I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 320: Dark Phoenix

Chapter 320: Dark Phoenix

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Scar_Justice!🏆 (A/N: Despicable Usurper...)

The X-Mansion was in chaos.

As soon as Peter rushed inside, the children were already being evacuated from the building by their teachers.

'Charles must have ordered the evacuation' Peter thought, which was good as dealing with Jean would be tricky.

Swiftly maneuvering through the crowd of children, Peter thought back on what Logan just told him.

'I can't believe I'm dealing with a Dark Phoenix situation...' Peter thought in dread.

Thanks to the knowledge from his past life and his time spent buried in books at Kamar-Taj, Peter had a pretty good idea of Jean's situation.

Jean is the host of the Phoenix Force, one of the oldest known cosmic entities, representing life that has not yet been born, as well as the forces of creation and destruction.

The Phoenix Force is said to predate darkness and is stated to be the fire from which all things were born.

It's an immortal, indestructible, and mutable manifestation of the prime universal force of life.

Born of the void between states of being, it is the nexus of all psionic energy that does, has, and ever will exist in all realities.

The Phoenix is the Guardian of Creation itself, making it one of the most feared beings in the entire universe.

Signifying birth, death, and rebirth, the Phoenix not only creates but destroys as well, burning away what doesn't work.

Some records in Kamar-Taj suggest that 'what doesn't work' is anything that has become stagnant instead of naturally evolving.

Meaning, planets, stars, civilizations, black holes, and just about anything that stagnates for a prolonged period of time will catch the Phoenix's eye and invite its destruction.

This destruction is usually carried out by the Phoenix's host, as the Phoenix Force is more of a dimensional being than anything else.

Although the library had nothing about Phoenix hosts going out of control, Peters past life had some knowledge about this.

'Dark Phoenix...' Peter thought.

Due to the destructive nature of the Phoenix, a young and impressionable host can be easily influenced by the power it embodied, becoming a malevolent force of destruction known as the Dark Phoenix.

'Especially when idiotic bald men exasperate the situation by angering the universe's incarnation of Creation and Destruction...' Peter made a mental note to yell at Charles as he arrived on the scene.

Jean Grey, who is probably the most powerful mutants in the world due to her connection to the Phoenix, was most definitely falling into the trap of becoming a Dark Phoenix.

She stood in the center of the hall, glowing with fiery power, as a young girl cowered behind her.

The sound of metal creaking and pained whimpers caught his attention as Peter turned to see the kids that used to work for Magneto pressed into the lockers.

'Did these idiots p*ss her off?' Peter wondered as Logan caught up behind him.

"Jean!" He called out but she didn't seem to be listening.

The telekinetic energy that flowed through her veins was turning her into a raging inferno, and the whole school seemed to be caught in the middle of it.

Before Peter could step in and do anything, Professor X and Storm came rushing down the other side of the hall.

"Jean, you have to calm down," Charles said, using his telepathic powers to try and soothe her. "You're hurting people."

But Jean didn't seem to hear him. She was lost in a maelstrom of power, her eyes blazing with a fiery energy that seemed to be consuming her from the inside out.

Storm stepped forward, her eyes locked onto Jeans. "Jean, we're here to help you. But you have to let us in."

Again, Jean didn't respond. She was too far gone, lost in the grip of the Phoenix Force.

Wolverine pushed passed Peter as he unsheathed his claws.

He didn't want to hurt Jean, but he knew that if they didn't do something soon, she could kill those four problem children.

And although they usually deserve a good beating, they didn't deserve anything this extreme.

"Jean, listen to me," Logan growled. "You're stronger than this. You can fight it."

Sadly, nothing that any of them said seemed to be getting through to her.

She was lost in a sea of power, her body glowing with an otherworldly light.

Suddenly, Jean turned her head, giving everyone hope that she may have heard them, though that hope was swiftly squashed soon after.

Jean let out a powerful scream as a burst of energy exploded from her body in all directions.

"?!" Everyone's eyes widened as they turned to the little girl who stood closest to Jean, paralyzed by fear.

But before the wave of powerful energy could hit the poor girl, a golden portal opened under her feet.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked as she fell safely into his arms

"!?" She froze in shock.

Meanwhile, all she could think of was 'Spider-Man saved me!'

Meanwhile, the four troublemakers who started all of this fell out of a separate portal and collapsed limply on the floor behind him.

With the children out of the way, the force of Jean's outburst expanded and knocked Storm, Professor X, and Wolverine off their feet, sending them tumbling across the floor.

But when it came to Peter, he merely swatted his hand in the air, canceling the attack with ease.

'She isn't that powerful yet...' Peter thought as he felt her energy levels constantly rise.

When the three meta-humans picked themselves up off the floor, they saw Jean hovering in the air, her body outlined in flames.

"Jean!" Professor X shouted, trying once again to reach out with his mind. "This is all my fault! Please, come back to us!"

But it was too late. The tantalizing power of the Phoenix Force had taken hold of her completely, and there was no turning back.

And despite their best efforts, Jean's power would be far too much for them to handle.

Suddenly, a red-and-blue blur shot past them, and Peter landed in front of Jean, his spider sense alerting him to the danger.

"Take the kids out of here. I'll handle this." Peter orders as he kept his eyes on Jean.

Of course, he could have just portal'd the kids out, but then he would have no reason to get rid of Charles.

After all, it's very likely that he caused all of this...

"You can't-" Charles tried to argue but Peter wasn't having it.

"I won't hurt her. Just go. You'll only get in the way." Peter speaks frankly.

After a moment of hesitance, Charles ran to the kids and quickly rushed them out of the mansion alongside Storm and Logan.

Once they were finally alone, Peter looked up at Jean.

"Hey, it's me, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man," He said with a wave but soon froze in realization. "Wait... technically it should be friendly universal Spider-Man now..."

After all, he's famous in space too.

Sadly, Jean didn't seem to appreciate his nonchalant behavior.

Her eyes glowed with a fiery intensity, as she lashed out at Peter with a powerful blast of telekinetic energy.

Kicking off of the ground, Peter managed to dodge out of the way as he appeared in front of Jean.

"Actually, let's go somewhere less crowded..." Peter muttered as he grabbed Jean by the face and shoved her backward.

And as she was pushed back, a golden portal appeared, which swiftly snapped shut after swallowing both of them.


Seconds after the portal closed, Charles came running back up the hall with Logan and Storm at his back.


-Mirror Dimension-

'Hopefully, the Phoenix doesn't shatter the Mirror Dimension...' Peter thought as Jean weaseled her way out of his grip and took some distance. "So, want to try taking now?"

In response to his peaceful words, Jean remained stoic as large balls of fire covered her hands.

"Ugh!" She grunted and launched a barrage of fireballs in Peter's direction.

Sighing to himself as he easily sidestepped the attacks, Peter knew that he had to find a way to calm her down somehow, as he didn't want to kill the poor girl.

Dip, diving, and dodging his at through the obstacle course of never-ending fireballs, Peter maneuvered his way up to Jean once again.

A burst of energy erupted from his hand, which landed on Jean's shoulder, tightly enveloping her in a cocoon of golden magic.

"That should hold you for long enough..." Peter muttered as he stood before her.

She struggled against the bonds, but Peter's spell was just too powerful.

After all, it was created in cooperation with the Reality Stone.

"You'll be okay, Jean," Spider-Man said, reaching out and resting his hand on her head. "I'll help you through this."

"..." Jean glared in his direction with the utmost malice.

"Now, wait here while I pay respects to the Phoenix." Peter said as he forced his consciousness into her.

Jean's eyes widened and rolled into the back of her head as Peter closed his eyes and invaded her mind.

A/N: 1515 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or else I'll blow smoke in your face until you run out of oxygen!💨🚬😮🚨


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