I’ve Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 99:

Chapter 99:

The unexpected call to Yooil came from none other than Yoon Seula.

Congratulations on the Newcomer Award, Yooil~

"Thank you."

Though he responded promptly, Yooil still felt bewildered.

They had exchanged texts since their time with the traveling theater troupe, but this was the first time Yoon Seula had called him.

Yooil, you're filming right now, aren't you?

"Yes, I'm shooting a drama that's scheduled to air next year."

Right! Shadows of Faith. I'm really looking forward to it~

After a brief exchange, Yoon Seula's voice, which had been engaged in light-hearted talk, took on a subtly serious tone.

Yooil, have you ever thought about doing theater again?


She continued in a gentle voice.

I'm not sure if you know, but I have a director friend. Kim Juwon


Yooil involuntarily stood up upon hearing that name.

Kim Juwon?'

It was a familiar name.

Back when the Wolmyeongdae Theater Club was staging Romeo in Wonderland, he was the director Heo Jiyu often mentioned as her role model.

Director Kim Juwon has been directing for 15 years with the Korean Theater Company and has received awards at the Korea Theater Awards and Baeksang Arts Awards. He is one of the most actively working directors.

That friend is preparing a new play. It's audition time right now.

Yoon Seula spoke slowly.

But I recommended you to Juwon.


Yooil's eyes widened.

Sorry for recommending you without asking first. He asked me if I knew any fresh, talented actors and you were the first person I thought of. I know you must be busy with the drama shooting, but

"I'd like to audition."


Yoon Seula's voice was filled with surprise.

I haven't even told you the title yet?

Achievement rate of stage 4 goals: 9.4%

Yooil glanced at the progress rate floating before his eyes and spoke slowly.

"Ordinary Family, right?"

Oh, right! You knew!

Of course, he knew the title of the play because he had heard it from Brion.

However, Yooil's decision to participate in the play wasn't solely due to the goal achievement rate.

The experience of acting on stage during From the Ground still vividly lingered in his memory. His desire to stand on stage again, given the opportunity, hadn't changed.

Regardless of what it might be.

As soon as the call with his agency ended, Brion's voice began to resonate in his head.

Ordinary Family by writer Kim Yehee is a play that won a New Spring Literary Award in the 2000s. Its timeless story is one of its strengths.

Then Brion started to briefly explain the plot of the play. Listening to the explanation, Yooil slowly nodded his head.

This could be interesting.'

Yooil, his eyes sparkling, threw a toy to the eagerly wagging puppy. Watching the puppy wag its tail from side to side, a sense of excitement began to build in Yooil's heart.

* * *

"Han Yooil?"

"Yeah. I felt it while performing together on stage. He's a talented guy."

Listening to Yoon Seula's words, Kim Juwon scratched his head under the worn-out grey beanie he wore every time he directed a play. It was his lucky beanie.

I did watch the traveling theater troupe But, hey, that PD really knew how to edit~

Come on, I performed on the stage with him! Dont you trust my eyes?!

Frustrated, Yoon Seula clenched her fists. If it weren't for their friendship, she might have thrown a punch or two. If only she could just show her memories in full.

Part of me just wants to use the actors Ive known for a long time. It's not like there are no actors in their late 30s playing high school students in this industry

Didnt you say you wanted to work with fresh faces, actors you havent worked with before?

Seeing Yoon Seula's hesitant expression, Kim Juwon readjusted his beanie. That was precisely why she was considering auditions.

Anyway Thanks for reaching out directly.

Yoon Seula sighed at Kim Juwons gruff words of gratitude.

She knew it herself; Kim Juwon had a bit of a contrarian streak. From not visiting popular restaurants everyone liked to not favoring hit songs, this trait extended to actors as well.

Of course, Kim Juwon had his reasons. Even if someone was renowned in the broadcasting world as a serious actor,' if they didnt understand the unique grammar of stage acting, the feel was entirely different. Thats why she observed actors, especially the ones receiving high praise, from a distance.

Kim Juwons lukewarm response to Yoon Seulas recommendation of Han Yooil was for similar reasons.

It might have been different if he had seen Yooil perform on stage, but Kim Juwon had been abroad when <From the Ground> was being performed.

Hes good, you know. Sensitive and perceptive.

After Yoon Seula left, Kim Juwon mulled over her words for a long time.

She wasnt one to speak without sincerity.

Now Im curious.

Kim Juwon stretched and thought.

One way or another, seeing is believing.

* * *

Thus, on the day of the audition arranged with Yoon Seulas passionate matchmaking, Kim Juwon also scheduled auditions for two other actors. Both were long-time stage actors gradually transitioning to screen.

Thank you. I look forward to working with you, director!

As the door closed, Kim Juwon frowned and gulped down his iced coffee. The most challenging part of his process in creating a play was casting.

Ah, this is exhausting.

He wasnt in the best mood. The two actors who auditioned before Han Yooil had both been disappointing.

As Kim Juwon finished her coffee, Han Yooil entered.

Hello, Im Han Yooil.

Kim Juwon put down his coffee and looked at Yooil.


Neat eyebrows, double eyelids, and fair skin.

Hes good-looking.

Kim Juwon made a brief note of his first impression of Yooil and then spoke.

Thank you for coming to this out-of-the-way place on the eve of Christmas.

Its no trouble.

And Im sorry.

Kim Juwon smirked and continued casually.

Your agency probably wasnt too thrilled about you going out of your way to audition for a play.

Everyone was supportive.

Yooil smiled, recalling how President Jang had told him to please take a rest' as soon as he heard about the play.

After some more pleasantries to ease the tension, Kim Juwon looked at Han Yooil with a face void of any smile.

"Now that your throat should be warmed up. I have a question for you."

He looked intently into Han Yooil's eyes and began,

"What exactly are you doing here?"

It was an unexpected question.

Given that Kim Juwon was famous among actors for his odd questions during auditions, there was even an unofficial Kim Juwon Audition Tips' guide circulating among theater actors.

As Kim Juwon tucked a stray hair under his beanie and looked at Yooil, his eyes were a mix of 60% curiosity and 40% fatigue.

Instead of answering, Han Yooil just stared back at her. That gaze made Kim Juwon blink involuntarily.


The light in Yooil's eyes, which had been sparkling with life, began to dim.


Not just that. His facial muscles started to stiffen.

And then, Yooil spoke.

"Could you, repeat the question?"

The slight shake in Kim Juwon's eyes wasn't just because it was the first time an actor had responded to her question with another question.

The tone has changed.'

When Kim Juwon, trying to maintain composure, asked again, Han Yooil slowly opened his mouth.

"I am in the process of, discovery."

His eyes were empty, his speech was halting and choppy, and his movements were subtly unnatural.

Yet, his face still bore a smile, kind but devoid of warmth.

"Discovering what?"

When Kim Juwon asked almost reflexively, Han Yooil's mouth opened once more.

"Anything, at all."


"Because, that's how I was designed."


It was then that Kim Juwon fully realized what Han Yooil was doing.

If one were to categorize the play <Ordinary Family>, it would be a sci-fi drama.

Set in a distant, radiation-polluted future Earth where most of humanity had either migrated to other planets or perished, the central characters were three: a girl, a grandmother, and a humanoid exploration robot.

The role Yooil was auditioning for was this robot'.

While such a role could easily become cringeworthy, Han Yooil's portrayal was understated.

Moreover, the robot he portrayed wasn't a clich character.

It doesn't feel like he's imitating anyone.'

Kim Juwon could tell from Yooil's tone, expressions, and eye movements that he had crafted a new character exclusively for this moment.


He finally understood why his friend had so fervently recommended this actor.


And refreshing.

Kim Juwon raised her eyebrows and asked,

"Yooil, have you read the script for <Ordinary Family>?"


Kim Juwon nodded as if he had expected this answer.

And then thought quickly.

Is there really a need to see him read the script?'

No need.'

Kim Juwon swiftly concluded and stood up from her seat.

"Let's meet again in a few days."

Kim Juwon extended her rough hand towards Yooil.

"That will be a formal meeting."

* * *

After the casting for the robot' role, the final piece of the puzzle for <Ordinary Family>, had been completed, Yooil was busily attending his year-end schedules.

Then, on the late evening before the Blue Dragon Film Awards ceremony, Yooil found a brief moment of respite and decided to turn on Shasta Live.

"Please bear with me even if I look a bit odd. I started this stream just before going to bed due to lack of time."


You know saying things like that could get you in trouble with the law of beauty

Your beauty is insane

Yooil, why is your skin so good?

The number of viewers in the live broadcast had soon exceeded five thousand.

Thanks to the overseas export of <The Sun and Moon> and the variety shows Yooil had appeared in, the proportion of English comments was also increasing day by day.

Eng plz

Where is MALANG?

love u yu-il

"Malang is sleeping over there."

Yooil, who had been filming his face, turned the camera to show the dog deeply asleep on the sofa, stretching its legs.

"But did you all watch <Please Take Care of My Doggie>? How do you all know Malang."

Of course

I've watched it so many times I know the lines by heart

Yooil's lips curved up involuntarily as he watched the rapidly climbing chat.

"Ah. Thank you. Please give Malang lots of love."

Love Malang!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ahh Yooil love you!!!!!!!

As Yooil was earnestly reading the fans' comments, his phone rang.

"Ah, everyone. Please hold on a moment."

Yooil quickly checked the message. It was from Min Woojin.

Min Woojin Manager Hyung: Yooil, you really need to sleep now, please

Min Woojin Manager Hyung: Seriously

Min Woojin Manager Hyung: I'm getting calls from the director, please..


Yooil turned his eyes to the camera with an awkward smile.

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