I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 330: Man vs Fly

Chapter 330: Man vs Fly

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Monkeyaking!🏆 (A/N: Two in a row. Congrats King 👑)

In the executive bathroom of Pym Technologies, Darren Cross leaned against the wall as he stared fixedly at a high-level member of the board of directors, who was currently washing his hands in the sink.

"I'm sorry you have such deep concerns about the Yellowjacket, Frank." Cross says with false sympathy in his voice.

Frank turns back in surprise to find Cross standing there watching him creepily.

"Yeah, well, uh, unfortunately, we can't just do whatever we want. Would be nice though, right?" Frank laughed awkwardly as he shook his hands clean before drying them with a nearby towel. "Sadly, there are laws."

Cross didn't seem to agree as a mad gleam shined in his eyes. "What laws? Of man? The laws of nature transcend the laws of man, and I've transcended the laws of nature."

"Darren, I don't think you understand..." Frank turned to look at him weirdly.

Suddenly, Cross pulled out a small handheld device from his suit jacket and turned it on Frank, vaporizing him into a blob of human goo in an instant.

Cross sighed uncaringly as his eyes moved between his former co-worker and the device. "Hmm, we still haven't worked out all of the bugs."

Before leaving the bathroom, Cross used a tissue to wipe the goo off the floor and unceremoniously dumps it into one of the toilets.

"Goodbye, Frank." He says without pity as he flushes the toilet, watching the goo disappear down the drain.


"Are you just going to let this guy rob you?" Peter asked as they watched the masked man (Scott) break into the house with ease. "I can stop him if you want? It's what I do, after all."

"No!" Pym jumped as he realized that Peter could ruin all of his carefully laid plans. "Just stay here and don't mess anything up."

"Sure, if you want to get robbed so badly, then who am I to stop you?" Peter shrugged uncaringly as he smirked under his mask.

Seeing as Pym had cameras for every angle in his house, the two of them were able to watch every step that Scott made.


After easily bypassing the front door, Scott swiftly started searching the house and found exactly what he was looking for behind a painting in the living room.

Scott had hoped for cash, jewels, or anything else that he could sell to pay for an apartment and a small chunk of his owed child support, but when he broke the safe open, all he found was a strange suit that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie.

Confusion, disappointment, and anger swirled around in him all at once.

He had risked everything for this heist, and now he had nothing to show for it.

After all, he was currently on probation.

If Scott was caught committing even the lowest level crime, then it was straight back to prison for him. And at that point, he can say goodbye to ever seeing his daughter again.

Not because he would spend the rest of his life in prison, but because her mother wouldn't allow him anywhere near her.

And the courts would easily agree.

After all, why would they side with a felon?

"What is it, cash? Jewels?" A voice spoke to him over the earpiece he wore.

"There's nothing here..." Lang replies dejectedly.

"What'd you say?" The voice asks in surprise.

Scott notices some blueprints next to the suit when he took another look, but what the hell was he supposed to do with that?

"It's just an old motorcycle suit and some papers." He reiterated.

"There's no cash, no jewelry, nothing?" The voice asks in shocked disappointment.

"No. It's a bust." Scott sighs in defeat.

"I'm really sorry, Scotty. I know you needed this..."

Remembering his daughter's radiant smile and his desperation to see her again, Scott started to consider the suit's worth and wondered if he could sell it for even a small amount of money.

After all, he was desperate and the rich owner of this house went through the trouble of locking it away, so the suit had to at least be worth something, right?

As he stashed the suit into his duffel bag, an ant with a camera on its back climbed up his shoe and found a good spot on his laces to grab hold as Scott left the house and drove off.


"So, you let yourself get robbed. Why?" Peter asks as he has to pretend to be oblivious.

"Who said I was robbed?" Pym smirked back at Peter. "My successor was merely picking up his uniform."

"I see..." Peter nodded as he noticed a few monitors that still had an image of Scott in his car.

"Did you plant cameras on him too?" Peter asked in genuine confusion. 'Wait, they're moving...'

"Well, they didn't call me Ant-Man for nothing." Pym revealed.

Immediately, it dawned on him.

'I forgot that he could control ants.' Peter remembered as he felt the urge to slap himself on the forehead.


Back at his friend's sh*tty apartment, which he was staying in until he had the money for his own place, Scott quickly said goodnight and locked himself in the tiny guest room that he was currently occupying.

"Why would you lock this up?" He took out the suit and eyed the oddly shaped helmet curiously. "So weird..."

Shrugging to himself, Scott tries the suit on, swatting away the annoying fly that was buzzing around his head in the process.

'I thought flies were supposed to have extremely short life spans?' He thought, as he glared at the fly that's been haunting his room for the last few days, unable to ever land a clean hit on it.

Ultimately deciding to ignore it, Scott dons the helmet and looks at himself in the mirror.

[Insert picture of Ant-Man suit here]

"I wonder what this is?" He looked down at his hands and found two red buttons, matching the red and black color scheme of the suit.

Pressing the buttons at random, Scott suddenly shrunk down to the size of an ant, falling to the scuffed hardwood floor below.

"What the..." In his tiny form, Scott stood up and looked around in shock.

The small shitty apartment bedroom somehow turned into a huge towering open area, which could hold almost a million people with ease.

Meanwhile, before shrinking, he couldn't walk two steps without hitting a wall.

Out of nowhere, Scott heard an unfamiliar voice speaking into his ear through the helmet. "The world sure seems different from down here, doesn't it, Scott?"

"What? Who... who said that?" He jumped and started looking around once again.


Suddenly, that familiar incessant buzzing returned, though it sounded much louder this time around.

"Even now, this f*cking fly won't go away-" Scott said in anger, though that anger swiftly vanished as he peered upward and found a giant flying monster eying him dangerously. "What the hell is that?! It's the size of an elephant!"

"It seems to be angry with you..." The voice from the helmet spoke again.

Scott panicked for a moment, realizing that he was in grave danger as he saw the giant fly buzzing his way.

The fly seemed to be attracted to him for some reason, and it started circling him, getting closer and closer with every passing moment.

Scott knew he had to defend himself or he would be killed in seconds.

Dashing away as quickly as he could while avoiding the fly's aerial attacks, Scott could see a sharp pin in the distance.

Seeing as that was the only weapon that he could find, Scott ran from the huge insect, making his way to his only hope of survival.

After all, right now it was kill or be killed and he's wanted to kill this fly for a few days now.

Of course, the fly didn't give him much time, as it kept buzzing around him, trying to bite him every time it passed. But Scott was determined and kept pushing forward.

Finally, he arrived at the pin though it was much bigger than he expected.

'F*ck it!' He thought as he lifted the pin, which was more than 10 times larger than himself, and threw it at the fly.

Catching the insect by surprise, the pin flew like a spear and pierced the fly right in its open mouth before continuing through the rest of its body.

Suddenly, the fly started screeching in agony as its wings flapped erratically, sending it crashing to the ground directly in front of Scott.

"?!" Scott watched in shock as the elephant-sized fly bled out and died before his very eyes.

"Huh..." The voice from his helmet spoke again. "You know, you're a lot tougher than I thought."

A/N: 1468 words :)

🚨Hand over the💎STONES💎or I'll turn you into a cow and eat you for lunch!👦♻️🐮🔪🥩🚨


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