Inexorable Chaos

Chapter Forty two: Veterans

Chapter Forty two: Veterans

I was forced to abandon Laverna. She was supposed to be my mount, my pride, my most powerful minion. Instead, she is now in pieces among my [Soldiers] as mere weapons.

Dragkenoss looks at me, an extremely confused expression on the old centaurs face. He then faces away from me, gazing behind me.

So your plan is to transport Berosus in pieces to the third floor and then rebuild him there?

I look behind me at Berosuss severed head, still glowing with a strong purple light, which means that my connection to him is strong and that he is still under my control. The severed head rests atop a cart which is being pulled by several centaurs. Their obscenely muscular legs allow them to move the several ton weighing head with relative ease.

Behind them is the rest of Berosus, similarly cut into smaller bits for the sake of transportation. These pieces are being carried by my Gejan [Soldiers], though it would have been much more convenient if the centaurs had pulled them on carts as well, unfortunately

Dragkenoss, I still don't get how your kind has never thought about making carts... Or even just a wheel for that matter

Dragkenoss slowly nods, staring at the wooden cart I made. Four wheels, a wooden board and a shaft with rope attached to it. Such a simple concept, but the centaurs hadnt managed to think of it on their own.

Indeed. These carts are quite amazing. They would allow just one of my kind to transport an enormous amount of goods.

I roll my eyes at the half-horse and the way he is staring longingly at the cart. Dear god, wait till he sees me make a carriage Or better yet, a car. Though a car might be pushing it untill I have the right materials. Id probably make something simple like a model T.

You have no idea, I reply.

Scanning the surroundings with my eyes, I stare at the procession as they make their way towards the entrance to the third floor. The crowd consists of the entire centaur population and almost all of my Gejan, except for a select few And all the minotaurs are absent.

Yes, I was forced to leave the minotaurs on the second floor. Transporting them to the third floor and onwards would be dangerous for them. Especially considering how slow they move, their weakness to poisons, and the unknowns of the fourth floor.

The magical floor. A floor where powerful half fox women with the magical capability strong enough to rend armies live Would it be wrong to say that I am both fucking scared and horny at the same time?

Maybe a better word would be curious?

Several of the female centaurs as well as Gejan females turn to look at me. They stare at me confused and longingly?

You seem to have a way with women Dragkenoss states beside me, much to my annoyance.

I am not a horndog, I just can't control myself for some goddamn reason.

I fail to respond to his comment. Instead I continue on with the topic at hand. Do you have any other questions you want to ask me? There wont be a chance to do so after today, since the boss will spawn again tomorrow.

I do not feel comfortable fighting the boss again, especially considering it may very well have gained another additional ability, even with Zorren and Peter here to help.

And even if we do beat it again, we will still be at a disadvantage since it is quite clear now that the dungeon is getting more and more powerful. Time is not in our favor, which means I need to travel to the tenth floor asap.

Hopefully, Marcia can keep the minotaurs in check All two thousand of them. Well, as long as she follows my directions, everything should be alright. Especially if she makes use of the females to control the males. But that is a problem I can deal with later. In the meantime I just need her to transform their society into a manipulatable hierarchy by abusing their stupidity.

Ahhh, its always fun manipulating stupid people.

I see, this is one of those episodes that Jessica talked about.

Episode? What?


Dragkenoss nods knowingly. Do not worry commander, Jessica has already explained to me that you have a tendency to voice... your thoughts?

Shit... Not again.

Sorry, the mind wanders, sometimes mouth too. Speaking of Jessica, where is she?

Dragkenoss points and my gaze follows the direction of his finger.

Look and you shall obtain. Jessica is actually heading towards me, followed by a procession of centaurs wearing capes on their backs marked with a red cross.

So that's why she asked me for a symbol that means healing.

On her way towards me, every centaur [Soldier], [Archer] and [Cook]moves out of her way in panic with the utmost haste. While moving away from her they keep their head down, avoiding all eye contact with her.

I can see why they call her the Tyrant Healer, Dragkenoss whispers next to my ear, and I can't help but slowly nod in affirmation. The centaurs have looked to me with respect and admiration after I helped kill the boss, but for Jessica, it is quite the opposite. They all look at her with fear. Apparently, digging into the flesh of centaurs, even to save their lives, makes for a frightening display.

Though the seeming reverence of the [Healers] following her is a different cause for concern.

Jessica, nice to have you join us. Hope you slept well.

Jessica nods, I have, and it seems you have too. Shall we start our trek to the third floor?

We will. Im just making sure the preparations are ready. Were either going to have a welcoming party of centaur leadership or a centaur army that we will have to fight off. Im not sure which one it will be, but I have prepared for the latter and Ill wing it if it is the former.

Wing? asks Dragkenoss, confused.

It means that I will ascertain the situation and react accordingly with a primary emphasis on avoiding deaths. Id rather not kill those who will soon be part of my army.

I see. That is good. I do not revel in killing kinsmen, especially if they have fought alongside me before.

I nod towards the centaur [Heavy Halberdier], understanding his sentiment. Killing former allies is never fun and should instead be avoided. Hopefully that small army he promised me will be waiting on the other side. They will be required to stop any form of bloodshed from happening upon my arrival.

Alright, well, let's move to the front. Zorren and my [Lieutenants] are leading the procession. We need to regroup with them, reassemble Berosus, and then get my plan underway.

I turn quickly and start walking into the massive cave entrance. A beat later the others start to follow me.

Either this becomes a bloodbath, or it becomes a bloodbath later.

A smile blooms on my lips, plans being quickly formed in my head. Weaknesses, strengths, politics, leaders, so many concepts, so many chess pieces. So much to think about. To plan.

Though I do feel like I am forgetting something.

Meh, Im sure Ill remember what it was later.


The town of Tradefoot, a centaur city standing tall and strong next to the entrance to the third floor. A town which had formed thanks to the trade originating from the strong wood coming from the second floor as well as the monthly crystal powder coming from the boss monster. Many Herds live and survive in this town, all competing for resources.

But today, the atmosphere in the town is very different from usual. Where before it had been lively with [Crafters], [Wood workers], [Fletchers], [Bowyers], and other classes, now it is silent instead. An army of older [Soldiers], [Archers], [Lieutenants], [Captains], and even many rarer classes now form the majority of the population. They had all come at Dragkenosss request. He had called for his former elites to gather, and they had shown up together with their men. An army of a good thousand soldiers, all standing in formation, eyeing an army many times their number.

This opposing army is a coalition army, led by over twenty [Herdmasters]. Together they have gathered about five thousand troops.

Suddenly, three centaurs leave the smaller army, heading towards the center between the two forces. They are matched by three [Herdmasters] leaving from the larger army.

Considering they are all centaurs, it does not take a long time before they are close enough to each other to begin talking.

You are interfering with the orders of the [Herdmasters]. Remove your army from the city or we will be forced to take action.

One of the three [Herdmasters] quickly voices out, practically snarling at the opposing centaurs.

Calm yourself Gordon. another [Herdmaster] voices from the side.

I am sure this whole situation is a misunderstanding. These veterans must merely not yet have been told about Dragkenoss turning traitor to his own kind. he continues, smiling towards the leading centaur of the opposite army, Im sure [Tactician Captain] Doreson is merely misinformed.

Oh come now Ferran, you don't look at an army of a thousand centaurs and think it is a mistake. This whole takeover was planned. the third [Herdmaster] voices aloud. They aren't here because of Dragkenoss, they are here because they want control of the town and its resources.

The three [Herdmasters], much to Doresons surprise, start to bicker among themselves. The level 111 [Tactician Captain] looks on in amazement. Here they are, the three main leaders of a massive army, bickering about what his reasoning could be for occupying the town.

Looking at this scene, all Doreson can do is think about what his good friend and comrade Dragkenoss had always warned him of. He had told him to stay clear of the [Herdmasters], that their idiocy is contagious.

He turns to his side, finding his wife Greta, a level 107 [Watch Captain]. She, like him, appears very unamused.

Looking to his other side, he finds Oregan, a [Lieutenant Guardian]. Oregan stands there, his hoofs digging into the dirt thanks to the heavy weight of his armor, ready and waiting to activate any number of skills to protect him and Greta if necessary. And protect them he would, especially considering Oregan may very well be the highest level centaur in either army.


The three [Herdmasters] stop arguing, instead, going silent and turning their attention to Doreson who had interrupted them.

You are all so misguided. So blind.


None of you are correct! Doreson voices, his tone firm, I came here not only because of Dragkenoss, but also because of what has done. I am here for the person he swore everything to.

You can't b-.

The patriarch of the Kitsune. That is what he said, and that is enough for me to move armies. Doreson voices strongly, his eyes blazing.

I will swear my loyalty to this man as Dragkenoss did. And if I have to fight armies to do so, then I will.

The three [Herdmasters] stare at the [Tactician Captain], flabbergasted. Unbelieving that he would give up his freedom and loyalty just like that.

You are mad! Ferran voices.

Doreson shows his teeth in a grin.

I am not the one about to drive several thousand people to their deaths.

Gordon frowns, You are mad. Do you actually think you can win against our forces?

It seems there is no helping it Ferran, Gordon. He has chosen his side. He will pay for this decision with his life. the third [Herdmaster] voices, gazing strongly at Doreson.

Doreson shakes his head, This blood is on your hands, may you live with your mistakes. he says before turning around and heading back towards the city and its defensible walls. Greta and Oregan follow beside him.


After they put some distance between themselves and the [Herdmasters], Doreson turns to Greta Report, what is the composition of their forces?

Their armyn is comprised of [Guards], [Hunters], [Warriors], a couple [Mages], [Healers], and various other classes with extremely low levels. I saw a decent few in the upper levels, some with tier two classes, but it's clear that the majority of their army is a mismatch of classes.

Doreson nods, having already expected this to be the case, but he needed to make sure. A simple mistake can easily turn the tide of battle, and knowing what type of force he is up against is vital information for winning this war.


A single word, one which still leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. So many had died during the herd wars. Even today, the effects are still pronounced. Some Herds had gone extinct, leaving more land that could be settled. An overabundance of food.

And now, another war may begin, all because of the patriarch.

Doreson looks down at his hoofs. Hoofs he had lost in the war, in the last battle. She had given him back his legs, and she asked for nothing in return

So, what is the plan? Wait for Dragkenoss and this patriarch? I did find it amusing that you mentioned loyalty to the patriarch considering you believe it to be a lie.

Doreson looks to his wife, his beautiful wife. Strong, smart, intelligent, a woman he utterly adores, even more so because she is following him into this war. A good wife, and hopefully, a good mother too.

People fear the kitsune and anything that has to do with them. I was hoping that if I mentioned the patriarch, they would be reluctant to continue this shameless war. I was hoping to stall them since Dragkenoss should be coming through later today, but I doubt those idiots will wait for that. So, we're going to fend them off. Doreson exclaims, walking into the city, staring at his army, all waiting for his command.

Veterans. [Soldiers], [Archers], [Lieutenants], [Captains], all of them are at least over fifty. Each is wearing quality armor, standing shoulder to shoulder, waiting to find out what will happen, If they will risk their lives.

They stare at him. Waiting. He does not let them wait long.

Doreson activates his [Loud Voice] skill.

It seems that the idiots outside these walls are hellbent on killing the Breaker.

Doreson watches the reactions of the veterans, noting looks of fear and awe, but mostly anger. He continues.

Dragkenoss the Breaker, a centaur we all consider a hero. A man who fought alongside the [General], fighting against all odds. A man who lost as much as we have if not more.

Doreson continues watching the crowd, reading the atmosphere, finding all the [Captains] nodding.

And now, despite everything he had done for us, for all of us, these [Herdmasters] spit upon his honor.

Finally, Doreson notices the change inthe mood. His skill, [Stance of the army], starts to slowly ramp up, Doreson focuses on the feeling of anger in the crowd, spreading it further.

And will we veterans of the herd wars allow this?

Will we let a brother of ours be disgraced?

The pressure in the air thickens, his skill swirling, spreading anger among those listening. Fear, unease, confusion, such feelings take a backseat as anger engulfs the crowd. Doreson watches as his skill takes hold, his aura fanning the flames of anger.

I say no. I say we fight these shits. I say we show them what real honor is!

Like a switch turning, the crowd yells, no, screams. It's clear that his skill is fully active now.

I still find that skill rather amazing. You said it was called aura? Greta asks.

Doreson nods, his eyes still focused on the crowd. Yea, Dragkenoss taught me how to use it after learning it from the kitsune. Granted, Im not that good with it, but I can do at least this much.

Greta looks at the now screaming and yelling soldiers, finding all of their anger is being directed towards the opposing army.

Doreson raises his hand.

Now, let's show them what we are made of. [Archers] on the battlements, [Soldiers] at the gates. [Captains] to me for orders.

The mob of veterans immediately reacts by moving to their positions while the [Captains] quickly surround Doreson.

Alright, I will be honest with you. This will be a bloodbath. A lot of them are going to die.

The [Captains] chuckle.

Doresons eyes harden.

This is no laughing matter. They are ill prepared and lack any form of leadership. If my guess is right, those idiots [Herdmasters] will try to swarm us with numbers. It will fail, and I fear too many will die.

The laughing immediately stops as they understand what Doreson is saying. A lot of young innocents are going to die trying to overtake a defensive position.

I just wanted to notify you all of that first. Now, the plan.

Doreson points towards a centaur.

We have an [Archer Captain] here. He will be in charge of the [Archers] on top of the walls. Ten [Captains] will accompany him with skills prioritizing defense and accuracy. The rest of you will be outside the gates. Heavy infantry in the front to meet the charge, light infantry will stay in the back to react according to the situation. We have several times more [Captains] than we should for an army this size, so do not hold back on using your skills.

Doreson stops, staring at these men and women, each having lived a long life. Each having fought alongside Dragkenoss.

Now go, let us win this battle.

The [Captains] scatter while Doreson takes one last look at the back of the city, at the massive cave entrance located there, before turning around and getting himself in a position to relay orders.


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