Infinite Mana in the Mage Academy

Chapter 52 Selling Cores

My bag wasn't even halfway full, and I had learned another skill. So, without any care, I dive inside the dungeon again.

The same scenery greeted me and I didn't waste my time. I start the stopwatch so I could see how much time it would take for me to clear this dungeon.

Without further ado, I began speedrunning this dungeon like in games.

First, I cast "electric ball" repeatedly and killed quite a few monsters. But it takes some time for them to die and it would take only one casting to kill one monster. Spamming the skill won't kill them faster, but it at least froze them on the spot, that helps me a lot.

After the electric ball became an annoyance, I cast hundreds of them around me and will automatically hit the enemy on sight. It's not automatic practically, I could just use my mana to manipulate them and attack the monster on spot.

As the electricity zap them, I cast wind blade. The sharp wind was aimed at the ape's head. As the wind blade passed by their neck, their head separated.

Like this, I went all over the floor, killing monsters with just a flick of my finger. Even after coming to the boss's room, I didn't count my loot. I put all the things I obtained on my back and just marched forward.

Opening the boss room, I was filled with confidence. The boss hadn't been stood and I already cast electric ball. The boss was zapped with electricity and I immediately cast wind blade.

The single blade didn't cut its neck, so I cast around 10 wind blades. The continuous cut made the injury deeper and within 30 seconds of entering the boss's room, I killed the boss.

It must be a record as other newbie hunters or even veteran hunters take 5-10 minutes to kill a boss. Only D or C-rank hunters can kill the F-rank boss monster in one hit.

After killing the boss, I took out my mobile and stop the timer. I saw 25 minutes on it and was filled with joy. Clearing the dungeon in 25 minutes, was a huge feat.

I took the glistering item that was a ring. The description attracted my attention, and I immediately equipped it on my finger.

[Magical Ring: Amplifies magic skill. Increase skill power by 2 times]

The ring strengthens my attack, what other thing do I need? I felt a little stronger wearing the ring. My skill power also has increased.

I increased the proficiency in an electric ball to level 25. The electric ball I cast now is more smooth and it generates fewer sparks. It also covers more areas and electrifies the enemy more intensely. The monster now dies within 1 minute, but it is still slow. It will be used for area attacks when I encounter many monsters at once.

I exited the dungeon and again entered. I also had to avoid some eyes on me, so no one would notice me coming out of the dungeon and entering it repeatedly. There are cameras here, so that's a pain.

But, I had to make sure that they don't capture my face.

I ruffled through my bag after entering the dungeon. There was another skill book that I just stuffed into my bag.

[Mana Defense: Wrap the body in golden light and defend against attacks]

The skill was added to my status and I felt safe. Not like, I would face a monster head-on, but if some monster sneaks up on me, then I am dead. So, this defense would be quite useful.

My third run in the dungeon didn't turn out to be that fruitful. I obtained 500 cores, a weapon, and one earring. No skill though.

After clearing the dungeon for the third time, I exited the dungeon. I didn't attract much attention as going solo in an f-rank dungeon isn't that rare. But, if someone went to D orC rank dungeon solo, then they would call that man or woman an idiot.

I walked to the bus station and called for a taxi. The taxi reached me after 5 minutes, and I entered the cab. The driver was a middle-aged man, he was emotionless. He didn't talk too much and me not being a social person, didn't communicate much too.

After reaching my destination, I breathe a sigh of relief. The whole ride was awkward. Just imagine, an emotionless driver, an emotionless passenger, sitting quietly. The atmosphere couldn't be tenser. We looked like a serial killer duo.

I walked inside the hunter association. Now that I think about it, it's been exactly 2 hours since I got my license and exited this building. And I have returned here with a bag full of cores...What will they think...

Anyway, worries can go to hell. I walked to the receptionist girl and put my bag. The girl looked at me and smiled cheerily.

I leaned closer to her and whisper to her about the cores. Her eyes widen a bit and she nodded. She took the core. I have already counted all the cores, and it's around 2000. Well, F-rank cores aren't that rare and it is one of the common cores that is sold around millions daily.

I don't know what cores are used for, I never cared about it.

After some minutes, the girl, fortunately, returned with my bag. She handed me a receipt to me. The price of the single core was around 100 UG credit.

And for 2000 cores, it was 200 thousand credits.

What was money, it's just a point. When I looked at the currency on my card, I couldn't help but feel money is easy to earn.

This statement may cause many people to be angry at me, but who cares?

I also haven't sold my items yet.

After selling the items, I earned additional 100 thousand credits.

I dug my nails into my palm to calm myself down.

Taking my card, which now had money info too, I could see three hundred thousand. Without delaying, I rush to the skill shop.

Normally, from the info I have, skills from rank F to B are sold in many markets. This small city sold around up to rank D skill. Rank A skills are rarely found in the market and go for the price of billions.

The skill shop I visited wasn't that huge. Three shelves filled with skills could be found and at a desk, a young guy stood. He greeted me with a smile.

I searched on the shelves. Most of the skills I found were related to weapons. Like, "Sharpen Sword" This skill sharpens the sword and makes it twice sharper. Cutting monster would be easy with this skill, and it was a rank E skill.

There were some mage's skills too, some were D-rank which price went for millions. I found two rank F skills and one rank E skill suitable for me.

A single F-rank skill went for 50 thousand credits, pretty expensive and the E rank went for 100 thousand.

And the money which I earned in two hours was reduced to 1/3 from buying three skills.

[Small Heal: Heal your wound]

[Fire Bolt: Fire a missile of fire]

[Swift: Increase your movement speed]

Of these three skills, only swift was an E-rank skill. It increases movement and this was one of the things I required. If I fasten my speed, I could clear the dungeon faster.

Also, I forgot to mention, that I forgot to leave core for myself...It seems I sold all of my cores without absorbing a single one.

Pretty stupid but, I marched outside the building and looked at the sky. It was still bright. I call for a taxi and drove to the next F-rank dungeon. I wanted to go to E-rank, but it's pretty far and I can't move too far now, as I have rented a house. I need to do some stuff before leaving the house and I have some stuff pretty important to me.

While being driven to the dungeon, I looked at my status. It was pretty lively.


[Strength: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Mana: ∞]

[Skill(s): (D-Electric Ball |35||). (F-Wind Blade |5|), (F-Mana Defense), (F-Small Heal), (F-Firebolt), (E-Swift)]

[Equipment(s): (F-Mage Glove), (E-Magical Ring)]

A tiny smile covered my face. The taxi driver this time was another man. He blabbered many things which entered my ear from one side and left from another. It was pretty annoying and lively. Well, I communicated as less as possible.

After reaching the dungeon gate, I paid the taxi fare and walked to the gate. It didn't take much time for me to verify my identity and enter the gate. The security guard guarding that place looked sleepy, but I ignore them.

"New place, new time"

With a smile, I queued in a line while getting ready to start the timer.

Let's finish this dungeon in less than 20 minutes!

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