Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 696 - 696: Adaptation

Chapter 696 - 696: Adaptation

Even though Veracity was inside the room with Lucifer this entire time, she didn't understand the reason behind the tasks and what the goal behind them was. In fact, most of these seemed unconnected to her.

For some, he was asking for the kidnapping of people she didn't believe he knew. Not only that, he was asking for the Warlocks to go to different nations in the farthest corners of the world to take over them.

The last part was something she truly found hard to digest. He had said that he was leaving the others here to keep this place safe.

At the same time, he was sending more than half the team away from here, leaving only the bare minimum, including Kellian and such.

She couldn't control her curiosity for long and decided to ask directly.

Lucifer looked back at her, smiling. "I might want to give some excuses to you, but you'll see that they're lies. So it's better I don't say anything. Just know; finally, I'm able to see the bigger picture better. Everything will fall into its place soon."

As he finished speaking, he noticed that Salazar and Yaliza had entered the room.

"Ah, Salazar and Yaliza. Welcome back. I saved the best and the most important mission for you two. And I'm sure you can finish it easily."

"And what mission might that be?" Salazar asked. 'I was really hoping to go to the Island with you."

"You won't be coming with me. But I can't send you on any ordinary mission in public either since you were there in Atlantis with me. You'll be recognized," Lucifer responded. "So I'll be sending you away from human eyes and all the technology."

"I'm sure you two have heard about the Dungeon where my parents were killed?" he asked.

"Yeah. What about that?"

"I want the two of you to get inside that Dungeon. Your mission is simple... Find the sword that was with my parents inside the tomb. Since it wasn't recovered, it's still inside the Dungeon."

"So I want you to enter the Dungeon, explore it and bring the sword back. Eve will give you the description of the Sword later. It might be in the depth of the Dungeon, taken by the monsters."

"You need to locate it successfully, which would be a bigger challenge. But I'm sure you can do it. You can take Jiang with you as well if you want."

"That guy is expert in locating treasures but remember one thing; if you do decide to take him, his safety will be yours or responsibility. He's not a fighter and might only be a burden for most of the time, but he's important."

"I don't think we'll need him," Yaliza responded. "If the sword is there, we should be able to find it. We don't need Jiang."

"Good. You two can leave and prepare for departure. Get the briefing from Kellian about the details of the Dungeon."


Lucifer kept placing his pieces on the chessboard one after another, preparing everyone for his absence.

Only after he finished with everyone else did he call the last person who was waiting to be called for a long time.

He was sitting on the sofa when Eve stepped inside. She stopped before Lucifer.

"Are you done finally?" she asked.

"Not here. One last person left. And this might take some time. Take a seat," Lucifer told Eve, gesturing her to sit.

Eve took a seat.

"I want you to answer whatever I ask, honestly. I'm sure you know that Veracity can catch any lies. So don't even try."

"I have no reason to lie. Ask me anything. I'm but an open book."

"Good. Tell me all your abilities and what they do. I want to know every single one."

"Only that? Are you still suspicious that the memories in your head were faked?" Eve started chuckling. "You're so cute."

"Answer the question only," Lucifer firmly stated.

"Fine. I have quite a few abilities. I'll start with the first. I call it Knowledge Boost. I think it increased my IQ. At the same time, it helps me learn anything I desire just by reading it once, including understanding the intricacies in the logic," Eve explained.

"It was one of the reasons I was able to come up with Atlantis and make it a reality and contribute to the initial advancements."

"So the first ability of yours makes you smart in short." Lucifer nodded.

"It's sad that it only makes you book smart and not street smart. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been poisoned so easily. Any sane person would have seen that plot from a distance."

"In my parent's case, at least they have the excuse that they didn't know about the poisoning," Lucifer said, assuming that his parents didn't read the letter he left with them.

"On the other hand, I'm surprised you didn't know after all the rumors that were spreading that the Royalty wasn't happy with you. Anyways, I won't dwell on it. What's your other ability?"

"As I said before, my next ability is Dreamworld," Eve answered, ignoring the sarcasm in his voice.

"If my body receives a life threatening injury, my body shuts down and goes into hibernation as it starts to heal itself while preserving my body. In the meantime, my consciousness stays in the Dreamworld where I can see everything and go everywhere in this world."

Since Veracity didn't say anything, Lucifer understood that it was all true.

"Next..." Lucifer stated.

Eve took a deep breath, slightly hesitating. "My third ability is Adaptation."

"Adaptation?" Lucifer asked. "What does it do?"

"It allows me to turn into anyone. It's like the ability of Caen, but the only difference is that I can use the abilities of the other person as well," Eve explained.

"What?" Lucifer looked surprised as he frowned. "You mean you can turn into me and use all my abilities?"

"Yes." Eve nodded.

Lucifer turned to Veracity. "Don't tell me it's the truth."

"She is telling the truth, it seems." Veracity nodded. Even she seemed slightly surprised at the revelation. That ability was pretty good.

She could basically act like a doppelganger of Lucifer and do everything he could if she wanted.

"Why didn't you use this ability before?" Lucifer asked, frowning. He was only hearing about it now. He hadn't seen her use it even in the battle.

If it was true, that meant fighting Eve was going to be no different than fighting himself since cloning everything meant that she was going to have his healing as well when he was in the form of his.

"I saw another ability similar to what you're saying, at least to a minor extent. The guy was able to steal three abilities of the enemy temporarily. But after that, the enemy couldn't use that ability for a day. Is it the same with you?"

"Is it temporary theft?"

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