Is this Hero for Real?

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

[Act 12] Remodeling

Hey, $% pass by. @$ people waiting % #$?

Were sorry!

As a criminal for the attempted murder of a royal, I was a bit worried about how I would pass the city checkpoint.

But the security guards only watched out for any carriages or people blocking the road.

The security guards werent guarding?

Its nothing strange. If a city with a large floating population like this was thoroughly inspected, the economy would collapse.


For someone whod lived in a metropolis with a population of 10 million like me, it just looked rural, but it was a relatively big population considering this medieval planet.

That was the power of magic!

Various kinds of magic that permeated into the Fantasia natives lives greatly advanced their living standards. Lets just say magic replaced science!



Jiggle jiggle~

That included the hard work of the slimes that kept the city clean and beautiful!

Magic and slimes.

The existence of those two factors made the fantasy world fantasy-like.

You may have done something as crazy as attempted murder of a royal family member, but you should be safe this far away. Even if you do get caught, the borders are nearby for us to cross.

So you did think everything out, huh?

If i went around without a plan like you did, Id be dead before marriage.

Youre still not married, get over yourself.

Dont cry.

I mayve been getting hunted, but I didnt let myself down and boldly got a two-person room at the finest inn.

You spend relentlessly.

Its fine.

Youre telling me this inn that wealthy merchants and nobles usually stay in costs as much as an average peasants monthly earnings?

It was insane, but alright.


You may have earned a lot of money from the orc slaughtering, but youre going to run out of it fast if you keep spending like that.

Thats okay. Ill slaughter again.

Your attitude of passing on the problem to your future self sure is recklesslike a mercenary.

But I am a mercenary?

Nonsense, youre a criminal.

This demon is hitting too close to home for a law-abiding alien!

Wanting to escape the awful reality, I lay back on the soft bed.

[A certain god anticipates a bounty.]

[A certain god is delighted with the journey of a true outsider.]

Thats harsh.

It would be hard to go in and out of the city like that if I became a runaway with a bounty.

Id become a legitimate outsider!

It was a little upsetting.

[A certain god twirls in their place and dances.]

[A certain god shakes their shoulders and hums a song.]

The god looked extremely happy that I was then an outsider by law.

Besides that

It really was amazing.

While I was recollecting Prince Alsuss swordsmanship, the male demon put his hand out.

I wont run away for now, so give me my stuff back, he said.

Until you get me a slave with the Language Blessing?

Thats right.

There were slaves back on Earth, too.

Capitalism slaves!

But in the fantasy world, the slaves were actual slaves who worked for others without any reward, like livestock.

What a pity! Lets save them! instead of feeling that way, I was accepting that it was simply how this world was.

Send me an old brown bag.


As soon as I ordered the guardian through the holy sword, the demons bag popped out.

Did I bother him a bit too much?

The bag came out flying angrily like it was hurled.

Looks like its channeled through that sword.


I dont think you would have learned magic yourself, is that a magic sword?

You could say that!


A look of temptation swept over demon Kogmos face.

Wanna take a look?

You can show off your treasures to another, but passing it over is an extremely careless act. Dont ever do that next time.


No offense, but is it okay for a demon to be this kind?

Of course, Id only allowed it because I was certain it wouldnt get stolen.

Im not that shabby of a human, you know,

Hm. It looks like an average metal sword from the looks of it- kaagh?1


Touching the faulty sword that accepted me as a Hero, the demon rolled on the floor as he cried out.

Oh! I didn't know it was equipped with anti-theft features.

The holy swords that didnt accept me were just heavy, but that didnt seem to be all there was to them after seeing the demon convulse like that.

That was a holy sword?!

Kogmos, recovered, shouted with a disgusted face.


I simply agreed.

It mayve been a beginners sword that lacked the power to overthrow the evil goddess, but a holy sword is a holy sword!

Not to mention it was a gate to my warehouse as well.

You lunatic! How could you tell a demon to touch a holy sword! Damn it! Its my mistake. I should have noticed when you were acting careless!

What happens if you touch it?

Its not too dangerous if Im only touching it, but a weak demon like me could die from even the smallest cut.

Becuase youre a demon?

Thats right. So be careful with me around me from now o wait, how can you hold a holy sword?1

Well, this is a defective one.

Is it a holy sword that mixed up the Heros Curse as a Blessing? What a big world we live in. I cant believe a holy sword can be defective

I was lucky.

* * *

* * *

Kogmos still didnt seem to think I was a Hero even though he recognized the holy sword right away.


Was it that odd for a Hero to get the Heros Curse?

On edge about the beginners holy sword, the male demon spoke.

Another reason to get away from you as soon as possible. Dont sprawl yourself on the bed. Follow me. Were going to buy a slave right away.

Is that okay? You look tired.


I was fine because I had a Blessing that was specialized for living alone, but that demon had ridden a horse for two days straight without rest.

He looked way too tired!

I managed to show concern, but that demon decided to be mad instead.

This is all your fault! Do you think a demon will be able to rest in front of a holy sword?!

Is there a reason you cant rest? There wasnt a problem on the whole way here.

As long as I know your weapon is a holy sword, even being near it is bad for my mental health.


Laugh if you will. Thats how I, a weak demon, can survive in Fantasia

Yeah. what a life.

Dont cry.

After talking a bit, we headed to the biggest slave market on the western continent of Fantasia!


This is a big deal. I cant believe the orcs of the plains were annihilated.

The Saintess let out a big sigh after getting Prince Alsuss report.

It wasnt bad news.

If the seemingly unending number of orcs disappeared, that meant the large, neglected plains could be utilized.

Pasturing, farming, new towns, training

But that was good news only to the Swordmastar Knight Kingdom. In consideration of the rest of humanity, the news was frustrating. It meant Heroes, humanitys hope, had less means of gaining experience points.

Her plan had gone completely wrong.

Last time, there was a sudden decrease in forest gnollsnow orcs? This could mean a new predator in the food chain. Saintess. Is this why you have come to see me?

Ah! Councilwoman Celebless. Not exactly. I would ask for advice if I could establish a cause, but I wanted to ask if you could help me find my stolen things and the culprit.

Walking next to the fairy, the Saintess smiled.

After recovering her tortured body, Councilwoman Celebless had regained her beauty. Some parts of her were still withered, but that was because of her species.

Hm. I wont be looking for it, but I will ask a friend to cooperate as much as possible.


The slime that was in the Councilwomans arms happily jiggled.

Unable to erase her doubts, the Saintess asked, excuse my very rude question, but does that friend really have the ability?

She was talking about the slime!

She had heard plenty about its excellence, but at the time, she didnt think more of it other than what an interesting slime.

Because she was directly asking for help, it was a fact that it was odd.

Dont worry. Mollang is a special slime. Would you like to touch it? This fellow isnt jiggly like other slimes, it wiggles.


The rainbow slime wiggled as if to agree.

Im sorry. I cant understand what youre saying at all.

Haha! I understand. Everyone has trouble seeing Mollangs true value at first. But soon youll be surprised, too, Saintess.

I hope so.

The Saintess desperately prayed to be surprised like the councilwoman boasted.

Not to the unhelpful god, but to her own pure luck.

Shed hurriedly gone to the Fairy Kingdom for the matter.

It took two days, even though she rushed.

The two days were devastating at such a crucial time.

Thanks to her absence, the Heroes who died dumbfounding deaths from hunting gnolls had been neglected in the base floors for two days.

Besides that, there were a mountain of things that had been pushed back.

How exciting. Maybe its because my cousin lamented that he couldnt enter your room

If you mean the Fairy King, then that is very clear. He is a man. Men are prohibited from the sacred ground that is the pure Saintesss bedroom.

Is that really all?

Of course, there is the more common reason that I dont want strangers in my personal space with a lot of secrets.

How nice it is to be young.

With the face of a youthful girl, Councilwoman Celebless wasnt like an adult at all.

I see you know how to make mischievous jokes.

The Saintess was secretly wondering something.

She looked nothing like a fairy who had gone through something awful so recently. Was that the maturity of someone who had lived throughout an eternity?

The councilwoman shook her head.

I may have lived longer than others, but I am an ordinary fairy. A weakling with a lower level than the average soldier.

That is why you are so respected, Councilwoman Celebless.

She was a level 12 despite having lived for thousands of years.

Normally, she would have been called unskilled or lazy, but that fairy was different.

She was an unwavering believer of nonviolence.

In a cold world where peoples worth was decided by levels, giving up hunting when you had the skills to do so was extremely hard to do.

It is shameful. I reflected and learned a lot through the incident. I am going to be diligent with leveling up from now on.

I cant imagine you, someone who loves life, murdering anything.

Hunting is still too much for me. I am planning to go to an academy as a professor of a new subject.


You didnt need to hunt to earn experience points at an academy.

It was less efficient than hunting, but nobles who prioritized safety preferred academies, whether they were students or professors.

If only they could survive in their own competitive world, there was no better hunting ground.

Come in.

Excuse me.

It was a flawless room, well-fitting for the Saintess, the perfect woman.

If it wasnt for its reputation as the safest room in the world, it could be believable as the Kings office.

The only flaw

I see there are no windows.

Yes. that way, intruders can only enter through the door. We even warped the grid so they go straight to prison if they try teleportation.

This place also looks like a prison in my eyes. I feel like it would be incredibly suffocating.

Its a place fitting for my current self.

Oh dear! Ive misspoken.

No, its alright. Can you and the


Yes. Master Mollang. Please come over here. This is where the stolen objects were.


There is no such thing as a miracle.

Things are only categorized as miracles because even the person directly involved doesnt know the method or principles of it.

Wiggle? Wiggle!

This slime Master Mollang. What is it saying?


The slimes had a special language that even a Blessing from a god couldnt translate.

But the owner of the slime understood with ease.

According to Mollangs explanation, it says the thief ran away through the holy sword on the wall.

The holy sword? Ah! the Saintess exclaimed as she noticed something.

It looks like you have already figured out who the culprit is, Saintess.

Its something like that.

The culprit was in there!

And it was a Hero.

This is the worst-case scenario!

The Saintess decided to advance the tournament dates to track the culprit.

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