and Shaman to get the hint.

With that in mind, I put one hand over my breasts pushing them up slightly while giving my crazy eyes. With my other hand I slightly covered my mouth and showed off my fangs. I took the picture which then became my profile pic.

'Hehe~ I wonder how they will react.'


Stepping out of the bathroom dressed in my gothic clothes, I found Yumi and some other maids standing by the door.

"Miss Elysia, the Master wishes to speak with you." The middle maid spoke while doing a small bow.

"I see, well I'm ready, so take me to him." I didn't really have much of a choice and I already spent way too much time in the bath, so I better not keep Teivel waiting.

"Follow me then, Madam." The other maids held open the door for me and my guiding maid. As I walked through, I gave Yumi a quick wink, hoping it would encourage her.

Just as the door closed behind me, I saw Yumi smile which was a relief to see.

Following the guide maid down the hall made me wonder if I should befriend the other maids. The only issue I found was that all of them were quite older than Yumi and I was concerned that they might turn on me for the slightest chance at freedom.

I know Alice said they don't report to Teivel, but it doesn't mean they can't betray me. Even so, trusting Yumi was a risk, but at least I knew she wouldn't betray me. Without her parents around, I expect her to latch onto me. The last thing she wants is to lose another guardian.

'Jeez, my thoughts can be cruel.' I was almost thankful that Yumi's parents had died. I didn't believe it was a good thing, but their sacrifice will not be in vain.

"We're here." The maid stopped just outside Teivel's office, which I could have easily walked to by myself, but I guess that's the etiquette here.

"Thank you." I opened the door and walked inside to see Teivel standing by the wall examining one of the weapons.

"Welcome. I hope you have read the journal, my dear granddaughter." Turning his attention to me, he walked in front of his desk and faced me. His gaze was as piercing as ever, analysing every movement I made. He also wore the same red suit and looked just as evil as when I first met him.

"I did and I have to say it is quite an origin we have." I did a curtsey which made me want to vomit, but I'm trying to gain favour here.

"Indeed it is, but it is our duty to safeguard it. This history has been forgotten by the citizens of this city and only we Dahilia's still know about it." Teivel shut his eyes as if he were thinking back on some kind of fond memory.

'The fuck, I didn't think he would have anything to look back on.' I found it odd, why does bringing up our disappearing history bring back memories? I felt he would be one to idolize the past and ensure it is well remembered, but it seemed the opposite was true.

"What now?" I was hoping for some training of some kind, as I don't want to fall behind Shaman and the others.

"So eager. Well, if you're so keen, then there is something I need to show you. It's something… akin to an entry test. As of right now you are here because you're my granddaughter. However, that privilege won't last long and you will need to enter a dungeon to earn your stay." A smile appeared on Teivel's face and it reeked of insanity.

He probably doubts I will come out alive, but this is where I prove myself to him.

"Sounds reasonable enough." This dungeon certainly caught my attention, especially if it's underground. I doubt it was open to the public, meaning it was rarely explored. Perhaps there might still be some secrets to find.

'Maybe Alice is inside the dungeon.' It would make for a great way to hide the imprisonment of a very powerful being.

"Take my hand. We will go right away." Being offered his hand, I didn't hesitate to take it which then teleported us to this dungeon.

We appeared in front of a massive metal door which was firmly locked by enchanted wood and many magic circle locks. The amount of mana passively emanating from it was so intense that it was nearly visible to the naked eye. It screamed do not open, making me really think this is some kind of prison.

'I feel like I am walking into a trap.' I wanted to turn around and say no, but I had no agency in this situation. He may ask if I want to go in, but in reality, Teivel will throw me inside even if I refuse.

'Fufu~ you are getting warmer princess. Do not worry this is the exact place you need to be.' Alice spoke, confirming that this was indeed her holding place. However, before I could respond Teivel started to explain what I will be doing.

"I will leave this gate open for exactly 1 month and if you do not return by then I will shut it. If you return empty handed I will throw you back in and shut it. If you run away, escape, or lead monsters out, I will shut it. Do you understand?" By laying out some rules, it really sounded like he was trying to send me to my death.

"Yes." I reluctantly acknowledged, as I wasn't about to fail before my training even started.

'Maybe he thinks I can find something in here he can't.' Alice giggled at this comment, but making me wonder if the thing he can't find is Alice herself.

"Good, as for the main objective, I will allow you to leave if you fully awaken your vampire state or bring something back that catches my interest. If you have no questions I shall begin opening the door." Teivel gave me a glare daring me to ask questions, but I simply nodded, refusing to shrink back before his threatening glare.

'I will guide you through this if you are a good girl my princess~.' Alice was truly acting out her role as the devil in my ear and it was rather tempting to believe her.

'Surely you won't make it that easy.' There was no way in hell that I would walk in, get her power, and walk out without some kind of struggle. This is a dungeon after all, and if it is higher than a tier 7 one then there is no telling what will be waiting inside.

'Caught me red handed, Still, it's nothing too fancy, just a civilisation of vampires who are veryyyyy~ hungry for some blood that you'll have to fight through.' Getting a hint as to what I will be fighting, I already imagined some kind of mediaeval Gothic castle enclosed in darkness.

"?????????t???????ê?????????????????" Teilvel spoke in a language I couldn't quite comprehend, but I understood that it meant open in translation.

A few seconds passed before the wood keeping the door shut suddenly moved out of the way and all the magic circles began to disengage. The mana that they emitted came flowing off the door like the wind, pushing against us before calming down.

The doors then slowly creaked open and a chilling breeze blew into us.

"This is your last chance to prepare." Teivel gave me one last warning, but I already had everything with me.

"Not like you would let me go back now to prepare. I have everything I need anyway."

"Hmph, so be it. Come back alive… my dear granddaughter." Teivel scoffed at my comment and disappeared into a ball of flames.

'Now come, it's time for you to become one of the strongest people in this world.' With words of "encouragement" coming from both Teivel and Alice, I walked through the metal doors, entering the dungeon.

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