Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 1836

"Tomorrow, you look better, and dad will take you to a party!"

In Tang Feng, he said that he would take Tang to a banquet at will. Tang Nian was not normal. He sat next to Tang Feng and said, "Dad, I will go too!"

"Next time." Tang Feng, who has always been in love with Tang Nian, actually refused Tang Nian's request.

Tang at will had to be interested in this banquet. If it was a general banquet, Tang Nian would not go at all. This banquet must be advanced.

Tang Feng should have got the invitation in her hand, and the people who attended the banquet should be the top people in the North City, probably Murong Feng was in it.

"The fourth master will go then. You are ready!" Tang Feng followed.

If Tang listens to Tang Feng at will, he is more sure that Murong Feng will go.

During this time, she spent too much energy on unimportant matters, even the first one said she was.

She had to take heart and finish the task early and leave Beicheng.

The longer she stayed in this place, the more frightened she became.

"OK." Tang replied at will.

Tang thought about how to arrange the action at will. First, he had to let Xiao Yi know whether Murong Feng would go or not, where Murong Feng was, and the best shooting position.

When she thought about her devotion, Tang Nian's angry voice came to her ear, "don't be at liberty. I'll tell you that you don't want toads to eat swan meat. The fourth master can't see you."

Tang casually didn't want to talk to Tang Nian. She didn't pay attention to Tang family since she came to Tang family as Tang casually.

The decline of the Tang family has much to do with its character.

Tang Feng is selfish. Tang Nian is unruly and willful. It's strange that such a family can't be swallowed by others.

"Yes, he can see you!"

I can't see Tang Nian's deep love for long Tingchen. If she knew that long Tingchen liked men, what would she do! ? hearing Tang's casual words, Tang Nian immediately became complacent and immediately thought something was wrong with him.

She likes long Tingchen very well, but long Tingchen can't see her. This is a fact, and Tang's casual tone is somewhat disdainful and ironic, which is not to praise her sincerely.

"Don't worry!" Tang read to understand, she angrily rushed to the front of the Tang at will.

Tang hears her voice at will. When she pours over, people turn over. Tang Nian falls forward and falls to the ground.

This fall, or a very solid fall on the ground, fell so that Tang Nian tears came out.

"Read, how did you fall?"

"I'm not careful how to walk. Please get up quickly. I'll go up and rest first."

Don said with a casual smile and walked directly back to the room. Lying on the ground, Tang Niang looks at Tang casually. Suddenly, she feels that the scene of her fall is similar to the scene of falling into the water before. She suddenly realizes that Tang casually intentionally let herself fall. Tang casually pretends all the time! ? damn tangsui, wait for me!

Don went back to the room at will and called Xiao Yi, who told her about the party tomorrow.

"The host of this banquet is Murong Feng."

"After his wife became pregnant, Murong Feng was very happy and often held banquets."

Hearing Xiaoyi's words, Tang casually smiled, "what's in the belly is that the boys and girls don't know, so anxious to show off."

"Boss, they don't care about men and women, and they don't need to show off."

"Well!" Tang casually replied that she remembered the information about Murong Feng.

Murong Feng is not a Murong family at all, but the adopted Murong Shanshan is. However, the change of status has not affected their relationship with their husband and wife, nor their position in Murong group, but their positions are more stable.

"Murong Feng is glad that Murong Shanshan is pregnant."

Little said again and again.

"He just wanted to tell the world his wife was pregnant." Tang took the words at will, and she couldn't understand Murong Feng's mood.

But pregnant, Murong Feng is happy to be like that.

"You go to check the hotel and the buildings near it to see where it is suitable for sniping!"

"Boss, you still use sniper this time?"

"What do you mean?" Don asked casually.

Xiaoyi smiles, "you missed last time."

Hearing Xiaoyi mention his last failure, Tang's face turned black at will. She not only failed, but also was almost caught by long Tingchen.

"Boss, long Tingchen is not easy to provoke. He has a good relationship with Murong Feng. If you kill Murong Feng, long Tingchen will not let you go."

"Well!" Don, of course, knows that at will.

"Boss..." Cried little one.

"Say what you want."

"You should stay away from long Tingchen!" "You're too close to their father and son," one reminded

"I'm getting close to his son." Tang defends herself casually. When she says it, her mind comes up with long Tingchen's iceberg face. "Besides, he likes men."When he said this, even Tang didn't notice that his tone was a little jealous.

"Why do you say this? Afraid I like the old man long Tingchen? Don't worry, he is also my enemy, waiting for me to kill Murong Feng to finish the task and solve it together. "

I don't believe that.

He has been with the boss for many years. When did he see Tang let it slip.

Last time, Tang was able to snipe Murong Feng at will, but she didn't. She said that seeing long Tingchen thinking of their grudges, she shot at long Tingchen, but she shot and didn't even aim.

"Boss, do you really think that?" Asked little one in a low voice.

"Little one!" Don blew it up at will. "What are you talking about in my ear! It's a mess. "

"Don't worry, even if I can't snipe Murong Feng today, I will stab him directly."


Xiao Yi seems to be unconvinced by Tang's casual words. If he misses the first time, it means he has a second time.

Tang casually is a beautiful woman. She has been a lady for sixteen years and a killer for five years. Her temperament is different from that of ordinary people.

There is nobility, pride and laziness. If you dress up carefully and don't disguise, the taste of her body can make men pay attention to it.

After Tang casually dressed up, he went downstairs and even looked at Tang Feng.

Before that, I thought that Tang was free, but every time he dressed casually, it would brighten people's eyes. When he thought of Tang Nian again, he could hardly believe that Tang casually was really his own daughter.

Tang Nian can dress up more casually than Tang, but there is no random temperament and beauty of Tang.

"Whatever you want, you really have a long face for Dad." Tang Feng said with a smile.

"Thank you, Dad." Tang casually smiles. The longer she gets along with Tang's family, the less she wants to pretend, because she has no energy.

Tang Feng took Tang to the banquet at will. Tang Nian took Tang's wife with him after they left. The two of them dragged their relationship to the banquet and deliberately kept Tang Feng in the dark. They wanted to surprise Tang at will.

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