I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C186 Eruption

C186 Eruption

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



The halls of Sector 7 echoed with the sounds of battle—the clash of metal, the hum of energy weapons, and the unmistakable snap-hiss of Jedi lightsabers clashing. 

The dim, sterile corridors, lined with steel and concrete, had been transformed into a blood-soaked battlefield. Lifeless bodies of the facility's personnel littered the floor—guards, technicians, scientists—all slaughtered in the Decepticons' brutal assault just an hour earlier. 

Blood pooled beneath their corpses, smearing the walls and floors where desperate final stands had been made, leaving dark crimson stains in their wake.

Peter led the charge through these gruesome scenes, his lightsaber casting a pale, blackish glow that reflected off the metallic surfaces around him. 

Decepticon corpses were scattered alongside the humans—crushed, slashed, or blasted apart. 

Up ahead, a squad of nameless Decepticon grunts rounded the corner, their optics glowing as they spotted the approaching group. They immediately opened fire, their plasma weapons lighting up the corridor with deadly bolts of energy.

Peter reacted instantly, his reflexes honed by years of battle and his connection to the Force. He swung his lightsaber with precision, deflecting the plasma blasts with sharp, calculated movements. Each impact of energy against his blade sent a sharp vibration through his arms, but he held firm, advancing quickly.

With a flick of his wrist, Peter redirected one of the plasma shots back at the Decepticon who had fired it. The bolt of energy slammed into the Decepticon's chest, burning through its armor and sending it crashing to the ground in a heap of smoking metal. 

Rocket's voice echoed behind him, his blaster spitting a barrage of fire as he darted between cover. "Quill, we've got more on the left!"

Peter twisted just in time to see another group of Decepticons emerging from an adjoining corridor, their weapons trained on him and his team. 

Without hesitation, Peter extended his free hand, summoning the Force in a powerful wave. The invisible energy slammed into the oncoming Decepticons like a wrecking ball, sending them flying backward. 


They crashed into the walls with bone-shattering force, their bodies crumpling on impact. 

"Move up!" Peter called, leading the way forward. His lightsaber cut through the air, its black blade slicing through the nearest Decepticon's arm, severing the limb cleanly. 

Sparks flew as the machine screamed in pain, but Peter didn't hesitate—he spun, bringing his saber down in a brutal arc that cleaved through the Decepticon's torso. 

Metal crunched as the body collapsed in two halves, its optics dimming as it fell lifeless to the ground.

Behind him, the rest of the team surged forward.

Mace Windu's purple lightsaber hummed to life as he stepped into the fray, moving with the deadly grace of a master duelist. His saber cut through the next Decepticon with ease, the blade slicing through its metallic neck in a single fluid motion. The head toppled from its shoulders, sparks erupting as the Decepticon fell into pieces.

Cosmo, barking excitedly, launched herself at another Decepticon, using her telekinesis to debris from its fallen allies at the massive machine. 

Robot body parts and twisted metal scraps struck with enough force to dent the Decepticon's armor, and before it could retaliate, Groot's massive form surged forward, his wooden limbs wrapping around the Decepticon's torso. 

"I AM GROOT!" With a mighty roar, Groot ripped the machine apart, its limbs torn from its body as it collapsed, dead.

Wanda followed closely behind, her hands crackling with red energy as she hurled bolts of chaos magic at the Decepticons, sending them flying back or crushing them under the weight of her power. 

Beside her, Pietro blurred in and out of the fight, his speed too fast for the Decepticons to react to. He dashed between them, slashing at their legs and arms with a blade he found along the way, leaving behind a trail of dismembered limbs and confused, screaming Decepticons.

The team advanced relentlessly, cutting down any Decepticon that dared to stand in their way. Each movement was precise, every attack coordinated, and the Decepticons found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of the assault.

Peter's breath came in steady, measured intervals, his mind focused on the task at hand. His lightsaber cut through another Decepticon, the blade severing its arm at the elbow before he followed up with a quick thrust, impaling it through the chest. The machine shuddered violently before collapsing, its optics flickering as it shut down.

But even as they pushed forward, the evidence of the slaughter the Decepticons had left behind weighed heavily on many people's minds…

Each fallen guard, each mangled body of a technician, scientist, or janitor, was hard to look at.

"Let's not get distracted," Peter muttered under his breath, his grip tightening on his lightsaber as they approached the final stretch.

They were getting closer.

And Megatron was waiting. 



Soon enough, Peter and his group advanced deeper into the heart of Sector 7, their senses alert as they approached the final chamber. The closer they got, the more palpable the tension became. The Jedi could feel it—a looming, dangerous presence ahead.

Peter reached out with the Force, slowly pulling the massive door open. As it slid aside, revealing the vast chamber beyond, his eyes locked onto the imposing figures awaiting them.

Megatron stood at the center, towering above his subordinates. His metallic form gleamed in the dim light, his crimson optics burning with malice and intent. To his right was Starscream, his lean, angular frame tense with anticipation, and on his left were two familiar Transformers—Bonecrusher and Barricade.

Bonecrusher was a hulking brute of a Decepticon, his massive form covered in jagged armor and spikes, giving him a feral, almost bestial appearance. His optics glowed a deep red, and his hands were tipped with massive claws, capable of tearing through steel with ease.

[Insert picture of Bonecrusher here]

Beside him stood Barricade, smaller but no less deadly. His sleek, armored body was built for speed and precision. His black and white paint job gave him a predatory look, and his eyes glinted with a cruel intelligence. Barricade was a hunter, his every movement sharp and calculated.

[Insert picture of Barricade here]

Peter could feel the tension in the air as they stepped through the door. The Decepticons had been waiting for this moment, their weapons primed, their defenses ready.

For a brief moment, the room was silent, both sides staring each other down, assessing their enemies. But the silence was shattered in an instant as Megatron raised his arm and barked the order. 


The room erupted into chaos. The Decepticons unleashed a barrage of plasma fire, the bright energy bolts screaming through the air, aiming to tear through the group of Jedi and their allies.

But Peter and the Jedi were prepared.

As one, they raised their hands, using the Force to create an invisible barrier. The plasma bolts struck the telekinetic shield, ricocheting off and reversing direction, hurtling back toward the Decepticons. 

Peter's mind sharpened as he focused, deflecting each shot with precision. The energy from the blasts crackled in the air as they bounced back toward their origin, and he could hear the startled cries of some of the lesser Decepticons as their own plasma fire came back at them.

One of the nameless soldiers at the front of the line was struck by his own bolt, the plasma melting through his chest plate, and he collapsed to the ground with a pitiful screech. 

Another Decepticon was hit in the leg, the energy blast blowing the limb apart in a shower of sparks and molten metal. He fell to one knee, screaming as his optics flickered in pain.

Megatron's optics narrowed in fury as he saw the chaos unfolding. He wasn't about to let more of his soldiers die at the hands of these humans. His immense form surged forward, and with a roar, he reached down to his hip and drew a massive hilt.

The moment he grasped it, the hilt ignited in a brilliant flash of emerald light, forming a massive energy halberd. The weapon glowed with a bright, sickly green energy, crackling with power as Megatron swung it in a wide arc.

The halberd cleaved through the air with a deafening hum, and with one mighty swing, Megatron shattered the barrage of plasma fire that had been deflected toward his forces. The energy blasts dissipated harmlessly against the halberd's blade, snuffed out before they could reach their targets.

But, as he swung, the weapon, built for a Transformer's colossal size, smashed into the walls around him with devastating force, the blade biting deep into the concrete like it was nothing more than paper.

Most of the Decepticons were too focused on their enemies to notice, their bloodlust and confidence consuming them. Even Starscream and the others remained oblivious to the impact. But Peter noticed. He saw how the blade dug deeply into the wall—far deeper than any normal strike should. 

He felt it—something shifting, something breaking.

The Decepticons, bolstered by their leader's display, took defensive positions around Megatron, their weapons still trained on Peter and his team.

Starscream, ever the opportunist, sneered as he stood just behind Megatron. "Finally, the bugs have arrived," he hissed, his voice dripping with anticipation. "I've been waiting for this."

Bonecrusher snarled, his claws flexing as he prepared to charge. His hulking form and jagged armor made him look like a beast barely held back by a leash. "I'll rip the flesh from their bones," he growled, his voice a deep, guttural sound that resonated through the room.

Barricade, more composed and methodical, simply readied his weapon. His sleek form was built for speed, and his black-and-white paint job gave him the look of a predator lying in wait. His optics narrowed as he focused on the approaching group, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Megatron's optics flared, the gleam of his halberd cutting through the air as he fixed his gaze on Peter. "You dare to think yourself powerful?" His voice dripped with cold, calculated fury. "In the end, ants are still ants, no matter how peculiar. And I'll enjoy crushing you beneath my heel."

Peter's gaze remained locked on the spot where the halberd had struck. A slow trickle of water began seeping from the crack in the wall. It was subtle at first, barely noticeable, but Peter's heightened senses caught it immediately.

"Uh, I think we have a problem," Peter called out, his voice calm but urgent.

The taunting and jeering from the Decepticons stopped for a moment, confusion spreading across their faces as they followed Peter's gaze, seeing the problem with their own eyes. 

Then, barely a second later, the wall began to crumble.

A deep groan echoed through the chamber as the crack widened, water rushing through with increasing force. The pressure from the Hoover Dam on the other side was too much. The crack grew larger, and before anyone could react, the entire section of the wall gave way with a thunderous crash.

A colossal wave of water exploded into the room, swallowing everything in its path within seconds…


Meanwhile, close by, Bee led Optimus Prime and the newly arrived Autobots toward the Hoover Dam. Their massive forms moved swiftly through the night. 

The Autobots, who had recently descended from the stars, had already been briefed by Bee on the situation. Alfred had transmitted the emergency directly to him, relaying the urgency of the Decepticon attack on Sector 7.

Bee's optics glowed with determination as they neared their destination, his body tense as he processed the situation ahead. 

Optimus Prime, towering above the others, maintained his steady pace, his thoughts focused on the battle awaiting them.

"How far?" Optimus asked, his voice a deep rumble of authority.

"Just ahead," Bee beeped in response, his tones conveying both urgency and determination. "But we might be too late..."

As they finally arrived, a devastating scene unfolded before them. The Dam was collapsing, and a towering wall of water surged forward like a tsunami, roaring with unstoppable power.

The Hoover Dam had ruptured!

A/N: 2026 words :)🚨🚨

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