I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 311: Controversial Recruitment

Chapter 311: Controversial Recruitment

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Scar_Justice!🏆 (A/N: The Demon King reigns again. Will a hero rise to free us all?)

After promising Banner that he would contact him soon about the extraction, Peter left for the council room, where his fellow councilmen were waiting for his arrival.

"Yo!" Peter called out as he strolled in. "You guys got here fast. Whenever I called a meeting in the past, it usually took at least 2 hours to get everyone together. Not even an hour has passed, yet you're all here."

"Says the one who's late." Tony said jokingly.

"I know... is today Opposite Day?" Peter asked as he checked the date on his phone. "Tony is on time and I'm late. It has to be some sort of miracle..."

"Okay, enough messing around." Professor X sighed in annoyance. "I have work to do, so can we get on with this meeting, please?"

"Oh, relax, Charles." Magneto cut into

The conversation. "You're far too uptight, my friend. A little small talk before business won't kill you."

"..." Charles merely glared in his helmeted friend's direction.

"Well, now that the small talk is over, let's get this meeting over with." Fury seemed to be on the Professor's side. "I have a few international incidents in the making to deal with so..."

Everyone turned to Peter, who shrugged as he took a seat at the head of the conference table.

"Then I won't waste any more time." He said as the nearby TV lit up, showing an image of Blonsky as well as his Abomination form. "I called this meeting to discuss the release and subsequent recruitment of Emil Blonsky."

"?!" Both Charles and Erik didn't expect this at all.

Meanwhile, Peter already hinted at this with Fury and Tony, so they weren't nearly as surprised by the proposal.

"Have you gone mad?" The Professor asked genuinely. "This is a man that can level an entire city block in a matter of seconds. Allowing him any sort of freedom is a huge risk."

"I must agree with Charles on this one. Although his power would be a huge boon to us, the risks far outweigh anything else." Erik spoke in agreement with his friend, which was odd as they usually disagreed.

It's safe to say that the Meta-Humans in the council weren't on board...

"..." Tony and Fury didn't look convinced either, though they remained silent, knowing that Peter would have more to say.

"I knew that there would be some doubts and pushback, so I prepared this." Peter nods understandingly as a video appears on the Television.

A very professional-looking woman with glasses appeared. She sat at a desk with a file labeled 'Blonsky' in hand.

"Are we recording?" She asks whoever is behind the camera.

"Yes." Peter's voice replied. "Now, can you please give me your honest and unfiltered opinion? Is your patient, Emil Blonsky, fit to be released?"

"As a psychologist, I can attest to the fact that Emil Blonsky, underwent a successful therapy and rehabilitation process. Blonsky's treatment was designed to address his underlying psychological issues, such as his impulse control, aggression, and tendency to act and react violently, which were extremely exasperated by his transformation."

"Through a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy, anger management techniques, and medication, Blonsky was able to gain insight into the root causes of his anger and learn how to manage it more effectively. He was also taught coping mechanisms to help him avoid violent outbursts and control his aggression."

"As a result of this therapy and rehabilitation, Blonsky has demonstrated significant progress in managing his anger and controlling his aggressive impulses. He has also shown a strong desire to make amends for his past actions and contribute positively to society."

"Therefore, with appropriate monitoring and support, I believe that Blonsky is ready to be released from custody and recruited into the Avengers. His unique abilities and combat experience would be valuable assets to the team, and his willingness to work towards positive change is a testament to his commitment to redemption." She finished and set the file down as the video came to an end.

"Are there any questions?" Peter asks the room.

"If we were to agree and set Blonsky free, how would we keep track of him? The man is a highly trained military specialist. The normal ankle monitor and surveillance detail isn't going to cut it." Fury was the first to speak.

"I agree, which is why I would place a tracking spell on him. And since he doesn't practice the Mystic Arts, he can never get rid of it." Peter answers easily.

"Simply tracking him won't be enough. Someone would have to watch his every move..." Magneto seemed to be in agreement now.

"Yes, which is why we should build a team that can take turns accompanying Blonsky wherever he goes. At least until he's earned some trust. This team can also be in charge of his basic training as well." Peter said.

After all, everyone has to go through basic training. Even highly skilled soldiers are no exception.

The room seemed to turn silent as everyone processed the situation.

Though it didn't last very long.

"I still disagree." Professor X spoke his mind. "Although you may be right about his rehabilitation, Blonsky has killed an uncountable number of people. If he was a normal man, he would have been put to trial and sentenced to multiple life sentences. We shouldn't give him special treatment just because his strength would be useful to us."

"..." Silence filled the room once again.

The Professor's words seemed to strike a chord with everyone, leaving them contemplative about the whole situation.

"...While I do agree with Charles to a certain extent," Peter spoke up after a moment of silence. "His view is a bit too idealistic. No offense, Professor..."

"None taken..." Charles frowned as he motioned for Peter to continue.

"We live in a world that could be attacked by alien empires at any moment, or even destroyed by members of our own growing enhanced population." Peter shrugs as he looks around the room. "Although we've been doing fine so far, I don't think that we should grow complacent. There will come a time when we need more power than we currently have."

"So we should just recruit murders then?" Charles wasn't convinced.

Though the others seemed to resonate with Peter's words.

"Rehabilitated murderers who are willing to work to redeem themselves? Yes." Peter answered resolutely.


After arguing for a bit longer, it was finally time to decide.

"Let's put it to a vote." Peter sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "All those in favor of recruiting Emil Blonsky please raise your hand..."


Detainment Floor, High-Security section.

"What's taking him so long?" Blonsky asked himself for the millionth time as he paced back and forth in his cell.

Spider-Man promised to get him released over a month ago, yet he hasn't seen or heard from him since.

"Can you shut up already?!" His neighbor spoke up from across the hallway. "You aren't getting out. Get over it."

Bucky, who is still imprisoned for his own safety, was forced to listen to the man whine and complain day and night.

"That's easy for you to say..." Blonsky glared in his neighbor's direction. "At least you have visitors. Hell, they even let you leave your cell every now and then. Meanwhile, I've been stuck here for more than three years..."

"..." Bucky sighed and simply looked the other way.

"Hey! Are you ignoring me?" Blonsky called out.

"..." Bucky remained silent.

"Sigh... Why did I think having company would be fun?" Blonsky muttered as he flopped down on his bed.

Suddenly, the high-security doors down the hall swung open and footsteps could be heard coming their way.

"?!" Blonsky instantly shot out of bed and rushed up to the glass cell wall.

"Don't get your hopes up. It's probably Steve-" Bucky spoke though he was cut off.

"Yo." Peter waved as he strolled up the hall. "Long time no see."

Behind him stood three people.

Wolverine, Hawkeye, and Nightcrawler.

"I-Is this it?" Blonsky asks with emotion clear in his voice. "Am I being released?"

"Yup..." Peter nods as Blonsky smiles with tears forming in his eyes. "But there are some stipulations."

"Sure, anything!" Blonsky agreed without care.

He was just too excited to experience freedom once again.

Walking over to the control panel, Peter opens Blonsky's cell.

"First is this..." Peter waves his hand as a golden spell circle forms.

"?!" Bucky and Blonsky watch in shock and awe at the magic happening before their very eyes.

After the spell forms, it shrinks into the size of a pin before shooting into Blonsky's chest.

"!" Blonsky held his chest, expecting to feel pain, yet everything seemed fine. "What was that?"

"A tracker." Peter answers simply.

"I see... Anything else?" Blonsky asks.

"Yes." Peter nods as he motioned to the Avengers behind him. "These will be your monitors. Wherever you go, they go. In shifts, of course."

"Okay..." Blonsky started to realize that his new freedom wouldn't be as free as he thought.

"Good, that's all." Peter says as he steps aside, allowing Blonsky out of the cell. "You'll be staying in an apartment in the tower. Clint can show you the way."

"..." With bated breath, Blonsky stepped out of his cell for the first time in a over three years.

"Oh yeah, Blonsky!" Peter calls out as he was leaving.

"Yeah?" He peered over his shoulder, hoping that this wasn't some cruel joke.

"Welcome to the Avengers."

A/N: 1581 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or I'll poke your eye out!👁👈🚨


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